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Yeah- it looks nice and a good price- but I rarely work with more than a handful of images at a time so it's probably overkill for me.
Is LR3 a lot better then LR2? I have 2 and never find myself using it much.

There are lots of incremental improvements, but if you have LR2 and don't use it, I don't think you'll use LR3 anymore. It doesn't really do anything new, it just does existing things better.

I tried the beta 2 version, and while it was nice, it wasn't for me. I can accomplish the same basic editing in ACR, and the more advanced editing I do it can't perform. So I'd still be using it and PS for most edits, versus ACR & PS for most edits presently (what I'm saying is that it doesn't save me time or steps in my workflow as someone who uses ACR and PS).

Obviously YMMV, but I'm betting you open PS for a lot of your edits...that will still likely be true.

LR has 5 modules - Library, Develop, Print, Slideshow, and Web. If you have Photoshop, you have Adobe Camera RAW (ACR) and it works essentially the same as Lightroom.

The reason that I have both is for the Library module. I find the workflow more efficient than using Bridge and ACR. I also rely a lot on the database capabilities. My usage is colored by the fact that I do lots of shoots where I need to go through hundreds of pictures and keep a high percentage of them. If I shot or kept a low percentage, the usefulness would be much less.

As for Print, Slideshow, and Web, I don't use them at all. I use a third party photo hosting site, so Web is useless. I do all of my printing in Photoshop for greater control, soft proofing, and because my printer has a really nice PS plug-in. I use other tools for slideshows that I think work better than LR. is also offering a copy of Photoshop Elements 9 + Premiere Elements 9 for $79.99 (normally $149.99).

Not sure I need Premiere Elements, but it's a free kicker (Photoshop Elements is normally $99).
I just started using LR3 a few months ago. I use the Library and Develop modules a lot. I've done most of my processing directly in LR. When I take things to PS, I have found that the Photoshop integration is nice and immediately saves back into LR, which keeps me organized.

I also do a lot of HDR and the Photomatix plug in save directly back into LR, which again is a time saver from an organizational standpoint.

The other module I use is the printing module. It's much more powerful than photoshops and the prints I get from it versus PS are better IMO.

LR has helped my productivity a lot and is definitely worth the reduced price on Amazon. Get it. has a Kodak P880 8MP camera with wide angle lens, battery, charger, and 256MB SD card for $450 plus shipping this week.

Is it a good camera? If so, is that a good deal?

Our current camera with all the fancy settings does not take good low light shots, and I rememebr a previous Kodak digital camera we had that was better at that. Also our current one is slow to focus, so I am hoping to "upgrade" to something less irritating!

:tink: Pixie

That seems pricey to me for such an old camera. I'd get something newer and cheaper. has a Kodak P880 8MP camera with wide angle lens, battery, charger, and 256MB SD card for $450 plus shipping this week.

Is it a good camera? If so, is that a good deal?

Our current camera with all the fancy settings does not take good low light shots, and I rememebr a previous Kodak digital camera we had that was better at that. Also our current one is slow to focus, so I am hoping to "upgrade" to something less irritating!

:tink: Pixie

That seems pricey to me for such an old camera. I'd get something newer and cheaper.
PD, I would also suggest something with more capacity than the 256MB card. Take a look at something like 8 gig, maybe 16 gig, they are not that costly.
I'm confused by all the Lightroom threads, so I thought I'd put this out on its own rather than lump it in with one of the others.

If you find Lightroom to be too expensive and only need it infrequently, use the trial trick. I have one license for Lightroom, which allows me to use it on two machines. I use it on two machines at the house, but I also like to have it on a third machine that I use when I travel. For that machine, I just use the 30 day trial. It resets the counter every time they release a new point version (3.0, 3.1, 3.2, etc). That happens surprisingly often, so I rarely have a trip when I can't use a fresh trial.

Hey ya know thats an old post you replied to before.
newegg has photoshop elements for $79.99 then there is a 20 mail in rebate which brings down price to $59.99


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