Duggars, Tim Gunn, Tiger Woods & now --> Paula Deen part 2...just posted!

Very entertaining! Better be careful though, Michelle may really take you up on planning the trip if she catches wind of your thread! :goodvibes
please factor in strollers! Every time I see them, the little ones are never in strollers-always carried- I could never carry a kid all that way!:worship:

I love that you're thinking about this. Do you imagine they'd bring a few umbrella strollers or rent in the parks? I guess they could rent in the parks and get their "carry the kids" fix before arriving to the parks.
i showed this thread to a friend and she said,

"do you think they'd bring home a souvenir?"
You all are assuming the whole TLC crew is coming along and I'm pretending their family does things alone and away from the cameras sometimes.

Not realistic but it's my fantasy.

Oh they WILL take the crew so TLC will pay. And since u r doing this pretending u have too much time on your hands. However, this was entertaining.:laughing:
Oh they WILL take the crew so TLC will pay. And since u r doing this pretending u have too much time on your hands. However, this was entertaining.:laughing:

So all of our time must be filled with money-making, reality-based activities only? I need to let my voracious fiction reader friends know. ;)

Tim Gunn, in an effort to bring a little style to a land filled with Crocs, wants to visit Disney World for a long weekend (he's very busy, people!). He prefers mild temps so as not to get sweaty in his ubiquitous suit and will bring his closest female friend to enjoy the time with him. The maximum amount of fancy in 3 days is required for his itinerary.

My thoughts:

Hey, Tim! Believe it or not, Disney World can be done in a pretty fancy way so we'll see if we can find something suitable enough for Mr. Erudite himself (I just learned the word "erudite" and feel it's a good time to break it out).

When to go? Assuming your 3 days needs to span a weekend, I'm going to suggest going November 5, 6 and 7 (Friday - Monday). At this time, all the kids who were there for Halloween festivities have left, the temps are nice and mild and the Food and Wine Festival is still going on at EPCOT.

Friday - After you arrive at MCO, have your driver take you to the Grand Floridian where you'll stay for your trip. There's no fancier hotel on site and it's the place you'll look least crazy wearing your suit.

After check-in, ride the monorail over to the Magic Kingdom where you'll have a late lunch at Cinderella's Royal Table which is inside the castle. Royalty is fancy!

When you're finished at the castle, walk toward the Tomorrowland Transit Authority (sometimes called the "People Mover") for a very laid back and gentle ride that will allow you to view many of the rides without having to wait in the nasty lines and crouch in weird positions like the peasants. Trying to keep it classy and avoid awkwardness here, Tim.

Walk over to ride It's a Small World which is another nice, long ride inside. Lots of cultures represented here. Being around other cultures is classy.

So far you've mostly ridden in vehicles of various types to keep it easy breezy in your 3-piece suit so let's keep that theme going and board the train at the back of the park and ride it to the front of the park. After all of that eating and sitting, it is time. to. go. Ride the monorail or boat back to your hotel.

I would tell you to get yourself dressed for the evening's activities but you already are! At 5:30, you will go to Victoria and Albert's which is a restaurant right at your hotel where you'll be a guest at the chef's table. Butler service, personalized menus and lots and lots of courses of small food will be planned for the evening. Small portions of food is the definition of fancy. Nice way to finish your first day.

What a day! You need to get your beauty sleep for even more types of fancy for Saturday.

Saturday is EPCOT day. Have your driver take you to the front gate of EPCOT (because we know you would most definitely look like a crazy person wearing that suit on a bus). In the Future World part of EPCOT, you'll probably find several things to your liking. The Seas is great for viewing creatures of...uhhh...the seas. If you're feeling particularly childlike, you may also wish to catch Turtle Talk with Crush because it's a pretty lovely show each time.

Everybody loves Soarin'. Be sure to do that. While you're there, try the Living with the Land tour to see where the fancy people's food originates.

The back of EPCOT has the World Showcase and not only is it very cultural but the Food and Wine Festival is going on which is EVEN BETTER. Also? Jon Secada. He will be performing. Take your time, eat some fancy foods and drink some fancy drinks from other cultures. It's sure to be lovely. If you're able to view Illuminations that night (which takes place on the water in the World Showcase at night), grab a seat in the Italy section for prime viewing.

One day left....

Sunday, the last day of this long weekend trip. I'm going to have you go to Animal Kingdom for a little while (skipping The Studios completely because, for you, it would be a whooooole lot of nonsense). At Animal Kingdom, check the schedule for the Lion King and Finding Nemo shows. They are fantastic. If you're feeling like your frocks and hair are up to it, be sure to try the Kilimanjaro Safari which will take you out to see the animals. Pro tip: don't get verklempt when they say the bridge is breaking. It's pretend!

Have your driver take you to Downtown Disney where you'll have dinner at Downtown Disney's finest establishment: Wolfgang Puck's "The Dining Room." (Naming your restaurant something that generic and making it your own is FOR SURE pretentious...I mean fancy.) After a delightful meal, walk toward the nearby Cirque du Soleil theater for the 9:00 La Nouba show. As I'm sure you know, Cirque shows are delightful and definitely worthy of your visit.

That wraps up a nice little 3 day trip. Hopefully it was kept fun and fancy and a nice escape from the grueling world of fashion and TV. If you have a little more time next time, maybe we trade your full suit for a swimsuit and head for a water park? Haha! Just kidding.

(In case you were playing the "drink each time she uses the word 'fancy'" game, it appeared in some form 12 different times in this post. That's too many. For both of us. I promise to break out the thesaurus next time to keep you from getting drunk while reading a forum post about Tim Gunn going to a theme park. Wait, maybe I'm the one who's drunk.)
Very clever Nan! I love Tim. I think he needs a break from all the drama on the show! ;)
Wow, nan1217, these are a hoot!:thumbsup2 More please. I'm trying to think of people to suggest, this could be a new career for you!:thumbsup2
Oh these are funny! I especially love the Tim Gunn one. I can't believe, though, that you didn't work in the phrase, "Make it work!";) The no crocs button was the icing!

Someone said something about the Duggar's tax return...
The standard deduction for each child is $1,000 on the federal 1040. Assuming they have 18 children (i'm not sure if that's current but let's assume) that would automatically be $18,000! :eek:
Just had to point that out.
Wow, nan1217, these are a hoot!:thumbsup2 More please. I'm trying to think of people to suggest, this could be a new career for you!:thumbsup2

I'm definitely open to suggestions! Believe it or not, there's a method to my madness. I like each person/group to represent a specific demographic that might actually be going to WDW. Duggars = large groups. Tim = people who like the finer things. My next one will be Tiger Woods (keepin' it classy though!) which focuses on the golfing options at WDW. I'd like to think of somebody else who represents yet another type of WDW traveler.

I love these stories! But, I wonder, do you think Tim could make some fancy type of wholesome wear for the Duggars? I feel bad for those girls!:rotfl2:

On another note, how many times do you think the girls will say, "nike!" to the boys?!

Keep 'em coming please!:worship:

Tim Gunn, in an effort to bring a little style to a land filled with Crocs, wants to visit Disney World for a long weekend (he's very busy, people!). He prefers mild temps so as not to get sweaty in his ubiquitous suit and will bring his closest female friend to enjoy the time with him. The maximum amount of fancy in 3 days is required for his itinerary.

My thoughts:

Hey, Tim! Believe it or not, Disney World can be done in a pretty fancy way so we'll see if we can find something suitable enough for Mr. Erudite himself (I just learned the word "erudite" and feel it's a good time to break it out).

When to go? Assuming your 3 days needs to span a weekend, I'm going to suggest going November 5, 6 and 7 (Friday - Monday). At this time, all the kids who were there for Halloween festivities have left, the temps are nice and mild and the Food and Wine Festival is still going on at EPCOT.

Friday - After you arrive at MCO, have your driver take you to the Grand Floridian where you'll stay for your trip. There's no fancier hotel on site and it's the place you'll look least crazy wearing your suit.

After check-in, ride the monorail over to the Magic Kingdom where you'll have a late lunch at Cinderella's Royal Table which is inside the castle. Royalty is fancy!

When you're finished at the castle, walk toward the Tomorrowland Transit Authority (sometimes called the "People Mover") for a very laid back and gentle ride that will allow you to view many of the rides without having to wait in the nasty lines and crouch in weird positions like the peasants. Trying to keep it classy and avoid awkwardness here, Tim.

Walk over to ride It's a Small World which is another nice, long ride inside. Lots of cultures represented here. Being around other cultures is classy.

So far you've mostly ridden in vehicles of various types to keep it easy breezy in your 3-piece suit so let's keep that theme going and board the train at the back of the park and ride it to the front of the park. After all of that eating and sitting, it is time. to. go. Ride the monorail or boat back to your hotel.

I would tell you to get yourself dressed for the evening's activities but you already are! At 5:30, you will go to Victoria and Albert's which is a restaurant right at your hotel where you'll be a guest at the chef's table. Butler service, personalized menus and lots and lots of courses of small food will be planned for the evening. Small portions of food is the definition of fancy. Nice way to finish your first day.

What a day! You need to get your beauty sleep for even more types of fancy for Saturday.

Saturday is EPCOT day. Have your driver take you to the front gate of EPCOT (because we know you would most definitely look like a crazy person wearing that suit on a bus). In the Future World part of EPCOT, you'll probably find several things to your liking. The Seas is great for viewing creatures of...uhhh...the seas. If you're feeling particularly childlike, you may also wish to catch Turtle Talk with Crush because it's a pretty lovely show each time.

Everybody loves Soarin'. Be sure to do that. While you're there, try the Living with the Land tour to see where the fancy people's food originates.

The back of EPCOT has the World Showcase and not only is it very cultural but the Food and Wine Festival is going on which is EVEN BETTER. Also? Jon Secada. He will be performing. Take your time, eat some fancy foods and drink some fancy drinks from other cultures. It's sure to be lovely. If you're able to view Illuminations that night (which takes place on the water in the World Showcase at night), grab a seat in the Italy section for prime viewing.

One day left....

Sunday, the last day of this long weekend trip. I'm going to have you go to Animal Kingdom for a little while (skipping The Studios completely because, for you, it would be a whooooole lot of nonsense). At Animal Kingdom, check the schedule for the Lion King and Finding Nemo shows. They are fantastic. If you're feeling like your frocks and hair are up to it, be sure to try the Kilimanjaro Safari which will take you out to see the animals. Pro tip: don't get verklempt when they say the bridge is breaking. It's pretend!

Have your driver take you to Downtown Disney where you'll have dinner at Downtown Disney's finest establishment: Wolfgang Puck's "The Dining Room." (Naming your restaurant something that generic and making it your own is FOR SURE pretentious...I mean fancy.) After a delightful meal, walk toward the nearby Cirque du Soleil theater for the 9:00 La Nouba show. As I'm sure you know, Cirque shows are delightful and definitely worthy of your visit.

That wraps up a nice little 3 day trip. Hopefully it was kept fun and fancy and a nice escape from the grueling world of fashion and TV. If you have a little more time next time, maybe we trade your full suit for a swimsuit and head for a water park? Haha! Just kidding.

(In case you were playing the "drink each time she uses the word 'fancy'" game, it appeared in some form 12 different times in this post. That's too many. For both of us. I promise to break out the thesaurus next time to keep you from getting drunk while reading a forum post about Tim Gunn going to a theme park. Wait, maybe I'm the one who's drunk.)

Good one. Love the one bout being at GF with the SUIT. You will look less crazy there.:woohoo:
But, I wonder, do you think Tim could make some fancy type of wholesome wear for the Duggars?

I love this idea for fancy Duggarwear (since everything that precedes "Duggar" must start with a "J" then I guess it would be Jancy Duggarwear)! I think this corner of the market has been covered but the Duggars just haven't discovered it. There are entire sites devoted to wholesome/modest clothing and it doesn't suck! Instead of creating a whole new line of clothing for them, I think our time would be better spent on helping them hone their Google skills so they can find it themselves.


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