~DISappearing PEEPS~Vol. IV Come Play With Us!!!!!

I'm so sad, we might have to cancel our trip for November. DH doesn't know if he has work after April. I'm so upset, the kids are too. I shouldn't have told them.

Did you get the trip insurance? Maybe this can be a decision you don't have to make right away if you have the insurance.

Also it looks like flights have been staying the same $ wise so maybe you can wait on booking the flight as well. It breaks my heart when I hear about someone not being able to go to Disney especially since I know how much we all look forward to going there.
I'm so sad, we might have to cancel our trip for November. DH doesn't know if he has work after April. I'm so upset, the kids are too. I shouldn't have told them.

:hug: Right now think positive! I know it sucks to have to think about cancelling. Hopefully there's something just around the corner and he'll continue working. We've had to cancel trip for free dining, two years in a row and it sucks big time to do it but we've been able to rescudule for a few months later and had a great time.

Fran~ I see you're Disney bound in late May or early June. If you're going to be there the week of May 18th there are a couple more peeps that are trying to get together.
Did you get the trip insurance? Maybe this can be a decision you don't have to make right away if you have the insurance.

Also it looks like flights have been staying the same $ wise so maybe you can wait on booking the flight as well. It breaks my heart when I hear about someone not being able to go to Disney especially since I know how much we all look forward to going there.

:hug: Right now think positive! I know it sucks to have to think about cancelling. Hopefully there's something just around the corner and he'll continue working. We've had to cancel trip for free dining, two years in a row and it sucks big time to do it but we've been able to rescudule for a few months later and had a great time.

Fran~ I see you're Disney bound in late May or early June. If you're going to be there the week of May 18th there are a couple more peeps that are trying to get together.

The good thing is all I have put down is a deposits, no plane. I asked him if maybe we could just go for less days instead of 10 like we planned. We'll have to wait a little longer to see. Plus my mom was going with us too and for those who don't know she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January (but doing well). Having her second round of chemo next week. Her tumor did shrink 25% and that's good news. She also had a PET scan that detects if the cancer spread anywhere else and it didn't so that good news on our end.
Aaron~ I added you as a friend. The background in my photo should look familiar.
Cool! I'll approve you tonight!

OK, you folks inspired me. I came home completely exhausted, but the thought of not posting exercise bugged me, so I hopped on the bike.
Today's total:
Ten glasses of water,
35 minutes on the bike
10 minutes of strength training
10 minutes of THE BUNNY HOP! Don't I lead the glamorous life? If you want to join me in the hop, heed this warning - Make a visit to the potty before you start.:laughing:
The Power of the Peeps!!!

I'm so sad, we might have to cancel our trip for November. DH doesn't know if he has work after April. I'm so upset, the kids are too. I shouldn't have told them.
I'm so sorry to hear this...

My exercise last night was a 40-minute walk with the dog, and then about 60 minutes of weights. But it was a rough one last night. It's been about two weeks since I increased any of the weights that I've been lifting, but for some reason last night just kicked my butt. I could tell that it would be a long hour because the bench press - the very first exercise I did - left me almost winded. But I did the normal circuit despite that (The Power of the Peeps!) and felt really good about myself afterwards.

Have a great pre-weigh in day everybody!
Hi fellow peeps.
Yesterday was a bad day. Migraines in hte morning and then a seder that lasted until midnight, as usual haha
So, no time for me to work out. But, I had lots of water, more than I probably should. So, I guess that is good. And like someone else said on here before, it just means I now have to work it off! Like a bank! And I'm ready for the challenge! :) Oh how I want to back to Disney. I was just looking at my photos from last year's trip and I think I convinced my BF to go on a trip with me August of 2010! So long away but a girl can dream, right?:)
Hey Peeps, finally getting chance to check in! We leave for Cyprus on Sunday and I haven't got a thing done - no laundry, no packing, no nothing! :eek: I need to pull my finger out I think!

So... I'd like to tell all of you some SPECTACULAR news. After a year of being at the wrong schools and suffering, having no life and suffering!!!!
I GOT INTO EMERSON COLLEGE AS A TRANSFER STUDENT!!!! :cool1::thumbsup2:goodvibes:):eek::woohoo::yay::dance3::cheer2::cloud9:

Yes I know that was a lot of smilies but I am SO excited, you have no idea! I've been waiting for this day for months and months and the only thing I had to cling onto this year was getting myself healthier and looking forward to the future.

YAY!!! Hope everyone is well!!!

:cool1:Awesome news, congratulations!

Since the Peep Thread is slowing down a little, maybe we could all start posting our daily exercise/ water cosumption to keep us all better accountable? What do you think?

Sounds good to me Lauren, I'll be absent next week but when I get back I will need to get back on the wagon big time!

Other than that, I've been hanging out on facebook. I know there are a lot of peeps over there. I'd love to add you to my friends list. PM me for my last name if you're interested!

PM on its way! :)

Peeps, Wendy doesn't seem to be showing up on Facebook anymore. Has anyone heard from her? That means that for now, I am the only one who can approve requests to join the Peep group over there. If anyone sends a request, could you please do what Stacey did and let me know here that there is one waiting to be approved and give me your first name. You can PM me if you would prefer. I have one waiting for approval right now, and I'm not sure who it is. Noni, I got yours! :thumbsup2

I haven't seen Wendy around for a while, I don't think shes my friend on facebook anymore? :confused3

I'm so sad, we might have to cancel our trip for November. DH doesn't know if he has work after April. I'm so upset, the kids are too. I shouldn't have told them.

Oh Im so sorry Laura :guilty:
Heres hoping good things come your way and you can still go :wizard:

Todays water - 8 large glasses
Exercise - 20 minutes light exercise on the Cross Trainer (Im still struggling a little with my back so I don't want to do too much!)

Hope everyones having a great day :upsidedow
Let's try to figure something out....I am staying at the Dolphin Hotel May 9th then on the Disney Wonder from May 10th - May 14th. from May 14th - May 21st I will be at the beach club!

I'm at Pop Century 5/14 and at Boardwalk 5/15-5/23, so we're right across the lake from each other. :) I'll get our schedule together and send it to you.

I'm so sad, we might have to cancel our trip for November. DH doesn't know if he has work after April. I'm so upset, the kids are too. I shouldn't have told them.

:hug: Sending pixie dust your way hoping things work out for your trip!

I haven't seen Wendy around for a while, I don't think shes my friend on facebook anymore? :confused3

Yeah, me either. She doesn't appear to even have a profile pic up anymore? Maybe something happened... :confused3

I am concerned. I don't think she checked in last weigh in day. And I believe she is gone from Facebook all together. She is no longer on the group either, and the discussion topics that she started are no longer there. I'm hoping we hear from her on here tomorrow.
Evening all! Hope everyone has been well sorry I took a second full time job, DH got laid off so I was hoping to use the extra money for an entire different purpose but I am glad to have it now especially.

Ok so my other weight related update is.... well no giggles folks but I am in therapy and am learning that the food is but a symptom for me and that things I eat over are the things I don't like to talk about.

Most folks I guess are better at dealing with things then I do. I don't like to talk about the things that bother or upset me personally I have always gone with the theroy...is it worth an arguement?

SO I am learning that it is...and I have to do this silly thing now ...no giggles but before I eat I have to say outloud in front of people why I am eatting is it because I am hungry or is it becasue I am experiencing an uncomfortable emotion. I am always never to eat alone.

Wellthat is my embarrasing update! My counselor feels that I am going to get fed up wtih doing this nonsense that I will deal with this. So thats where I am at right now!

I will post my water exercise and if I ate because I am hungry or if it was emotional eatting.

Slap me CRAZY!
The good thing is all I have put down is a deposits, no plane. I asked him if maybe we could just go for less days instead of 10 like we planned. We'll have to wait a little longer to see. Plus my mom was going with us too and for those who don't know she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January (but doing well). Having her second round of chemo next week. Her tumor did shrink 25% and that's good news. She also had a PET scan that detects if the cancer spread anywhere else and it didn't so that good news on our end.

Glad to hear the tumor has shrunk and that your mom is holding the line. Sorry to hear about your trip, but I hope something good comes your way.:grouphug:

I am concerned. I don't think she checked in last weigh in day. And I believe she is gone from Facebook all together. She is no longer on the group either, and the discussion topics that she started are no longer there. I'm hoping we hear from her on here tomorrow.

I just sent a message to Spongemommie. They are neighbors and best buds. I'm hoping Wendy is just overwhelmed with school and family in the usual, how-do-I-do-it-all way.

Nothing good to report on the peep front. We had our egg hunt today, and quite a bit of candy made its way down my throat. I am exhausted, but plan to workout tomorrow. I did drink a lot of water today, so that's one plus.
Howdy folks. Are we weighing in tomorrow for the Easter challenge or should I wait until Sunday morning to post?? I know we usually post our weigh loss/gain on Friday, but it seems a bit redundant to post on Friday and again on Sunday. Anyone know??................P
Hey there peeps....anyone here still even remember me? I swear I say that about every 4 months or so. Life has been crazy here and I have had so little time to check any of my boards I used to. I am glad to see the peeps are still going strong and see some familiar faces here.

I have been on weight watchers since December (or was it November) and doing ok. It is coming off slow and steady. I also bought myself a body bugg about 2 weeks ago (the arm band thingy that they wear on the biggest loser) and it is so addicting! It monitors how many calories I burn in a day and I log my food to see if I am at a deficit in calories which means losing weight. I weigh on Tuesday for my first time since wearing it full time so we'll see. According to my calculations I should have lost 2 pounds this week.

On another note, DH and I are going to Moon Palace Resort in Cancun at the beginning of June and I am so excited. It is our first real vacation without kids since our honeymoon 8 yrs ago. And we are going to renew our vows on the beach (like we would have wanted the first time) so that will be so fantastic. AND, I now weigh the same as I did the day we got married so by June I will be less.....and will (hopefully) look and feel fabulous!

Hope all the peeps are doing well!! I also applied to the facebook group :goodvibes (I am Jennifer N, in case you dont recognize me in the profile pic)
I just sent a message to Spongemommie. They are neighbors and best buds. I'm hoping Wendy is just overwhelmed with school and family in the usual, how-do-I-do-it-all way.
I searched for her on Facebook, and she's still there. Lots of friends, just none of us. Did we do something to offend her?

Howdy folks. Are we weighing in tomorrow for the Easter challenge or should I wait until Sunday morning to post?? I know we usually post our weigh loss/gain on Friday, but it seems a bit redundant to post on Friday and again on Sunday. Anyone know??................P
First off, I've really got to apologize for being so dang lazy with this challenge. I haven't posted an update since we started. I've been keeping track, just not putting the results on here. So again, sorry. As for the weigh in, I typically just take Friday's for any weekend end date challenge. But really, it is up to you. If you think you can lose a little bit more between Friday and Sunday, then I'll take which ever one you want me to take.

All right, time to call it a night. Have a great night everybody!
Hey there peeps....anyone here still even remember me? I swear I say that about every 4 months or so. Life has been crazy here and I have had so little time to check any of my boards I used to. I am glad to see the peeps are still going strong and see some familiar faces here.

I have been on weight watchers since December (or was it November) and doing ok. It is coming off slow and steady. I also bought myself a body bugg about 2 weeks ago (the arm band thingy that they wear on the biggest loser) and it is so addicting! It monitors how many calories I burn in a day and I log my food to see if I am at a deficit in calories which means losing weight. I weigh on Tuesday for my first time since wearing it full time so we'll see. According to my calculations I should have lost 2 pounds this week.

On another note, DH and I are going to Moon Palace Resort in Cancun at the beginning of June and I am so excited. It is our first real vacation without kids since our honeymoon 8 yrs ago. And we are going to renew our vows on the beach (like we would have wanted the first time) so that will be so fantastic. AND, I now weigh the same as I did the day we got married so by June I will be less.....and will (hopefully) look and feel fabulous!

Hope all the peeps are doing well!! I also applied to the facebook group :goodvibes (I am Jennifer N, in case you dont recognize me in the profile pic)

Good to see you back. Your trip sounds great, and :thumbsup2 on your weight loss.

I searched for her on Facebook, and she's still there. Lots of friends, just none of us. Did we do something to offend her?
I searched for her under the name I had before as her friend, and she does not show up at all. She's not listed as Misty's friend either, and her avatar has disappeared off of a PM she sent me, which makes me think she's left Facebook. I'm keeping her in prayer and hoping we hear back soon.
Ok so my other weight related update is.... well no giggles folks but I am in therapy and am learning that the food is but a symptom for me and that things I eat over are the things I don't like to talk about.

Most folks I guess are better at dealing with things then I do. I don't like to talk about the things that bother or upset me personally I have always gone with the theroy...is it worth an arguement?

No giggles from me. I say do whatever works for you :hug:

Hey there peeps....anyone here still even remember me? I swear I say that about every 4 months or so. Life has been crazy here and I have had so little time to check any of my boards I used to. I am glad to see the peeps are still going strong and see some familiar faces here.

Welcome back :cool1:

I searched for her on Facebook, and she's still there. Lots of friends, just none of us. Did we do something to offend her?

I hope not :guilty:
I hope everything is going ok for Wendy :flower3:

I forgot to say, I am A SAMER this week. I'll take it, especially as we go to Cyprus on Sunday and Im expecting a gain from all the yummy food over there!
Hi Peeps!

Yesterday for working out I did Jillian Banish Fat Boost Metabolism but I could only finish 5 of the 7 sets, it was just one of those days. I did drink 4 bottles of water.

I am going to weigh in on Sunday a.m. aunt flow is in da house and I am feeling puff
Ok so my other weight related update is.... well no giggles folks but I am in therapy and am learning that the food is but a symptom for me and that things I eat over are the things I don't like to talk about.
No giggles coming from me. I've always thought that people who struggle with their weight basically have a food addiction. I know that I'm a recovering food addict. And really what you are describing is what other people do with alcohol. They get into a tough situation, and they only way they know how to deal with it is to have a drink. So I'd say that you are perfectly normal.

I don't have my handy-dandy spreadsheet in front of me that's been tracking my weight for the past two years, but I think I am down about 1/2 pound this week. I was either 162.8 or 162.4 last week, and I was 162 even today. I was down a little bit more than that on Wednesday, but somehow gained a smidge (that seems to be my favorite word lately) since then.

Have a great day, and a very happy Easter everybody!
Of course and think of you often so glad to see you back, some of us are diving back in. WOOOO HOOOOO to Cancun that sounds wonderful! Ok so we got some work to do together I am Disney bound in June so I am eager to get this off the ground!

Great to be in some wonderful company along the way!
Well, I'll post my weight for the challenge today. I am hosting an Easter Saturday get-together tomorrow, so I'm thinking that my Sunday am weight won't get any better than today's.

I am -1.2!! I'm not sure if I reached my 5 pound goal... I think I'm short by about a pound, but I'm still satisfied with my results. I'll wait until I see the "official" chart posted.

That makes me officially 12 pounds away from my goal weight, which I hope to reach by mid-June (only abut 9 weeks away). It will be a struggle to reach, but it will keep me focused and motivated. Besides, what would be a better birthday gift than to reach my goal weight by the time I turn 45?! ..........P
I'm so sad, we might have to cancel our trip for November. DH doesn't know if he has work after April. I'm so upset, the kids are too. I shouldn't have told them.

Don't beat yourself up, the kids need to also understand where things are right now. You are showing them that life is full of changes and sometimes there are short term sacrifices. It will also give them a moments pause before asking for things that may not be practical and its better for them to know then to say no to things and then they think they did something wrong.

Hang in there girl Dh got laid off Tuesday and I worry about medical coverage as his heart meds are 3000 a month, here's praying!


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