CJK's journey BACK to the real me!!!! Comments welcomed and encouraged!!

Good to hear from you CJK! I will miss you, but I am very happy for you at the same time. You have come so far this past year and you are a much healthier and happier person for it! Congrats!!!

Drop in once in a while and let us know how you are doing. Take Care!
Hope all is going well with you!!
Take care and check in when you can!

Wow - thanks for the bump!! It's nice to know I haven't been forgotten! :goodvibes I've been thinking of all of you and have read some journals when I've had the chance.

Well, here's the update. I'll start with the good. ;) I have started running. I did my 6km charity run, which led to another, which led to me running 5km 3 times a week! Until this spring, I've only been able to do interval training (walk/run/walk/run), so this is VERY new to me. I have good and bad days, but I haven't stopped. It's so invigorating!!! I'm going to load my MP3 player with some really great music, so that should only help more. In between my running days, I'm still doing pilates, weights and aerobics. I work out about 6 days a week, sometimes 5, sometimes 7. It depends on the week. On weekends, I generally just go on long walks with dh.

Now for the food update. Welll, it's just so-so. :laughing: You'd think with all the running I've been doing, that I would have lost some weight, but no such luck as of yet! I am still about 10-15lbs heavier than I was on Dec. 31st, but I'm not gaining anymore. (Incidentally, most of the weight gain is from my January vacation that I haven't been able to lose yet). I'm quite good with my eating during the week, but too many social events on the weekends. I'm still trying to train my taste buds to prefer apples to cheesecake! :p

So, basically I'm maintaining. I'd like to lose that pesky 10lbs again, because I bought some shorts and jeans that aren't fitting anymore. Argh! I'm quite active during the summer so I'm hoping that will help. I just need to get my weekend eating under control.

So that's my update for now. I hope all of you are having a great summer so far. I'll try to check in more and read some of your journals. I miss all of my WISH friends!!! :goodvibes
It's great to hear from you, CJK!:hug:

That's wonderful that you have started running! Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

I hear ya about the food thing. :hug: My tastebuds seem to prefer cheesecake instead of apples too and I just can't seem to get them to change. ;) :lmao:

Keep up the good work and have a wonderful summer!:hug:
Here lately, my tastebuds have been preferring rum & coke, but that's another story!!
Your exercise is amazing!!! Give me half of your energy and I'll be happy!!

Good to hear from you!
CJK: Excellent job with the running, good for you! It was good to "hear" from you, we miss you around here. That is good you have not put on anymore weight, sounds like your body is settling in to be thinner. Those pesky few pounds will come off! Keep in touch when you can, we miss you around here!
Hi there,

Good to hear from you!!! That is great about your running. Keep it up!!!!

You will be able to lose that 10-15 pounds, with everything that you are doing!!

Keep up the good work!!!!
CJK - great job picking up running! It is good to get an update from you. Those pounds will come off with summer exercise.

Take care!
Hi all!!!

Believe it or not.........I'm still here! Its been a very busy summer, mostly good, some bad.......basically the usual!!!

I just had to post my recent success.................. I ran my first 10km this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana: :banana: The best part is that I'm not particularly sore or tired. I ran my first 5km at the end of April and consistently kept running until then. Sadly I'm not a size 2......ahem....due to my love of food..........but I've been maintaining size 8. I really hope that fitness will forever be a part of my life. If I can do it........the queen of junkfood and procrastination.....ANYONE can!!

I hope you all had wonderful summers. I've still been lurking on many of your journals and hope to be back to posting after our trip. Best wishes!!!
Hey CJK,

It's great to hear from you!:hug: Congratulations on running your first 10K!!!:cheer2: That is a wonderful accomplishment and I am so proud of you!:hug:

Are you going to be in WDW in a few days? We leave next Saturday and will be there until the following Saturday. We booked free dining and can't wait to try everything out!:banana: (We usually only do counter service.)

I hope you have a great vacation and that you'll come back and post again soon.:hug: Congratulations on your 10K!!!!:cheer2:
Wow CJK 10km thats great!!
glad your staying on track :)
I've started jogging too, but only managing to maintain & not loose, any idea where i'm going wrong????

Hi all! As we prepare for the holiday season, it occurred to me that I've been at my goal weight for a year now (plus and minus a few pounds throughout the year, but remained basically constant). This may be an even bigger accomplishment for me than actually losing the weight itself. I've lost weight before, multiple times actually, but I have NEVER kept the weight off for one year before. For that I am proud.

Maybe this time it really is a lifestyle change I've developed and not a "diet". I have let myself have treats, but I know that by doing so, I have to be good for a few days. Exercise is a regular part of my life, 5 or 6 days a week. I still don't enjoy exercise, but I've learned that I don't like the feeling of NOT exercising more.

It feels sooooo good being able to go clothes shopping, and being relatively sure that I will be a size 8 pant and medium size top. For years, I never knew how big I had gotten so shopping was always a nightmare. I hope I never take this for granted.

I hope all of you have made this lifestyle switch as well. I'm in this for the long haul. Best wishes to everyone and happy holidays!!!
Hi CJK, sounds like things are going well (as in really well, good job) and I am so glad you gave us an update. You have earned the right to enjoy shopping thats for sure! I hope you have a wonderful trip to WDW and a wonderful holiday season! Take care and keep up the hard work of maintaining! I know you will, heck you already are!:thumbsup2
congrats on maintaining CJK :)
Thanks for the update, i often wonder how your doing....now i know - your just fine :)
Happy Holidays to you too & have a fab time at WDW :)
Happy New Year CJK! I hope your holidays were good. You are an ispiration for reaching your goal weight and staying there! Congrats Again!:cheer2:
In a word..................OY!

New year, new me....that's the new objective! I think I've probably gained about 10lbs in the last few weeks between vacation and Christmas fesitivities. Not bad in the grand scheme of things, but definitely a sign that things aren't going very well. I've been feeling tired. Tired of the same old exercising routine, same old food routine and constant guilt if I end up off course. I've been back on course for 5 days now and plan to continue. It felt just terrible over Christmas not fitting into some of my dress pants (something I haven't really felt for 2yrs), so I've got to get a grip before it gets worse. I'm going to shake things up and try some new exercise activities and different food choices. I'm visiting family in Florida in February, so it would be nice to fit my clothes again.

I hope that by resurrecting this ole journal, I'll feel inspired and get back that passion that I used to have. I look forward to reading some of your journals again and see how you're all doing. Happy New Year! Here's to a healthy and happy 2009!


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