DH is mean

I think OP was just kidding around, but I gotta say, I envy anyone who gets an annual Disney trip. Take me along, please... someone, anyone! I don't eat much and I'm willing to sleep in the tub. :laughing:

Sorry, Thror. It's usually pretty nice around here, I think. Hope you aren't turned away already! :goodvibes

Umm :wave2: I have slept in the tub :rotfl2: thats what happens when your a kid sharing a room with your family and your Dad snores :rolleyes1. Don't tell him I said that he's on here too:tiptoe:

I thought it was sarcasm when I read it but I read her post above :eek: attack away :lmao:. I understand the wanting to spend time as a family but talk to him about it don't post it on here.:sad2:
Fluffy, here people were defending you and you had to chime in and prove you really weren't joking.

Yes, you are spoiled, no offense. If you want a spouse who will plan things like smaller tables and OBC's, you probably need to find a new one and join the gay boards, as I don't think there are many men (although I'm sure there are some) who can be found who would do such a thing. Maybe you need a wife instead. :rotfl: Hey, if you find one for me, let me know!!!

But I do agree it should be safer to vent here, but if you've read more than a thread or two, you should know what you're headed for when you "whine" about needing 3 trips per year instead of 2! The horror!!!!:scared1:

Take care, sweetie, I am sure you are a nice person, but, wow!!!
dear OP, please reread both of your posts and take a hard look, several alarms going off and I would not be worrying about Disney.

Good luck.
Umm :wave2: I have slept in the tub :rotfl2: thats what happens when your a kid sharing a room with your family and your Dad snores :rolleyes1. Don't tell him I said that he's on here too:tiptoe:

Hee! I won't tell. ;) I'm glad I never had to resort to that... I'm sure it wasn't comfortable, but preferable to sleeping in the same room as someone that sounds like a lawnmower, eh?

OP, I think you should talk to your husband about your concerns. I hope everything works out well for you.
Consider going without him........ I've gone WITHOUT DH several times! Not that mine is mean, but he is not into Disney the way the kids and I are (gung-ho up early and in the parks until late); he would rather sit by the pool allllllll dayyyyyy loooooooooong!
And he would be quite content!
Another vote for considering going solo. I do it all the time and enjoy it.
Fluffy, here people were defending you and you had to chime in and prove you really weren't joking.

But I do agree it should be safer to vent here, but if you've read more than a thread or two, you should know what you're headed for when you "whine" about needing 3 trips per year instead of 2! The horror!!!!:scared1:

Take care, sweetie, I am sure you are a nice person, but, wow!!!

Well put! Ok so I guess no more wine for me while I'm considering whine. :lmao:

Seriously though way too many people jumped on the bandwagon and the OP before finding out if she was joking, serious or a bit of both. Don't be followers folks. :thumbsup2
My main problem with the not going on a trip is because he said we couldn't book something because he was changing position and he would be really busy. Now he's saying he can take a few days off. He said to look around not to far from home and find something. For what it would cost for that trip we could go to disney but he doesn't want to drive that far. I offered to take DS by myself. He said no, he wants to spend time with us.

Sounds like he can only get a small amount of time off and does not want to spend it traveling. Do you want him to spend a significant portion of his time off enjoying activities with you and your son or behind the wheel of a car ?

So instead he will end up work easter week while DS and I will struggle to find cool things to do at home. I hardly ever see DH. Lately he's been getting home close to 8 o'clock. On the weekend he's constantly getting email and eventually on Sunday night he logs on to work. I spend my entire week running to and from school, gym, appointments, errands, homework, countless activites with DS. I want a break. I want to spend quality family time together.

From what he stated in the first paragraph that is what HE wants too. You just have a different opinion of what this is. Sit down and talk with him and I am sure you can work this out.

Plus my planning for the May trip is totally done and the December trip is done until hours come out and the adr window opens up. I'm also tired of planning everything for other people. I would love for him to just book a trip and handle the adrs and making reservations for the dogs by himself. The man will not do anything on his own. He will hand me the phone and his rx bottle and ask me to call the pharmacy.

I'm sorry you're tired. Read the bolded part above - your husband is tired too ! At least his working allows you the freedom on multiple vacations a year and you the ability to do all the things you are able to do for your son. As far as the other stuff - cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it !

For the Disney cruise it was supposed to be a surprise but he didn't think to have the paperwork sent to his office. It got mailed to the house instead so it is no longer a surprise. Once I knew about the trip it became my responsibility to plan it. He wouldn't call to change to a small table because it was too much of a bother. But he would have complained to me every day of the trip if we had to sit at large table with other guests. I found out there was a $50 obc if you booked using the Disney visa card. He couldn't be bothered to call and have the code added. So of course it fell to me. Sorry for venting. I know I'm spoiled. But for once I want someone to think of me and plan something special for me.

A few more things that are his fault .....

kimgg said:
Fluffy, here people were defending you and you had to chime in and prove you really weren't joking.

Yes, you are spoiled, no offense. If you want a spouse who will plan things like smaller tables and OBC's, you probably need to find a new one
Or, i'mfluffy - TELL HIM - not us. You want him to help. You want him to do (some) things for himself. You want him to plan and execute a surprise for you that IS a surprise until it happens. TELL HIM.

You complain you never have quality time. What's quality time? You'll have to 'struggle' to find things to do with your son during Easter vacation while your husband works - apparently, in part, to finance all these vacations. So, struggle. Frankly, it doesn't sound like much of one to me - see what your local library has planned for kids that week, if you can't think of anything on your own.

But please, stop complaining. And stop whining.

disclaimer: despite having quoted kimgg, I want to make it perfectly clear all my comments are directed at the original poster.
This discussion would be a better fit on the theme parks community board, so I'm going to move it there now.
My main problem with the not going on a trip is because he said we couldn't book something because he was changing position. And he would be really busy. Now he's saying he can take a few days off. He said to look around not to far from home and find something. For what it would cost for that trip we could go to disney. But he doesn't want to drive that far. I offered to take DS by myself. He said no he wants to spend time with us. So instead he will end up work easter week while DS and I will struggle to find cool things to do at home. I hardly ever see DH. Lately he's been getting home close to 8 o'clock. On the weekend he's constantly getting email and eventually on Sunday night he logs on to work. I spend my entire week running to and from school, gym, appointments, errands, homework, countless activites with DS. I want a break. I want to spend quality family time together. Plus my planning for the May trip is totally done and the December trip is done until hours come out and the adr window opens up. I'm also tired of planning everything for other people. I would love for him to just book a trip and handle the adrs and making reservations for the dogs by himself. The man will not do anything on his own. He will hand me the phone and his rx bottle and ask me to call the pharmacy. For the disney cruise it was supposed to be a suprise but he didn;t think to have the paperwork sent to his office. It go mailed to the house instead so it is no longer a suprise. Once I knew about the trip it became my responsibity to plan it. He wouldn't call to change to a small table because it was too much of a bother. But he would have complained to me every day of the trip if we had to sit at large table with other guests. I found out there was a $50 obc if you booked using the disney visa card. He couldn't be bothered to call and have the code added. So of course it fell to me. Sorry for venting. I know I'm spoiled. But for once I want someone to think of me and plan something special for me.

WOW.... Why does quality family time together have to be a WDW? Sounds like he has the right idea.

As for he doesn't want to do anything, seems like he works has butt off so you can have these vacations, even while not in the office, he makes his presence known juggling his responsibilites so you can have a better life.

I do agree with one thing you said though... last sentence highlighted above.
My main problem with the not going on a trip is because he said we couldn't book something because he was changing position. And he would be really busy. Now he's saying he can take a few days off. He said to look around not to far from home and find something. For what it would cost for that trip we could go to disney. But he doesn't want to drive that far. I offered to take DS by myself. He said no he wants to spend time with us. So instead he will end up work easter week while DS and I will struggle to find cool things to do at home. I hardly ever see DH. Lately he's been getting home close to 8 o'clock. On the weekend he's constantly getting email and eventually on Sunday night he logs on to work. I spend my entire week running to and from school, gym, appointments, errands, homework, countless activites with DS. I want a break. I want to spend quality family time together. Plus my planning for the May trip is totally done and the December trip is done until hours come out and the adr window opens up. I'm also tired of planning everything for other people. I would love for him to just book a trip and handle the adrs and making reservations for the dogs by himself. The man will not do anything on his own. He will hand me the phone and his rx bottle and ask me to call the pharmacy. For the disney cruise it was supposed to be a suprise but he didn;t think to have the paperwork sent to his office. It go mailed to the house instead so it is no longer a suprise. Once I knew about the trip it became my responsibity to plan it. He wouldn't call to change to a small table because it was too much of a bother. But he would have complained to me every day of the trip if we had to sit at large table with other guests. I found out there was a $50 obc if you booked using the disney visa card. He couldn't be bothered to call and have the code added. So of course it fell to me. Sorry for venting. I know I'm spoiled. But for once I want someone to think of me and plan something special for me.

Am I missing something?

He did plan something, he planned a cruise, something most people would be over the moon about but instead you complained that he didn't do it right. :confused3 Seems to me that is not the way to get him to want to do more for you. How about WOW, that is an amazing gift and now I have something to look forward to, plan for, investigate. Isn't half the fun the planning anyway? So now you get to research the cruise and all you want to do, and it was still a surprise. He booked it without your knowledge, that is a great gift!

I am married to the most amazing man. I believe this with all my heart though he'd never surprise me with a cruise or anything. That's fine with me. I do all the planning for everything we do, fine with me. He works long hours AND is on call 24/7 including, I kid you not, on our vacations, Christmas day, a couple years ago he got called away on Mother's Day and our plans had to stop. On our 15th anniversary he took the day off to spend it with me and his boss called and in he had to go. In addition to all that, he is only allowed to take 5 days off at any given time (and they have given him internet on his phone and a mobile internet thingy for his laptop so there is no excuse for him not to be available.) Despite all the work your DH is doing, he is allowed to take the time off for 3 vacations in a year. That's a pretty good trade off. And BTW NO, DH is not a specilized doctor making big bucks, he isn't paid for all this overtime (he's salary), he is in IT (the only one for his whole company) and when the systems go down, they don't care where he is, thye want him to fix it. We get calls at 3am and he has to answer them. And do you know why he does it? Because jobs are scarse now a days and he wants to give us the best life he can. You know why I never say a word about it? Because he'd much rather be with us then at work, and I appreciate all he does for us.

Please, for the sake of your sanity, appreciate what you have. A hard working spouse needs to be appreciated, not made to feel bad that they can't give you more.

And enjoy your trip planning. I dn't know if you have ever been on a cruise before, I haven't. I would love to be able to research all there is to do, decide what we want to book, and make paperchains with your DS to countdown to all your wonderful trips ahead. Over your long weekend over Easter, maybe do a staycation. I know that word is overused a lot lately but it can be really fun. We did a one day one last weekend. We did some things that we always wanted to do but never did. We took the kids snowtubing for the day and then to a Japanese Steakhouse for dinner. It was a great day in fact the kids said it was one of the best days of their life. I know you want to get away, but if you focus on how blessed you are that you get to soon, I think you will realize how lucky you really are.
Am I missing something?

He did plan something, he planned a cruise, something most people would be over the moon about but instead you complained that he didn't do it right. :confused3 Seems to me that is not the way to get him to want to do more for you. How about WOW, that is an amazing gift and now I have something to look forward to, plan for, investigate. Isn't half the fun the planning anyway? So now you get to research the cruise and all you want to do, and it was still a surprise. He booked it without your knowledge, that is a great gift!

I am married to the most amazing man. I believe this with all my heart though he'd never surprise me with a cruise or anything. That's fine with me. I do all the planning for everything we do, fine with me. He works long hours AND is on call 24/7 including, I kid you not, on our vacations, Christmas day, a couple years ago he got called away on Mother's Day and our plans had to stop. On our 15th anniversary he took the day off to spend it with me and his boss called and in he had to go. In addition to all that, he is only allowed to take 5 days off at any given time (and they have given him internet on his phone and a mobile internet thingy for his laptop so there is no excuse for him not to be available.) Despite all the work your DH is doing, he is allowed to take the time off for 3 vacations in a year. That's a pretty good trade off. And BTW NO, DH is not a specilized doctor making big bucks, he isn't paid for all this overtime (he's salary), he is in IT (the only one for his whole company) and when the systems go down, they don't care where he is, thye want him to fix it. We get calls at 3am and he has to answer them. And do you know why he does it? Because jobs are scarse now a days and he wants to give us the best life he can. You know why I never say a word about it? Because he'd much rather be with us then at work, and I appreciate all he does for us.

Please, for the sake of your sanity, appreciate what you have. A hard working spouse needs to be appreciated, not made to feel bad that they can't give you more.

And enjoy your trip planning. I dn't know if you have ever been on a cruise before, I haven't. I would love to be able to research all there is to do, decide what we want to book, and make paperchains with your DS to countdown to all your wonderful trips ahead. Over your long weekend over Easter, maybe do a staycation. I know that word is overused a lot lately but it can be really fun. We did a one day one last weekend. We did some things that we always wanted to do but never did. We took the kids snowtubing for the day and then to a Japanese Steakhouse for dinner. It was a great day in fact the kids said it was one of the best days of their life. I know you want to get away, but if you focus on how blessed you are that you get to soon, I think you will realize how lucky you really are.


I wonder how old the OP is.
In reading your posts, I'm first struck by how much you have to be thankful for. If you can start to focus on being grateful, you will be happier.

Second, it seems like your husband is even willing to take (gasp) a third vacation. He's just not willing to do exactly what you want him to do. People rarely do exactly what we want them to do. People rarely get their way ALL the time. Isn't some compromise in order?

Also, consider this. I'm not sure you'd be happy with any vacation that your husband planned. You seem (and don't take this the wrong way) kind of controlling. (Full disclosure: I'm not just "kind of" controlling; I'm all out CONTROLLING!) I kind of think that your husband's plans would end up falling short of your expectations.
Sounds like the OP needs something else to do and worry about besides running her child everywhere and complaining about her husband. Maybe she should get a job!:confused3

I have no sympathy for her either. My husband has worked from 7:30am to 8:00pm or later at night for the past 19 years! I run 4 kids all over town/work part time and can count the number of vacations we've had on one hand! (Bought DVC so I plan to change that!!!:banana:)

She definately needs to count her blessings!


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