Circumpolar Race Around the World (CRAW)

Wanted to make sure everyone saw Laz's facebook post about the medals/frame...
General CRAW News

We appreciate all the input about the medals. And I think we have worked out a perfect solution. We will dispense with the boxes. The concern about adding to the plastic waste issue struck a chord. What we will do instead is apply the cost of the boxes towards the cost of the frame. the savings on 11 plastic cases should make a good dent in the cost of the frames.

And while we are talking about the frames, we had a good discussion with the vendor about the frames this morning, and I came away really excited.

The finished hemispheres will be about 15 inches (38 cm) so the frame will measure in the vicinity of 16 x 32 inches (41 x 82 cm). They will be made from wood, and this place really can do some fantastic work on wood with their laser machine, so all the detail on the oceans, the fancy scrollwork around the hemispheres, etc should be there, along with an ornate border.

Slots will be cut out for your medal puzzle to fit, with small magnets set in the wood to hold the medals in place.

I, for one, can hardly wait to have my frame on hand to start putting in the medals and watching my world slowly fill out!

On a related note; we will stop short of promising right now, but as we pull the finances together we are developing a growing belief that we will be able to purchase and send the buckles to everyone (that earns one) with the race funds. We don't ever stop looking for ways to make this more economical....

And y'all can help in one big way: Make sure that you have entered a good shipping address on your runsignup file. Shipping and handling costs are already tough, but you would be shocked to see how much they are driven up by bad shipping addresses and the resulting duplicated shipments.

We should be seeing artwork on the finished product in the next week or so. As soon as we have it, I will share it on here. Just thinking about it makes me want to go out and put in more miles! And the miles are pretty tough right now (my team is about 12,000 feet high up in the Andes!)
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Somehow I feel like that's cheating!
Not at all... you completed the miles, so you get the credit. The fact that your watch battery died does not make the course shorter than a marathon. I have gone on walks (on known routes with known distances) without my watch, and I have added them to CRAW. It's only cheating if you don't complete the distance. This is a honor system race, and we know the Bucks County Marathon was not 25.5 miles. To be fair, you probably ran more than 26.2 miles since we seldom run the shortest possible route (which is how certified courses are measured), but we know you ran at least 26.2 miles. Just my two cents.
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Any idea why none of the Region 1 accomplishments are showing in our trophy case?
So each region is basically a completely new race on the RunSignUp website, so I don't think they have figured out out to link the regions (neither from a team perspective nor from an individual runner perspective). Look at any other team, and they have the same problem with their trophy case. I assume they may eventually figure out a way to fix this; otherwise, they should just remove the "trophy case" feature.
@Dopey 2020, nice to see you getting walks/runs in at WDW... I think we are all jealous. How was the weather as Eta came through?

I have been pleasantly surprised, wasn’t sure about the forecast before the trip but everything seems to have tracked NW of here. Yesterday was rainy on and off but in the 80’s and turned out more sun than rain. Today was overcast until about 3 but no rain and 80s again. It’s dumb luck to see Wilderness with the Xmas tree up as we scheduled this around wine and dine but after it was cancelled realized coming down on Veterans Day instead of leaving on Veterans Day would be better for us schedule wise, and since we cancelled Marathon weekend we wanted to keep this so we moved everything by a week.
Crowds are definitely about double since we came in August but not bad. Did TSM and TOT with 25 min or less and more importantly got on ROTR again. That ride is just amazing. Hoping for a run in the AM then a day of HS, followed by Sunday at AK, then back to reality.
Week 11 Update
There may be a few folks who still haven't posted some mileage for this past week, but here is an update for the week ending last night. For the week, we achieved the following:
  • Completed our run through Ecuador (Thursday)
  • Crossed the halfway point of Region 2 (Sunday)
  • @Dopey 2020 wins the prize for best location for mileage this week (WDW of course)
As of last night, we were 176 miles into Peru, and we will be in Peru for the rest of Region 2 (so, basically forever). It will likely take us an entire month to get through Peru. We have a CRAW total of 4,085 miles completed, and the prediction models are showing that we should finish Region 2 between 12/13 and 12/15. For the entire CRAW, the prediction model is showing about 1 year 6.5 months total based on our average daily team mileage (53.7 miles per day).

Run well!
Took Friday and Saturday off (my first two days with no running this month) due to the nice weather and desire to get Xmas lights up while the weather cooperated. Ran today and plan on running the remaining days of the month. If I say it, I must do it, right?

Everyone please remember to post any miles for the week tonight or tomorrow morning such that we get an accurate weekly update. Thanks!
Miles posted :) Hope you had a good couple of days off. I take every Friday off and eat whatever I want on that day.

I hope everyone is doing well and has a great Thanksgiving, even though it will probably be a different experience this year. I know I will miss not having a full house on Thursday.
Week 12 Update
Not a lot of changes over the past week... we are still in Peru and will be for another three plus weeks. So, not much for updates, but here we go: for the week that ended yesterday, we achieved the following:
  • Ran and walked in Peru
  • Hmmm... can't just have one bullet point, so @opusone successfully put up most of his Christmas lights
  • [everyone please feel free to add a reply below with any additional accomplishments you had this week]
As of last night, we were 528 miles into Peru. We should get to the halfway point in Peru this upcoming Sunday. We have a CRAW total of 4,437 miles completed, and the prediction models are showing that we should finish Region 2 between 12/13 and 12/16. For the entire CRAW, the prediction model is showing a little less than 1 year 7 months total based on our average daily team mileage (53.5 miles per day).

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!



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