***Disney Design Addict's Chit Chat,Designs and Pixie Dust! Everybody WELCOME!*** Part 5

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Tammi67 said:
Are you sure this guy wasn't just a weirdo??? :rotfl: What a good ploy though, if you are trying to get a cheap thrill!!

I thought that after it happened, but just the way he was talking before the ride and the look of fear on his face, I truly think he was very scared. He kept telling his daughter he didn't want to ride, but she really, really, really wanted to ride and they wouldn't let her on the ride without an adult, so he sucked it up and rode it, but never again.

Welcome back! I love your new picture, your family is beautiful :goodvibes

macntosh said:
Morning Strangers!

Just thought I would pop in and say hello. I have backed up and become a lurker, because seeing this place let's me know how much I miss not being at Disney.
macntosh said:
Morning Strangers!

Just thought I would pop in and say hello. I have backed up and become a lurker, because seeing this place let's me know how much I miss not being at Disney.

My wife has told me we need to plan another trip since she was so ill on the last one and I don't think a day goes by that Mya doesn't say "Daddy, when are we going to ride the Teapots again"

So I guess it's time to save that pocket change and see what specials come up. I did just purchase 100 pins for trading, so that's a start. That pin trading was addictive!

Hope all of you are doing well!

p.s. Today is my wife and my Nineth Year Wedding Anniversary. :sunny: Wow time flys!

Oh I almost forgot, congrats Alabama, you beat my Alma Mater. I was in shock standing there watching that knuckle ball go over the post. Your fan's were quite pleasant however.

Hi! We missed you. I agree with you wife you need to go ahead and plan another trip. BTW your daughter favors your wife, as I am sure you already know.
tink2020 said:
Ugh. I DREAD these games, every time they come up. Last year it wasn't so bad because the Bengals didn't have a chance for the playoffs.... but this year I think I'll get a half and half jersey. (Don't kill me, Kate! :goodvibes ) It's been AGES since the Bengals went to the playoffs, so I have to pull for them..... but it broke my heart last year when Ben played so terribly! He is the sweetest guy, and my whole family (and DH's family) was stoked last year to watch him do so well! I about died on draft day when he went to the Steelers, being from Cincinnati :rotfl: I guess it's really a win-win situation for me :goodvibes
You sound like you know him personally. Do you? My dad got both my kids Rothlisberger jersies last year, so we are set.
macntosh said:
Morning Strangers!

Just thought I would pop in and say hello. I have backed up and become a lurker, because seeing this place let's me know how much I miss not being at Disney.

My wife has told me we need to plan another trip since she was so ill on the last one and I don't think a day goes by that Mya doesn't say "Daddy, when are we going to ride the Teapots again"

So I guess it's time to save that pocket change and see what specials come up. I did just purchase 100 pins for trading, so that's a start. That pin trading was addictive!

Hope all of you are doing well!

p.s. Today is my wife and my Nineth Year Wedding Anniversary. :sunny: Wow time flys!

Oh I almost forgot, congrats Alabama, you beat my Alma Mater. I was in shock standing there watching that knuckle ball go over the post. Your fan's were quite pleasant however.

WELCOME BACK! Thanks for checking in, and I'm glad you're still tagging along! Happy Anniversary! And the photo of your family in your signature is beautiful! :goodvibes
macntosh said:
Morning Strangers!

Just thought I would pop in and say hello. I have backed up and become a lurker, because seeing this place let's me know how much I miss not being at Disney.

My wife has told me we need to plan another trip since she was so ill on the last one and I don't think a day goes by that Mya doesn't say "Daddy, when are we going to ride the Teapots again"

So I guess it's time to save that pocket change and see what specials come up. I did just purchase 100 pins for trading, so that's a start. That pin trading was addictive!

Hope all of you are doing well!

p.s. Today is my wife and my Nineth Year Wedding Anniversary. :sunny: Wow time flys!

Oh I almost forgot, congrats Alabama, you beat my Alma Mater. I was in shock standing there watching that knuckle ball go over the post. Your fan's were quite pleasant however.
Hey Mac! We have missed you. I always say, the best thing to get yourself out of a post-Disney funk is to plan another trip. Happy Anniversary! Here's to many more. What are you doing to celebrate?

I love the pic in your sig. Your family is beautiful.
Happy Anniversary to Macntosh and your wife.

Tammi67 said:
You sound like you know him personally. Do you? My dad got both my kids Rothlisberger jersies last year, so we are set.

We actually do, a few times over. :blush: DH grew up in a small town near Findlay, and their families know each other to some extent (everyone in rural NW Ohio knows each other :rotfl: ).

Then, first semester freshman year in college Ben and I were in a small group together and hung out from there. We were also both pre-med (at least at that point), so we pretty much stuck to the same circuits (socially and some classes) until he left after our Junior year.

Before anyone asks for box seats, I don't have those :rolleyes: We aren't close enough to chat daily, I've never been to his (giant) new house, etc. But if we're at the same function he knows Kyle and I and still comes to chat for a minute. He's definately a class act guy. :goodvibes
tink2020 said:
We actually do, a few times over. :blush: DH grew up in a small town near Findlay, and their families know each other to some extent (everyone in rural NW Ohio knows each other :rotfl: ).

Then, first semester freshman year in college Ben and I were in a small group together and hung out from there. We were also both pre-med (at least at that point), so we pretty much stuck to the same circuits (socially and some classes) until he left after our Junior year.

Before anyone asks for box seats, I don't have those :rolleyes: We aren't close enough to chat daily, I've never been to his (giant) new house, etc. But if we're at the same function he knows Kyle and I and still comes to chat for a minute. He's definately a class act guy. :goodvibes
Hey, I will settle for nose-bleed seats!!

Boy, first Glynis, and now you....who else has socialized with celebrities?
macntosh said:
Morning Strangers!

p.s. Today is my wife and my Nineth Year Wedding Anniversary. :sunny: Wow time flys!

Oh I almost forgot, congrats Alabama, you beat my Alma Mater. I was in shock standing there watching that knuckle ball go over the post. Your fan's were quite pleasant however.

Thanks for popping in for a visit. I have missed seeing pictures of Mya on your siggie. You have a beautiful family. Congrats on the wedding anniversary. How about them DAWGS.....did you stay up for that one. They finally came alive in the 2nd quarter but it was to late. I was upset but oh well.

Blueeyes101817 said:
thanks everyone--i swear im not bragging--no one is home and i am so excited..i worked like crazy this semester to be able to get these grades!!
so sorry if it came off bragging!

In my book, you ARE allowed to brag!
I don't think anyne thought you slept through classes ... and skipped homework here. ;)
Hard work goes into good grades! That's why we don't get grades, we earn grades.
macntosh said:
Morning Strangers!

Just thought I would pop in and say hello. I have backed up and become a lurker, because seeing this place let's me know how much I miss not being at Disney.

My wife has told me we need to plan another trip since she was so ill on the last one and I don't think a day goes by that Mya doesn't say "Daddy, when are we going to ride the Teapots again"

So I guess it's time to save that pocket change and see what specials come up. I did just purchase 100 pins for trading, so that's a start. That pin trading was addictive!

Hope all of you are doing well!

p.s. Today is my wife and my Nineth Year Wedding Anniversary. :sunny: Wow time flys!

Oh I almost forgot, congrats Alabama, you beat my Alma Mater. I was in shock standing there watching that knuckle ball go over the post. Your fan's were quite pleasant however.
What a great family picture!
It's good to see you again, and Happy Anniversary!
macntosh said:
Morning Strangers!

Just thought I would pop in and say hello. I have backed up and become a lurker, because seeing this place let's me know how much I miss not being at Disney.

My wife has told me we need to plan another trip since she was so ill on the last one and I don't think a day goes by that Mya doesn't say "Daddy, when are we going to ride the Teapots again"

So I guess it's time to save that pocket change and see what specials come up. I did just purchase 100 pins for trading, so that's a start. That pin trading was addictive!

Hope all of you are doing well!

p.s. Today is my wife and my Nineth Year Wedding Anniversary. :sunny: Wow time flys!

Oh I almost forgot, congrats Alabama, you beat my Alma Mater. I was in shock standing there watching that knuckle ball go over the post. Your fan's were quite pleasant however.

Nice to see you.
Happy Anniversary :cheer2:
Love your picture
Tammi67 said:
Where is everyone? It is awfully slow today.

Everyone is a lot chattier at night after 11pm when I am in bed asleep. Now that work has slowed down I keep checking back and refreshing my page and it is still quiet.

Thanks all for the kind words. Well I have taken the plunge and started planning, don't know when or how it will be paid for, but you got to start somewhere. What's New Year's Eve like at Disney?

We celebrated our Honeymoon at Disney and maybe we could get New Year's eve and our Tenth Anniversary togethor.
Blueeyes101817 said:
okay guys--i promised i would post all my grades when i got them, and they are FINALLY in!

Sociology of education-A-
Classical Sociological Theory-B
Growth and learning-A
Language Development-B+
So my GPA for this semester is 3.489 and my GPA f or all semester was 3.414..im quite happy!!!

thanks for letting me share!

Great job!! You should be proud of yourself!! :goodvibes
Blueeyes101817 said:
okay guys--i promised i would post all my grades when i got them, and they are FINALLY in!

Sociology of education-A-
Classical Sociological Theory-B
Growth and learning-A
Language Development-B+
So my GPA for this semester is 3.489 and my GPA f or all semester was 3.414..im quite happy!!!

thanks for letting me share!

Congratulations!!! :cheer2:
macntosh said:
Morning Strangers!

Just thought I would pop in and say hello. I have backed up and become a lurker, because seeing this place let's me know how much I miss not being at Disney.

My wife has told me we need to plan another trip since she was so ill on the last one and I don't think a day goes by that Mya doesn't say "Daddy, when are we going to ride the Teapots again"

So I guess it's time to save that pocket change and see what specials come up. I did just purchase 100 pins for trading, so that's a start. That pin trading was addictive!

Hope all of you are doing well!

p.s. Today is my wife and my Nineth Year Wedding Anniversary. :sunny: Wow time flys!

Oh I almost forgot, congrats Alabama, you beat my Alma Mater. I was in shock standing there watching that knuckle ball go over the post. Your fan's were quite pleasant however.

Happy Anniversary!!! :love:
macntosh said:
Thanks all for the kind words. Well I have taken the plunge and started planning, don't know when or how it will be paid for, but you got to start somewhere. What's New Year's Eve like at Disney?

We celebrated our Honeymoon at Disney and maybe we could get New Year's eve and our Tenth Anniversary togethor.

Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Mac!!

I was there New Years 2005. I didn't go to MK, heard it was sooo crowded... but I went to DTD and had a blast! Then after the 2nd, everyone left and it was quiet. Perfect weather too!!!
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