Class of 2022- High School Parents

Hello and happy holidays!

Things are going pretty well here, too. My junior is doing well in classes. They go 2-3 days per week (the third day rotates between the hybrid cohorts) and the at-home days are asynchronous learning. They delayed the start of the school year which shifted the "break point" between semesters. First semester usually ends right before the winter break, but now it will end January 14. She got all As and A-s first quarter, and is hoping to hold those for the semester grades.

She is looking at what to schedule for senior year. They start the scheduling process in January. She's pretty sure she wants to go into a healthcare field but she's not sure what area. She was supposed to attend a camp last summer that was supposed to introduce kids to a wide variety of careers in healthcare (but it got canceled due to COVID). She's in an Anatomy & Physiology class this year and says she thinks it's her favorite class ever, so she feels like she's on the right track but she doesn't know what to take next year. (She could take AP Bio but although our school is overall a very good school, the AP Bio teacher is apparently terrible and the pass rates are not high. This is her 4th year. My niece took the class last year, thinking maybe she just needed to get her feet under her, but once schools shut down she apparently stopped teaching and was just like "good luck on the test kids." My daughter knows a couple of people who are taking it this year who have said similar things.) She is also looking at a PharmacyTech program that she can take through the local career center for high school credit. She would graduate with licensed pharmacy technician credential -- and even if she decides that pharmacy isn't the path for her, it might at least give her an "in" for a decent college/weekend job while she pursues something else.
What are you kids experiences with college visits this year? All online?

DS attended an information session online for one out of states school and attended one face to face at a local place. Honestly, the face to face "tour" was horrible. I understand to an extent. We wandered around with a student showing us the campus, this was followed by a discussion with about 6 other families which was basically someone telling us about the town. He had no opportunity to speak with someone from the department he is interested in, didn't even get to see the building. the student doing our tour had no knowledge of his intended major (i get it, she's just a student). But this is experience completely turned him off of this school. We left with him saying he feels like they don't want him there.... It was sad and could have been avoided if they had done anything to inform him about the program he's interested in.

There is another in-states school he is very interested in, I'm nervous about a "visit" because I don't want it to be a negative experience.

What are your kids experiencing?
What are you kids experiences with college visits this year? All online?

DS attended an information session online for one out of states school and attended one face to face at a local place. Honestly, the face to face "tour" was horrible. I understand to an extent. We wandered around with a student showing us the campus, this was followed by a discussion with about 6 other families which was basically someone telling us about the town. He had no opportunity to speak with someone from the department he is interested in, didn't even get to see the building. the student doing our tour had no knowledge of his intended major (i get it, she's just a student). But this is experience completely turned him off of this school. We left with him saying he feels like they don't want him there.... It was sad and could have been avoided if they had done anything to inform him about the program he's interested in.

There is another in-states school he is very interested in, I'm nervous about a "visit" because I don't want it to be a negative experience.

What are your kids experiencing?
We haven't even tried any visits yet.
What are you kids experiences with college visits this year? All online?

We've done an online program at 2 schools and 1 in-person visit. They have been... disappointing. (My daughter actually really enjoyed the in-person one, but I felt like it was a pale comparison to the visits I had with my Class-of-2019 son. I guess it's a matter of not knowing what you're missing.)

The online ones (state schools) we did really seemed like they could have just as easily been a video we watched at our leisure and a video would have been a more "glossy presentation." The speaker didn't seem to be able to go off-script very well and kind of fumbled through the planned material. I really think state schools are where she'd be best served (both due to our budget and due to the fact that she's not 100% sure what she wants to study, so there are more options at the state schools.)

The in-person visit was for a local private college. It was reasonably well done (socially distanced meeting with an admissions guy -- 5 students with 1 or 2 guests (maximum allowed) all with masks -- in a large classroom. Then we were taken on a tour by a student, but we weren't allowed in any of the buildings. So he stood outside and said "This building has X, Y, and Z in it. But we didn't actually get to see a dorm room, we didn't actually get to see the cafeteria, or the student center or the gym. This college's largest program is what my daughter's interested in, so they did talk about that, including their state-of-the-art, award winning lab. However, we only got to see the building it's in, not the actual lab." I was disappointed, but my daughter thought it was cool and said she could picture herself there. (They said not to worry about the price tag, that they can make it competitive with state schools... but we'll see. I asked her not to get her hopes up.)

I REALLY hope they open some more tour options up this spring so she can get on campus at some other places. (Although, honestly, if the in-person visits are similar to this one, then I could probably do them. "According to the map, this is the student rec center... and that's a dorm over there. This is a dining hall, but we can't go in."
We haven’t really thought about tours yet. I am hoping that more are open by Spring Break and we can hit some in state ones then. Thankfully one of her top choices is about 45 mins from us.

Oh I take that back. She did a college webinar through the ballet alliance her ballet company belongs to that was quite informative as she’s now considering a double major, with dance being one of them.

She may also take a gap year to audition to ballet companies and see where that goes. And then she can look into a local JC or a more online program if that pans out at all.
We've done an online program at 2 schools and 1 in-person visit. They have been... disappointing. (My daughter actually really enjoyed the in-person one, but I felt like it was a pale comparison to the visits I had with my Class-of-2019 son. I guess it's a matter of not knowing what you're missing.)

The online ones (state schools) we did really seemed like they could have just as easily been a video we watched at our leisure and a video would have been a more "glossy presentation." The speaker didn't seem to be able to go off-script very well and kind of fumbled through the planned material. I really think state schools are where she'd be best served (both due to our budget and due to the fact that she's not 100% sure what she wants to study, so there are more options at the state schools.)

The in-person visit was for a local private college. It was reasonably well done (socially distanced meeting with an admissions guy -- 5 students with 1 or 2 guests (maximum allowed) all with masks -- in a large classroom. Then we were taken on a tour by a student, but we weren't allowed in any of the buildings. So he stood outside and said "This building has X, Y, and Z in it. But we didn't actually get to see a dorm room, we didn't actually get to see the cafeteria, or the student center or the gym. This college's largest program is what my daughter's interested in, so they did talk about that, including their state-of-the-art, award winning lab. However, we only got to see the building it's in, not the actual lab." I was disappointed, but my daughter thought it was cool and said she could picture herself there. (They said not to worry about the price tag, that they can make it competitive with state schools... but we'll see. I asked her not to get her hopes up.)

I REALLY hope they open some more tour options up this spring so she can get on campus at some other places. (Although, honestly, if the in-person visits are similar to this one, then I could probably do them. "According to the map, this is the student rec center... and that's a dorm over there. This is a dining hall, but we can't go in."

Do you live in Washington State?
Hi all - my DD graduates in 2022.
I didn’t have an opportunity to read through the thread - I just wanted to say Hi.
My DD is trying to get recruited to play softball at the collegiate level. She wants to study biomedical engineering, so her choice of schools is pretty small compared to someone who wants to study something like accounting. She does have her #1 pick and we are praying that everything works out for her. Trying to get your child recruited for athletics is stressful without COVID and even more with it (if you’ve experienced this you know). If she gets an offer from her #1 pick it will be so awesome!
Good luck to all your kids and you all also.
@slo Good grief! Tell me about it! My son has finally decided he would like to swim in college. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), there are not many swim programs within our immediate area. Recruiting is a crazy maze and now add COVID, limited competition/meets and programs being cut or limited right and left.

We have been for one college tour at a smaller liberal arts school within state. It’s actually where both my husband and I attended undergrad. I thought it was a good place to at least let him see what he needs to look at and question. The tour guide did a nice job, but there were no students on campus so that kind of limited the experience in my opinion. We did not see inside any dorms, only a brief video that highlighted housing options.
I don’t really see him attending a large university but I could be wrong. Seems in our area these are the only schools doing in person tours right now.
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@slo Good grief! Tell me about it! My son has finally decided he would like to swim in college. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), there are not many swim programs within our immediate area. Recruiting is a crazy maze and now add COVID, limited competition/meets and programs being cut or limited right and left.

We have been for one college tour at a smaller liberal arts school within state. It’s actually where both my husband and I attended undergrad. I thought it was a good place to at least let him see what he needs to look at and question. The tour guide did a nice job, but there were no students on campus so that kind of limited the experience in my opinion. We did not see inside any dorms, only a brief video that highlighted housing options.
I don’t really see him attending a large university but I could be wrong. Seems in our area these are the only schools doing in person tours right now.

Good luck to your son and all of you - trying to get recruited is quite the journey and I hope his is smooth.
Has he been emailing college coaches or have a recruitment profile on a recruitment website?
My DD has been emailing college coaches for about 4 years, has an account on a recruitment website that she updates often and a YouTube channel that‘s updated when we have a new video to post (she’s a power hitter so when she hits a home run we post that if I’m lucky to get it on video).
If you don’t have a recruitment profile for him I recommend it - pm me if you’d like to know what we use.
Good luck again - I wish him nothing but the best
Good luck to your son and all of you - trying to get recruited is quite the journey and I hope his is smooth.
Has he been emailing college coaches or have a recruitment profile on a recruitment website?
My DD has been emailing college coaches for about 4 years, has an account on a recruitment website that she updates often and a YouTube channel that‘s updated when we have a new video to post (she’s a power hitter so when she hits a home run we post that if I’m lucky to get it on video).
If you don’t have a recruitment profile for him I recommend it - pm me if you’d like to know what we use.
Good luck again - I wish him nothing but the best
Thanks so much! He has just started with the emailing. He’s had a CollegeSwimming account for a while (it’s a great resource).
Best of luck to your daughter! Sounds like she is off to a great start and very motivated. Keep us posted!
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Almost three months into's everyone? My two are still plugging along. My 8th grader is in school full time, minus an occasional virtual day to cover standardized testing or staff vaccinations.
My junior is in school 3-4 days per week, or 75% as they call it. He is scheduled to take the SAT and ACT in April. Still no interest in any particular college, but I have faith he will figure it out.
Hope everyone is doing well!
My junior had been hybrid (2-3 days per week) but went back full-time two weeks ago. This week she's on spring break. Things are going pretty well. She's doing well grade-wise and has stayed healthy. Her first track meet will be a week from Tuesday... and she got her first vaccine dose last Tuesday.

She's taken the ACT twice. Her score is OK but I don't feel like it is a real indicator of her ability (she's NEVER been good at standardized tests for some reason.) I think we're going to invest in some tutoring and try one more time, maybe the earliest one in the fall. Our big flagship state university just announced again that they're going to be "test optional" next year, too... so now I'm torn about whether to submit those at all.

We've got a college visit scheduled at another state school for the end of April. They're resuming in-person visits. However, I suspect it's going to be all outdoors, etc. She knows she wants to do something involved with healthcare, but isn't sure what. She's leaning toward nursing, but she enrolled in a pharmacy "super elective" program for next year (she'll end up with a pharmacy tech certification at the end of it) so who knows... if she loves that maybe she'll change direction?
DD goes back to in-person four days a week this week. I wish she could just go in for the one class that is hands-on lab kind of stuff, but the school doesn't have that option. I hope it goes ok, she's actually liked being remote in terms being able to take quick breaks and make some tea and stretch between classes. She's been going to school for theater set work for a few weeks and that's going well. The casts have been limited to 10 people and the showing will be streamed live, same as in the fall (but it had hiccups as you might expect).

Her ACT and SAT are scheduled in a few weeks, we'll see if they really happen. Given how many tests have been canceled in various parts of the country, I get why some colleges are going with test optional again next year. Hoping the vaccines make it possible for the kiddos to have a normal-ish senior year.
My junior will finish the is year online. We withdrew from his public high school last fall, so he’s enrolled in an online school now. It’s been going well. But he wants to go back to public school next year so he can graduate with his friends. I understand that. But I’m torn about it. I have zero faith in the public school here. He’s done very well online and has come so far. We’ve been correcting long term problems that linger from his public schooling. And I worry about losing that progress.
How is everyone doing? Things seem to be settling down and getting back on track with our Junior. She is scheduled to take some AP tests soon and signed up for her SATs in June (finally!). I have been giving her space because I know everyone has been processing this past year differently. She is excited about the whole college process again and is creating spreadsheets to keep herself organized.

My niece (class of 2021) after loosing all faith in everything and saying she wasn’t attending school at all, decided May 1st she indeed wanted to attend her top choice which she got accepted to. So now we are all scrambling to make up for lost time. I am helping wherever I can so my sis doesn’t lose her marbles. She is an ICU nurse so last year has been especially hard and she really didn’t have time to invest in the college process ,so she turns to me for advice ,which I gladly offer. I am happy things are back on track for them.

I hope this thread gets more active as time goes by. I can’t believe we are almost done with Junior year!!
I can't believe we're almost done with junior year either? (Although mine doesn't miss a chance to remind me... "17 more school days till I'm a senior, mom. Can you believe it?!" No, dear. I cannot!

Mine's only taking one AP class this year and her test is next week. She's pretty nervous about it (high stakes tests are not her forte) but she's doing really well in the class and has done well on practice exams so hopefully that will translate into the real exam.

We were able to do a college tour last week. We did our first one in January and it was... disappointing. It was all outdoors and they kind of just pointed at stuff (not like the tours I remember with my son). This one was better. We still didn't get to see EVERYTHING, but we got to go into some buildings, etc. She says she could see herself attending there. I am hoping we can get a couple more tours in over the summer. (A couple of places we're planning either haven't started tours up again, or were reserving the slots for admitted students who hadn't been able to tour prior to applying. But now that "decision day" has passed for the class of 2021, I assume most will turn their focus to the class of 2022.)

We also had an orientation meeting last night for the pharmacy-tech program she'll be joining as part of her electives next year. She seemed pretty excited about it, so that's good. She is still certain that she wants to go into a healthcare field, but she is not confident about exactly what she wants to do (front runners right now are nurse or pathway to physician's assistant, but who knows... maybe pharmacy will catch on).
I can't believe we're almost done with junior year either? (Although mine doesn't miss a chance to remind me... "17 more school days till I'm a senior, mom. Can you believe it?!" No, dear. I cannot!

Mine's only taking one AP class this year and her test is next week. She's pretty nervous about it (high stakes tests are not her forte) but she's doing really well in the class and has done well on practice exams so hopefully that will translate into the real exam.

We were able to do a college tour last week. We did our first one in January and it was... disappointing. It was all outdoors and they kind of just pointed at stuff (not like the tours I remember with my son). This one was better. We still didn't get to see EVERYTHING, but we got to go into some buildings, etc. She says she could see herself attending there. I am hoping we can get a couple more tours in over the summer. (A couple of places we're planning either haven't started tours up again, or were reserving the slots for admitted students who hadn't been able to tour prior to applying. But now that "decision day" has passed for the class of 2021, I assume most will turn their focus to the class of 2022.)

We also had an orientation meeting last night for the pharmacy-tech program she'll be joining as part of her electives next year. She seemed pretty excited about it, so that's good. She is still certain that she wants to go into a healthcare field, but she is not confident about exactly what she wants to do (front runners right now are nurse or pathway to physician's assistant, but who knows... maybe pharmacy will catch on).
@ design_mom Oh wow! What a coincidence! My daughter is also interested in pathway to PA school. She has 5 direct entry programs on her list and a few back ups in case she doesn’t get admitted into those. We have been researching on and off since last year. It’s getting so close now.


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