CJK's journey BACK to the real me!!!! Comments welcomed and encouraged!!

WHere in Mexico are you going? You are going to have a blast!!!

Everyone is so much harder on themselves than they should be. I am always talking down to myself and say things that I would NEVER say to another human being! We all need to learn to be nicer to ourselves!!!

As for the baby thing, my first (DS10) was a "surprise" and I didn't have a motherly bone in my body when I found out I was pregnant. I was very surprised at how those motherly instincts just magically appear once the baby is born. I'm sure whatever choice you make will be the right one! :goodvibes
Hi CJK, I agree with Amy (as usual). Your motherly instincts will kick in once your baby is here even if you think they won't! And I agree that whatever you decide will be the right decision. You are smart to think it through very carefully and wait until the time is right. And if you want a dry run, I am happy to Fed Ex my kids to you for a long weekend!

We are so hard on ourselves, its human nature, especially for women. It takes awhile to adjust to a new you. But you continue to work hard. Also, please keep posting. I know that once I lose all my weight (please God) I will keep posting and journaling because that will help me stay where I need to be. I know at Weight Watchers they say to keep coming to the meetings even after you have reached goal. People who do tend to keep it off. So don't leave us, if nothing else we would miss you!

Have a great time in Mexico. And have a pina colada or ten for me okay!
Whatever happens on the baby front we'll all be here for you :)
You will know when the time is right :)

You look perfect to me, so try not to be so critical of yourself :hug:

I'm with you on the Indian food, did you know Indian is the number 1 favourite food in the UK!!

Have a great trip to Mexico, what i would give for some lovely warm sunshine right now!!
I'm afraid the UK is living up to its reputation right now - cold & very wet!!
What AWESOME pictures, CJK! You look Stunning!!

Congrats & Have fun in Mexico!
CJK your "red dress" picture is fabulous!! You look great and should be really proud of all you have accomplished. Good Luck on the baby front. As others have said, it really does change you. Even though I complain about my kids, they are also my greatest source of joy. I was not the "motherly" type before kids either, but it really does naturally come. It is definitely a big step, but try not to "overthink" it. At a certain point, just do what feels right.

Have a wonderful time in Mexico and definitely get a bikini!!!

I hope you have a wonderful time in Mexico! Be sure and celebrate all of the wonderful progress that you have made!:goodvibes

Have a great week!
If I don't have a chance to say it before you leave--You better have a great time on your trip! You've worked so hard and it's time to enjoy it! I'll be wishing great weather for ya :)
Our original plan was to start trying this past fall, but I'm having trouble taking that next step. It's such a major decision and my maternal instincts have yet to kick in. The clock is ticking, however, so a decision needs to be made very soon.

I hear you on this! We got to thinking we "should" have a baby a year or so after we got married, but we could never quite jump. We've been playing "maybe next year" since 2002. Then, one day it's like someone flipped a switch in me and I'm ready NOW. I have no idea how or why, but while we would have loved a baby if it had come along before, I'm glad we waited.

It sounds like you're thinking this through carefully and being very honest with yourself. I know it will be great when the time comes.

Have wonderful time in the sun!

P.S. I dream about samosas too. Yum! :love:
OMG!!! Where the heck have I been??!!!! I can't believe I haven't checked in here in 2 weeks!!! I was lurking on the WISH home page and I saw the Biggest Loser thread.....You look GREAT!!!! I love the red dress!!!
You are a major inspiration!!! I have the Biggest Loser Workout DVD....and I think I'm gonna go buy a slinky, sexy dress as motivation!!!

CJK....you are doing an awsome job...keep it up!!

I'm BAAAAAACK! It feels like months since I've been here rather than just days! So much has been going on in my life. I hope everyone is doing well with your healthy lifestyles. I tell you guys, I could really use some of your positive vybes!! :sad2:

First off, I'm back from the Mayan Riviera and Cozumel (split stay in both cities). We had a fabulous time!!!! I even went to the gym twice and did lots of snorkeling and swimming in an underground river. However, I have a confession to make to y'all......

I chickened out and didn't wear my bikini. :sad2: :rolleyes:

I know, I know. I'm really disappointed in myself. In my defense however, dh agreed that the bottoms were tight and did show some unwanted bulges! :scared1: I could have bought another bikini, but considering the fact that I've never worn THIS one, I'm sure not going to buy another one to just gather dust in my closet!!! ;)

The other bad news is my eating. Yikes! I've been totally out of control. With all you can eat food at my disposal, I absolutely threw caution to the wind and ate whatever I wanted. Breakfasts consisted of bacon/eggs and every fresh pastry I could get my hands on. Lunches consisted of pizza nachos/cheese/salsa, dinner consisted of many, many simple carbs and ice cream with a bunch of fruity alcoholic drinks thrown in for good measure. It wasn't pretty folks! We got home this past Thursday, and my eating hasn't gotten much better. I found my Halloween candy bag (yes, HALLOWEEN candy from MNSSHP) and I've been chowing down. I've been back into my exercise routine, but food is still lacking. It's better than it was on the trip, but nowhere near where it should be! WHERE'S MY MOTIVATION???? :confused3

Well, the candy is almost gone so that'll help. Dh is going to help me get back on track too. But, if any of you are willing to give me a kick in the pants, PLEASE DO!!! :cool1: I ate a pretty nasty lunch today (after working out on the treadmill - go figure), but I think I'm going to go do a weight routine before dh gets home. I hope you're all having a good weekend!!!!!
Welcome Back!! Your vacation sounds like it was absolutely wonderful! :cloud9: Snorkeling & Swimming in an underground river sounds really, really cool (hyperventilating a little 'cause how can there possibly be enough air in cave type enclosed space, but still think it is really cool! ). I laughed when I read about the pastries. Those are definitely a vacation weakness for me too. And fruity alcoholic drinks and Mexico just go together.

You will get back on track. It seems everyone has trouble with "reality" after a vacation. I'm sure within a week or two you will be right back on track. You have already started exercising again, so that is a start. Next work on drinking enough water or getting your food choices under control (you get to pick :) ) . Then go on to the next one. You can do it!!

But if you want a "Kick" here it is: CJK, you have worked too hard and come too far to let it all slip away now! You are at a healthy BMI and you are going to keep it that way. Don't let the pounds creep back on. You don't need to take the vacation lbs off all at once, but don't let them take up permanent residence either. You can get back to your healthy eating & exercising. You can do it!!

How's that?

Ok, I'm quite sure I'm going to need you to return the favor after my vacation in March. After 4 days on the Wonder with Krispy Kreme's, I might require rehab! :)
Hey CJK i was just thinking about you today & wondering how you were doing!!!
The trip sounds great & you have to eat wha you want when on holiday - its the law ;)
Quite a few of us have been struggling with motivation lately & i'm proberbly at the top of the list :(
So at least your not alone :)
I'm sure you will get back into the swing of things once your routine is back to normal. Just remember all that hard work you've put in, your my motivation so dont give up now, or i dont stand a chance!!!!!!
You only own 1 bikini!!!!
I have about 10, i buy at least one new one every year! & trust me i have more bumps than you!!!! We need to shop girl :)
Welcome back!! Sound like you had a great time. But then again, anyone that can go to Mexico and NOT have a great time needs their head examined...

You have more restraint than I do. I have 4, yes, 4 bikinis and 2 one-pieces. And I hate them all!!! One of these days I'll find the perfect one and so will you, just keep looking!

You will get back in control of your eating. It takes a while to get back on track after vacation, but you can do it! You know how hard it was to get this far, you don't want to get back to where you were, do you??
CJK - you have done an amazing job on losing weight and getting in shape...DON'T BLOW IT!!! (there, is that a kick in the butt for ya?!!)
I'm not much of a bikini person...more of a tankini, or a one piece...just self consious. It sounds like you had a wonderful vacation...sorry you had to come home, huh??

Ok...you're home now...time to get back on track....you can do this and you know it!!! We're here for you!!

Your vacation sounds like it was FAB! Swimming and snorkeling :cloud9: sounds really nice especially since it has been staying cold here lately.

It is a given that vacation is BAD for the diet and waistline. Coming home is hard too. BUT I know you can get back on track!! You are doing your exercise which is a major step!! You have been so motivated and done SO well!! You HAVE to get back on track!

Have a great week and just ease back into the swing of things.:hippie:


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