Dis-O-Lantern Contest - Results posted on page 1 post #2 -

sign me up.. i have an idea in mind all ready... muahahahahaha
Added a section to let you know you don't have to PM me to tell me you are entering. I just need your entry photo before the 30th.
im in... that is if i convince my mom to buy a pumpkin to carve
I'll try, provided my pumpkin doesn't look like a lopsided mess (as usual :rolleyes: ). I have a question though, about not putting your name in the entry... how will you know who is entering what photo? :confused3

aww I won't be able to join this contest. There's a pumpkin shortage in my area. It's too warm this season for them. Lots of heat and then rain and then more heat. 3/4 of the pumpkin crops rotted in the fields making the prices go up a lot. It would cost me like $20 for a pumpkin large enough to carve. @_@
Sparkle_Cherry said:
I have a question though, about not putting your name in the entry... how will you know who is entering what photo?

When you submit it to me, I keep the picture in a file here with your user name attached to it. The judges will not see that though, it will just be labeled as "A..B..C"

I still only have one entry so far. Holding my breath! :)
WebmasterCricket said:
When you submit it to me, I keep the picture in a file here with your user name attached to it. The judges will not see that though, it will just be labeled as "A..B..C"

I still only have one entry so far. Holding my breath! :)

OK, thanks for clearing that up :)

I'll send in my entry photo as soon as I can!


I'll be working on mine this weekend!!

We also do pumpkins every year....fun stuff!
> Please submit photos in a PM only

Also, please read the rules carefully.

WebmasterCricket <

SGood thing I worked on it yesturday, I think im the first person to sumbit.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :dance3: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Ooh! I'll be trying to enter, even if it means me turning a VMK item into a paper stencil... :D
I am on like Donkey Kong!


Can we enter more then one?


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