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we are in a second lockdown / stay at home order in Ireland, so my plan this time is watch the Disney Animated movies in chronological order. Disney+ was launched during the first lockdown in March and I just was so overwhelmed with everything, the old favorite's, the ones I never got to see and then all the new content, that I was just jumping from movie to series to shorts with no order or plan.

I started with The Sword In The Stone and just now finished The Rescuers. Anyone else doing this?

we never had anything so grandious as trying to watch all of them - but we have at times put on older animated movies that the kids never saw so it has been fun to re-experience them
As for today’s episode. Easily the worst of the series. Im a huge fan of Peyton Reed (yes, even Antman and the Wasp), but this was bad. Amy Sedaris just doesn’t fit in Star Wars either. Her previous 2 appearances were whatever, but now she’s a recurring character, and it gets worse with every appearance she makes. We’re now 25% of the way through the season with little to now forward plot movement. Back to back filler episodes, but at least Chapter 9 was an entertaining episode. Chapter 10 felt more like an episode that was a budget saver for future episodes, but I think there could have been at least some forward progress.

Chapter 10 felt like a 40 minute Star Tours mission. That’s the best way I can describe it
I liked this episode, it wasn't the best, but it filled out the family narrative well... and I still see hints that the little one may be a bit too attracted to the dark side, which makes him a lot more interesting.

I am sort of in between you both - it likely would be ranked towards the bottom of all episodes, but that didn't make it bad to me. I like trying a new style/movie theme/tone for it and appreciated some of the world building

At the same time it feels like not much story got accomplished (like, content wise they only got through 1/2 an episodes worth) and with only 8 episodes it felt not "worth" it. (I mean, we are already 1/4 of the wya through the season at this point!)

Hopefully the next one reverses that - if I am feeling the same after episode 3 I will be a bit more upset/concerned - but I trust Filoni, etc.
we are in a second lockdown / stay at home order in Ireland, so my plan this time is watch the Disney Animated movies in chronological order. Disney+ was launched during the first lockdown in March and I just was so overwhelmed with everything, the old favorite's, the ones I never got to see and then all the new content, that I was just jumping from movie to series to shorts with no order or plan.

I started with The Sword In The Stone and just now finished The Rescuers. Anyone else doing this?

We’ve started watching all Disney produced movies in order. I own many of them, and many of the ones I don’t are on D+.. The last thing we watched was Victory Through Airpower- on Youtube.

I created a list on my pc. I did take a few things out, like the Disney Channel movies.
we are in a second lockdown / stay at home order in Ireland, so my plan this time is watch the Disney Animated movies in chronological order. Disney+ was launched during the first lockdown in March and I just was so overwhelmed with everything, the old favorite's, the ones I never got to see and then all the new content, that I was just jumping from movie to series to shorts with no order or plan.

I started with The Sword In The Stone and just now finished The Rescuers. Anyone else doing this?

So very sorry your country is in lock down. So many people around the world are so selfish don’t care. We in the USA are the worst. I have to take a covid test tomorrow because I’m getting a procedure done that everyone should get done when they hit 50 or even before 50. Of course I do the right thing so it will be negative of course. This covid virus could of been over with if. Costing so many people their lives and jobs. I’m not scared either I been to Disney Hilton head in September. Going to wdw/ universal beginning of December. Than back to wdw end of January. If you do the right thing s you will be safe. People don’t understand or care. Also people don’t want to help people out. I’m trying to do my best to help people out and doing the same things I was doing that I can and more. People jobs depends on it.
Enough of that not the right place for it.
So glad you are enjoying the old Disney movies.
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So very sorry your country is in lock down. So many people around the world are so selfish don’t care. We in the USA are the worst. I have to take a covid test tomorrow because I’m getting a procedure done that everyone should get done when they hit 50 or even before 50. Of course I do the right thing so it will be negative of course. This covid virus could of been over with if. Costing so many people their lives and jobs. I’m not scared either I been to Disney Hilton head in September. Going to wdw/ universal beginning of December. Than back to wdw end of January. If you do the right thing s you will be safe. People don’t understand or care. Also people don’t want to help people out. I’m trying to do my best to help people out and doing the same things I was doing that I can and more. People jobs depends on it.
Enough of that not the right place for it.
So glad you are enjoying the old Disney movies.
Just wanted to point out that the US ranks 8th in the number of COVID cases that lead to death. Even Canada is ahead of the US in this statistic. There are no countries except in the Pacific that aren't affected by this pandemic. It's sad that the number of deaths have been so devastating. But, the US is not alone in that. And, it's definitely not "the worst".
Just wanted to point out that the US ranks 8th in the number of COVID cases that lead to death. Even Canada is ahead of the US in this statistic. There are no countries except in the Pacific that aren't affected by this pandemic. It's sad that the number of deaths have been so devastating. But, the US is not alone in that. And, it's definitely not "the worst".

Yep I was wrong to say USA is the worst at covid. More people take the tests which makes it looks like the worst. Enough of covid this belongs in on the community board.
we are in a second lockdown / stay at home order in Ireland, so my plan this time is watch the Disney Animated movies in chronological order. Disney+ was launched during the first lockdown in March and I just was so overwhelmed with everything, the old favorite's, the ones I never got to see and then all the new content, that I was just jumping from movie to series to shorts with no order or plan.

I started with The Sword In The Stone and just now finished The Rescuers. Anyone else doing this?
I actually started watching every Walt Disney Animated Studios movie in chronological order back in 2017. I did this because of a Podcast that was going to review each show in order. It has taken over 3 years, but they are about ready to do Moana. While I have most of the recent animated movies on Blu Ray, having the movies available on Disney+ has been really helpful and easy.
I thoroughly enjoyed episode 2. Usually I have no patience anymore for tv episodes that don't advance the storyline, but I'm just so entranced with anything the Mandalorian does. As a life long fan who reads all the books and absorbs all the extra universe I just LoVE all these episodes.

I can't wait to see what happens even if it's not about the overall story.

Also, baby Yadda (that's what I can him, Yoda +Yaddle) was being a little jerk for parts of this episode.
I am sort of in between you both - it likely would be ranked towards the bottom of all episodes, but that didn't make it bad to me. I like trying a new style/movie theme/tone for it and appreciated some of the world building

At the same time it feels like not much story got accomplished (like, content wise they only got through 1/2 an episodes worth) and with only 8 episodes it felt not "worth" it. (I mean, we are already 1/4 of the wya through the season at this point!)

Hopefully the next one reverses that - if I am feeling the same after episode 3 I will be a bit more upset/concerned - but I trust Filoni, etc.

I feel about the same. I've been enjoying these first two episodes and have found them fun. With it only being 2 so far it doesn't seem so bad, but knowing then that were are 1/4 through the season it does worry me that we haven't progressed stuff too much yet. I have a feeling next week we will get more given some clips from the trailer that seem likely to take place in episode 3. But if we kept getting stuff that is overall filler I will worry a bit about progression. However I feel 6 episodes is still quite a bit left to cover stuff as well. With an average run time of 4 minutes per episode that leaves us with around 4 hours of material left, so about two movies worth, plenty of time to progress the narrative still.
Seems people want the Story to progress fast. If they do that than the show will be over. Now do we really want that? No we do not. The story will be slow. Disney knows where their bread and butter is right now. They know what they are doing.
I've enjoyed the throwbacks to several pieces of non-canon lore, including the video games. But my wife and I both agreed chapter 10 was pretty weak in terms of story. Funny at times, beautifully shot, and wonderful effects of course, but if it wasn't included I'm not sure it would matter. We will see. Still 3njoyable to watch but we both shrugged at the end and went... meh...
Seems people want the Story to progress fast. If they do that than the show will be over. Now do we really want that? No we do not. The story will be slow. Disney knows where their bread and butter is right now. They know what they are doing.

It’s not that I want it to progress fast, it’s that when you on;y have an 8 episode season, the more episodes like Chapter 10 there are, the more you have to cram into a smaller amount of episodes. There are now 6 episodes left to get back to the dark saber/moff gideon. Introduce Ashoka, Bo-Katan, Sabine Wren, and progress towards returning the child back to its kind, or the Jedi. That’s a lot to do in 6 episodes without having it feel convoluted. Some of this stuff might bleed into S3 and beyond, but progress doesn’t mean the story ends, just makes it more complete. Chapter 10 isn’t an episode I’ll likely revisit in re-watches because it doesn’t do much for the world building.
It’s not that I want it to progress fast, it’s that when you on;y have an 8 episode season, the more episodes like Chapter 10 there are, the more you have to cram into a smaller amount of episodes. There are now 6 episodes left to get back to the dark saber/moff gideon. Introduce Ashoka, Bo-Katan, Sabine Wren, and progress towards returning the child back to its kind, or the Jedi. That’s a lot to do in 6 episodes without having it feel convoluted. Some of this stuff might bleed into S3 and beyond, but progress doesn’t mean the story ends, just makes it more complete. Chapter 10 isn’t an episode I’ll likely revisit in re-watches because it doesn’t do much for the world building.
AH, but your thinking there will be a conclusion as stated above will happen this season. There could be many more seasons to come. Sit back and enjoy the show.
Agreed. They only want so much progression each season. There won't be a big resolution to the Child at the end of season 2. The journey is the big focus of the show right now. Also if we loo back to season 1, really only about 4 of the episodes progressed the story (and part of that was just the premiere setting everything up) and the rest were overall filler. So again there's plenty of time to advance the story.
At the risk of dating myself, this is like Steve McQueen’s series Bounty Hunter. It can keep going as long as there’s enough interest. They probably have the script for the final episode roughly drafted so they can film it whenever it’s decided to end the series. Until then, I don’t expect to find others of The Child’s kind. Although it did occur to me that maybe the planet they’re headed to now would be the planet Yoda was hiding on when Luke met him - which was not necessarily his home planet. Seems like it was an appropriate environment for the new passenger. Obviously, I didn’t catch the name of the destination planet, and I have no idea what the name of Yoda’s hiding place was, names that are probably well known to several of you! :teeth:
We did a group watch again this week. For those who have not l tried it yet there emojis you can post during the show. They show in the bottom left hand corner of the screen with your name next to it. It’s very basic there a 6 in total I believe crying laughing etc. It would be nice if they did some show specific ones hopefully they will expand this at some point.
AH, but your thinking there will be a conclusion as stated above will happen this season. There could be many more seasons to come. Sit back and enjoy the show.

Nope, didn’t say that. I even said “could bleed into season 3 and beyond”. Just because the story will go on for seasons doesn’t make standstill episodes more intriguing. And just because I didn’t like this episode doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying the show as a whole, I just found this episode to be a waste. Just my opinion
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