Dizzy World here we come!! March 2010 PTR with pictures!

Oh my gosh, newborns are so time consuming! But worth it of course! Can't wait to hear all the fun details.
Wow, 14 days....I am so excited for you!! No matter what awaits you when you get home, enjoy your time, you've worked hard up until now for this trip...adjustments can be made when you get home.

BTW....yup, your baby is ADORABLE

Thank you!!! It's been a little difficult preparing for this vacation now, but once I see Cinderella's castle, all my troubles will disappear for 10 days. You're right, I have worked really hard for this trip and I need to enjoy it.

Hey Deanna! All your plans sound great! We did breakfast at CP last trip and loved it, best service we had all week and the French toast puffs are so yummy!

I can't believe how much Reya has grown since I last saw pics of her - she's not bald anymore! And your new baby boy is adorable :goodvibes

Sorry to hear about the news with your DHs job, hopefully it will just be temporary.

I thought she would NEVER get hair. LOL!! So we're planning on getting her first haircut while at the MK....I can't wait. I've been waiting to fill out her "first haircut" page in her baby book for a Long,Long time. :)

Oh my gosh, newborns are so time consuming! But worth it of course! Can't wait to hear all the fun details.

VERY time consuming..... I'm so tired, it's not even funny. It gets a little easier day by day though. I can't wait to share our memories with everyone when we get back.

Thought I would go through and share some old Disneyland and Disney World vacation photos in anticipation of our vacation.

((In NO particular order))

Grandpa and Reya on It’s a small world in Disneyland. ((Reya’s 1st trip))


Leaving for ANOTHER disney trip…. SUPER EXCITED!!


Daddy and Reya exhausted after a Long drive to WDW


Daddy and Reya taking a break and having fun on a teeter totter at a rest stop on our drive to WDW






Space Ship Earth




Daddy and Reya


We'll be at MK on saturday as well. :) We have reservations at CRT that morning, I'm SOOOO excited. Maybe we'll see ya. I'll be the one with the cutest baby in world there. LOL!!! Every mom thinks their baby is the cutest, huh!? ;)

Neat! :thumbsup2 Maybe we'll run into you on Saturday!

Of course every mom thinks so ;) So you can have the cutest baby since mine is no longer a baby as he constantly informs me. "I'm a big boy, Mommy" :) So you have the cutest baby boy and "big" girl and I have the cutest big boy, that works, right! :goodvibes
Neat! :thumbsup2 Maybe we'll run into you on Saturday!

Of course every mom thinks so ;) So you can have the cutest baby since mine is no longer a baby as he constantly informs me. "I'm a big boy, Mommy" :) So you have the cutest baby boy and "big" girl and I have the cutest big boy, that works, right! :goodvibes

LOL..... Yep, works for me.
March 4th

4:00 AM: Wake up

5:15 AM: Wake up Kids

6:00 AM: Leave for the airport
**Nephew will take us to airport.
**Have breakfast at Airport
**make sure we have plenty of snacks/entertainment for the kids on the flight

8:10AM: Flight Leaves

1:30PM: Arrive in Orlando
**Pick up Rental cars from Budget
**Go to Hotel to check in and drop off luggage
**Go to Local Walmart or Target to pick up baby items and food for the week

5:00PM: Go to DTD for some shopping and dinner
((If we’re too tired we’ll hang at the hotel for swimming and dinner instead))
Followed your link and subbing! Made it just in time too, you leave so soon! I bet you're so excited!

Are you all packed yet? Travelling with small children and baggage fees is just so insane. I'm already making packing lists and I don't leave until September! It just blows my mind, and we're generally very minimialist on the "stuff" that we use for babies anyway. DD honestly had some clothes, some diapers, and a sling for her when she was born, that was all. But packing it all in a suitcase? I don't even know how you pack all those diapers! It'll take up a whole suitcase! We use cloth diapers at home but I don't have enough for a week, and there's no way I'm PAYING to bring back dirty diapers. So I have to figure out the whole disposible thing too, which is really difficult because DD has such sensitive skin that she's actually wetter in a disposible than in cloth, and she breaks out. So I think I'm going to have to create some hybrid system where I use one of the stay dry liners for our cloth in a disposible... Frustration. Fun to be able to obsessively plan, but frustrating.

I love the countdown calendar, I will be making one. It's so beautiful! Did you just cross out the days, or peel them off, or something else? Maybe I could use disney stickers to put on every day.

Your daughter and son are so adorable. I have a fondness for bald babies, even though my oldest has hair now. The baby still doesn't!

That suite you're staying in is HUGE. That's going to be great! That's bigger than my old apartment was! And that pool looks like so much fun!

So excited to read more about your planning and then await your return! Happy to have found your trip report!
Followed your link and subbing! Made it just in time too, you leave so soon! I bet you're so excited!

Are you all packed yet? Travelling with small children and baggage fees is just so insane. I'm already making packing lists and I don't leave until September! It just blows my mind, and we're generally very minimialist on the "stuff" that we use for babies anyway. DD honestly had some clothes, some diapers, and a sling for her when she was born, that was all. But packing it all in a suitcase? I don't even know how you pack all those diapers! It'll take up a whole suitcase! We use cloth diapers at home but I don't have enough for a week, and there's no way I'm PAYING to bring back dirty diapers. So I have to figure out the whole disposible thing too, which is really difficult because DD has such sensitive skin that she's actually wetter in a disposible than in cloth, and she breaks out. So I think I'm going to have to create some hybrid system where I use one of the stay dry liners for our cloth in a disposible... Frustration. Fun to be able to obsessively plan, but frustrating.

I love the countdown calendar, I will be making one. It's so beautiful! Did you just cross out the days, or peel them off, or something else? Maybe I could use disney stickers to put on every day.

Your daughter and son are so adorable. I have a fondness for bald babies, even though my oldest has hair now. The baby still doesn't!

That suite you're staying in is HUGE. That's going to be great! That's bigger than my old apartment was! And that pool looks like so much fun!

So excited to read more about your planning and then await your return! Happy to have found your trip report!

Welcome!!! :yay:

I have 1 large suitcase packed up already. It pretty much has all of the kids clothes and toiletries in it. I weighed it the other day and it was nearly 45lbs. :rolleyes1
I'm not going to pack any diapers or formula,( except what I need for the plane ride there.) We're just going to purchase all that stuff once we get in Orlando because I don't want to use up too much valuable space and weight in the suitcases. The only problem I'm running into is where the baby is going to sleep. Right now he sleeps in his baby bouncer, but it doesn't come apart, so I can't pack it. We might need to buy a new one when we get to florida, because he won't sleep anywhere else except his bouncer, on me, or in his swing. :rolleyes:

We just peel off a Mickey head on the calendar every morning. My daughter looks forward to doing it everyday. She's learning to count now, so we make her count each day we have left until she gets to the one we take off.

I'm really looking forward to having so much space in our condo. It will be especially nice when I want to put the baby down to sleep and we won't have to be quite and go to sleep ourselves to do so. Plus we'll save money on being able to prepare our our breakfast each morning.

Thanks for reading along. :)
I received a bunch of pins I ordered on EBAY today. Here’s just a small sampling of what I bought.



I’m really excited for the girls to experience Pin-trading for the first time. When we arrive in Orlando I’ll let them each pick out their own Lanyards.

I also had Jayden try on a Winnie the Pooh outfit today that I had bought him many months ago. It’s what I wanted him to wear on the day we leave. The Onsie and hoodie fit great but the pants are enormous, so I gotta shrink them before we go.




Everything is pretty BIG on him… He had his 2 month appointment on Monday and he’s only 10lbs 1oz right now, which puts him in the 15th percentile. He’s so tiny, I LOVE IT!!!
That is nice that you don't have to bring all the baby stuff. I didn't equate the fact that you'll be staying off site means you can buy everything there. That's a big space saver though! We're stuck on disney property, because I'm too lazy to bring carseats. No, really. That's the reason!

Hmm, I wonder what you could do about the bouncy chair. (Why don't they come apart? I got mine second hand, but I couldn't figure out how to take it apart so I just put it in storage as one piece. But I swear, when I see the boxes for them at the store they're flat and tiny. So maybe I'm missing something!) At least if you have to buy one you can just buy a cheap $20 one at Target. Does he sleep in the car? Would he just stay asleep if you drove him to sleep at night and brought his carseat in? Or in the stroller? (haha, I'm picturing you pacing that big suite with a stroller every night! I would do it to save the $20, but I'm the cheapest person alive. :rotfl:) (Just wondering outloud here, since we cosleep as a very result of the fact that my children will not sleep unless they are actually touching me for their first...oh, year, 18 months. Good thing I like it, because I'm far too lazy to find another solution other than waiting it out! :laughing:) I believe that, in a pinch, we did literally swing the carseat like a swing by it's handle to get DS to sleep before. I don't remember where we were when we did that, but I definitely remember doing it! Have you priced just shipping the bouncy chair to your hotel? Although then I guess you would have to ship it back as well. Hmm. That's a tough one! Well, I tried to brainstorm for you, anyway! :confused3
What beautiful pins! You got somre really nice ones. I need to do some e-bay shopping for more pins myself. I don't want to trade the ones I actually bought in the parks! I'm too attached to them! Did you buy from all different people, or did you just find a good seller?

How cute is he in that outfit? He is so completely adorable! That hoodie must be the tiniest thing ever! Just wash the pants on hot a bunch of times and dry them on high and you should be able to shrink them. Or, you can always boil them on the stove. Can you tell I've done this before? DS was born a month early, and grew SO slowly, he was below the 3rd percentile until he was two. Plus, we always got our money's worth out of our clothes because he wears them year after year! He still has shirts we definately bought him before he was one. Crazy.
That is nice that you don't have to bring all the baby stuff. I didn't equate the fact that you'll be staying off site means you can buy everything there. That's a big space saver though! We're stuck on disney property, because I'm too lazy to bring carseats. No, really. That's the reason!

Hmm, I wonder what you could do about the bouncy chair. (Why don't they come apart? I got mine second hand, but I couldn't figure out how to take it apart so I just put it in storage as one piece. But I swear, when I see the boxes for them at the store they're flat and tiny. So maybe I'm missing something!) At least if you have to buy one you can just buy a cheap $20 one at Target. Does he sleep in the car? Would he just stay asleep if you drove him to sleep at night and brought his carseat in? Or in the stroller? (haha, I'm picturing you pacing that big suite with a stroller every night! I would do it to save the $20, but I'm the cheapest person alive. :rotfl:) (Just wondering outloud here, since we cosleep as a very result of the fact that my children will not sleep unless they are actually touching me for their first...oh, year, 18 months. Good thing I like it, because I'm far too lazy to find another solution other than waiting it out! :laughing:) I believe that, in a pinch, we did literally swing the carseat like a swing by it's handle to get DS to sleep before. I don't remember where we were when we did that, but I definitely remember doing it! Have you priced just shipping the bouncy chair to your hotel? Although then I guess you would have to ship it back as well. Hmm. That's a tough one! Well, I tried to brainstorm for you, anyway! :confused3

Yeah, we'll just have to buy a cheap one at Walmart or Target. It's too bad my baby swing isn't portable, I'm sure going to miss that thing while we're gone. It's been a lifesaver since he's been born, it's what he sleeps in during the day and the bouncer at night. We normal drive everywhere we go for vacation, so this is going to be an interesting experinence for sure. I'm a nervous flier as it is..... taking a 4 year old and a 2 month old along for the ride is going to be nerve racking. The doctor actually prescribed me some valium for the flight because it terrifies me so much. Thank goodness I have 3 other adults to help.

What beautiful pins! You got somre really nice ones. I need to do some e-bay shopping for more pins myself. I don't want to trade the ones I actually bought in the parks! I'm too attached to them! Did you buy from all different people, or did you just find a good seller?

How cute is he in that outfit? He is so completely adorable! That hoodie must be the tiniest thing ever! Just wash the pants on hot a bunch of times and dry them on high and you should be able to shrink them. Or, you can always boil them on the stove. Can you tell I've done this before? DS was born a month early, and grew SO slowly, he was below the 3rd percentile until he was two. Plus, we always got our money's worth out of our clothes because he wears them year after year! He still has shirts we definately bought him before he was one. Crazy.

I just bought the pins in bulk from a seller on ebaby. I think it came out to $1.10 a pin.... Can't beat that. I never trade the ones that we buy from the parks either....those are off limits and to be saved.

My DD was always in the low percentile as well.... but all of a sudden she grew at an unbelievable rate.... She skipped the 4t's and went straight to the 5t's....she turns 4 on March 25th.

Great seletion of pins!!! Cutest baby ever!!!!

Thanks......... :flower3:
Hello! :wave2: I am new to your PTR. Your children are beautiful!!

I hope you are planning on doing a TR--I would love to see pictures of your hotel. We toyed with the idea of staying off site in one big place (there would have been 6 of us) but ultimately this trip we decided to stay onsite again.

I share the same wish--that my DD is not afraid of the characters! She was thrilled to meet Santa just not get close to him! :rotfl: She keeps saying how she wants to hug and give kisses to various characters--I hope that is true!! :goodvibes: I have been showing her pictures of characaters here on DIS and YouTube to help prepare her.

Gift bags: Looking forward to seeing what you did. We are similiarly planning on doing some for DD too.

Hmm...pin trading. I have been considering it! You mention Reya enjoyed when she was younger too...I should really think more about it for my DD. She will be turning four on your trip. Could be another fun thing for her to do!

Love all the photos from the previous trips.

Nice ADRs!

Very cute countdown calendar!! I am working on figuring ours out. I am leaning towards beginning around 60 days but I am not sure yet. I should decide that! :confused:

:( I am sorry to hear about DH's job! I hope things work out for you to have a great time on your trip.

Looks like you drove your first time to WDW? We are driving our go around in September! :car:

Jayden is adorable in his pooh outfit!!
Hi Deanna! I've finished reading and your plans sound great! Your kids are gorgeous! Reya looks like a very happy little girl! I bet she is so excited for your trip. It's so fun to plan and build up the anticipation with a 3yo!! Jayden is a cutie! I'm having the same problem with clothes with Eva. She's 6 weeks and is finally fitting into newborn clothes, but pants are always HUGE! I want to start buying spring/summer clothes, but since she was so little when she was born (and still is) I don't know what size she'll be.

Anyway, I can't wait to hear about your trip!
Hello! :wave2: I am new to your PTR. Your children are beautiful!!

I hope you are planning on doing a TR--I would love to see pictures of your hotel. We toyed with the idea of staying off site in one big place (there would have been 6 of us) but ultimately this trip we decided to stay onsite again.

I share the same wish--that my DD is not afraid of the characters! She was thrilled to meet Santa just not get close to him! :rotfl: She keeps saying how she wants to hug and give kisses to various characters--I hope that is true!! :goodvibes: I have been showing her pictures of characaters here on DIS and YouTube to help prepare her.

Gift bags: Looking forward to seeing what you did. We are similiarly planning on doing some for DD too.

Hmm...pin trading. I have been considering it! You mention Reya enjoyed when she was younger too...I should really think more about it for my DD. She will be turning four on your trip. Could be another fun thing for her to do!

Love all the photos from the previous trips.

Nice ADRs!

Very cute countdown calendar!! I am working on figuring ours out. I am leaning towards beginning around 60 days but I am not sure yet. I should decide that! :confused:

:( I am sorry to hear about DH's job! I hope things work out for you to have a great time on your trip.

Looks like you drove your first time to WDW? We are driving our go around in September! :car:

Jayden is adorable in his pooh outfit!!

Thank you and welcome! :goodvibes

Yes, I do plan on writing a TR when I return. I packed up the cutest little winnie the pooh notebook to write all my vaction notes in so I don't leave anything out. I will take plenty of pictures of our condo to share with you as well. I love staying on site, but it just didn't make sense with the amount of people we're traveling with and the cost.

I have NOOOO idea why my DD is so terrified of the characters? I'm hoping once she see's her cousins interacting with them and that they're not scared she'll be okay.... Guess we'll all have to wait and see.

My DD had fun at 2 1/2 with pin trading so I know she'll enjoy it even more now that she's almost 4.... It will also be a first for her cousins. Can't wait.

We usually ALWAYS drive, but the only way my husband would agree to this trip is if we flew..... So that's what we're doing.... Thank god for the valuim....hope it works. :rolleyes1

Hi Deanna! I've finished reading and your plans sound great! Your kids are gorgeous! Reya looks like a very happy little girl! I bet she is so excited for your trip. It's so fun to plan and build up the anticipation with a 3yo!! Jayden is a cutie! I'm having the same problem with clothes with Eva. She's 6 weeks and is finally fitting into newborn clothes, but pants are always HUGE! I want to start buying spring/summer clothes, but since she was so little when she was born (and still is) I don't know what size she'll be.

Anyway, I can't wait to hear about your trip!

Jayden is 9 weeks and is still fitting in newborns too.... barely, but he is. And it seems like 3 mo clothes are gigantic. He wasn't nearly as small as Eva when he was born though. Weighed 6lbs 7oz..... at his appointment monday he was up to 10lbs. :woohoo:

Thanks for reading. :)




Cousin Mike In Germany … after eating some yummy chocolate!


Reya waking from a nap








Daddy and Reya


Reya experiencing some retail therapy



Mike at Rainforest Café




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