Duggars, Tim Gunn, Tiger Woods & now --> Paula Deen part 2...just posted!


What about their luggage? With all that wholesome wear and Jim Bob's hairspray :scared1:, how much luggage do they bring? Do they even go swimming? Shoot, is it appropriate to bathe???

Ok, I really like the Duggars but this is too funny :thumbsup2
Very funny thread! :lmao: And the bathing suit website is a complete riot!! My co-workers think I have lost my mind, laughing at my computer!

Laughing out loud at my desk at work - people are walking by thinking I'm a little touched...speaking of, you are touched with some serious creativity. You have the makings of a book here - your satirical powers could lend themselves to all kinds of fictional activities. :lmao:
:rotfl2: :lmao:

This plan makes their one day adventure at Disneyland seem like a walk in the park (no pun intended). Be sure you hit TLC up for some royalties when they use this plan for WDW Duggar Vacation 3 part spectacular!

what?? When did they go to Disneyland? I must have missed that one, I thought I had seen them all.
what?? When did they go to Disneyland? I must have missed that one, I thought I had seen them all.

It was one of their early specials. I think it might have been in 2005 or so..... because that's the year we did our first westward journey, and I remember seeing their show soon after. The best part was when they took the small airplane ride over the grand canyon. It appears that motion sickness runs in families! :rotfl: Seriously......... Heck, they might have only had 14 or 15 kids back then..... piece of cake!!!!!!!
Ummmm.... might I recommend the GREEN side of Mission Space. See reason noted in above post...........^^^^
Wow I would kill for your free time to make a detailed and a very good plan for a family of 20. Between work, kids, house work, and just trying to plan my own trips I run out of time.
Wow I would kill for your free time to make a detailed and a very good plan for a family of 20. Between work, kids, house work, and just trying to plan my own trips I run out of time.

Then you're going to love it when I post some more itineraries soon! Gotta make time for a little fun.
How about the poor CM asking "How many?" to get on a ride:scared1:
I'm positive the whole gang is exhausted by now (except for the teen girls in the group who are probably ecstatic they are off cooking duty for 5 days) so head back by taking the boat from the Boardwalk to The Studios and catch a bus to Pop Century from there.

this is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time!! :rotfl2: I can't believe those bathing suits, what century do these people think we're in?? :rotfl2:
please factor in strollers! Every time I see them, the little ones are never in strollers-always carried- I could never carry a kid all that way!:worship:

I think they would appreciate Disney! especially the little boys


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