Dis Breast Cancer Survivors Part IV - GAGWTA

All well with me except we are struggling with our Medicare Part D drug plan review. The new Medicare 2020 plan website has a few issues. And so do we lol.

I think the density of your breast may be an issue but I am guessing. I think it wise to get the second opinion. It’s a case of nothing to lose but an outside chance of gaining early knowledge if there is something up. From personal experience, when mom was 78, her breast surgeon did a stereotactic needle biopsy, wasn’t satisfied with the result, proceeded with a surgical biopsy, found DCIS (non invasive) stage 0, then because the margins were outside the surgical biopsy, proceeded with more surgery (modified mastectomy). Mom is still around and enjoys life. For me, after I was diagnosed via mammogram and stereotactic needle biopsy with primarily widespread DCIS in my left breast, a surgeon felt something in the other breast so she did a fine needle biopsy. It took a week to get the results of the second biopsy and I imagined myself doomed during that week, but it was benign. That was 2004 and I am doing great at age 66. Another non-cancer example, after a terrible bout of angina around midnight, my husband had an angiogram in March and a section of the right coronary artery appeared to have a 40 percent blockage, which didn’t call for further attention. Except the surgeon said you know the area looks a little “vague”, I want to do more testing, so after a type of X-ray of artery, and I think a blood flow test as well, he discovered that area was 90 percent blocked with a whole lot of very hard calcium deposits ringing the artery. The surgeon blasted through it with the balloon in an angioplasty but was unable to place the stent. So far, 8 months later he is doing well, no more angina, on a new med and exercising like you wouldn’t believe. It can be good to go with the gut feeling of an expert. Although they didn’t really give me an option RE: proceeding with the angioplasty, the doctors just came out and explained it all to me while he was still sedated.

Good luck Monday, please let us know how this plays out. I understand how hard this is to be in limbo.
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All well with me except we are struggling with our Medicare Part D drug plan review. The new Medicare 2020 plan website has a few issues. And so do we lol.

I think the density of your breast may be an issue but I am guessing. I think it wise to get the second opinion. It’s a case of nothing to lose but an outside chance of gaining early knowledge if there is something up. From personal experience, when mom was 78, her breast surgeon did a stereotactic needle biopsy, wasn’t satisfied with the result, proceeded with a surgical biopsy, found DCIS (non invasive) stage 0, then because the margins were outside the surgical biopsy, proceeded with more surgery (modified mastectomy). Mom is still around and enjoys life. For me, after I was diagnosed via mammogram and stereotactic needle biopsy with primarily widespread DCIS in my left breast, a surgeon felt something in the other breast so she did a fine needle biopsy. It took a week to get the results of the second biopsy and I imagined myself doomed during that week, but it was benign. That was 2004 and I am doing great at age 66. Another non-cancer example, after a terrible bout of angina around midnight, my husband had an angiogram in March and a section of the right coronary artery appeared to have a 40 percent blockage, which didn’t call for further attention. Except the surgeon said you know the area looks a little “vague”, I want to do more testing, so after a type of X-ray of artery, and I think a blood flow test as well, he discovered that area was 90 percent blocked with a whole lot of very hard calcium disposits ringing the artery. The surgeon blasted through it with the balloon in an angioplasty but was unable to place the stent. So far, 8 months later he is doing well, no more angina, on a new med and exercising like you wouldn’t believe. It can be good to go with the gut feeling of an expert. Although they didn’t really give me an option RE: proceeding with the angioplasty, the doctors just came out and explained it all to me while he was still sedated.

Good luck Monday, please let us know how this plays out. I understand how hard this is to be in limbo.

I'm glad you, your mom and DH are all doing well. I will check in here Monday night to let you guys know what the specialist says.
Saying a prayer for you DisneyLover1217 that you get great news and can put this one behind you!

I finished month two on the Ibrance. Things are going well. I'm more tired than usual and my eyes are extremely light sensitive. Other than that, no real issues.

The doctor put Kendall on Plaquenil. It is an imunosuppressant, She starts taking it on Monday. Fingers crossed that she has no issues with this drug. We have to schedule an eye exam to get a baseline for her. She will need to have her eyes checked every six months since Plaquenil can cause vision loss. The doctor also wants Kendall to see another neurologist since she has nervous system issues. At least, she is final on a treatment plan. Here's hoping that 2020 brings better health to our family!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Glad to hear you are doing well, Peg! Thanks for the update on Kendall. I hope the new drug sets her on the right track. Happy thanksgiving all!
The specialist doesn't think the distortion is anything to worry about, but he does want me to go in 3 months to get another mammogram, just to make sure it doesn't change. It's great news, but I was hoping for final news, to just put this behind me, but I'll take it :)
So thankful for all of you. Happy Thanksgiving.
Will post about the wdw trip later.
Trying to coordinate tomm. Ds3 is cooking most of the meal. He said to tell everyone we are eating at 7 whether you are here or not lol.
DisneyLover1217, glad to hear the good news. I know you want it behind you, but take the good news as it comes!
This reminds me of something a fellow who posts here every now and again, says...lol could I be any more vague?! Something along the lines of not bleeding till you get shot? I am going searching for his name right now! I am really glad both of you are doing better and continue to pray for further healing for you both!
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends in the US!
We have purchased all our plane tickets! So this trip (God still willing) is a go! Woohoo!! We leave on Feb 19. Our youngest daughters birthday is on our first day in Disneyland, then grand daughters the day after, and the next day is what would have been our dear sons 38th birthday. I simply can not fathom I have not seen his beloved face in coming up 9 years this January. That day will be hard, but I will ride the screamin rollercoaster with all my heart for him.
I have my last appointment with my oncologist next thursday! He said last visit, that its been 8 years since the end of my treatment so theres really no reason to keep seeing him. I will be bringing him a gift and card. Im actually really nervous about it! After this, making sure I keep tabs on my tumour markers and mammograms will be up to me and my family gp!
Both daughters are going with me and we will be celebrating with some shopping in the city! The next day is our anniversary so hubby and I will go for dinner and celebrate that as well!
Im Still doing extremely well on my new medications and have lost another few pounds! I feel really confident I have found a new lifestyle to keep the weight off and stay healthier and I say thankyou to God more than a few times each day!
This reminds me of something a fellow who posts here every now and again, says...lol could I be any more vague?! Something along the lines of not bleeding till you get shot? I am going searching for his name right now! I am really glad both of you are doing better and continue to pray for further healing for you both!
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends in the US!
We have purchased all our plane tickets! So this trip (God still willing) is a go! Woohoo!! We leave on Feb 19. Our youngest daughters birthday is on our first day in Disneyland, then grand daughters the day after, and the next day is what would have been our dear sons 38th birthday. I simply can not fathom I have not seen his beloved face in coming up 9 years this January. That day will be hard, but I will ride the screamin rollercoaster with all my heart for him.
I have my last appointment with my oncologist next thursday! He said last visit, that its been 8 years since the end of my treatment so theres really no reason to keep seeing him. I will be bringing him a gift and card. Im actually really nervous about it! After this, making sure I keep tabs on my tumour markers and mammograms will be up to me and my family gp!
Both daughters are going with me and we will be celebrating with some shopping in the city! The next day is our anniversary so hubby and I will go for dinner and celebrate that as well!
Im Still doing extremely well on my new medications and have lost another few pounds! I feel really confident I have found a new lifestyle to keep the weight off and stay healthier and I say thankyou to God more than a few times each day!
Always such positive posts! Trip sounds wonderful!

"Don't bleed till you're shot" came from one of the original posters of this thread, @NHAnn. Or, more specifically, from her husband. She used it here for many years, and I see now it's around the boards in other areas, which is nice, as it really does fit!

We haven't seen Ann for a while, but occasionally she stops by. I tagged her here so maybe she'll see this.
Such a busy time for everyone! My last test results were good so I can breathe again now till spring! Still doing well with my new medications, I honestly feel better than I have in 20 years! I did have one bad day last week, it was a compilation of a few things, it was a day that felt like most of my days used to, and it reminded me again of just how much better my body and mind are, and how extremely grateful I am that I finally got a doctor who knows what he is doing! Heres a pic from last night, the dear daughters and grand daughter and I, we got dressed up and went to the Nutcracker Ballet. Tomorrow grand daughter and I will be baking shortbread cookies, dangerous for me because they are my favourite cookie! I will put in a pic of grandaughter when we baked mickey christmas sugar cookies too. 458967
You look amazing! Thanks for posting the photos! Merry Christmas! We are at WDW now. This place is so nice for Christmas. Universal was amazing too!
Oh I am jealous! We can’t wait to see Harry Potter land! Grandson who is 10 is a huge HP fan! Have a wonderful time! And thankyou :flower3:
Smiley, you look beautiful! Great pictures. So glad you're feeling so well!

Snappy, have a great WDW visit! This is the first of many years I haven't been over to enjoy the holidays in the parks. I miss it. I'll have to really do it up next year!

I just finished month three on Ibrance. I'm scheduled for a PET scan on 12/31. Here's hoping the medication is working. I feel pretty good, so it's easy to stay positive.

Happy Holidays!
New breast cancer patient here....so far so good on my chemo treatments! 14 more to go than 35 radiation blasts!
New breast cancer patient here....so far so good on my chemo treatments! 14 more to go than 35 radiation blasts!
Hi there! It’s been 9 years since my diagnosis, 8 years since I finished treatment. I had triple negative cancer so I don’t have any type of therapy now. Just crossed fingers and prayers! Lol It’s a hard journey, but trying to keep a positive outlook helps.


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