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I actually really love Amy Sedaris on The Mandalorian, I wonder if I'm in the minority there. Ah well.
Is anyone else watching the utterly bonkers but have to find out whats next Marvels Agents of Shield? It wasn't shown on TV here so I have been buying the DVD boxsets. I just finished season 6 on Disney+ and can't wait for season 7 to start on November 13. At this stage I have lost count of how many times Coulson has died, but Tahiti is a magical place, right??
Is anyone else watching the utterly bonkers but have to find out whats next Marvels Agents of Shield? It wasn't shown on TV here so I have been buying the DVD boxsets. I just finished season 6 on Disney+ and can't wait for season 7 to start on November 13. At this stage I have lost count of how many times Coulson has died, but Tahiti is a magical place, right??

That use to be my show. :) I watched the 7th season as it originally aired may-August. I just went back for a recap and learned something about a new character that I missed which I won’t spoil. The show was a fun run.

Got invested in the characters. I recently watched Captain Marvel for the second time and perked up when coulson came on screen. Declared “I love cgi young coulson” when he let Fury get away. So coulson :) I would watch any spin off.
Is anyone else watching the utterly bonkers but have to find out whats next Marvels Agents of Shield? It wasn't shown on TV here so I have been buying the DVD boxsets. I just finished season 6 on Disney+ and can't wait for season 7 to start on November 13. At this stage I have lost count of how many times Coulson has died, but Tahiti is a magical place, right??
I loved that show for the first 2-3 seasons, but then quickly lost interest when it completely jumped the shark. Had such promise but really went off the rails.
Is anyone else watching the utterly bonkers but have to find out whats next Marvels Agents of Shield? It wasn't shown on TV here so I have been buying the DVD boxsets. I just finished season 6 on Disney+ and can't wait for season 7 to start on November 13. At this stage I have lost count of how many times Coulson has died, but Tahiti is a magical place, right??

I loved it and watched it religiously the whole run. Fitz was my favorite.
Is anyone else watching the utterly bonkers but have to find out whats next Marvels Agents of Shield? It wasn't shown on TV here so I have been buying the DVD boxsets. I just finished season 6 on Disney+ and can't wait for season 7 to start on November 13. At this stage I have lost count of how many times Coulson has died, but Tahiti is a magical place, right??

I loved that show. I watched it from season one and it was so fun. You never knew what to expect! Also, watch the Agent Carter mini series - they are good and even have some tie-in to AOS.

I loved that show for the first 2-3 seasons, but then quickly lost interest when it completely jumped the shark. Had such promise but really went off the rails.

I think it only got better as it went on. The final season was amazing!
Nope, didn’t say that. I even said “could bleed into season 3 and beyond”. Just because the story will go on for seasons doesn’t make standstill episodes more intriguing. And just because I didn’t like this episode doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying the show as a whole, I just found this episode to be a waste. Just my opinion

Yea same. It's kinda the result of watching each week instead of binging. Overall not concerned it will continue to be a great series. Plus I really hate
I have to take a covid test tomorrow because I’m getting a procedure done that everyone should get done when they hit 50 or even before 50. Of course I do the right thing so it will be negative of course.

Same here. I had my test last week and got negative results back the same day. My "C" is wednesday. Good luck with yours! I am still so caught up in the can't eat anything after a light breakfast...
I've enjoyed the throwbacks to several pieces of non-canon lore, including the video games. But my wife and I both agreed chapter 10 was pretty weak in terms of story. Funny at times, beautifully shot, and wonderful effects of course, but if it wasn't included I'm not sure it would matter. We will see. Still 3njoyable to watch but we both shrugged at the end and went... meh...
I was really expecting The Child to do something with the critters like was seen on Rebels...but nothing. Left me scratching my head...but I guess Dave was too busy being "in" the ep than trying to connect the dots...
My first thought was that we will find out later that The Child was not actually "eating" the eggs but was actually protecting them somehow.
My first thought was that we will find out later that The Child was not actually "eating" the eggs but was actually protecting them somehow.

"Yes I considered that immediately but more of a force usage than a stomach-but who knows yet."
My first thought was that we will find out later that The Child was not actually "eating" the eggs but was actually protecting them somehow.

Huh. my response doesn't want to show. Weird.
My first thought was that we will find out later that The Child was not actually "eating" the eggs but was actually protecting them somehow.

A youtube channel that reviews all this stuff put forward the same theory, noting that other food (like the spider from the egg in this same episode) he chews vs these eggs he swallowed whole. So perhaps later in the season the container of eggs is lost but they he is able to produce eggs that he had been "protecting" in order to save the Frog Lady's line. If so, I wonder if those eggs will then produce beings that are more force sensitive than they would have otherwise been
It wouldn't surprise me if it was pushed back to January, possibly even January 1. Mandalorian will finish season 2 on December 18 and i figured they would wait until then to start WandaVision instead of them overlapping to stretch it out a little more. So with the following Friday being Christmas (which they could use for the premiere but guessing they will skip that date) the next Friday is January 1.
It wouldn't surprise me if it was pushed back to January, possibly even January 1. Mandalorian will finish season 2 on December 18 and i figured they would wait until then to start WandaVision instead of them overlapping to stretch it out a little more. So with the following Friday being Christmas (which they could use for the premiere but guessing they will skip that date) the next Friday is January 1.

Christmas is also Soul. And they’ll already have mando subscriptions for the month of December. So it would definitely make sense to push Wandavision to January to get new/keep mando subscribers on for longer. January 15th would be my guess. That way episode 8 bleeds into March, so they’ll have January, February, and March subscriptions. Then you have Black Widow, and then you get FatWS, Loki, and Hawkeye subscriptions.
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