Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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This order means, Disney will be 'officially' closed into to June at least IMHO.

There is no way on this earth that Disney would open May 3rd. It is a folly to even entertain the month of May at this point.

First, non essential offices, stores and restaurants will be opened with very strict social distancing in place and that is at best, with groups probably no larger than 10, Once that is in place for a few weeks then you might see that ease some up to 50 people etc in June.

Yeah, that makes sense. We are AP and booked a back up trip for mid July. Hopefully we can go, otherwise we won't be able to return as AP (our passes are set to expire June 1, and we aren't renewing). Even though they are extending for the time closed, once August hits, we wouldn't be able to go until Christmas at the earliest and I doubt they will be closed for 6 1/2 months
I afraid come August and into the fall, we will still be posting in this thread and seeing how naive we were in April regarding the parks opening, Unless they can come up with good anti-virals to treat. It realistically is not viable to have the parks with large crowds being open, even with virtual queues, everyone wearing a mask etc. It would start everything back over again, having to go back into safer at home and be disaster to the economy. The government at whatever level will not allow that to happen.

The Asian parks aren't even near talking about opening and they are at least two months ahead of the US. That already puts us into June.

You may be right but I think this is where the antibody testing may come in. If we have as a majority of the population been exposed and have some immunity then we can open Disney and other large venues again with little fear. If we have not as a majority been exposed and recovered from COVID-19 then this will be harder to accomplish.

I'm not sure how soon we will have antibody testing available for everyone and if it will have a cost associated so there are a lot of unknowns but I do think Disney could open sooner rather than later if we are able to get this information.
You may be right but I think this is where the antibody testing may come in. If we have as a majority of the population been exposed and have some immunity then we can open Disney and other large venues again with little fear. If we have not as a majority been exposed and recovered from COVID-19 then this will be harder to accomplish.

I'm not sure how soon we will have antibody testing available for everyone and if it will have a cost associated so there are a lot of unknowns but I do think Disney could open sooner rather than later if we are able to get this information.
I do think testing is key. How will anyone know whether to relax the current restrictions if we don’t know who has been infected? Of course, it would be helpful if all states would issue stay-at-home orders. It’s asinine that not all have done so.
I wonder if its worth booking early June and if they cancel, you might get another free dining special for a reschedule later in the year.
A lot more logistics for music festivals because of getting a plethora of artists in one place in one time, than almost any type of event. As far as sporting events, other than WImbledon almost all have tried to at least still go on at a later date this year. Wimbledon is almost impossible outside of summer because of the natural grass.

I think 6/1 is at least 50% as a betting man.
A lot more logistics for music festivals because of getting a plethora of artists in one place in one time, than almost any type of event. As far as sporting events, other than WImbledon almost all have tried to at least still go on at a later date this year. Wimbledon is almost impossible outside of summer because of the natural grass.

I think 6/1 is at least 50% as a betting man.

A little levity and always fun to hear some CDB. "I'll take your bet...." ;) and like I said before hope I lose and lose big

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I don’t know. A lot of the non essential, but not theme park resort related, businesses rely on the theme park resorts being open to have business coming in. I don’t see how one opens here without the other. There aren’t many customers if the tourists, and the people who serve/entertain them aren’t here to spend money. Non property hotels won’t have customers unless the customers have something to do. Local restaurants won’t have business if there are no tourists and locals don’t have discretionary income to spend in them. There’s no discretionary income on unemployment.

I have no opinion on when things will be open, but I think they will have to open fairly close together for any of the businesses to be successful.
I think this administration is doing a little at a time as to not scare people.

This is basically the main problem. People needed to be scared to start taking this seriously. It's why you had tons of folks still in the parks in NYC before the hammer came down. It's also why FL had crowded beaches up until now. The hammer is going to hit FL hard in the coming weeks.
I've already guessed wrong once, so feel free to mock and criticize. I'll have it coming.

I don't see a way they stay closed past June 1. One of my favorite websites talked about this last week, because he's a small business owner (he just happens to run a news site, but he employs a dozen people) and he talked about the economy being on life support. I think he's right. This isn't like 9-11 or even the Great Depression, because large portions of the economy are literally being forbidden from functioning. Not by choice but by government decree. I'm not arguing that it's not for the public good, because I'm sure it is.

But there isn't a method for maintaining this a second -- second -- longer than we absolutely have to. Today's April 1 -- rents and mortgages are due. Bills are due on the 15th. What are we going to do when people do not pay? How are we going to function as a society if we remove money and force majure from the equation? The supply chain is already starting the process of drying up, and all those people who hoarded TP aren't look quite so stupid as deadlines keep getting pushed out and out and out.

We can all exercise as much caution as we want in our lives. We should. This isn't a patriotic "if we don't play football the terrorists win." But large corporations know that we're approaching a place of non-recoverability. This is about saving our way of life. And part of that starts with returning to some degree of normalcy as soon as we can. So I think WDW will reopen just as soon as it possibly can to try to save as much of Florida's economy as it can. To me, if the damn thing peaks in May (or late April) then that sounds like June.

But I was sure about Easter, too. So take it with whatever spices you choose.
Has this been discussed yet? Does anyone know if Disney will extend the blackout dates?

I don't think we have an answer to that yet. I know the expiration of our pass will extend, in my case from Oct 20 to however many days they are closed. But not sure on the blackout dates. In all honesty, I'm in the Tampa area and it's way too hot and crowded for us in summer, which is why we have the Silver pass to begin with, we don't go then normally.
I don't think we have an answer to that yet. I know the expiration of our pass will extend, in my case from Oct 20 to however many days they are closed. But not sure on the blackout dates. In all honesty, I'm in the Tampa area and it's way too hot and crowded for us in summer, which is why we have the Silver pass to begin with, we don't go then normally.

Yeah I am in Palm Beach and we never go in the summer which is why we have silver. But I will go in June its not THAT bad yet. So hoping they will extend it a month or so.
If it peaks in May then June 1st is too soon to reopen. That means that at the end of May you will still have a lot of deaths and a lot of new cases
I've already guessed wrong once, so feel free to mock and criticize. I'll have it coming.

I don't see a way they stay closed past June 1. One of my favorite websites talked about this last week, because he's a small business owner (he just happens to run a news site, but he employs a dozen people) and he talked about the economy being on life support. I think he's right. This isn't like 9-11 or even the Great Depression, because large portions of the economy are literally being forbidden from functioning. Not by choice but by government decree. I'm not arguing that it's not for the public good, because I'm sure it is.

But there isn't a method for maintaining this a second -- second -- longer than we absolutely have to. Today's April 1 -- rents and mortgages are due. Bills are due on the 15th. What are we going to do when people do not pay? How are we going to function as a society if we remove money and force majure from the equation? The supply chain is already starting the process of drying up, and all those people who hoarded TP aren't look quite so stupid as deadlines keep getting pushed out and out and out.

We can all exercise as much caution as we want in our lives. We should. This isn't a patriotic "if we don't play football the terrorists win." But large corporations know that we're approaching a place of non-recoverability. This is about saving our way of life. And part of that starts with returning to some degree of normalcy as soon as we can. So I think WDW will reopen just as soon as it possibly can to try to save as much of Florida's economy as it can. To me, if the damn thing peaks in May (or late April) then that sounds like June.

But I was sure about Easter, too. So take it with whatever spices you choose.
Things don't all have to reopen at once. That's the rub. I could see tiers of things opening. You will have restaurants first, then retail then... eventually... luxury goods. I expect you will see restaurants in lighter hit areas opening mid May to mid June for most of the country. I think you will see retail start to open around the same time but with a longer tail depending on the type of experience. Stores first, exercise gyms later etc. So May to July.

But things like Disney? Cruise ships? Concerts? Athletic events? Conventions? Even movie theaters? I think that will be even later. Maybe end of July to the beginning of September. These are luxury goods. They are the last things needed from the demand side. From the employee side? A travesty. But these are also the highest risk items. Huge numbers of people small spaces. Many of them require travel, which will also be high risk to respread.

It has to be logical. And any logical way of thinking about WDW or DL tells you they are a) unnecessary on the demand side and b) massive risk environments for the spread of germs. That should put them among the last things to reopen.
I've already guessed wrong once, so feel free to mock and criticize. I'll have it coming.

I don't see a way they stay closed past June 1. One of my favorite websites talked about this last week, because he's a small business owner (he just happens to run a news site, but he employs a dozen people) and he talked about the economy being on life support. I think he's right. This isn't like 9-11 or even the Great Depression, because large portions of the economy are literally being forbidden from functioning. Not by choice but by government decree. I'm not arguing that it's not for the public good, because I'm sure it is.

But there isn't a method for maintaining this a second -- second -- longer than we absolutely have to. Today's April 1 -- rents and mortgages are due. Bills are due on the 15th. What are we going to do when people do not pay? How are we going to function as a society if we remove money and force majure from the equation? The supply chain is already starting the process of drying up, and all those people who hoarded TP aren't look quite so stupid as deadlines keep getting pushed out and out and out.

We can all exercise as much caution as we want in our lives. We should. This isn't a patriotic "if we don't play football the terrorists win." But large corporations know that we're approaching a place of non-recoverability. This is about saving our way of life. And part of that starts with returning to some degree of normalcy as soon as we can. So I think WDW will reopen just as soon as it possibly can to try to save as much of Florida's economy as it can. To me, if the damn thing peaks in May (or late April) then that sounds like June.

But I was sure about Easter, too. So take it with whatever spices you choose.

Hate to say it but I see ZERO chance of opening on June 1st. Testing is starting to ramp up in Florida and I know someone who has been waiting 7 days for their results. So basically the numbers you are seeing now are a week behind and they will continue to grow. Once it reaches its apex it will be a couple of months before non essential things will reopen. It makes no sense to sacrifice all of this by staying in for months to ruin all of it because you open it back up a week too early. So because of that I believe they will be extra cautious when to open it back up, especially a state like Florida that will be hit terribly hard by this disease when it is all said and done.

I apologize because I know it sounds so negative but it is my realistic view of things as they stand.
If WDW opens before the blackout dates end, not many people come, and they want more people in the park, black out dates could be lifted early. There is precedent. The summer they announced without much notice that Ellen’s Energy Adventure and the Great Movie Ride were closing, they allowed passholders in a few weeks early. The rides were closing during the original black out period. Universal lifted blackout dates one summer as well, for a longer period. It may have been the same year.
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