~DISappearing PEEPS~Vol. IV Come Play With Us!!!!!

I am quite pleased with myself this week. The hard work and new eating habits paid off and I'm -2.2 lbs for the week. This is my 3rd largest weekly wt loss this yr. I atribute a lot of this week's success to this article in the Jan 09 Readers digest. This is about two thirds of the original article that was printed. I've switched to simple lacto-vegan eating habits until 6pm. I thought it would be hard since I also have to eat in the car at lunch but I've found ways to make it work for me.

I've got to run but I'll be back this evening to reply to everyone!
Hey guys,
Just here for a quick update. Somehow Passover didn't ruin my week entirely because I'm down 2.0 pounds!!
Jillian Michaels is definitely working for me! :)
I have to say, it's incredibly refreshing to weigh in only once a week. I used to do it so sporadically, that it never felt good when I did lose weight because next time I could be up 10 pounds. It's so nice to keep track of all of this. I keep wanting to sneak a peak on Wednesday, but it just feels nicer to wait. Even if I gain, it's nicer to wait.

Have a great weigh-in day, guys!

Oh, and to check in for yesterday, I did half an hour of cardio and then half an hour of strength training! WOO HOO! And 9 glasses of water. :woohoo:
hey everyone :)
so i did not weigh myself today..i was afraid, i will admit it! with AF on the way and the cruise i dont' know if i could look at the #..BUT on the good side since coming back tuesday i have stayed on points just fine and i had a good work out yesterday ( and will do it again today as well)...so next week will be my restart point as far as the scale goes..
Not too much to share right now..wedding stuff is going well, sent the save teh dates out ( yay!) ...exactly 6 months from now is the wedding day!! aaaackkkk!!! GOTTA get serious with this getting in shape business..i think it FINALLY hit me that if i do not want to be a plump bride i NEED to get down to it! 6 months should be enough time to make some real changes right!?? RIGHT!??:scared1:
I've lost 1 lb. this week. Only 8 more to go before I head to Disney World in May. :thumbsup2

Fran~ Congrats!!! You are so awesome for getting your degree and sticking with your healthy eating through all of it.

I've got to get going........ I only did 2.17 miles on the elliptical at lunchtime. I have to do at least 2 more before bed.

Thank you! Great job BTW & keep up the good work!

:hug: Right now think positive! I know it sucks to have to think about cancelling. Hopefully there's something just around the corner and he'll continue working. We've had to cancel trip for free dining, two years in a row and it sucks big time to do it but we've been able to rescudule for a few months later and had a great time.

Fran~ I see you're Disney bound in late May or early June. If you're going to be there the week of May 18th there are a couple more peeps that are trying to get together.

We will arrive May 28th. I hope that some of the peeps will still be there but it will be my luck that everyone will be gone. Keep me informed. Thanks! :thumbsup2
I haven't seen Wendy around for a while, I don't think shes my friend on facebook anymore?

I just noticed that today too

Hey there peeps....anyone here still even remember me? I swear I say that about every 4 months or so. Life has been crazy here and I have had so little time to check any of my boards I used to. I am glad to see the peeps are still going strong and see some familiar faces here.

I remember you, welcome back;)

I searched for her on Facebook, and she's still there. Lots of friends, just none of us. Did we do something to offend her?

I hope she's not upset with us

Well the last time I officially weighed in with Sparkpeople was 3/27 and I weighed myself just now and I'm +1.6 which is fine because I haven't been much of a peep lately. I am starting officially on Monday again because Easter is Sunday and I have eaten way to many Mini cadberry eggs already. But I do drink my water instead of diet soda so that's a plus.
First off - weigh in. I'm down .8 lb this week. Puts me at 191.8. Can't wait for that 1.8 to come off so I'll be in the 180's!

I just sent a message to Spongemommie. They are neighbors and best buds. I'm hoping Wendy is just overwhelmed with school and family in the usual, how-do-I-do-it-all way.

I am hoping the same thing! I know she has a lot going on.

Hey there peeps....anyone here still even remember me? I swear I say that about every 4 months or so. Life has been crazy here and I have had so little time to check any of my boards I used to. I am glad to see the peeps are still going strong and see some familiar faces here.

I have been on weight watchers since December (or was it November) and doing ok. It is coming off slow and steady. I also bought myself a body bugg about 2 weeks ago (the arm band thingy that they wear on the biggest loser) and it is so addicting! It monitors how many calories I burn in a day and I log my food to see if I am at a deficit in calories which means losing weight. I weigh on Tuesday for my first time since wearing it full time so we'll see. According to my calculations I should have lost 2 pounds this week.

On another note, DH and I are going to Moon Palace Resort in Cancun at the beginning of June and I am so excited. It is our first real vacation without kids since our honeymoon 8 yrs ago. And we are going to renew our vows on the beach (like we would have wanted the first time) so that will be so fantastic. AND, I now weigh the same as I did the day we got married so by June I will be less.....and will (hopefully) look and feel fabulous!

Hope all the peeps are doing well!! I also applied to the facebook group :goodvibes (I am Jennifer N, in case you dont recognize me in the profile pic)

Hey! Of course we remember you. I was just thinking about you the other day. Glad to hear things are going well for you. I LOVE the pics in your siggie!! :)

I searched for her on Facebook, and she's still there. Lots of friends, just none of us. Did we do something to offend her?

I searched for her under the name I had before as her friend, and she does not show up at all. She's not listed as Misty's friend either, and her avatar has disappeared off of a PM she sent me, which makes me think she's left Facebook. I'm keeping her in prayer and hoping we hear back soon.

I hope we hear something soon. I have her email address. Maybe I'll send her a note that way.
I'm down 1.4 this week. In our back office I put up a copy of the AAA magazine cover from a couple of months ago that has a suitcase with a bikini, sunglasses and flip-flops and says, "Think Summer!" It is helping me to focus. I came down with a cold this morning but still managed to get on the bike. No gym, though, because I had to wait for the plumber.

I heard back from Misty. Wendy has not disappeared off the face of the earth. She has "stuff" going on. Misty will tell her we are concerned. She said go ahead and try searching and requesting her again.
I'm down 2 pounds this week.

Now if I can only get past the chocolate bunnies and ham dinners this weekend!!

Happy Holidays to you all!
I heard back from Misty. Wendy has not disappeared off the face of the earth. She has "stuff" going on. Misty will tell her we are concerned. She said go ahead and try searching and requesting her again.

Thanks for reporting that Danielle. I thought it might be something like that, and I know she must be super busy. I just hope things are OK.

My uncle is in the hospital, and my mom and I are going to visit him today. He has lung cancer that has spread to other places, now including his brain. He also has pneumonia. And he starts a series of 13 radiation treatments on Monday. (He's done one round of chemo and one round of radiation prior to the recent discovery of shadows on his brain CT.) I'm just going to try to go enjoy spending a bit of time with him today.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and a Happy Easter!
Thanks for reporting that Danielle. I thought it might be something like that, and I know she must be super busy. I just hope things are OK.

My uncle is in the hospital, and my mom and I are going to visit him today. He has lung cancer that has spread to other places, now including his brain. He also has pneumonia. And he starts a series of 13 radiation treatments on Monday. (He's done one round of chemo and one round of radiation prior to the recent discovery of shadows on his brain CT.) I'm just going to try to go enjoy spending a bit of time with him today.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and a Happy Easter!

:hug: sending good wishes to your uncle
My uncle is in the hospital, and my mom and I are going to visit him today. He has lung cancer that has spread to other places, now including his brain. He also has pneumonia. And he starts a series of 13 radiation treatments on Monday. (He's done one round of chemo and one round of radiation prior to the recent discovery of shadows on his brain CT.) I'm just going to try to go enjoy spending a bit of time with him today.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and a Happy Easter!
Thinking of you and your uncle.:hug:

Well peeps..i did it..i actually weighed myself..and get this: i am actually a samer!!! I could not believe it..esp after teh cruise and AF coming to town soon...but i will take it! Now at least i have a RESTART point that isn't too horrifying..i have been doing great staying on points and it just feels more serious this time...so on that note..off to have Jillian Michaels punish me ;)

Have a Happy Easter everyone ! :goodvibes
Lynda - thinking of you and your uncle :hug:

Well peeps, Im off to Cyprus in the morning for a week - catch you all when I get back!

Have a wonderful Easter everyone :goodvibes
My uncle is in the hospital, and my mom and I are going to visit him today. He has lung cancer that has spread to other places, now including his brain. He also has pneumonia. And he starts a series of 13 radiation treatments on Monday. (He's done one round of chemo and one round of radiation prior to the recent discovery of shadows on his brain CT.) I'm just going to try to go enjoy spending a bit of time with him today.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and a Happy Easter!
:hug: I hope you enjoy spending some time together.

Well, tomorrow is going to be a LONG day here. It is supposed to rain all day which means being stuck inside for all our Easter activities. And the Easter Bunny is bringing DD a bike...so keeping her in the house will be a nice challenge for me. The good news is I have managed to avoid eating all the 'extra' candy that did not fit into the baskets this year...so far. I purposely tried to buy only the lower fat stuff this year but one package of the chocolate peanut butter eggs did make it home with me from target :rolleyes1

Hope everyone has a good Holiday tomorrow!
happy easter peepers ( that celebrate it and otherwise :)
I will be off to my parents for the traditional ham and accessories dinner (i am making the green bean casserole..i don't know why , but i LOVE that stuff and only have it on Thanksgiving and Easter so i will be sure to enjoy it ;)
I already did the Jillian MIchaels shred video so i feel good that i actually worked out before feasting! ;)
Happy Easter everyone!

I wasn't able to check in on Friday, but I am a SAMER. AF is soon to leave, so I'm hoping this next week will be a loss. I'm doing my best to stay away from the easter goodies in the kiddos' baskets... DH filled them so that helped. So far, so good! All the extras that did not fit in their baskets I am taking to work where everyone else will inhale it before I have a shot at it. :thumbsup2

We're having Easter here, so I was able to dictate a healthier menu than my DSIL tends to have. Lots of fruit and veggie dishes with ham and low fat appetizers. I haven't had much of an appetite the past few days, so I don't anticipate eating much.

Lynda, I hope you get to spend some good, quality time with your uncle. That's one of the blessings I was gifted with before I lost my dad this year. I wouldn't have traded that time for the world. I hope you are blessed with the same opportunity. :hug:


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