Dreams Unlimited Travel Podcast | All Aspects of Disney Shopping | 01/14/19

I thought it was pretty cool they included some real life options, like Etsy, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Some families really love the matching shirts or clever ways to collect signatures.
I am glad they didn’t just stick with Disney options because I think the other stuff is often cuter and more personalized. While I don’t usually spend the money it’s sure fun to see the creative things in the parks.
I thought it was pretty cool they included some real life options, like Etsy, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Some families really love the matching shirts or clever ways to collect signatures.
I am glad they didn’t just stick with Disney options because I think the other stuff is often cuter and more personalized. While I don’t usually spend the money it’s sure fun to see the creative things in the parks.

even some other sites - like redbubble and others have some really fun Disney inspired shirts that are more clever and more specific to attractions or characters than what you can likely find in the parks


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