DDA Chapter 27

Good morning, DDA! :sunny:

You are all in my thoughts as we deal with national and personal tragedies. :(
Good morning, all! Whew, it's windy here today! I feel like we're going to get blown to Oz! Luckily, I have nowhere to go! Today is registration day for Katie, so I'm hovering over the computer, waiting for it to open. It's a free for all, and I really need to make sure I get her the right Physics and Pre-Calc teachers! After that, I can fill in the blanks with the other classes. Sigh! I thought this was what the school counselors were supposed to do, but apparently, it's not. Don't ask me what they really do, because I surely don't know!

Anywho... life goes on here. Alan is in his last 2 weeks of school, so I'm trying to get the kids to realize that they are not going to be seeing a lot of him. He will be so glad when it's over, and then he can just focus on his thesis project and his "comps", the big test he has to take next fall to get his degree. The end is in sight!!!

I'm counting down the days to Disneyland! We are all so excited! I'm hoping to have pictures of some shirts to show you all in the next couple of weeks. My sister and I have to finish them and make sure they all look ok. Cross your fingers! The tie dye shirts turned out great, and the kids are excited to wear them!
Good morning, DDA! :sunny:

It is a chilly April morning here. But I leave for WDW in only 5 days, so I think I can handle having to wear a sweater without much complaint! :)

Hope you all have wonderful Tuesdays! :goodvibes
Morning, everyone!

Deb - Thanks for the good thoughts. They worked! With only minimal stress, I was able to get Katie signed up for all the classes that she needs, and most of the classes she wants. The only one we couldn't fit in was the Fantasy/Sci Fi Writing class. She can take that next year, if she still wants it. So, as it stands, she'll be taking AP Art/Drawing, Physics, Musical Theater, AP World History, Theater Productions, Digital Photography, Pre-Calculus, and English 11 Honors. Whew! That's quite a lot! They also held auditions for next Fall's musical, West Side Story, and she was cast in the Ensemble, so we'll have rehearsals and all of that stuff, too! Busy year! The best thing is that she found out that she has at least one really good friend in every class except Digital Photography. Not too shabby!

Elin - Wow! 5 more days!!! Very cool!!! We have a few weeks left until Disneyland, but Timmy is positive it's today! I think we need to make a countdown calendar for him. Maybe that will be today's project.

Have a great day, everyone!
Elin, getting excited?:yay: I hope you like the food & wine/beer at Epcot. We loved it, hope they do that every year. It doesn't compare to the F&W in the fall but since we can't go then it's the next best thing. :cool2:
Good afternoon, DDA! :sunny:

We are leaving tomorrow to do a 30 hour trip to PA to see Bob's Dad. I made sure I was 99% packed for my Disney trip before I get ready to leave to teach. I am really going to need this vacation!! :rotfl: My good friend, Henry (and his gorgeous dog, Zeus) are picking me up at 5:00 AM on Sunday for my flight. They will come back and pick me up at midnight on Tuesday. He was worried about my being worn out for my trip. Now THAT is a friend!!! :goodvibes
My Dad finally got out of the hospital on wed. after being in for 16 days. He came down with severe Pneumonia, he had a very high fever and was saying he was going to go fishing with Peter on Crystal waters. The ER Dr. said if we had waited much longer he would not have made it. He had just finished 8 months of Chemo for his B Cell Lymphoma. His CT and PET scans were clear in Jan. but the Dr wanted to do 4 more months just to make sure. The lung Dr. said the chemo scared his lungs and now that the pneumonia is cleared we can give him steroids to heal his lungs
I wanted to appologize for not having posted in so long (before bombings). I was in such a funk and then feeling like a loser for not being able to shake it. I know I've got A LOT to be VERY thankful for so I feel guilty for feeling so blue. Work continues to be stressful. They just fired someone this week over something so petty. He's 60 and been here for 15 years. I wonder how he'll get another job. I've been there 21 years. My boss is great and I don't really feel like my job is at risk but I hate seeing how everyone else is treated. I get paid reasonably well, have pretty good insurance, have pretty much 40 hour week, have a pension, 30 sick days per year (only get paid for them if you need them-no cashing in-but still great-I used to have 5 where I worked previously), AND have 6 weeks vacation. I don't want to find a new job, I don't think I could find a new job. But it is really stressful to be the sole wage earner in such a volatile environment. I've also got some other issues going on at home but don't want to post about those in a public forum. The longer spring days have improved my mood.

I have thought of you all while not posting.

Elin-have a great trip!!!

Terry-continued prayers for Halpixiedust:

Deb-sorry to hear of your stomach issues. :hug:

Glynis-yay for Alan nearly being done with school! I'm sure you'll have a great DL trip. I'd love to see pics of you shirts! One of my coworkers is going with her DD (10) when Emma and I are there. Her DD has never been so I've made them a few shirts to help make her trip more magical.

Debbie-so sorry you need another surgery and now have liver issues too.:hug: do you have a new surgery date yet?

Theresa-nice to see you.:wave2:

Jennifer-sorry to hear about your Dad. He must be glad to be home.
Bernadette you go every year for your birthday, right?

We will need to try to meet up next year if you make it their.
Jennifer - I am sorry your Dad is having problems. I hope he heals soon.

Bernadette - :hug: Sounds like you could use a few of those! It is a tough market out there and anyone who says our country is coming out of our 6-year downward spiral is not living in the same world I am. I hope things improve for you.
My bag is packed and I leave in 7 hours. See y'all later next week!! :hyper:
Elin - Have a GREAT time! I'm sure it will be busy but a blast.

Jennifer - Hope your dad is doing well at home. I hope they're able to help his lungs heal.

Bernadette - It's tough, I know. I'm glad that your in a good place with a good boss. Unfortunately it seems like good bosses are hard to come by sometimes lately.

Debbie - Prayers continuing for your upcoming surgery.

Glynis - Can't wait to hear about your DL trip!

Deb - I hope the tests finally give you some answers and have you feeling better!

So I guess I'm looking for a job. I'd already decided I should look and then the next day my day care kiddos all went caddywhompus on me. So I guess I'm looking at least and we'll see what happens. Expanding the looking to Boston, CA and FL as well just to see what happens.

Tomorrow is Phil's appointment with the neurologist. The way this whole job thing has me down I feel like nothing bodes well for tomorrow. I'm really trying to think positively though as Phil is enough of a pessimist for us both. ;) Hopefully, we'll come out with some good news, but at the very least should have some testing scheduled. We'll see I guess.

Hope everyone else is well!
Hello, DDA! :sunny:

I was hoping to hear something from Tia about Phil. Hope all is OK.

My trip was fabulous. Hot, sunny and not too terribly crowded. ahhhhhhhh
Thanks, Elin. Glad you gad a great trip! Crazy week and I'm a bit slow in making it back.

Phil's appt went well. The doctor is pretty confident it isn't early onset Alzheimer's. They will do a scan soon to check for a few other thing just in case. However, he's pretty certain that it's just a continuation of the normal-to-Phil memory issues made temporarily worse by a down-swing in his anxiety/depression. He thinks that whatever it is that happens 20 years ago that started some of the memory issues and personality changes will continue to remain fairly static and not become progressive. So while the usual memory stuff can be annoying and troublesome sometimes, it shouldn't get much worse and at least we are used to living with that. It's just too bad no one's ever really been able to explain (or even been interested in finding out) what really did happen 20 years ago.
Looking for t-shirt designs. My friend ordered iron on transfers for me from Etsy and they were horrible. We leave June 1 for our first trip.

Mickey head (black)
2013 in one ear (not sure about the other ear-not picky!)
Ian- in the center with red PRINTED letters (otherwise his name looks like Jan)
My first Disney Vacation on the bottom

The next one same as the first except Minnie head
Ava in the center for this one.
Thanks so much
I am so sorry. After reading the last page (rather the the first) AFTER I posted I see that someone is going through a rough time. I hope I did not offend and seem insensitive. This thread thing is very confusing to me! I don't understand where to find someone to make a request to. :( just desperate to replace the ruined shirts I have. So sorry
Thanks, Elin. Glad you gad a great trip! Crazy week and I'm a bit slow in making it back.

Phil's appt went well. The doctor is pretty confident it isn't early onset Alzheimer's. They will do a scan soon to check for a few other thing just in case. However, he's pretty certain that it's just a continuation of the normal-to-Phil memory issues made temporarily worse by a down-swing in his anxiety/depression. He thinks that whatever it is that happens 20 years ago that started some of the memory issues and personality changes will continue to remain fairly static and not become progressive. So while the usual memory stuff can be annoying and troublesome sometimes, it shouldn't get much worse and at least we are used to living with that. It's just too bad no one's ever really been able to explain (or even been interested in finding out) what really did happen 20 years ago.

Although I wish you had an answer for "WHY" I am happy to hear that things are not looking as bleak as you had feared. :yay: for some good news!


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