Egypt: Pyramids, Pharaohs and Ancient Treasures Meets Thread

I am taking a small notebook with me so I can keep track of all the details. I haven't ever posted a trip report but plan to this time because of the lack of trip reports for this adventure.
Cool! I'm looking forward to hearing about this trip! Let me know if you need any help with how to post pictures or anything!

Just want to share a few photos I took when we visited a King Tut exhibit in Seattle. I thought it would be nice way to whet the appetites of those who are planning to do the Egypt ABD. :)

This is King Tut's cannopic coffinnette which stored his stomach. Too bad they did not showcase his death mask or sarcophagus which we were looking forward to see. This is about a foot in height and made of gold.

Psusennes I's death mask, looked like he had a tiny head. It's ornately decorated and completely made of gold.

A sculpture of Akhenaten, this is a huge sculpture!

Khafre's calcite sculpture, he was supposed to have built the Sphinx of Giza.
Beautiful pics! I can't wait to read a trip report. Egypt has been number one on my bucket list since I was about 7 years old. One day!
Thank you for the pictures, tufbuf. In 2010, my DD and I visited New York, NY and saw the King Tut exhibit in Times Square. I think that really whetted our appetite for this particular adventure. Plus, we really wanted to try out ABD.
tufbuf--such a tease! How can we wait until Dec 2013? I am hoping that someone from the October group (first one to Eygpt with ABD, right?) does a detailed trip report.
tufbuf--such a tease! How can we wait until Dec 2013? I am hoping that someone from the October group (first one to Eygpt with ABD, right?) does a detailed trip report.

Yep, October has the earliest dates for ABD Egypt so I'm keeping my fingers crossed someone will post up to date information. If not, I will definitely post a trip report when we go this December. I'm all paid off as of today :faint: I thought it might never happen.
tufbuf--such a tease! How can we wait until Dec 2013? I am hoping that someone from the October group (first one to Eygpt with ABD, right?) does a detailed trip report.

I was going to say, I am looking forward to JacksGirlz trip report this Dec.! It is slightly different from the 2013 itinerary though. I don't think there is anyone in the boards doing the Oct. trip which is an Adults Only trip as well.
So disappointed. :sad: I just received an email from my travel agent that ABD has cancelled our Egyptian trip. They offer dates for next spring/summer to reschedule but after this, I'm afraid we'll just be cancelled again. sigh
I imagine that the October adult only trip must be cancelled too. Any word on that?
Hi, I haven't seen a trip report yet for ABD in Egypt so am hoping it is a great trip - looks like it from the itinerary so I am thinking of booking the February 2014-
I think only one trip to Egypt has run since ABD announced the trip almost 2 years ago
I think only one trip to Egypt has run since ABD announced the trip almost 2 years ago

I think that is right--and no trip reports from that as I recall! We are still booked for Dec 2013, and keeping our fingers crossed.
We were planning on doing this trip. When we called ABD a few days after thanksgiving they said they are in talks of pulling out of Egypt completely. I hope that doesn't happen though as I really want to see Egypt!
Don't give up on Egypt! It's a fascinating place to tour. My view was through the Egyptian military (and that is a whole other conversation), but the history there is mind boggling.

When you DO go, see the Cairo museum (hall of Pharaohs, especially), Alexandria is awesome, and when you go to the pyramids, be sure to negotiate your transportation to the pyramids proper by camel ROUNDTRIP! You don't want to get all the way out there to find it is one-way ... And it WILL be.

Also, the high-pressure sales are much less tiresome if they think you're Australian! I'm from Maryland, but they didn't know the difference when I told them I was an Aussie ... they left me for more lucrative American targets!

Well Disney hasn't pulled out of Egypt yet! They just added the following dates:

Jun 8, 2014 - Jun 17, 2014
Oct 12, 2014 - Oct 21, 2014
Dec 21, 2014 - Dec 30, 2014
Mar 22, 2015 - Mar 31, 2015
Apr 12, 2015 - Apr 21, 2015

We booked December 2014, and we'll keep our fingers crossed it will be safe to travel then.
Well Disney hasn't pulled out of Egypt yet! They just added the following dates:

Jun 8, 2014 - Jun 17, 2014
Oct 12, 2014 - Oct 21, 2014
Dec 21, 2014 - Dec 30, 2014
Mar 22, 2015 - Mar 31, 2015
Apr 12, 2015 - Apr 21, 2015

We booked December 2014, and we'll keep our fingers crossed it will be safe to travel then.

They are offering less dates now. I also hope they don't pull out completely as we booked this adventure twice with ABD and canceled twice as well.
Well Disney hasn't pulled out of Egypt yet! They just added the following dates:

Jun 8, 2014 - Jun 17, 2014
Oct 12, 2014 - Oct 21, 2014
Dec 21, 2014 - Dec 30, 2014
Mar 22, 2015 - Mar 31, 2015
Apr 12, 2015 - Apr 21, 2015

We booked December 2014, and we'll keep our fingers crossed it will be safe to travel then.

We have to wait until August to see what we are doing next year. If our Brazil plans don't work out, we are considering the Egypt March 2014 ABD, if still available.

Fingers crossed for you!!
We just booked for the March 2014 trip! So far it's just my family of 4, so hopefully a few others sign up so they don't cancel. (But not too many - I like the idea of a small group trip:) )


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