Debt Dumpers - 2014

Keep up the good work everyone!!

I have 8000 left on my car and it's haunting me. If I don't put any extra on it, I can have it paid off in 8 months. I want it paid off now!!! I think I will use the 52 week challenge money for 2015 to dump a little extra on the payment. Once I get that paid off I will just use that money to bang out everything. I can have a lot paid off in 2015 if I can get my car done ASAP.
Wrapping up the rest of our vacation, will be heading home tomorrow. Sort of anxious for the holidays to be over (I know, bah humbug) so we can back on track to pay off debt!! We are not having a big Christmas this year-first off, we just spent $$ on this vacation, and secondly, my new job mandates about 10 days off during the holidays (I work for a college) and although 4 days of that will be paid holiday leave, and then weekends are in there too, there will still be some unpaid days. As it is now, I'm looking at a little over a week unpaid leave for this trip. Thankfully we have some set aside in savings to cover the shortfall.

I've been considering moving some of the cc balances to 0% interest offers that I have received -for instance, Sears is offering it until next year, so in tempted to do that for one of my balances that has high interest. Thoughts??

Figure out your transfer fee. I did it with a student loan, and it cost me $350 to transfer. I ended up paying it off a whole lot faster and I should have left it alone. But call and check.
My dd is getting married in April. Plus we are still trying to sell our house, and build our new one.

Even though we are debt free, we were some what prepared, but it is life, and we knew we weren't an open checkbook and we will get these expenses paid off. Except, we have 3 more kids that will be getting married soon too.

Congrats on the upcoming wedding!

I've been considering moving some of the cc balances to 0% interest offers that I have received -for instance, Sears is offering it until next year, so in tempted to do that for one of my balances that has high interest. Thoughts??
I would suggest using an online calculator to figure out the actual savings after any fees. Here is one I've used before:

Keep up the good work everyone!!

I have 8000 left on my car and it's haunting me. If I don't put any extra on it, I can have it paid off in 8 months. I want it paid off now!!! I think I will use the 52 week challenge money for 2015 to dump a little extra on the payment. Once I get that paid off I will just use that money to bang out everything. I can have a lot paid off in 2015 if I can get my car done ASAP.
OMG I know what you mean! Good luck with the challenge pixiedust:

Not much to report here. Our debt repayment remains slow and steady. There were a few times this fall I had hoped to have a big snowball to throw at it, but emergencies cropped up and plans had to change. The good news is, no new debt, and we did maintain our regular schedule so are still on track, but of course "on track" is still slower than I'd like so I was hoping for some snowballs. But, i must remain positive! Just a year ago the number of emergencies our budget had to absorb in the last 3 months would have had me stressed out and taking on debt, so the fact that we were even able to maintain our well-above-the-minimum payment is a victory.
We transferred 2 cc balances to Discover cards, one in my name, one in dh's name. The first one I could only find 0% for 12 months but for the 2nd one I did around a month later I was able to get it for 18 months. They did charge a fee to transfer but it still saves us compared to the interest we were paying. It will expire by the end of July and we are due to have it paid off by early June. The second one expires the end of next Dec and if all goes well that should be paid off too or at least put a huge dent in it. We had a few setbacks with summer vacay, then our oven and dishwasher died about 1 week apart. We are back on track now stronger than ever. Just keep swimming!

Thank you for your input. It's going to be a bit tight this coming year-not only are faced with my unpaid leave a couple of times, but our daughter just got proposed to on our DL trip (it was so special) so we are now planning a wedding! They are not wanting a traditional one though-in fact, they are talking about a quickie court one (although I'm trying to talk her out of it) but nonetheless, there will be some expenses for it no matter what!

I will be looking to do some transfers with our cc'a to save interest. I'm just not sure if I should do it for our Discover card since I figure I have about 5-6 months left on it, for a total of about $200-$240 interest??
Figure out your transfer fee. I did it with a student loan, and it cost me $350 to transfer. I ended up paying it off a whole lot faster and I should have left it alone. But call and check.

Do all cc companies charge a transfer fee?? That's a big one, but I'm assuming your student loan was large? Well at least it's paid off now. I'd chalk it up to experience, at least you know now!
bumping for the last push of 2014!

Any tips of suggestions for not going overboard for the holidays?

I have an app for Christmas presents that helps me stay on budget. It's called Santa's Bag.
Yay for the final push of 2014!!!!

I finished my Christmas shopping, so hoping not to have many holiday expenses this month -- mostly just gas for travel and increased groceries due to baking. Last year I learned my lesson though and padded our budget with a "Holiday Expenses" category that has been getting money every month. I've been so happy to have it. I categorized our Halloween candy and Thanskgiving turkey to that budget category, and have a nice chunk left over to cover Christmas expenses. Anything left on Dec 30th will probably be used to take advantage of sales on Christmas lights, DH wants to up the game on our display next year :cheer2:

And my mom told me she wants us to go somewhere fun for Christmas next year, instead of doing gifts. I'm hoping to convince her there is no better place to wake up on Christmas Morning 2015 than WDW Port Orleans French Quarter . . .
What does it do? How does it know?

Basically it allows me to make a file for each person on my list. I can add a photo of the item, the cost, and where it can be purchased. I can also set an overall budget and a budget for each person.
Then as I go along and purchase gifts it shows me how much I have left for each person and for my overall budget.

I can also passcode protect it so the kids can't sneak into it.
It really helps if you purchase stuff throughout the year. And you can make notes so you don't forget where you hid them! LOL
Everyone has done such a great job this year! Even with the unexpected set backs, everyone should be proud of dumping the debt that they have! I can't believe that 2014 is almost over. Seems like it just started. Where does time go!
I just started my Christmas shopping last night. So far I made a calendars for my parents from my dogs, and ordered 2 angel figurines last night for my mom for Christmas. For my dad I have only gotten him a pedicure sander off of qvc (bought one for myself and loved how smooth it makes your feet!). And some stocking stuffers. The rest will probably be gift cards for all the places they like to eat and shop. I really don't like doing gift cards but don't want to just buy worthless "stuff" that will eventually be thrown out.
Oh, and I will have to buy scratch offs for them - started doing that last year and we all really enjoyed that!!
Any ideas of what you have gotten your hard to buy for parents would be appreciated! Mine have absolutely no hobbies!
Everyone has done such a great job this year! Even with the unexpected set backs, everyone should be proud of dumping the debt that they have! I can't believe that 2014 is almost over. Seems like it just started. Where does time go!
I just started my Christmas shopping last night. So far I made a calendars for my parents from my dogs, and ordered 2 angel figurines last night for my mom for Christmas. For my dad I have only gotten him a pedicure sander off of qvc (bought one for myself and loved how smooth it makes your feet!). And some stocking stuffers. The rest will probably be gift cards for all the places they like to eat and shop. I really don't like doing gift cards but don't want to just buy worthless "stuff" that will eventually be thrown out.
Oh, and I will have to buy scratch offs for them - started doing that last year and we all really enjoyed that!!
Any ideas of what you have gotten your hard to buy for parents would be appreciated! Mine have absolutely no hobbies!

I got my mom a pajama set from Soma -- they are the softest pajamas ever. I may or may not have a Soma addiction problem . . . they are currently on sale, and there is a coupon code for $20 off a $60 purchase (code 14772):
Everyone has done such a great job this year! Even with the unexpected set backs, everyone should be proud of dumping the debt that they have! I can't believe that 2014 is almost over. Seems like it just started. Where does time go!
I just started my Christmas shopping last night. So far I made a calendars for my parents from my dogs, and ordered 2 angel figurines last night for my mom for Christmas. For my dad I have only gotten him a pedicure sander off of qvc (bought one for myself and loved how smooth it makes your feet!). And some stocking stuffers. The rest will probably be gift cards for all the places they like to eat and shop. I really don't like doing gift cards but don't want to just buy worthless "stuff" that will eventually be thrown out.
Oh, and I will have to buy scratch offs for them - started doing that last year and we all really enjoyed that!!
Any ideas of what you have gotten your hard to buy for parents would be appreciated! Mine have absolutely no hobbies!
I try to get my parents "experience" gifts rather than material things. Last year we got them tickets to Jersey Boys in NYC. I knew they'd never be so adveturous to navigate the train system to NY (they're suburban, car people) so dh and I took the train ride and saw them into a cab, then met up with them after.
This year Mary Poppins is playing in Philly so I got them tickets with all of us going. (Except ds17 who thinks he's too cool for MP.)
I'm looking forward to it. :yay:
I got my mom a pajama set from Soma -- they are the softest pajamas ever. I may or may not have a Soma addiction problem . . . they are currently on sale, and there is a coupon code for $20 off a $60 purchase (code 14772):

Thanks! I haven't ever really looked at their website before. Just went on there and I think I will be shopping on there tonight! I've been wanting a robe - on sale for $39!
I have finished my Christmas shopping…….my goal was to finish up Christmas by Thanksgiving weekend and I met my goal! This includes getting the kids photo card done, addressing and stamping the envelopes, though I won’t mail them till later this week. (Sick, isn’t it?) I’ve been buying since late September and cash flowing everything. No end of year bonus type deal in our household, so it’s pay as you go! The only problem is, now everywhere I go I see cute stocking stuffer type things that I want to buy. I have to tell myself, “No, you are done!” You know, like I’m a puppy or something. :dogdance: Anyway, I decided early on that I would enjoy all of December stress free and just concentrate on doing holiday stuff with the family. I don’t plan on being anywhere near a mall this month!

Just ran out at lunch and bought a 2015 monthly calendar (for $1) that I use for bill tracking and payments. I know, I’m old school on that one. I have Quicken and all and the reminders are set in there, but I like to write in the amounts that vary as soon as a bill is received. It provides a nice at-a-glance scenario of what’s coming up without having to boot up the computer. So at home tonight I will geek out over writing in all the regular bills. Wow, my life is sad.

But 2015 holds much promise. Depending on what the tax man brings in April, there is hope of paying off the credit card debt. And the student loan will definitely be gone by fall. I don’t post often, but I read here a LOT, and I just have to reiterate my extreme gratitude for this board and all of you who post here. The knowledge I’ve gained here has been invaluable to me in trying to become debt free. Absolutely invaluable. Thank you, budget minded friends, and have a wonderful holiday season! :thanks:
I have finished my Christmas shopping…….my goal was to finish up Christmas by Thanksgiving weekend and I met my goal! This includes getting the kids photo card done, addressing and stamping the envelopes, though I won’t mail them till later this week. (Sick, isn’t it?) I’ve been buying since late September and cash flowing everything. No end of year bonus type deal in our household, so it’s pay as you go! The only problem is, now everywhere I go I see cute stocking stuffer type things that I want to buy. I have to tell myself, “No, you are done!” You know, like I’m a puppy or something. :dogdance: Anyway, I decided early on that I would enjoy all of December stress free and just concentrate on doing holiday stuff with the family. I don’t plan on being anywhere near a mall this month!

Just ran out at lunch and bought a 2015 monthly calendar (for $1) that I use for bill tracking and payments. I know, I’m old school on that one. I have Quicken and all and the reminders are set in there, but I like to write in the amounts that vary as soon as a bill is received. It provides a nice at-a-glance scenario of what’s coming up without having to boot up the computer. So at home tonight I will geek out over writing in all the regular bills. Wow, my life is sad.

But 2015 holds much promise. Depending on what the tax man brings in April, there is hope of paying off the credit card debt. And the student loan will definitely be gone by fall. I don’t post often, but I read here a LOT, and I just have to reiterate my extreme gratitude for this board and all of you who post here. The knowledge I’ve gained here has been invaluable to me in trying to become debt free. Absolutely invaluable. Thank you, budget minded friends, and have a wonderful holiday season! :thanks:

Great job on getting your shopping finished! I typically have mine done - don't know what happened this year... But like you, when I did finish before December I would always find the cutest stocking stuffers or additional gifts and would have to stop myself from buying more gifts!
Sounds like you have your budget prepared for next year - I hope tax man is good to you and you are able to pay off your cc debt! And I must be as old school as you, because I don't even use the computer programs for my budget. It took a while before I even used my calendar - I would just write down my pay dates on a sheet of paper and what I had to pay next to it :rotfl2:
Hi everyone! I'm not a frequent poster, but I try to read the board as often as I can. I appreciate how supportive everyone is about dumping debt!

I racked up some credit card debt this year due to buying my first place that I'm hoping to pay off before February when I lose my 0% APR. I should be getting a small bonus at the end of the year that will help and I'm hoping to get some kind of raise as well.

If I can't pay it off in time, I should get a decent tax return hopefully.

I'm also very excited because I have set up the last payment on the first of my 4 student loans! :cool1: It won't actually be submitted for about 10 days, but I'm so excited to get rid of the 7.9% interest rate (not that 6.8 on the remaining ones is that much better....).

Thanks again for being so great and have a great holiday season!!!! :santa:
I sat down and got a budget wrote out for 2015.

My goals for 2015:
*Pay off hospital bill $1100
*Start putting up Christmas money each month so it is not a big expense at one time
*of course not charge our Disney trip (first time for both of us in June)
*Work on cutting our grocery bill
I sat down and got a budget wrote out for 2015.

My goals for 2015:
*Pay off hospital bill $1100
*Start putting up Christmas money each month so it is not a big expense at one time
*of course not charge our Disney trip (first time for both of us in June)
*Work on cutting our grocery bill

** Good Luck ** We cut our grocery bill 30% from 2013 to 2014 and it really wasn't that hard. I do use coupons but not for everything.


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