Deb's (solar) - Babysteps to Big Changes

WOW Maybe if I keep reading our journal I will work up the courage to try a 1/2 marathon. I can do my eliptical or aerobics class for an hour but for some reason running is so taxing.

You are doing a great job with your weight loss, exercise and frame of mind. Good for you!!
but for some reason running is so taxing.

Thank you- I'm using a plan called the Couch to 5k on Cool or

It takes you from walking to running in tiny intervals at a time so it's not's a nice gradual build up. Pretty cool how smoothly it progresses - and helps build lung capacity too

Made good choices this weekend - and just finished my week 3 of c25k. I'll start week 4 on Tuesday

I got new running shoes, and had my gait checked - I have high arches, and run on the outsides of my feet 3/4 of the way, then roll to the front ball of my foot below my big toe...anyway, was interesting experience and am all fitted up -- was a nice day.
One of the things I noticed is my mind is thinking in long term -- while I take my planning, eating and moving one day at a time....I caught myself saying something that surprised me...

I told my husband that if the 1/2 goes well, I'd like to run the 18miler on LBI, a local shore town in the fall.

WHAT? My brain thinks running is going to stick and I even said, gasp...and then I'll go back and do the 1/2 again next year and see if i can improve on what I do this time...

What's going on here? Am I actually feeling committed to something and wanting to keep at it? WHO AM I?

Some days I don't recognize myself. It's funny to me, but I really don't want to look too far in the future -- so i'm putting myself back in check and looking at my plans for this week only right now.
Hi Deb,

That's great that you are looking forward to future races!:thumbsup2 Keep on focusing on the day to day goals and before you know it, your first race will be here!:cheer2: You are doing a great job!:cheer2:

Have a wonderful day!:hug:
Thanks for the support :goodvibes

I woke up to another pound gone. I was really excited because it's TOM and usually the only thing the scale does during TOM is go up! LOL

My first mini goal I'd set at the start of this was 17 pounds, so I'm one pound away from that first mini goal. I decided to do 10-20 pound blocks for mini goals, but since my weight didn't start at a nice round number, I wanted to get it to a round number! LOL

Anyway...I'm inching there slowly.

I took a spontaneous trip to Disney in September, and the seatbelts were REALLY tight on the airplane...and now when I go back in a few weeks - I'm so excited because I've lost some weight and a couple of inches in my hips and stomach. I am excited to see the difference in that seatbelt (same airline)...probably a different type of plane and the seatbelts will be different hahahahaha...but, hey - just curious to see any change.

I notice tiny changes sitting in booths at a restaurant now too...I'm getting a little smaller and it's not quite as snug...

Onto week 4 of my c25k - otherwise, just chugging along.
I went to the DR yesterday - I have an ongoing weekly visit as I go through this process - and one of the really cool things we do is a body read out...she puts little tabs on me, and i guess it sends a small bit of electricity through (OHMS) and gives us my inner make-up...

pretty neat...I get to see the print out each week and my body changes.

Why do I love this so much? see even though I've lost say 3 or 4 pounds this much more is actually going on inside of my body. In fact, there's a party going on inside of me - but you don't know it when you look at the scale..

I get on the scale and I see a few pounds, but what does that mean?

With this, I know...

I GAINED 7 pounds of LEAN muscle!
I LOST 9 pounds of body fat
....and I lost water...

and I can see it body fat dropped xxx%, my lean muscle changed this much,'s a nice reminder that just because I don't SEE changes sometimes, they are still happening inside of me.

We aren't stagnant, we're a bundle of energy and stuff is going on...

Do the right things, and things will eventually do what they are supposed to.

My metabolism is kicking on - which is a blessing, because i've struggled with that for so many years...but something is happening, and it just makes me smile

...soooo...I'm keeping on, keeping on and inching my way towards my goal - one day at a time. It may take me awhile to get there - but I won't get there if I don't keep working at that's what i'm doing. Working at it.
That is really cool, Deb!:thumbsup2 I bet it's really neat to get a read out that shows how your body has changed over the past week.

Keep up the good work! You are doing great!:cheer2:
I went out for dinner last night - and it was DELICIOUS! When I choose dinner out and don't get a plain green salad, I have to trade 3 shakes for it so it's a close calorie match - WORTH IT - yum, yum

Anyway - had a filet with asparagus and a side salad w/ff dressing

Did I mention it was good? LOL

Okay - anyway, today I'll be knocking out another day on Week 4 of the c25k - and back to my shakes and veggie stir fry with protein.

I'm getting antsy - I leave for Disney in less than 2 weeks, and my aunt headed down today - so it has me thinking about Florida!

Hoping to catch the Osbourne Lights with my son - haven't seen that yet - go figure. Thanksgiving has sort of become an annual trip by accident for us, but I'm not complaining - that's for certain!
Sounds like you've had a great couple of days. I know I'll say this again, but why not now? Have a great trip to WDW!!!
Congratulations on the ongoing changes in your life. I started with the C25K program and a goal to run a marathon. Now a year and half later, I'm almost ready to take on the marathon.

Take on each small step, and before you know it, you will have come a long way. Enjoy your journey to the Princess and beyond.
Thank you for stopping by, and you're step at a time...and why not now? Now is just as good as later...

Blizzard good luck on your marathon!

Thanks- looking forward to my trip :) NJ isn't quite the sunny, warm place that Florida is - yeah flip flops and sunshine


This week has been TOM so my weight didn't shift a lot on the scale, but I'm not concerned. I've learned things happen inside when I'm not seeing them. My body will do what it needs to do.

I'll have a loss in a few days when it's good and ready to show. I know that my new habits are 100% better than my old habits, and that my body feels good. My clothes are fitting well, and my body is making subtle changes.

I feel good, ya know? I feel good inside because i"m proud of sticking with the it's one foot in front of the other, one healthy meal at a time and a clear mind...good stuff. Cool beans.
Woohoo! Disney in two weeks!!!:woohoo: I bet you are excited to get into some sunshine and warmer weather. :cool1: Our trip is in 26 days and we can't wait!!!!:banana:

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!:hug:
Thank you for stopping by, and you're step at a time...and why not now? Now is just as good as later...

Blizzard good luck on your marathon!

Thanks- looking forward to my trip :) NJ isn't quite the sunny, warm place that Florida is - yeah flip flops and sunshine


This week has been TOM so my weight didn't shift a lot on the scale, but I'm not concerned. I've learned things happen inside when I'm not seeing them. My body will do what it needs to do.

I'll have a loss in a few days when it's good and ready to show. I know that my new habits are 100% better than my old habits, and that my body feels good. My clothes are fitting well, and my body is making subtle changes.

I feel good, ya know? I feel good inside because i"m proud of sticking with the it's one foot in front of the other, one healthy meal at a time and a clear mind...good stuff. Cool beans.

I love your mentality!
I've met my first mini goal of 17 pounds gone...I chose that off number to put me to a rounded number! Anyway, my next mini goal is another 20 pounds...taking this in pieces at a time.

Anyway ... :cheer2: 17 pounds - vanished :wizard:
Congrats on your first goal

Where in jersey do you live? I am at exit 105
Thank you everyone for stopping by and sending your congrats.

I'm moving right along and am down another pound - which puts me at 18 pounds lost. It's one day at a time, one meal at a time, one workout at a time....I'm trying not to get too caught up in "later"....

...I feel good, I'm working my program and I'm losing. That's a nice feeling.

I am doing a little planning - because I leave for Disney next week and I will be having different choices in front of me. I've got a basic plan in place for Disney - but at home - it's one foot in front of the other.

I start week 5 of the C25K today - need to go exchange my shoes at the running store today - would like a more neutral shoe- not the one they gave me. I couldn't tell until after I ran in them, but these aren't working for me...just wish they were closer - so it's off to Princeton today

Otherwise, that's that. :)
Another pound down! Way to go, Deb!:cheer2:

Congrats on week 5 of C25K today!!! You are doing a great job!:cheer2:
When you get your new sneakers, please let me know which pair you got. I'm in need of a new pair before I start the C25K. Thanks! And, congrads on losing another pound!


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