Don't Hate Me for Knowing More

We rarely fast passed rides this trip. As it seemed quicker to just ride stand-by than grab a fastpass for one ride, standby another, then trek back to the FP ride. I could care less that people who use FP are passing me up while I'm in stand by. Good for them for doing so. What's sad is, I'm not sure the guests who complain about the FP users fully understand it's a ride perk open to anyone who purchased a park ticket. We heard so many people comment on how rediculous it was that they had to "but" a FP. My mom, sister, and a CM somewhere (can't remember which park) tried to explain it to one guy, but he didn't speak very good english, so we don't really think he got what they were trying to explain.

The thing I found frustrating was when we were waiting for SpectroMagic one night. We'd found our spot to watch the parade along with several other people (we were all pretty much shoulder to should so to speak), and for the next 2 hours had people squeezing past us/jumping over us to get behind us to the smoking area OR coming back from smoking and crossing the street to get back to their families. Now, granted, we didn't choose the best place to sit what with the smoking area so close to us, but, what I didn't understand was why people just HAD to cross right where we were sitting. After about the 5th person squeezed past us, making me bump the stroller my son was sound asleep in, we started commenting and pointing out other areas where these people could pass through easier (there were several people standing and sitting behind us as well). *shrugs* I guess next time, we'll remember not to sit there.
I think Disney is very very overwhelming for first-timers. Even if you've done your homework, you're never really ready for it when you get there. Not to mention that the advice you DO get prior to visiting isn't always helpful.

Absolutely agree! After traveling with first timers, I think we are so relaxed and go with the flow and forget how stressful family vacations at somewhere like Disney can be. Not excusing people being rude at all. Completely unecessary.

We were commenting on the last trip that we are SO comfortable at Disney. Never worry about losing eachother (grown ups) cause if we do we can call and we know where everything is. We know what rides will have long lines..which to fast pass, which to not worry about etc. And we know that since go at least once a year that we will be back if we miss something.

For many, Disney is a once in a lifetime trip and there is a lot of pressure to do everything and stress when you miss some of the tricks.

Much rather be in the "we go a lot" group...So happy about that! Happy enough to be DVC members .
My third story was a time when we were on the bus to Pop. A lady was very excited to tell me that she had just found out that her Pop Parking permit allowed her to park anywhere on property. I politely thanked her though I've known this for a long time. We had done a split stay, and I knew the deluxe resort had told us this. I was kind of surprised that she hadn't gotten this info from the Pop CM at check-in. A few hours later, we had to go by the Pop front desk about something...while I was waiting for my CM to check on something, I overheard the CM next to me giving another couple their parking permit. Sure enough, no mention about the permit being valid anywhere on property. During our second stay there, I paid attention, and sure mention of the permit being valid anywhere on property. So I've concluded this is one of the subtle service differences of staying deluxe vs. value. (also, the pool at AKL was MUCH warmer!)

I'm completely lost on this one.
I do enjoy the "fill in all the available space" the carousel, teacups, rides with preshows, the 3D shows, etc....that you actually HELP the CM who is loading it by not forming a line in the HUGE space they give get to get on the ride with more ease, waste less time, and skip a whole buncha people! :)
FWIW, that thing on top of the resort is a fish, not a dolphin. Artistic license, I know... but incorrect is incorrect even if it's Disney.


It could be both a fish AND a dolphin. There is a real species called a dolphin fish, although most of us know it by another name: mahi mahi. I guess that sounds more appetizing than saying you're going to eat something that sounds like Flipper's relative.
It could be both a fish AND a dolphin. There is a real species called a dolphin fish, although most of us know it by another name: mahi mahi. I guess that sounds more appetizing than saying you're going to eat something that sounds like Flipper's relative.

I mean that taxonomically, that's a fish. Dolphins are mammals. That statue is clearly a fish, with scales and a tail that swishes bilaterally, rather than anterior/posterior like a dolphin (or whale).

This error came into being because the statues for the hotel were based on Bernini's 'dolphin' statues. Bernini, living in the 17th century and having little knowledge of taxonomy, sculpted his dolphins with fish-like features. Artistic license, and a little bit of ignorance, probably. They're beautiful works of art but they should not have been chosen, IMO, for a modern building called "The Dolphin."

It could be both a fish AND a dolphin. There is a real species called a dolphin fish, although most of us know it by another name: mahi mahi. I guess that sounds more appetizing than saying you're going to eat something that sounds like Flipper's relative.

A dolphin fish is, in fact, a fish and not a dolphin (mammal). :thumbsup2

How's that for "educating" you with my "Disney wisdom?" ;)
From now on, I shall only refer to the Dolphin resort as "The Dolphin Fish." :)
I get yelled at on occasion by people in the restaurants. Some people do not realize that you go to both sides of the register, so the one day at the Electric Umbrella, Cosmic Rays and Pinocchio Village Haus. There were long lines only on one side and nobody in line on the other so I got in line on the empty side so I was next to be waited on at each restaurant. Well that made a whole lot of people not very happy with me! Knowledge is key!

I always feel guilty doing that even though I am not doing anything wrong.
Wow OP - good for you for keeping your cool and trying to explain things and refusing to feed into the confrontation. A shame the guy was so wrapped up in what you were doing, even though it clearly wasn't going to effect him at all. Hey if you were wrong, you were going to be stuck at a closed turnstile while he and his family went in, and he could have had the last laugh.

But wanna bet the next time he was at a turnstile for opening he remembered your tip? :upsidedow

A PP did make a good point though about people hearing SO much about the "evil line cutters" that they have a tendency to be constantly on guard for perpetrators. I found myself very much in this mode the first week of our recent trip. Then I reminded myself that we're all going to get there eventually - who cares if someone gets there 30 seconds sooner. (Kinda like crazy people weaving through traffic on the highway!)

We heard ugly comments in the FP line too "Why are they going faster? Oh those Fast Past things"

I've even heard people saying things to the effect of, "oh yeah, you have to pay for those"

I like to observe people in general (half the fun of being at WDW), but especially when I'm killing time in line. I've overheard a whole boatload of MIS-information from people. Depending on the situation and if it seems appropriate, I'll try and nicely fill people in - but I certainly don't want to come across as a "know it all" either and some people just don't appreciate the attempt at help. I guess sadly, that's the cynical world we live in. :confused3

Sometimes if the situation just isn't right, I'll just make a comment a little loudly to DH (who of course already knows what I do for the most part) with the correct info. :rolleyes1

My favorite incident this recent trip was when DH and I were passing the Flights of Wonder show at AK. A couple was stopped in the middle of the walkway looking at the sign and their map. One of them said, "so what is it?!" On our way past (we were walking briskly to get somewhere) I just casually shouted over my shoulder, "It's a really cool bird show!" I heard a "thanks!" as we walked away. :laughing:

I said, "Oh there's the Fish and the Duck, " as an inside joke to our family. A nearby woman felt compelled to correct me.

Oh geez, some people really need to lighten up! It's Disney. They're not giving out Nobel Prizes to whomever has the most "proper" Disney information. :rolleyes:

My favorite reference to the "Fish and Duck" was here on the Dis where someone called it the "Swolphin" - I've been calling it that ever since (although "fish and duck" will now be permanently branded in my brain)! :lmao:

I love it when people look at me and say, "I wish I could go to the front of the line like all the special people!" My response is always to look at them with a sad face and say very earnestly, "Oh ... I wish you could too." And then I just look at them and sigh and walk away.

Got to remember that one!

We had my aunt and uncle with us this trip for one of our weeks. They'd only been to WDW a couple of times and the last trip was almost 20 years ago. Traveling with them reminded me of how much people who don't go often (and don't hang out here!) really do not know. It was a good reminder to cut the 'clueless' people some slack. :flower3:
I'm completely lost on this one.

I think the poster meant that at deluxe resorts they always tell you you can park at any park for free with your parking pass. It was witnessed at Pop that the CMs did not offer this info to guests.
ha, this phenomenon is pretty much ubiquitous, but having seen two distinct examples of such from our recent trips, I have to share~

Example #1: Monorail Megalomaniacs

Yes, that would be us, MMs, because we knew to ask about riding in front *the shame*. It was a busy time (first week of this December), and I avoided asking until we happened to be the nearly the first people on the platform (at a quiet time, and no one was standing in queue to ride in front).

The CM said of course, ushered us over to the queue, and all was grand (first time for us, and my ds4 was brimming over with excitement)

A family wandered over to the stall next to us and the mom kept staring at us, motioning as if she was going to move in line behind us (but unsure if she could). She finally asked "Is that a different line?" I explained the process of riding in front, and added they could ask at opportune times as well. She looked at her 2 boys (between 7-10?) and said "oh, well surely we can all scoot in there, it's quiet now". I explained the 4ppl limit (and motioned to my mil, who was standing in this woman's stall), but she blew me off and started to line up with us. It was very awkward but I figured why should we break a sweat arguing; the CM/driver will be over shortly.

Sure enough, both the CM and the driver told her it's first come, first ask, and up to driver discretion (based on whatever circumstances were going on at the time). Well, can you say conip****fit? That is what we witnessed. Yelling about entitlement (pointing to us) and Disney favoritism (pointing at CMs) :confused3 For all I know, she is still there at the MK platform, arms flailing wildly and head spinning 360's.

Example #2: Battle at the Bag Check

You all know how there is a single table with a line on each side, right? Well, the guard pivots from one side/visitor to the other. Either he didn't alternate at that time or what ( I was already through with the kids, so didn't see up close) but either way, it was the guard who turned to my husband's bag. Not like my husband physically 'cut' in front of this woman.

Woman to my husband: You just cut me
My husband : Excuse me? I didn't cut you; he just took my bag?
Woman : I cannot believe the rudeness; you just let this happen! I am going to report this to security!
My husband (nodding to the guard): Uhm, well, there he is! Tell him!

The guard laughed and said "it's all good, folks" (with a :scared1: / knowing look for my husband), kind of like, let's just let this lady go, and go fast! :rolleyes1 !

The woman snorted and hrumphed and made other sundry bodily noises.

My husband joined me, and as he was telling me about the nonsense, that woman actually caught up to us to yell at him some more! She looked at me and said I married a very rude man :rotfl2: As she stormed off, my husband called out "You have a magical day!"

Then we spent the day at MK praying we didn't run into her miserable self again :sad2:
I've even heard people saying things to the effect of, "oh yeah, you have to pay for those"
At many other parks (Six Flags in particular), you DO pay for your fast passes (FlashPass it's called). At Universal, you get FOL access by staying on-site, so technically, you're paying for them there too. So if people's basic theme park experience comes from Six Flags or some other chain that requires payment for the priviledge, they then assume the deal must be the same at Disney. People need only read the FastPass explanation in the Disney guidemap to know that FPs are free and available to anyone. But they don't read.

My favorite incident this recent trip was when DH and I were passing the Flights of Wonder show at AK. A couple was stopped in the middle of the walkway looking at the sign and their map. One of them said, "so what is it?!" On our way past (we were walking briskly to get somewhere) I just casually shouted over my shoulder, "It's a really cool bird show!" I heard a "thanks!" as we walked away. :laughing:
I do that alot too. I just butt into peoples' conversations and answer the question. Usually, I start with, "Ohmygosh, I just asked someone about that. The answer is ___________." That way, I'm helping, but admitting that I didn't know either. Even if I did. ;)

We had my aunt and uncle with us this trip for one of our weeks. They'd only been to WDW a couple of times and the last trip was almost 20 years ago. Traveling with them reminded me of how much people who don't go often (and don't hang out here!) really do not know. It was a good reminder to cut the 'clueless' people some slack. :flower3:
Example #2: Battle at the Bag Check

You all know how there is a single table with a line on each side, right? Well, the guard pivots from one side/visitor to the other. Either he didn't alternate at that time or what ( I was already through with the kids, so didn't see up close) but either way, it was the guard who turned to my husband's bag. Not like my husband physically 'cut' in front of this woman.

Woman to my husband: You just cut me
My husband : Excuse me? I didn't cut you; he just took my bag?
Woman : I cannot believe the rudeness; you just let this happen! I am going to report this to security!
My husband (nodding to the guard): Uhm, well, there he is! Tell him!

The guard laughed and said "it's all good, folks" (with a :scared1: / knowing look for my husband), kind of like, let's just let this lady go, and go fast! :rolleyes1 !

The woman snorted and hrumphed and made other sundry bodily noises.

My husband joined me, and as he was telling me about the nonsense, that woman actually caught up to us to yell at him some more! She looked at me and said I married a very rude man :rotfl2: As she stormed off, my husband called out "You have a magical day!"

Then we spent the day at MK praying we didn't run into her miserable self again :sad2:[/QUOTE]

I have to ask if you were there at the end of August because I swear I witnessed a very similar incident. The woman was so silly it was comical. BTW: I find the guards do sometimes not alternate if the person on the other side is not ready (bag on the table, unzipped etc..)
Disney DOES memo their CMs about things like this before they start taking calls. However, Disney can't monitor every single CM to be sure they're reading all the alerts and e-mails they're getting. The CMs are human, not audio-animatronic, so there are bound to be folks who miss things.


Okay.....hmmm...why not? why can't they be monitored?

When I was an operator (not Disney), I was closely monitored! If anyone missed an alert, I can assure you, we were promptly called into an office to explain and chastised for not doing our job. Every time. We were held to a standard. Literally, lives were at stake if we made the wrong mistake.

If a CM, whose job it is answer questions about booking rooms at WDW - doesn't know about the current discount, then they can't do their job.

Also, the above was just the most recent example. Almost every time I call- and I don't call that often - another CM blames 'the system' or 'their computer' for being 'especially slow' that day. The excuse is a regular aspect of calling WDW Travel. C'mon!!!! It just happens to be slow every time I happen to call?!!?!?

Almost every time I call about a booking, I have to recite the whole list of my family and their personal details, even those who are not on the current booking. (Nevermind the disturbing privacy aspect of repeatedly giving this info to strangers. They have names, adresses, children's ages, ...) Almost every time the CM has the names wrong. Each time the CM assures me that I have to stay on the line - on my dime- through the entire process - so they can, 'get it right.' This makes no sense. If the info is just going to be entered incorrectly again, or their system doesn't retain the info I give - or the CM's aren't properly trained on how to enter the info in the first place...

Ah, but now I am coming to the heart of the matter, this poor training must be costing Disney money (though not as much as when they had an 800 number...:confused3 :rotfl: ) Having to extend so many calls to re-enter the same info over and over agin...

Surely, I can't be the only one who has noticed. This is the first interaction most customers have with WDW. It should not be highly flawed, and it is. This is the 'face' of Disney - so to speak - and it must be costing Disney revenue because it is poorly done.

If Disney mangement doesn't see this as a priority, then they should. This is a company that monitors it's park/resort CM's very well, and has a noted philosophy of high customer service. It seems like a significant oversight that they don't monitor their Travel Company CM's very well.
I have to ask if you were there at the end of August because I swear I witnessed a very similar incident. The woman was so silly it was comical. BTW: I find the guards do sometimes not alternate if the person on the other side is not ready (bag on the table, unzipped etc..)

3girls4me05, this enchanting incident occurred back in early April (of this same year). But it doesn't surprise me if anyone witnessed similar behavioral debacles :lmao:

Yeah, you wanted to keep a very wide berth for this lady; you could see she was just ready to pounce on anything. I noted she had 2 teen kids with her who were just beyond embarrassed :sad2: They walked a good pace behind, avoiding eye contact.

That's what really sad to me--how these outbursts affect accompanying families (kids in particular). I know my husband and I laugh these kinds of people off and go about our day, but it's their families who get to be around it 24/7.
I was also yelled at while at Blizzard Bleach standin in line for food. As everybody knows just because there is a line you don't go stand in it. So I saw all these people in line, and I'm like I know you can line up on both sides of the cashier to order, and the sign clearly states that. So I'm like if no one is goin up there I will, so I start to get dirty looks, and then the lady that was on the other side starts saying rude things, so I asked the CM, if we could line up on both sides and she said yes.... That lady kept on yellin at me but I just ignored her.... I'm definetly not a line cutter, I've just learned not to line up with everybody else!!!!
mickeyluv'r- I'm sorry to hear about your phone experiences with Disney. I hope I don't have any problems in the future. We booked our first trip through AAA, but I just booked a trip last week through Disney. I was amazingly impressed with the person I talked to, so much so that I commented to DH about it afterwards. She chatted with me about different things and was very friendly. I did have to wait a few times, but each time she just said "I'm waiting for this to come up... What was your favorite memory from your trip?" or some other question to keep us talking instead of waiting.

She did not know about the extension on the buy 4 get 3 though, sort of. I called on the 23rd and she said, "Oh you're in luck it's been extended, but you'll have to book by tomorrow" (I had planned to book right then anyway). I said, "Oh really, I thought it was extended into January" and she thought it was till the 24th. So, she did get the info, but thought it was extended to Dec 24th, not Jan 24th.
Mickyluv'r, I'm sorry that you've had such a rough go of it with the Disney reservation CMs. I can honestly say I've had very little trouble. I can see how it would be quite annoying, though, to go through some of the things you have with them. And you're not alone. I read a lot of CM complaints on here.
I was also yelled at while at Blizzard Bleach standin in line for food. As everybody knows just because there is a line you don't go stand in it. So I saw all these people in line, and I'm like I know you can line up on both sides of the cashier to order, and the sign clearly states that. So I'm like if no one is goin up there I will, so I start to get dirty looks, and then the lady that was on the other side starts saying rude things, so I asked the CM, if we could line up on both sides and she said yes.... That lady kept on yellin at me but I just ignored her.... I'm definetly not a line cutter, I've just learned not to line up with everybody else!!!!

It's funny how people get mad at that....its probably since they feel bad that they waited for that long, when they could of gotten in a shorter line. I notice people getting mad like this at all types of places...espcially at foodcourts at the mall.


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