Confession thread

Captain Brain said:
Now tell me why I don't have a GF.

hmm lets start with the name first off... LOL your not alone. heres my starter confession: im not allowed to have a BF :(

- my mom thinks im doing my hw ;)

- getting my braces off a month later then expected (noooooooooo!!!)

- i used to eat dog biscuts when i was younger :sick:

- i used to do bay be and taken (even "get an animal"!!!)

- i secretly like this guy my friend thinks is ugly. he acts like he likes me but now-a-days talks to other girls. *sadd facee*

- another guy i like is very funny, but would NEVER like me :(

- i dream of being in the POTC3rd :cloud9:

- i wanna be a singer/actress when i grow up :rollseyes:

- always wanted to know what it's like to fly... :blush:

- I BELIEVE IN SANTA!!!!!!! *shocker?*

- my dad owns old cars *omigosh embarassing* he has a 19-someodd Harley :moped: and a 19-something Cadillac (and people wonder why im geekish... :rollseyes:)

- i dont have a LOT of friends, but i do have plenty to last me :)

- i get hyper off Listerine :teeth:

- im probably the best nominee for "worst math skills"

- Omigosh i CANNOT DANCE!!!!! one time i went to this dance, and i started doing my version of "dancing" *vomits* and so this crowd of rude boys circles me and starts doing what i was doing and laughing, and i wanted to kill them. so i told them, "not everyone can be a good dancer like me, but nice try" and i pushed my way out of it. im telling you my school is WACKO...

- my principal stopped our school concert 2 songs short to tell us we dress too inappropriatly (i dont feel like typing it all up. if you want to know more pm me)

- i try to act kewlio in front of everyone but wind up making a fool of myself :(

- i laugh at moments i shouldn't... when someones hurt and everyone is crying, i laugh. when i get in trouble, i laugh (which digs in deeper into the trouble theory) i smile when someone on Tv or in a movie kisses. i dont know why, i just have something wrong with me i guess LOL

- i have a bff who thinks she is fat, but she really isn't. im almost scared for her because once she started crying because she says she is her mom's size (but her mom is skinny, so it isn't a bad thing if she fits her mother's size) and she starts talking about how "skinny" i am. im not saying IM fat, just saying im not skinny. she makes me wanna cry sometimes.... :guilty:

- my friend likes to get "high" off my perfume.... @_@

Vally said:
posted by frontiernatasha: In kindergarten, I locked my teachers in a shed. When I was three, I locked my parents in the garage after my dad taught me how to lock doors. But he didn't teach me to unlock door. Then my sister who was a baby then started crying and they had to break a window to get in. :teeth:
you did what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!! how?? why?? what?? what did the teachz say??
After I locked them in I had to get picked up and go home. :teeth:
- I get in fights too often...
- I think teachers who get mad at you when someone is bothering u and punch them and get mad are stupid.
- We had a Christmas Show today and our class sung Frosty the Snowman.
We had to wear a white sweat shirt pants and a scarf and our parents and the rest of the fourth grade saw us.. It was embarrassing and i look kind of...
Hmm how do i put it?

-i secretly like the percussionist :] he's so funny!
-i believe in santa!
-i love vmk
-my favorite thing to do is read :]
-umm i got held back in the 3rd grade due to a broken arm..supposed to be in 7th :]
-still friends with my 7th graders :]
-my best friend is a state away..
-and thats all!
OH!!!!!! LOL you mean, gay? it's not a bad word really, im allowed to say it.

yea things tend to get real weird around my school. we stopped our concert TWO SONGS EARLY and then they told us how "innapropriately we were with our dresses and high heels" HIGH HEELS?!?!?! I WEAR THEM, LIKE, ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!
Don't worry, FrontierNatasha, I am also scared to go to sleep without the closet door being shut :sad2:

I have kissed a boy in Kindergarten and no body knows lol :love: :lovestruc
My sister is afraid of clowns so I decided to be a clown for Halloween! But I wasn't and I was scream instead. Maybe next year.

I used to think Zac Efron was cute.

I have never broken a bone. I once tried to break my arm just to be excused from P.E.

I used to think I was ugly but I get all these compliments that I'm pretty so now I know that I'm beatiful.

My mom thinks I'm doing my homework and studying but I'm on the computer right now. :teeth:

I'm my sister's spokesperson and messenger. Whenever she wants something, she always asks me to ask our parents. I always give them papers for her.
Baseballmaniac said:
- I get in fights too often...
- I think teachers who get mad at you when someone is bothering u and punch them and get mad are stupid.
- We had a Christmas Show today and our class sung Frosty the Snowman.
We had to wear a white sweat shirt pants and a scarf and our parents and the rest of the fourth grade saw us.. It was embarrassing and i look kind of...
Hmm how do i put it?

never would have guessed :rolleyes1

and where is the i insult hazzi needlessly bit
I have another one I can't dance. I try, but how in the world do you dance to "today's in" music?! What, just move your body up and down?! :confused3 :sad2:
i never broke a bone either.

- this sounds ABSOLUTELY OUT-OF-ODDS but i always hope i will become a famous actress one day! @_@ me????? nah!!!!!!!!!!

- i am secretly in love with this one guy named *****. he's really nice; might not have looks but he's nice. :love:
shellybellypolo said:
OH!!!!!! LOL you mean, gay? it's not a bad word really, im allowed to say it.

yea things tend to get real weird around my school. we stopped our concert TWO SONGS EARLY and then they told us how "innapropriately we were with our dresses and high heels" HIGH HEELS?!?!?! I WEAR THEM, LIKE, ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!

I didnt know if it was allowed on here. :)
Baseballmaniac said:
I didnt know if it was allowed on here. :)
It's all in the context. It really depends on whether or not you are using it as an insult.
I eat taffy, popcorn, and caramel, but I have braces

I hit people for no reason bc it's fun

I go on vmk when my dad tells me not to

Animal crossing creeps me out

I have had a stuffed bunny since I was 2, but its under my bed somewhere

I don't do my homework until the morning it is due

I have finals and I haven't even studied

I am counting down the release of POTC3 like it was Christmas
160 days

i ave a blakie i still sleep with
and i aske a girl out she said no, then the net day i asked her our again. lol

then! i asked her out agai 2 days ago and she said yes!!!!!! i think she had gotten to knoe me btter!
Ok heres my " Confessions "

- I have basicly never studied for a test
- I still sleep with a bear
- My friends think i'm " cool "
- I am a computer geek

My room often looks like a hurricane just struck and when my mom tells me to clean my room, there is a moutain in my closet.

In 7th grade, I got countless detentions, most of them for being late. :teeth:
LuNaReVe said:
Ok heres my " Confessions "

- I have basicly never studied for a test
- I still sleep with a bear
- My friends think i'm " cool ">These two don't add up
- I am a computer geek> these two don't add up

-I never study for tests but I get 95%+ on my tests.
-I accidently signed up for 4 honors classes for next year. I am not that smart :(. I only wanted 3 Math I Don't want honors for, but for English, World History, and Science I want. :rotfl: So here is what my schedule looks like
1.English Honors
2.History Honors
3. Bio Honors
4. Geometery (getting that changed form geo honors)
5 Lunch (I love lunch)
6.German I
7. Band
8. Health and P.E.
9. Computer I (there are only 8 hours a day I am going to see if I can take this class over the internet.
Here are my other confessions:
-I tell people that I don't have a crush on a boy that used to go to my school (people say "You're cheating on you-know-who!") even though I do!!!!!
-I mostly hang out with boys to get to know boys and what they like better :teeth:
-I was a Disneyland cheerleader :cheer2: one year, the next year I told my friend I would do it again but I didn't :guilty:
-my mom says I'm pretty, and so do my teachers and people I don't even know, but I look in the mirror and say I'm ugly then do a couple of 'pretty girl poses' in the mirror :smooth: :bride:
-I have crushes on a few boys, and some of them I can't decide if I like them or not :confused3 :teeth: :rotfl:
-sometimes I don't listen to teacher on what to do next (because I'll be reading or drawing on worksheets), ask someone quickly How do you do it? I couldn't hear what she said" and they tell me what to do :blush:
-I accedently said the baddest word in the history of bad words in school because I didn't know it was a bad word (a supervisor was nearby but thankfully didn't hear what I said lol, I guess it was lucky magic :wizard: )
-I cheat off of my friend's test sometimes because I forgot to study (I don't like to study)
-I kissed a boy once in preschool
There are more, but I'd rather not say them :bitelip:


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