Desiree's Journal - (Posts welcome)


Thanks for the prayers! :wave:

Our friends are up from Baton Rouge. Andy brought me two LSU Athletic Training shirts to wear! I only hope I can leave the house up here in Big Blue Country!


Hi Dax and everyone!

I'm still around! Not doing so well dietwise though. Just started Dev on her normal softball team and we're heading today to go to tryouts for another 12 and under one that's a travel league during the summer. Ack! And on top of that (and depending on her grades) she wants to try acting lessons too. Needless to say it's going to be a busy next few months.

And my grandma is finally home from the hospital. She's on oxygen all the time now and has to use a walker. She can't be left alone anymore though. So for the time being, until a decision is reached, my mom, aunt and I are all rotating with being there for her. My aunt is the only one who got the FMLA leave so she has been taking off the most during the days to be with her.

Not that any of this is an excuse for not exercising. I know I could be finding the time to do it, I've just kinda let the ball drop on it. I am still around though and will try to check in more often.

Hey Des,

Great to hear from you! I am sorry things aren't going so well with grandma. I'll pray for help in this matter! I know how it is to have a lot on your plate. I recently dropped out of my MBA program at school. I just didn't have enough hours in the week between work, school, family etc... so I made the choice that my family was first and if I want to go back in the future for a masters, I can always do that!

Well my Wildcats blew it today! Your Hoop Tigers have been playing well as late, probably saved Brady his job.

See ya,

Hi everyone! Well I'm back on the motivated wagon again. I signed up for Oprah's Boot Camp today. I know I've got a busy schedule ahead of me, but I know I can make the time go get my butt to the gym. I can do it!

I've got to start posting in my journal again too. Since I'm officially back on, my first journal update will be tomorrow. I'm WILL drink all my water and I will go to the gym today. I'm a little scared of what my weight will be. But I guess I need to know this information to get started, right?

Hope everyone is doing well.

Dax: That was a helluva game last weekend. Even though your Wildcats won, I'm still proud of our boys. Yea, looks like Brady won the immunity idol from getting the ole axe, at least for one more year! Sorry to hear about the graduate program. Maybe once the kiddos get a bit bigger, you can get back into it.

Well LSU laid an NCAA egg! How bout them 'Cats! Main reason I stopped ny was to show off my new clippie!

Talk to you later!

:wave2: Desiree,

I know this is a little late, but I hope everything is ok for you guys after the hurricane! I have two of my employees in the Baton Rouge area right now working on phone service.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Hiya Dax! Long time no talk to!!

We weathered the storms just fine. No major damage here other than a smal hole in the roof thanks to Rita. We were without power for Katrina for 6 days but were only without power with Rita for about 5 hours.

Boy I'm glad you pulled this page up out of the dark ages. I swear I need to get back on track. :confused3

Anyway, I hope all is well with you and yours.
Well since Dax (myhandd) just bumped my post up from purgutory, I decided I need to get back on the ball. I'm recovering from a cold so I may start back technically tomorrow. I don't want to overdue it and relapse. I'm scared to get back to the gym. And I'm equally as scared to get on the scale and do my measurements. I know I've gained...alot. I've been wearing a size 20. Not good.

Well onward and downward...
Hey Desiree,

Great to hear you guys weather the storms alright. I started the ole diet again about a month ago. My wife and I have joined a gym that will open in December. Back on Atkins. We can both get it done again! I've gained some back, but I am on track again!

P.S. I am playing in Murray State's old timers game Saturday at homecoming. I am really excited! Wish me luck!

The incredible shrinking one!

Very cool Dax!! That rocks! You'll do great! :cheer2:

I think I'm going to take another whack at Oprah's Boot Camp again. At least for the duration the camp, which is 12 weeks (January 13th will be 12 weeks). I already know that I'm only going to be able to do 20 minutes at the gym each morning since I have to get home and get the kiddo ready for school and me to work.

I just hope that I can find the motivation and strength to actually follow through with this. I've started and stopped this diet merry-go-round so often. For the last 6 months or so I've avoided this place like the plague. :guilty: But I am ready to get back on track now. :sunny:

Ok here's the dirty truth...
Left Arm 14”
Right Arm 14 ¼”
Bust 45”
Belly 46 ½”
Hips 50 ½
Left Thigh 27 ¾”
Right Thigh 28”

As you can tell, I'm pear shaped. Too much junk in the trunk! So I'm going to have to work hard and those sit-ups and squats. I've grown accustomed to those cokes and other sodas again. Well that stops now. As well as alcohol. I'm not a heavy drinker but I don't mind a beer now and then either. But I need to cut that out too.

I'm not sure if I am going to write down every meal or not here. I'll just play it by ear I think. I know what to eat and what not to eat and the main thing is portion control. I'm going to set a mini goal of 10 pounds gone forever by Thanksgiving and 30 by the end of my 12 week period on the Camp.

I'll post my starting weigh in after I get back from the gym. :sad2: I'm scared too look.
Hey Des!

It's good to see you posting again! :goodvibes I'm sending you lots of :wizard: :wizard: to help you achieve your goals. You CAN do this! :cheer2: Just be sure and take it one day at a time.

I hope you have a great weekend! :sunny: Welcome back! :hug:
Thanks Tracy!! Have a great weekend yourself!

Ok well I did manage 20 minutes on the Elliptical. Bad news is that I'm at an all time high. 211. :guilty:
Ok well I managed (it was hard!!) to do 35 on the Elliptical yesterday and I did my weight workout Friday afternoon. OWWIEEEEEEEEE is all I can really say right now! I'm sore in so many places. I can't believe I let myself slip up in so many ways. Well I guess you have to start somewhere though. Oh another reason I'm sore is that I did squats for the first time in like 10 years I think.

I didn't eat so well yesterday at tailgating, but we did walk alot and since I did do the Elliptical earlier in the morning I hope that I walked alot of it off.

Hope everyone has a great day today!
Well I ate pretty good yesterday but I didn't make it out to the gym. We did do about 1 hour of heavy yardwork. We still had alot of limbs and debris that needed to be picked up from the hurricanes. So we managed that. I am going to the gym tonight and will do 35 on the elliptical and weights. I'd like to get back into the step aerobics again too.

I may start looking into getting some of the tapes to do some of my workouts at home. Does anyone have any recommendations? I was thinking something along the lines of Pilates? Something that will give me a full body workout. Either that or the Boot Camp guy from VH1 has a workout dvd.

Anyway I hope everyone has a great day today. I'll try to check in on a few journals in a bit. There are so many new WISHers now! I have alot to catch up on! :banana:
Well I did fairly good yesterday. Got my strength training in yesterday and did 20 minutes around the track. Food was was good yesterday until I scarfed down 5 small pieces of pizza. I was starving by the time supper came around!

Today I'm off to a good start. No work today!! YAY! :cheer2: Devyn's school has parent/teacher conferences today and they don't have classes today. Chris was supposed to take off with her but he told me last night that he had to go into work today. DARN! :banana:

I've already been to the gym this morning. Did 35 minutes on the Elliptical and did 20 crunches and 20 squats. I may go back later and check out this program at the Y called "Keep It Moving". I never get to take advantage of some of these classes and such because they offer them at bad times. I wish they would offer more for people that actually work for a living. On the weekends would be perfect, but alas, no classes on the weekend other than an occasional Yoga. About to head to the kitchen and make some oatmeal and I've already got a jump start on my water. Yay! Today will be a good day!
Today will be a good day, Desiree! :sunny:

You've made a great start to your day! Plus, you have the day off from work. :teeth:

Take care! :goodvibes
Looks like you've been doing really well. Getting in the exercise and looking forward to good days - that's awesome. Keep up the good work.

Keep on :banana: :banana:


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