Confession thread

I've Nick Named All The Crushes I've Ever Had...Most Recent One: MICHAEL=Happy Bunny o_O
I Purposely Broke My Glasses So I Wouldn't Have to Wear Them
And I'm Allergic To Vegetables..The Halthyness And Horrible Taste! :stir:
"Sometimes I dream that I'm married to Mr.Potatohead."-Keely
After i saw Childs Play I was scared of dolls ( and i am still am...) Also this is this store called Spencer's with pranks and i wont go in it anymore because they sell Chucky Dolls
Confession of sortsL
I've never played the origional Half-Life. IT came out when I was like 8, so that kind of kept me from playing it. Although I own HL2 :/

Also, I still haven't gotten a Xbox360. Desperatly want one though, especially for Dead Rising. Zombie Mosh Pit in the Maintenance tunnels.
Vally said:
ok...... here it goes

i only have 1 boy in my email address book....... and he's kinda cute!!!!!!!!

I find that a crime!!! I demand you to go get more boys on that list :rotfl2:

Here's what I have to say:

I once yelled in someones face cause they we're stalking me :)
i confess...

1. i have no boys in my address book :blush:

2. on my first time playing vmk i did taken and got snowman magic out of it

3. i have nightmears and go to my parnts bed and cry

i like to play with my elomo doll
Captain Brain said:
I am addicted to Pokemon and Animal Crossing.
I am a member of several pokemon websites.
I have dreams of world domination.

Oh My Gosh! you play animal crossing.. SO DO I!!

Wel.. I cant say it, sorry :blush: Well.. maybe i can, no i cant.. well maybe later :blush:
edit by order of the bestest person alive(yeah i'm sucking up)
CrazyChik said:
my serious confession:

i changed base's sig

i am on base vmk account right now

i know his dis username and password as well as vmk one

base being baseballmaniac

i am also the one using leo's aim s/n

Naughty List For You. ;)
CrissKringle said:
Naughty List For You. ;)

nnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo not the naughty list!!! pppllzzzzz nnooo

cm they gave me the information!! leo and ryan said i could use it!!! ccmmnnn ppllzzz put me on the nice list i want my presents :sad2:

My mom told me to read my science while she is at work but I'm on the computer playing VMK. And she's going to quiz me! :teeth:

I always go on the computer when my mom is gone unless my dad tells me to get off.

I am obsessed with Cheetos Flamin' Hot Fries.

Things always happen to me and I have lots of scars on my legs and arms. Well not enough to take away my beauty. .

I love to eat. Good thing I have fast metabolism.

I used to do taken and baybe.

I'm so gullible and have gotten scammed many times on vmk and even fell for the gum trick ( the one with fake gum sticking out and you cant pull it out ) in front of lots of ppl at school! Well the taunting only lasted a day.

I am lactose intolerant but I eat lots of dairy products (except milk, it makes me feel horrible) and end up stinking the place up or having diarrhea. I have gas right now. :teeth:

I once liked seven boys all at once.

I used to think Michael Jackson bleached his skin. Turns out mom lied to me.

I'm obsessed with child abuse. I read about it all the time. Almost all my books are about child abuse. I have almost all the Pelzer books. Just one more!

When I had braces I always ate things I wasn't supposed to eat. I only wore my retainer for a short time and eventually lost it.

I am VERY afraid of heights and death. Please do not say what everyone knows.

I am losing my eyesight, hearing, and memory. I feel old. Well I pretty much always had short term memory loss.

I used to be afraid of fried chicken because my mom said that you will get a heart attack and die from eating the skin. Well in a sense it is true, but it was still one of those lies to scare me because you won't get a heart attack directly from eating fried chicken.

I can't sleep with the closet door open.

I'm afraid of germs, especially from other people's mouths.

I have a very bad temper and need to learn to control it.

In kindergarten, I locked my teachers in a shed. When I was three, I locked my parents in the garage after my dad taught me how to lock doors. But he didn't teach me to unlock door. Then my sister who was a baby then started crying and they had to break a window to get in. :teeth:

I like this smiley. :teeth:

Well that's about it for now. And yes, it's alot.
I laughed when I saw 'Kringle's post.

The suffering of others, on occasion, makes me laugh. See: the spinning thing of death. These people made it so those spinning things at playground so that as a motorcycle accelerated, the thing spun faster. Pretty funny.

And I've punched someone in the neck. It was in the side of the neck, and they where asking for it, I swear...
Here's a new one:

I've actually watched videos on Youtube about my favorite Pokemon characters and why they should date. Now tell me why I don't have a GF. ;)

I'm addicted to chocolate fudge. :love:
posted by frontiernatasha: In kindergarten, I locked my teachers in a shed. When I was three, I locked my parents in the garage after my dad taught me how to lock doors. But he didn't teach me to unlock door. Then my sister who was a baby then started crying and they had to break a window to get in. :teeth:
you did what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!! how?? why?? what?? what did the teachz say??
FrontierNatasha said:
When I had braces I always ate things I wasn't supposed to eat. I only wore my retainer for a short time and eventually lost it.

Lol Lol i used to have a retainer, i never wore and i mean never! I wore it the day before i had to go the orthadonist and guess what i am done w/ my retainer!! Lol this happened like 2 days ago!
My parents have math degrees and guess what I stink at math
I Love Dragonolgy and Wisardolgy. No, really Im Obsessed!
I could not keep anything in last year when we were picking who wanted to do what feild day game we went by number and i was first for the first couple of rounds then the teach switched it up when the last kid had his turn. He got to have two turns and i had to be last so i screamed yes screamed
THATS NOT FAIR!! and my teacher got mad.
Also in that same class I said crap by accident because i was in the same reading group with my enemy
I want braces but i dont want to go to the dentist
I hate the idea of being put to sleep because they have to do surgery on you
I have had only one surgury and it was not even surgury at all just 3 stitches in my foot
My teeth are bad
I hate snow white
I hate peppers
I am bored
I'm going to disney tomorrow
I dont know where the link to dis chat is anymore
This is my 666th post!!!!!!!
I only hit someone once. I was in Day Care, and this girl was following me. I kept on telling her to go away, and leave me alone. But she kept on following me, so I punched her in the face. (Maybe I'm more like Lilo then Stitch :p ) After I hit her, she was crying to the Day Care teachers. No, it wasn't really hard, she didn't bleed or anything.
I had to say sorry. I was very angry. I was told if I didn't say sorry "I would have to go sit in the corner on a time-out, and then not being able to play outside anymore for today." Uh, what?! I did tell them she was annoying me, but they said "Well, then you should of told us." After my Dad came to pick me up. I told him about it. He said "You did the right thing. You were protecting yourself. She was annoying you, that is understand able." I still hate that kid. Yes, she is younger than me, but she was following me and smiling at me like the teeth smiley! Wouldn't that get annoying?
Captain Brain said:
Now tell me why I don't have a GF. [QUOTE/]

hmm lets start with the name first off... LOL your not alone. heres my starter confession: im not allowed to have a BF :(

- my mom thinks im doing my hw ;)

- getting my braces off a month later then expected (noooooooooo!!!)

- i used to eat dog biscuts when i was younger :sick:

- i used to do bay be and taken (even "get an animal"!!!)

- i secretly like this guy my friend thinks is ugly. he acts like he likes me but now-a-days talks to other girls. *sadd facee*

- another guy i like is very funny, but would NEVER like me :(

- i dream of being in the POTC3rd :cloud9:

- i wanna be a singer/actress when i grow up :rollseyes:

- always wanted to know what it's like to fly... :blush:

- I BELIEVE IN SANTA!!!!!!! *shocker?*

- my dad owns old cars *omigosh embarassing* he has a 19-someodd Harley :moped: and a 19-something Cadillac (and people wonder why im geekish... :rollseyes:)

- i dont have a LOT of friends, but i do have plenty to last me :)

- i get hyper off Listerine :teeth:

- im probably the best nominee for "worst math skills"

- Omigosh i CANNOT DANCE!!!!! one time i went to this dance, and i started doing my version of "dancing" *vomits* and so this crowd of rude boys circles me and starts doing what i was doing and laughing, and i wanted to kill them. so i told them, "not everyone can be a good dancer like me, but nice try" and i pushed my way out of it. im telling you my school is WACKO...

- my principal stopped our school concert 2 songs short to tell us we dress too inappropriatly (i dont feel like typing it all up. if you want to know more pm me)

- i try to act kewlio in front of everyone but wind up making a fool of myself :(

- i laugh at moments i shouldn't... when someones hurt and everyone is crying, i laugh. when i get in trouble, i laugh (which digs in deeper into the trouble theory) i smile when someone on Tv or in a movie kisses. i dont know why, i just have something wrong with me i guess LOL

- i have a bff who thinks she is fat, but she really isn't. im almost scared for her because once she started crying because she says she is her mom's size (but her mom is skinny, so it isn't a bad thing if she fits her mother's size) and she starts talking about how "skinny" i am. im not saying IM fat, just saying im not skinny. she makes me wanna cry sometimes.... :guilty:

- my friend likes to get "high" off my perfume.... @_@



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