* Completed PlanningJournal and Trip Report*Disneyland Escape Wedding. 12/08/2011.

I made our Invites today... It only took a few hours total. I started with a pack of Wilton DIY invites, added a ribbon wrap, bow, and shooting star charm to the outside of the pocket part, and then printed all the cards and assembled them.

Here they are:

Close up of the Inside:

I have my phone planning session tomorrow. I've been super sick the past few weeks, including on my work trip to Miami, which I had to come home early from because of how sick I was :( But that's left a lot of time to get all of my DIY projects organized since we're just over 2 months away :)

I'm also new to the DIS Boards, and I am also planning on an Escape Wedding at the Disneyland but since my date is next September I have to talk to someone in March, and your posts are amazing. Have you had anything else to share with us? AND Congrats on the wedding.
Hi there! I'm glad the info has helped. When I was first looking into if this would be something we could do, it was really hard to find information specific to Disneyland Escape weddings.

Let me sort through my notes from my planning session and I will post info for you tomorrow. :)
I went into my phone planning sessions with 3 things written in my notebook: *Ask about beverage prices
*Mouse Ears- Different Colored Embroidery?
That I wanted the Simple elegance-square cake.

We are having a 10am Ceremony at the Grand Californian Wedding Garden and a 10:30am Reception in the Wisteria Room.

My planning session started with Michelle telling me she was basically going to be asking my questions for 30-45 minutes. I knew going into it that I really really really wanted to go with as few upgrades as possible.... So, I did feel a little bit like about a quarter of the way through the phone call, Michelle had figured out I was pretty much going to be turning everything down and her answers started getting less perky. (This could be because I work in a restaurant that is STAUNCHLY against using the phrase "No problem" in response to a guest request, indicating that it ""could" be a problem for you.... but anyway.)

So Here is the Breakdown of our Escape wedding (with planning session elements as they arise.)

Before the Ceremony:
I can get into my bridal dressing room by the ceremony venue starting at 5am. The groom gets his at 7am. We were asked if we wanted to add any refreshments for the dressing rooms, but I don't really see myself mowing a bagel at 5am the morning of my wedding :) Especially knowing what delicious food is coming later.....

We need to remove all of our personal belongings from the Dressing rooms before the start of the ceremony. She said this about 4 times. This is also where we will receive our Personal flower.


Guests can self park at the GC Self Parking Lot and will get tickets validated at the event.

Our officiant is going to email me to figure out what kind of ceremony we want (An officiant is included in the Escape Package, I did not know this prior to receiving our contract) We turned down a skirted table for a unity candle or sand ceremony, as well as any extra floral for the ceremony.

And that concludes my info for the pre-ceremony and ceremony.

Since I am doing my own centerpeices (and setting up my own favors/place cards) I can get access to the Wisteria room at 9:30 to set that stuff up. She did say that if there are no other events happening in that same room before 9:30am on a Thursday that I might be able to get in there early, but that I wouldn't know until the week before. But... I think odds are good on that.

On the previous page I had a picture of the Wisteria room set up with a long sweetheart table on the back wall under the windows with 3 round tables in the middle of a room and then a dance floor by the door. We are using this same set up.

Our table is going to have us, our siblings and their significant others, and our best friends from childhood. So, 8 people there. Our 3 round tables are going to have 6 people at each one.

There will be a Water Station and Guest Book Table set up in the Wisteria Room, as well as some counters in the room for the cake.

The Dance Floor is included with the Wisteria room at no additional cost, but if you DON'T want it they can remove it for you. (Also information I was unclear about prior to this)

The only favors we are getting are one of my favorite things I have seen while spending what seems like 500 hours researching (stalking) other people's Disney weddings.... this is, of course, the Ears. Made famous by Lurkyloo and imitated by many, I am in love with this. When I asked my planner about this, I think she was surprised I had said something other than "Nope, we don't need that..." which had been about all that was coming out of my mouth until this point, but as soon as I mentioned my idea for having Disney floral embroider sets of ears to correspond with the color of each table's centerpiece, she just shut me down.
She said since I was going to be setting up my own centerpieces any way, I should just go buy my own ears and bring them and set them out myself. I get that she had figured out my budget was tiny from all my upgrade declines... but really, that was because once I knew I wanted the ears, I was ready to cut a lot of other stuff to clear up the space in my budget. But oh well, I'm just going to order all the ears from the online Disney store. So enjoy not getting my ++ on those :rotfl:
We are adding the Ipod hookup for the reception for $100.

My next actual add-on was extra champagne. The escape package includes champagne or cider for toasting. This means 1 bottle of champagne or 2 bottles of cider. At this point I am adding 9 bottles of champagne to the 1 included, but I'm thinking about adding more because that's the only booze we're having. (actually, it's the only beverage we're adding at all other than the included coffee, iced tea, and water.) She told me their bottles of champagne pour about 4-5 glasses. 26 people... yeah I think I'm going to add another 6 bottles.... I like to get my morning drinking on :woohoo: We are doing their house champagne and the price I was given was $28++ per bottle. The ++ is, I think, 30% between service fee and tax... my notes on that are kind of sketchy, but I think the total added fee is 30%. A little steep, but meh.

She asked if we wanted to announce the bridal party on the way into the reception, if we were going to do a first dance, father/daughter dance, money dance, garter toss, bouquet toss...... This was a big no, yes, no no no no lol. My dad isn't going to be attending, and 95% of our guests are married so I guess or reception is going to be a little "non-traditional."

The last piece of info I have in my notes is that the reception runs from 10:30-2pm, and our centerpieces and favors need to go with us when we leave. I also wrote down that we can leave early, because I almost laughed on the phone when she assured me that we could do this.... "REALLY? I can leave my own reception whenever I want? The doors won't be locked from the inside?!" :)
And here's a quick run down of how I made my invitations for any interested parties:

I bought the Wilton- String of Pearls pocket invitation set:

I bought them at Joann's with a 40% off coupon and spent $14 on a 25 pack. I spent about 5 dollars on a thick, sparkly silver ribbon and a thin, sheer light blue ribbon. I also bought little silver shooting star charms from ebay for 3 dollars (and jump rings from Joann's to attach them to the bows I made with the skinny ribbon.
I used tape to attach the outer ribbon to the pocket folder (it was wired ribbon so I got a really crisp line on the edges.) I then used a needle and thread to attach the bow to the outside of the pocket, and added a little more tape over that so my sketchy knots wouldn't come undone.

For the Invite part and all the insert cards and the envelopes and the stickers to seal them (all included in the DIY kit), I downloaded their zip file of MS word templates from the Wilton website, and googled "Disney font" for a font plug-in for MSWord. The templates had all the odd paper sizes already formatted to the files, so printing was crazy easy. I spent one 2 hour afternoon cutting ribbon and tying bows, another 2 hour afternoon putting together the folders with ribbons attached, and probably 3 hours the next day typing, laying out, and printing/assembling everything.

So, 22 dollars and about 7 hours of work to make 25 REALLY AWESOME Disney wedding invitations. :)
You are amazing for posting this! I'm pretty much on the edge of my seat because this is so awesome and I'm so excited for you:yay:
Thank You! So far with the add-ons I'm doing it looks like my total DFTW price is going to be at or under 6k (for what's included plus champagne for everyone, I-pod upgrade, and Personalized ears for everyone), which I think is pretty dang good. We're having steak and champagne for lunch!!

We're just over two months away and I haven't felt this excited about Disneyland since before my first stay at the DL Hotel for my 5th Birthday! :yay:
A little curious, what was your down payment to secure your date when you turned in your contract? Your dont have to spill the beans unless you'd like
The Deposit for Disneyland Escape weddings is $2000, due with your contract. The balance is due by 1 month before your date. (And I'm planning on posting my full budget after the wedding for other brides unsure about doing a Disneyland wedding, so don't worry about asking) :thumbsup2
I knew about it being due one month before hand I just didn't know the down payment. But its not to bad of a budget really seeing as a normal any day wedding for about 50-110 people is 10-15 thousand. I'm glad I found this option
Today was SOOOO productive! My mom finally got around to having the money for the wedding transferred to an account we can use (out of an inheritance trust) So I had a bit of an ordering/reservation frenzy today! I booked our Hotel (5 nights at the Disneyland Hotel), Ordered our park tickets, booked our flights to California, Ordered my DRESS, and ordered all of the flowers and giant balloons I need for centerpieces! I'm so excited to have most of the details taken care of and can spend the next 2 months doing little stuff without having to worry about all of the major stuff! :banana::banana:

All I have left to do is:
Order our Mouse Ear Favors once I get our final guest list
Get our Guest Book/Card Box (DIY projects)
Make our Cake Centerpiece (DIY project)
Put together our CD for the Ceremony and IPod Playlists for Reception (any song recommendations are welcomed!)
Sign our BEO and pay this bad boy off.

And that's pretty much it until the week before when I fly down early and put together our extra floral and reception decor.

I just got my BEO.

Our total cost for what we're getting through DFTW (So, not including our centerpieces or favors) Is .......... **Drumroll**


Our centerpieces are costing us $210, and our favors are going to be about $350.
I just got my BEO.

Our total cost for what we're getting through DFTW (So, not including our centerpieces or favors) Is .......... **Drumroll**


Our centerpieces are costing us $210, and our favors are going to be about $350.

Hi Kipperoo Such an amazing price, glad that you posted it. How many bottles of champagne did you end up ordering extra? Where there any other things you added to the disney provided stuff?
We added 9 extra bottles of champagne (so, 10 total in addition to the one provided) and are paying 75++ (so, like $98) to add a ipod/laptop hookup so we can have music for the reception.
Woohoo, that's an awesome budget! I can't wait to hear all about your wedding day! :banana:
Congratulations on being featured on mindy's blog. I follow both of your wedding journals and mindy's blog religiously, and knew it was your wedding right away. March can not come fast enough for me to start planning for our September wedding reading you're posts just excites me to no end :):cheer2:
Hi, I love your PJ so far! My fiancee and I are planning our Escape Wedding for June 21, 2012 and Ive been getting a lot of inspiration from you :)

We are planning on getting our guests Mickey ear hats as favors as well. If you havent already purchased them, I just wanted to let you know that you can buy them in bulk very affordable on eBay. They come from Disney World and are sold inexpensively because they usually already have names embroidered on them, but are VERY easily unstiched. They are already stiched and therefore discounted due to people ordering the hats and not returning to the store to pay for them/pick them up. So Disney World sells them in bulk on eBay for cheap to recoupperate losses. We took ours to a local hat shop in the mall (Lids) and they stiched the new names in for us and even let us choose the color we wanted. They're charging us about $5 a hat.

Hope this helps!!! Good luck with everything, can't wait to keep reading more!!
I am new to this thread and always wanted to get married at Disneyland. Thanks for all your info. Congratulations and I for the pictures:)


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