Class of 2022- High School Parents

My baby is a 2022 as well. He's doing pretty good with the e-learning situation. He's one of the 'social outcast' types, so is coping well with not seeing anyone. He's always wanted to be that social kid, but struggled for awhile to contain his emotions and so people would stop being around him when he'd get upset over and over. He's learned to control himself over time, and now has a few solid friends that he games with over the internet, and they hang out (well, were) on occasion.

He had plans to get a job this summer, but has decided to wait until the current situation calms down, as DH is in that medically fragile group, and we are trying to limit out of the house interactions as much as possible.

Same with his driving. He did the online course required by the state, and was going to get his permit (late, I know, but he wasn't comfortable getting it last year, and we are ok with going at his speed) in March but everything shut down. Maybe in May or June.

He's not involved in any sports or anything at school, again that social outcast thing. He's focused on classes, and is doing well in his four honors classes. He's been working on programming and coding skills the last couple years. DH taught him how to build a computer (they built mine and DH's together, and DH just oversaw DS doing his, including picking parts/pricing/etc).

Sometimes it feels like we have totally failed him, as I read about y'all's kids, and their directions. I have to remember that DS is his own person, and doesn't have to go the path that everyone else does. It's ok that he's not into sports or other social groups; it's ok that he is taking his time hitting those milestones in life; he'll get where he wants to go when he wants to get there. He is still moving forward, just slower than most.
My youngest is in this class. He just finished sophomore year. He has given us a lot to worry about academically. He tests extremely high, but his class work is poor. His organizational skills are horrible. But I honestly think he just doesn’t care. He just coasts along. Because his test scores are so high, he has a cocky attitude that he doesn’t need school. School is a waste of his time.

ugh! It’s maddening. His grades are the only thing we fight about. Well, he passed all his classes, so I’m happy about that. Still, he is capable of more.

I don’t have any idea where this boy will land after high school. Sometimes I think military may be the best choice, even though that scares me. He has expressed interest in outdoor type careers. Like landscape design, wildlife management, conservation officer, etc.

He’s a tough one to parent. He’s given me so much to worry about, I’ll be happy if he finds a direction that will lead to supporting himself. Really, it’s that bad.

But, on a positive note, he is working at a local paintball field where he does everything from maintaining the fields to refereeing the games, he even serves up the concessions.
Our oldest of 4 is Class of 2022. She is doing well with the distance learning. She stays on top of things and also helps watch her 2 year old sister. Dad and I are on opposite schedules since the kids have been home from school and she is a GREAT baby sitter while dad does some home renovations or runs a quick errand etc.
She is in Biomedical Engineering Academy inside her high school and is doing pretty well. She works hard for her grades.
Lately she has been obsessing over the whole College process again and has been doing tons of research. She hasn’t decided if she wants to do direct entry P.A. Program Or Bio Major and then P.A. School. Both options are wide open right now.
She loves basketball and is on JV. She is in a few clubs and also does track.
Since she is our oldest, we have a lot to research about the whole college process.
Looking forward to reading and learning from everyone’s journey!
How's everyone? How about the school situation- virtual or in person?
We are hanging in there. My two (8th grade & junior) had their first week of school this past week. It included 4 days virtual and one day in person at school. Our school system plans to move to 2 days per week after Labor Day.
My junior has had quite a bit of work to complete though my middle schooler has had very little. I'm guessing week two will be a little more intensive. My junior continues to swim with his club; the high school team is practicing and has their first meet next week. My 8th grader is planning to take some art classes again (outside of school). Unfortunately, her participating in wind ensemble is of course up in the air for now.

Welcome to @descovy , @Bianca and Bernard ,@momz and @RDM83 !
Thank you for joining in and sharing your journey (and your 2022 graduate's). It's nice to hear everyone's likes and interests.
My two children are so different and I appreciate hearing your thoughts, accomplishments and struggles....we can all learn from each other.

On a Disney note, we had a Thanksgiving week trip planned and decided to reschedule. I'm crossing fingers that we can make a spring break 2021 visit work.
Hope y'all are doing well and good luck with the start of this school year!
School starts Wednesday, all virtual, three classes a day, but 2 hour long classes. :P DS (my 2022) will miss his first class of second period so he can go get his drivers test. He was supposed to go in April, but of course everything got shut down. They opened back up in August, but only announced it on Facebook. By the time I realized it, all the scheduled slots were gone. :headache: They opened up September bookings on a Thursday, and by Sunday morning, all of those slots were gone. Fortunately we got one. I hope he passes, because otherwise it will be another month of schlepping him around.

School soccer teams are practicing. DS' first game is supposed to be Sept 8. I'm going to attempt to live stream the game, since we figure crowds will be limited. DD's (2024) first game is Sept. 9. We're supposed to find out tomorrow if she made Varsity or JV
Hi. Just seeing this group. My youngest is class of 2022 also. (her older sister is in 3rd year of college graduating in the spring). Where we live you need to be 16 to get a permit but with a June birthday and things not running as planned due to corona she just completed driver's ed classroom (virtually) last week. We are waiting for her eye drs appointment in about a week since we think she needs new glasses and will hopefully find a permit time to sign up for after that. Here in order to take a permit test you need to pass a vision test first and you can't drive at all without a permit. No rush here since we have public transportation.

She has been doing well in high school - making honor roll though doesn't like math any more. Like many she has been home since mid March doing virtual school. As of right now our school is opening soon also remote. We don't have much information on it yet. She has her schedule but they seem to have eliminated one class and she is missing Spanish 3 honors. Since there may not be singing allowed in chorus she may see if there is a Spanish class the same time to switch into but she does love chorus (girls select choir). She has no idea what to major in for college, no school of real interest yet. She is a good student but not the most academically motivated. She does well when it comes easy and she is interested but not a real driven learner.

For activities she has been doing recreational figure skating since preschool and loves it. She is not a competitive skater but loves the group skating for fun and fitness. She has finished all the United States Figure Skating Associaion group learn to skate levels but her program allows kids who finish to stay in until high school graduation doing a group and solo yearly in the recital. She is also a junior assistant/volunteer coach with the younger beginners. This year skating rink abruptly closed on a Thursday or Friday in March - Saturday was dress rehearsal and Sunday would have been the recital. Although she skates for fun she was working on her first skating test and in one of the skaters on the high school figure skating team to skate with her friends. Since her dance school basically went out of business after 8th grade and she did recreational gymnastics classes the high school gymnastics coach who runs the rec program invited her to join the team. She started out as score keeper and this year she competed a bit knowing her score would be dropped. She has also been involved with our local public tv/media station since elementary school and does stuff like filming and editing. She does volunteer work sometimes.
How's everyone? How about the school situation- virtual or in person?
We are hanging in there. My two (8th grade & junior) had their first week of school this past week. It included 4 days virtual and one day in person at school. Our school system plans to move to 2 days per week after Labor Day.
My junior has had quite a bit of work to complete though my middle schooler has had very little. I'm guessing week two will be a little more intensive. My junior continues to swim with his club; the high school team is practicing and has their first meet next week. My 8th grader is planning to take some art classes again (outside of school). Unfortunately, her participating in wind ensemble is of course up in the air for now.

Welcome to @descovy , @Bianca and Bernard ,@momz and @RDM83 !
Thank you for joining in and sharing your journey (and your 2022 graduate's). It's nice to hear everyone's likes and interests.
My two children are so different and I appreciate hearing your thoughts, accomplishments and struggles....we can all learn from each other.

On a Disney note, we had a Thanksgiving week trip planned and decided to reschedule. I'm crossing fingers that we can make a spring break 2021 visit work.
Hope y'all are doing well and good luck with the start of this school year!

Thanks for the welcome. I looked at what I posted several months ago and thought I would give an update.

DS had a good summer. He's been in counseling which has been a valuable experience. He has matured considerably and is in a much better place than he was last spring. Our relationship has benefitted greatly.

He has continued working every weekend. He has enjoyed it and it's been a good experience for him.

As for school, well, it's not been as rosy. But, we have hope. He started this fall 2 days at school and 3 days at home. after 3 weeks of chaos, we made the decision to withdraw him and enroll him at an online school that's been doing this since early 2000's. All signs suggested that staying at the local high school was going to be a rerun of last spring's experience. None of us were wanting to deal with that. I have zero faith in our high school's ability to educate my son during the pandemic. Some kids may be fine, but not mine. Our outlook is much more positive going forward.
Awesome! It definitely makes a difference when they can get places on their own.
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Hi all. Long time DIS-er, but just noticed this thread.

My older son is now a junior in high school (I have a younger son who is in 8th grade this year). Rough end to last year and beginning of this year. They're scheduled to start back in person on October 13, which is the first day after their (shortened) fall break so that should be interesting.

Our biggest disappointment this year has been lack of marching band for the older one (he made the tenors on the drumline but hasn't been able to do anything). They are rehearsing (in person for those who feel comfortable; via Zoom for those who don't) and I'm actually not sure what they're rehearsing FOR as the halftime show has been scrapped. But rumor has it there will be a game here in a few weeks so they'll be doing SOMETHING... I hope it's live streamed so we can see our kids at whatever type of performance they have.

Older son turned 16 over the summer but hasn't had enough driving practice to feel comfortable taking his drivers test so for now I continue to chauffeur.
Our back to school update, since I haven't chimed in lately -

My oldest son got his learners permit (written test) in July (actually both boys did, but my youngest is a 2023-er, LOL), and he's doing pretty good driving so far. I hope to have him take the driving part of the test over Christmas break.

We chose to do the blended learning plan for school because my kids really need to make a connection with their teachers in order to learn best. So they are in person with plans to pivot online if it becomes necessary. They required every student to accept a Chrome Book for the year (rather than relying on their own computers) and everything is located on Google Classroom (assignments must be submitted through it) even when they're physically in school to make any needed transition less confusing. We're two weeks in with no issues. The district does have their Covid-19 Dashboard available on the website which shows how many cases are active in the district, how many recoveries, and how many are in quarantine. Given the size of our district, in two weeks the numbers are low. They are being very proactive on quarantining close contacts of positive tests. I expect things to change in the couple of weeks after this long Labor Day weekend, but I am hoping for the best!! Considering all the nightmares I've heard from friends around the country, I am very proud of how our district is handling things. Mainly b/c they've been consistent - once they released their plans to the public, they have stuck to it (aside from our governor pushing our opening date back 11 days)

Sports are happening here, so is marching band/band/choir - but not my son's theater program. I am so disappointed by that, b/c I feel like if sports can proceed (and they've been practicing all summer), there are SO MANY WAYS theater could happen. Just pick plays without a lot of up close interaction, and make each actor responsible for their own props/costumes with no sharing. They're having class, but no performances. I really hope that can change by spring and they can do SOMETHING.

He is enjoying his classes and teachers so far - here's hoping all of you have a great year with your kiddos, however the school year is looking!!
My oldest son got his learners permit (written test) in July (actually both boys did, but my youngest is a 2023-er, LOL), and he's doing pretty good driving so far. I hope to have him take the driving part of the test over Christmas break.
Good luck! Something to check (I assume you did) is how long they have to have the learners permit. For here, they have to have the learners permit for 6 months before going for their drivers' test. They also need to log 60 hours of driving, of which 10 needs to be at night.
Good luck! Something to check (I assume you did) is how long they have to have the learners permit. For here, they have to have the learners permit for 6 months before going for their drivers' test. They also need to log 60 hours of driving, of which 10 needs to be at night.

Yes, I checked all the requirements ahead of time. Here you take the written and can take the driving 30 days afterward. It's even stamped and highlighted in big letters at the bottom of the written test permit, "You May Schedule Your Practical Exam After 30 Days". It's a graduated driving license system, so even with the driving test taken, depending on age, you still can't drive without a licensed driver aged 18 or over. So my oldest will be able to drive alone once he passes, since he is 17 (plus, even if he wasn't, January will still be six months post written test) My youngest is 15 so even after passing the driving, he'd have to wait until 16 to be allowed to drive without one of us with him. And under 18 you can't drive after 11pm unless going to/from work or school.
You can get a license in our state at 14, which is crazy to me. You can't drive alone at that age unless you apply for a hardship license, but you can begin the permitting process and get your graduated license.
Yes, I checked all the requirements ahead of time. Here you take the written and can take the driving 30 days afterward. It's even stamped and highlighted in big letters at the bottom of the written test permit, "You May Schedule Your Practical Exam After 30 Days". It's a graduated driving license system, so even with the driving test taken, depending on age, you still can't drive without a licensed driver aged 18 or over. So my oldest will be able to drive alone once he passes, since he is 17 (plus, even if he wasn't, January will still be six months post written test) My youngest is 15 so even after passing the driving, he'd have to wait until 16 to be allowed to drive without one of us with him. And under 18 you can't drive after 11pm unless going to/from work or school.
You can get a license in our state at 14, which is crazy to me. You can't drive alone at that age unless you apply for a hardship license, but you can begin the permitting process and get your graduated license.
It's amazing to me the differences in requirements. Here, you can't go for your permit (written test) until you're 16, Intermediate license after having the permit for 6 months (and 60 hours of logged driving), and unrestricted license after having the intermediate for 6 months AND having a 4 hour class. The intermediate license lets you drive on your own (but not between midnight and 6am unless good reason), but only one non-family member under 21 can be in the car.
It's amazing to me the differences in requirements. Here, you can't go for your permit (written test) until you're 16, Intermediate license after having the permit for 6 months (and 60 hours of logged driving), and unrestricted license after having the intermediate for 6 months AND having a 4 hour class. The intermediate license lets you drive on your own (but not between midnight and 6am unless good reason), but only one non-family member under 21 can be in the car.

I'm with you, I am so surprised by all the differences state to state. When I got my license (in Missouri in the late 90s), you were eligible for a permit at 15 1/2, then could take your driving test at 16. That's it, no other requirements. Driver's Ed was a semester elective at my high school, but you didn't have to take it. I took it and learned to drive from the football coach, LOL. Once a month, eligible kids were carted over to the testing site on a bus to take the written if they were getting permits, or the practical exam if they were getting a license (the coach would drive the Ed car over for kids to take the driving test).
Now from what I hear, MO has a graduated system of some kind too.

Where we live now is a whole new ballgame, and if you don't get a graduated license within a year of taking the written, you have to start the process all over again.
Hi everyone. I saw "Class of 2021" on the 1st page and did a search for "Class of 2022" and was happy to find this thread.

My DD is on the young side since we grade-skipped her, but is working on getting driving practice in and already has her 60 hours...with four months left before she can test for her license. Junior year has been all online so far, but there are plans to go one day a week starting at the end of October (K-2 has been in person for two weeks already with success). She has been going into school for theater, as she is head of set and also treasurer this year. They have been trying to come up with small casts & small tech crews that are all separate (no overlap) and livestream performances to keep the program alive. I have my doubts about how successful this will be, but at least it keeps her occupied with (limited) social connections. HS volleyball season was postponed until the spring, so that's kind of fallen by the wayside.

DD is in IB and is interested in engineering and liberal arts. Our district went with four quarters this year instead of two semesters - 80 minute class periods 1-4 for Q1&3, periods 5-8 for Q2&4. Q1 has flown by and they start Q2 next week. It makes for challenging retention of material covered in Q1 and Q3 for tests that aren't until May. I hope the teachers will hold review sessions for everyone when the tests come closer. We're planning on her testing out of IB Math SL and IB Spanish SL junior year, leaving four IB tests for senior year plus 1 or 2 AP tests.

PSAT this Wednesday for her. Are your kids taking it?
Hi everyone. I saw "Class of 2021" on the 1st page and did a search for "Class of 2022" and was happy to find this thread.

My DD is on the young side since we grade-skipped her, but is working on getting driving practice in and already has her 60 hours...with four months left before she can test for her license. Junior year has been all online so far, but there are plans to go one day a week starting at the end of October (K-2 has been in person for two weeks already with success). She has been going into school for theater, as she is head of set and also treasurer this year. They have been trying to come up with small casts & small tech crews that are all separate (no overlap) and livestream performances to keep the program alive. I have my doubts about how successful this will be, but at least it keeps her occupied with (limited) social connections. HS volleyball season was postponed until the spring, so that's kind of fallen by the wayside.

DD is in IB and is interested in engineering and liberal arts. Our district went with four quarters this year instead of two semesters - 80 minute class periods 1-4 for Q1&3, periods 5-8 for Q2&4. Q1 has flown by and they start Q2 next week. It makes for challenging retention of material covered in Q1 and Q3 for tests that aren't until May. I hope the teachers will hold review sessions for everyone when the tests come closer. We're planning on her testing out of IB Math SL and IB Spanish SL junior year, leaving four IB tests for senior year plus 1 or 2 AP tests.

PSAT this Wednesday for her. Are your kids taking it?

Mine is not talking the PSAT right now. All of them, as well as SATs have been cancelled in our area. And the UC (University of CA) isn’t requiring SATs anymore.

Things in my county suck. We’re in the most restrictive tier for the state, so most things are only allowed outdoors. With the fires and poor air quality, that has been hit and miss. So school is still 100% online. So has their dance for the most part (they’ve been able to do a few outdoor rehearsals). Nutcracker will be virtual this year, which should be interesting. My Junior is dancing the role of Snow Queen 😍. She’s doing well and her grades are great, but I’m not sure how much she’s actually learning. She did get into the Legal Studies class she wants.

She got her license in March, days before the DMV shut down. Here they can get their permits at 15.5 and then 6 months & 60 hours of driving (10 at night and 6 with an instructor) before they can get their license. They’re on provisional for a year. Crazy to think that the year Mark will be upon us soon!

Mine is not talking the PSAT right now. All of them, as well as SATs have been cancelled in our area. And the UC (University of CA) isn’t requiring SATs anymore.

Things in my county suck. We’re in the most restrictive tier for the state, so most things are only allowed outdoors. With the fires and poor air quality, that has been hit and miss. So school is still 100% online. So has their dance for the most part (they’ve been able to do a few outdoor rehearsals). Nutcracker will be virtual this year, which should be interesting. My Junior is dancing the role of Snow Queen 😍. She’s doing well and her grades are great, but I’m not sure how much she’s actually learning. She did get into the Legal Studies class she wants.

She got her license in March, days before the DMV shut down. Here they can get their permits at 15.5 and then 6 months & 60 hours of driving (10 at night and 6 with an instructor) before they can get their license. They’re on provisional for a year. Crazy to think that the year Mark will be upon us soon!
Thanks for the welcome!

CA has had an absolutely horrific year with the wildfires, ugh. We've been having those in CO too, and have been smelling smoke for days on end and we're not even as bad off as CA, so I really feel for you. Congrats to your DD on her Snow Queen role - I've only seen the Nutcracker once or twice so I don't know which dancer that is, but any role that is called Queen has got to be a big deal!

Good luck to everyone as we go through this school year.
Hi everyone! How are things in your corner of the US? It’s been a nice holiday here so far.... much different and with less folks visiting than in the past, but a healthy, happy Christmas.
I hope your class of ‘22 daughter/son is still doing well and school (virtual or in person) is going ok. There are definitely increased challenges to online Physics & Calculus classes here at our house.
My son has continued with a hybrid schedule (2 days in person) and will supposedly be attending more often once the second semester begins mid January. We also need to look at SAT/ACT dates coming up.
Stay safe and take care! Just wanted to send a quick hello!
Hi everyone! How are things in your corner of the US? It’s been a nice holiday here so far.... much different and with less folks visiting than in the past, but a healthy, happy Christmas.
I hope your class of ‘22 daughter/son is still doing well and school (virtual or in person) is going ok. There are definitely increased challenges to online Physics & Calculus classes here at our house.
My son has continued with a hybrid schedule (2 days in person) and will supposedly be attending more often once the second semester begins mid January. We also need to look at SAT/ACT dates coming up.
Stay safe and take care! Just wanted to send a quick hello!
Christmas was great here - just my 6. We are under another stay at home order, which currently goes until Jan 8, but is likely to be extended. Since my county never got out of purple (CA tiers), not a lot has changed since March for us. Kids are still on 100% remote learning and while I hold out hope for some sort id return, this school year, I don’t actually expect it. Especially for my high schoolers. They’re handling it well and all have straight As, but I know that isn’t the case for everybody. So I guess we’re chugging along.


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