Deb's (solar) - Babysteps to Big Changes

I would recommend going to a running store and having them fit you - everyone needs different shoes, some people roll inwards, some roll outwards, and what works for me - may not work for you

ex - the first pair i got gave me pain under my knees, but when i switched to the more neutral pair - the pain went away - if you're going to run, it's well worth being fitted for how your foot hits the ground as you run.

I ran last night in my new shoes, and I'm much happier with these. It took away the knee issue, etc, and felt good. I did Day 1 of Week 5, and move on to my next workout on Wednesday...

I go on vaca next week - and plan on continuing the c25k while i'm in Disney. My resort has a trail - so I'll be able to keep going safely. When I return, I have to start the Marathoning for Mortals training schedule -- just keep moving, just keep going - sometimes it's a mental game to just get up and move - but if i keep a strong mind, i pass the hurdles

one day at a meal at a time...I can do this.

I've goofed off enough this morning- time to get to work. :thumbsup2
Hi Deb,

I like how you are taking this journey one workout/one meal/one day at a time. I need to start doing that myself. ::yes:: If I focus on the present, I have a feeling I'll be more successful on my own journey. Thanks for the inspiration!:hug:

How exciting that you will be in Disney next week!:banana: Are you staying on property? We're going in December and will be staying off property for 5 days and the 3 days at BWV. I can't wait!!!:banana:

Hope you have a nice evening!:hug:
I would recommend going to a running store and having them fit you - everyone needs different shoes, some people roll inwards, some roll outwards, and what works for me - may not work for you

ex - the first pair i got gave me pain under my knees, but when i switched to the more neutral pair - the pain went away - if you're going to run, it's well worth being fitted for how your foot hits the ground as you run.

I ran last night in my new shoes, and I'm much happier with these. It took away the knee issue, etc, and felt good. I did Day 1 of Week 5, and move on to my next workout on Wednesday...

I go on vaca next week - and plan on continuing the c25k while i'm in Disney. My resort has a trail - so I'll be able to keep going safely. When I return, I have to start the Marathoning for Mortals training schedule -- just keep moving, just keep going - sometimes it's a mental game to just get up and move - but if i keep a strong mind, i pass the hurdles

one day at a meal at a time...I can do this.

I've goofed off enough this morning- time to get to work. :thumbsup2

Thanks for the info re: sneakers. Good luck with your training schedule. It's great that you are planning to stick with it in WDW. Have a great trip! What is the Marathoning for Mortals training schedule? I can't wait to start the C25K. My sister and I are going to do it together.
THanks for stopping by -- I'll be staying at Caribbean Beach - I love that resort. Can't wait to head to Florida for some warm sunshine.

Marathoning for Mortals is a book written by John Bingham. It takes you through training for a 1/2 or a full marathon. There are many programs online too...Jeff Galloway is one I hear often too. Marathoning for Mortals was recommended on another WISH thread when I mentioned I was signing up for the Princess 1/2 Marathon - so I pulled a program from the book (excellent book by the way) to find a schedule that will continue to build my endurance.

I went to the DR yesterday and I've burned lean muscle this week, so we need to add in a change of plans. I'll be adding a piece of multi grain bread and cottage cheese on the days I run. We'll see if this makes a difference and if it's enough...I go weekly for appts, but due to my trip, I'll check in with her after Disney.

I'm heading out to dinner shortly, and I'm pleased to say that restaurants are not a challenge at this point. I get a salad, and will ask them to leave off things or add things as I need based on what's on the menu. I either bring my own dressing with me, or use a low calorie/or low fat option they offer....this works well for me, as we tend to eat out a lot.

I am not sure how I got to this point....but something is different. Something clicked, and I feel good about my choices, and I don't feel overwhelmed. I just look at the day in front of me, or the meal in front of me, and look at my choices...

I got the next workout on my c25k 2/week 5 - and i keep telling myself..."Trust the training" like I've seen other will progress me as it needs to. I did it once before years ago, I know that if i just stay steady, it all falls into place.

Cheers, Deb
You're doing great, Deb!:cheer2: I really like how you are taking this one day at a time! :thumbsup2

You're staying at CBR? Cool!:cool1: I've never stayed there before. I hope you'll let us know how you like it and how it looks for the holidays. :goodvibes

Have a great day!:hug:
Thank you everyone, I'm getting antsy for my trip! I made my packing list last night, so I can tell it's getting close.

Today is week 5/day 3 of my c25k, and keeping steady on my eating plan.

My weight is staying pretty steady, and that's fine. I'm hoping when I go on vacation I stick to the plan i've made in my mind...

I know where I'm eating, what i'm having - and know there's a trail around the lake at Caribbean Beach -- my intentions are in my mind, let's hope i follow through everything! :thumbsup2

The fun twist is I get weighed in the day after I get home! Talk about timing, eh? I don't want to undo what i've been working on, so I think that will be important enough to me. I've also been making totally different choices now, and I think since i all ready eat out a couple of times a week, i'm ready to take on restaurants at Disney too.
You've got a great plan in place for eating and exercising while at WDW. :thumbsup2 I know you CAN do it, Deb!!!:cheer2:

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!:hug:
Thank you. :goodvibes

I had such a feeling of accomplishment last night. When you look at the Couch to 5k plan (c25k) -- Week 5, Day 3 stands out...Why?

it's the first time you do a solid run without walk breaks in between....20 mins of running, just go...(of course you do your warm up/cool down too)

Anyway, i did it. It felt so incredible to finish it, and know that I did it.

I had to get my breathing under control 2 or 3 times, but because i'm breathing through my nostrils instead of my mouth now, it's getting easier. My goal is to stay relaxed - both jaw and shoulders...I have a habit of pulling my shoulders in tense, so I work on being aware of dropping them down, and I'm doing better with that also

Anyway -- smiling today, and happy I did it. It was a good boost to my confidence - and with a lot more running in front of me, it was a nice way to wrap up week 5.
Thank you ladies for the encouragement.

I woke up to another pound gone, so that puts me at 19 pounds lost! I'm quite excited, since it's taken a few days for this one to budge. It's got me smiling this does something else... :banana:

I leave for Disney in just a couple of days! WOOHOOO - getting so excited.

Short and sweet this morning. :thumbsup2
Thank you ladies for the encouragement.

I woke up to another pound gone, so that puts me at 19 pounds lost! I'm quite excited, since it's taken a few days for this one to budge. It's got me smiling this does something else... :banana:

I leave for Disney in just a couple of days! WOOHOOO - getting so excited.

Short and sweet this morning. :thumbsup2

Congratulations! Enjoy your trip!
This will be my last time checking in for a little bit. I'll be back next week. My son (15yo) and I are doing Disney this week, and we head out tomorrow. :woohoo:

This has become an annual tradition for us - this is probably our 4th year now at Thanksgiving?

Anyway - food choices, plenty of activity and planning ahead - all important pieces of the puzzle.

I'll let you know how I did when I get back.

Last night, I also started week 6 of the c25k -- was happy with that.
Happy Thanksgiving, Deb!!!!:hug: I hope you and your son are having a wonderful time in Florida!!!!:cool1:
Thanks so much for thinking of me.

I had a great trip, and didn't gain any weight! :thumbsup2

One of the cool things that happened was that I gained 7 pounds of muscle AND lost 7 pounds of fat! My BMI dropped, and my body did great!

Walking tons as always as Disney and good food choices. I was proud of how well I did - and I'm relieved I didn't have a major setback.

Happy here, and getting back into my regular routine again.

Thanks for stopping by and reading. :goodvibes


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