Cranberry or Pineapple?? Part 2

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DIS Veteran
Jul 24, 2001
Thanks guys. I talked to my nurse friend and a pharmacist. I feel a little bit better but need to find out more details. I need to find out if it was in her IV or eye drops. That I don't know yet.

Busy hot weekend. I need to get ready to make our excursion and Palo ressies at the end of the week. Thank goodness to have a trip to look forward to!
Good morning, glad to be at work for some much needed rest!!! Friday spent a very late night bowling with my cousins, that was a lot of fun and then got home and couldn't fall asleep because I was thinking about my grandma. Saturday was the wedding which took almost all day and I was on about 2 hours of sleep. Sunday I had to do laundry and go grocery shopping. This healthy eating is so expensive!!!!!
Good morning. Sandy & Heidi, more hugs for you :grouphug:

Selena, how is Sasha?

2 months from today I board the Magic. :banana: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :woohoo:

I was glad to see Karen made it okay.
good mornin' yall! I spent an hour in morning traffic today. I realize I hate mondays now!!!!
Yuck Robbie, I hate traffic.

Tomorrow and Wed I am on vacation. :banana:
RobbieLovesLulu said:
good mornin' yall! I spent an hour in morning traffic today. I realize I hate mondays now!!!!
I tell people here in Colorado that you are not allowed to complain about traffic until you have commuted in NJ. That is why I take the light rail.

Here's my *** story for the weekend: went to Six Flags on Saturday night for a few hours (that's Elitch's to you locals). Wore a bandana on my head after getting a little sunburned on our last visit due to having to take off my (Giants) cap on most of the rides. Well, apparently the pattern on the bandana which I had always known as paisley, but maybe that just applies to neckties, is called a "teardrop design" and is not allowed in the park. I had to take off my bandana and surrender it to security, though I was allowed to pick it up as I left. You guys have seen me, or at least seen my picture, so I ask you, How threatening could this 37-year-old balding enginerd look in his "teardrop design" bandana?

Locals, still on for Friday night?
Oh my, Jrsy. That is some story. I would have never guessed that a "paisley" design would be considered threatening (gang). At least you got it back!! Yep, Ted and I will be there Friday!

Robbie, I am so thankful that I don't work. Me and traffic, nah!!! I can't stand it!

Marcie, only two months. How sweet!!! And on top of it, you have a couple days off this week. Nice.
Jrsy - that made me laugh, sorry but that is pretty funny. I don't think you look that intimidating but maybe it was for more of your own protection against the "rival gang". I am still in for Friday.

Marcie - 2 months, wow how soon that will be and then it will be my turn!!!

I am going to kickboxing tonight so I may have to crawl home due to how out of shape I am!!!! I have to do something productive while Chris is in school for 3 hours!!
OMG, I just got ripped a new one from one of my managers of my servicing assignments. He yelled at me because of the process we have of notifying them and that it would put him back a week and this might make him retire and leave even earlier. I can't believe he actually yelled at me!!! He was lucky (or maybe I was) that I didn't yell back!!!
Pooh_Friend#1 said:
OMG, I just got ripped a new one from one of my managers of my servicing assignments. He yelled at me because of the process we have of notifying them and that it would put him back a week and this might make him retire and leave even earlier. I can't believe he actually yelled at me!!! He was lucky (or maybe I was) that I didn't yell back!!!
Just let me know where to find him and I'll round up my gang...
Sasha is about the same. He is still at the vet. He has now been there for a week. I have no idea how I am going to be able to afford this bill.
I call every day to see how he is doing. The vet did say he is still hoping his liver will start working. He is eating on his own most days.

Marcie what is going on with you? I think I missed something somewhere. I know I am very busy right now at work and I am having trouble finding time to post on here. I am worried about you.

Hi everyone...Sandy, Heidi, Jrsy, Karen, Cristi, LuLu and Robbie!
Just wanted to say bye and talk to ya on Wed evening. I keep debating bringing my laptop, but with such a quick trip I doubt I open it. Hope everyone has a great 2 days.

Selena, I will email you when I get back and fill you in.

:grouphug: Love ya all
Pooh_Friend#1 said:
Jrsy - that made me laugh, sorry but that is pretty funny. I don't think you look that intimidating but maybe it was for more of your own protection against the "rival gang".


Yes, the Madras Plaid gang is much tougher than the Paisleys.And don't even think about the Tartans. LOL

Heidi, sorry your manager yelled at you. It always bothers me when people can't be professional/nice. A fellow teacher was yelled at recently by her boss in front of her whole high school class! I would have melted into a puddle of embarrassment!

And there's nothing Robbie and I aren't saying, (YET) Lol. Eventually, yes, but we're not rushing. I was just curious. I can't believe all the responses. I was amazed.

Sandy, I am so shocked to hear about your letter! I can't believe it. I will keep you and your mom in my thoughts. :grouphug:

Marcie- Byeee! :)

Selena- Maybe the vet will work something out with you. I know it's worth it to have the pet you love. I still love my Muffin and he passed away almost 11 years ago.

Jrsy- I didn't realize paisley was gang-related, but I know we were told to keep on the lookout for certain colors, esp. (get ready for this) the craft shop pony beads strung together in a certain color or two. Like the kind kids use for projects. Apparently this is gang insignia, too. Wow. There was a self proclaimed gang at my work a few years ago. They were doing really evil things, but it's pretty much gone now that over half have been kicked out of school/went to night school, etc. and the leader is in jail.

Well, ladies, I am trying to pull it out this year. June 16 will be the end of the majority of my work, but I'll be at school till June 26. The last day of school/graduation is MY birthday. (I'll be 26 on the 26th!)The 27th I am supposed to start the summer thing if I get accepted, but it only goes till July 19 and there's no lesson planning/grading which is awesome. I'll still be working at Curves, but I WILL be getting three weeks off! (Two to be in Disney w/Robbie and then Labor Day weekend down the Jersey Shore w my family and then the next week getting my classroom ready.)

It looks good, though. Only one senior is failing for the year. There are about 12 sophomores failing, but that's ok. They're the type that I couldn't in good conscience pass. I'm happy my seniors are doing well, though.

My three year old nephew was so adorable today! We watched Toy Story 2 and he kept showing me his foot like Buzz shows everyone to prove he's the real Buzz. (His foot was signed by Andy the kid) So my nephew checks my foot and asks me who I belong to. LOL. He's such a huggable, song-singing, sweetie. And he's extrasensitive like me. Woody's arm fell off and he started to tear up. Then later on another toy talks about the owner she misses and I started to cry. We're too alike, lol. His mom always tells me he did something that reminded her of me. He even cried in the Planetarium, asking "how are we going to get back to Earth?! We need to get back to everyone!" I loved that one.

Well, the goth kids are supposedly going all out for tomorrow (6/6/06) and I am trying to forget about it and go in to work anyway. Glad I'm giving a test. I don't need any more craziness.

Anyway, I wanted to say hi and let everyone know I am doing ok and miss all of you very much. Oh, and does anyone have some new drink recipes? I'm looking for the Malibu Margarita recipe and some lower cal, fruity drink ideas for this weekend. I've been a good dieter lately, but I need to treat myself since Robbie and I will be down the shore w my family, and bc I will be grading 200 tests and 200 essays while I'm down there. Talk about needing a drink! LOL :blush:

Oh, and I'm glad about who won Apprentice, even though I hadn't seen all the episodes. I won't say who though. Don't need flaming tomatoes thrown at me for a spoiler, lol.

Bye guys! Talk to you soon!
Selena - so sorry to hear about Sasha. I hope he can get over this, at least he is eating. What else are they trying to do for him?

Bye Marcie, have a great mini vacation, you deserve it with what you are going through.

Jrsy - Thanks for getting my back!!!! And to think I get to deal with him today.

LuLu - Ya I was suprised about the responses you got back. I was glad at who won the Apprentice also, I was rooting for him. I am so tired of hearing about 6/6/06, I can't wait until this day ends, that is all anyone is talking about on the radio. Your nephew sounds adorable, such a sweetie. I can't wait until my niece and nephew talk!!!!
Cool, Lulu posted and it was a long one! I agree, I am tired of this 6-6-06 thing!! THe story about your nephew is so sweet. I have to admit that I tear up all the time, too.

Jrsy, so how's the gang doing? :lmao:

Bye Marcie, have a fantastic time. You deserve it!!

AND Selena, what can I say to make you feel better, my friend? Hope Sasha is doing better. Bless her heart!

Well, I heard more about my mom. She was injected with the antibiotic so it could have caused a bad reaction. Now my "step family" is already talking about exhuming my mom. Can you believe it? They aren't related by blood and are doing all this. I would think that the BLOOD family should be able to make that decision. While my "stepdad" and her were never formally married, they were common law married in their eyes. That shouldn't give HIS kids rights. Oh man, I hope this dies down soon. I honestly don't want to exhume her OR sue. May she rest in peace!!

I am doing some frantic research for excursions in ports. I found some cool ideas on for Antigua. Oh and Heidi, I read there to specifically ask for Frank to do the tour.

Have to run. My daycare family is soon to arrive. Hugs. :grouphug:
jiminyC_fan said:
I have to admit that I tear up all the time, too.
I think I already mentioned that I got choked up during my own wedding, so I am part of the sap club, too.

jiminyC_fan said:
Jrsy, so how's the gang doing? :lmao:
We have a rumble with the Houndstooth gang this weekend...
Mmmmm, can you smell my strawberry-rhubarb crunch baking in the oven?

Gee, I wonder where Cristi is. Did the girl scouts get to her over the weekend?
Here I am.....

Hugs to Heidi, Sandy and Selena :grouphug:

Busy weekend.... It is tough being one of three people in charge of unit camp for 55 people. Lots of sun, little sleep and a long car ride home with smelly little girls.... :rolleyes: We didn't make it back until 4pm on Sunday and then immediately (well after a shower) had to go to my sister-in-law's house for DH's niece's 2nd birthday party. We didn't get home until after 8pm and then I just crashed.

I am still in for Friday. Someone should probably be in charge of calling ahead of time for a table. I will be at work so I won't be able to. There will be four of us though.
Shoot, Heidi read my post and is headed over here for some rhubarb crunch. Do I have to share?
jiminyC_fan said:
Shoot, Heidi read my post and is headed over here for some rhubarb crunch. Do I have to share?
I was hoping you'd be bringing some along on Friday.
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