expedia - meals and tickets included offer

Thanks Shelly but I'm not sure if there is any point now. Expedia just got back to me and confirmed that it's only ticket-inclusive bookings that will get free dining. I pointed out that I'd been informed differently but I'm not sure that will make a difference. Do I even have a leg to stand on? I don't know. I just feel like cancelling now. :(
Thanks Shelly but I'm not sure if there is any point now. Expedia just got back to me and confirmed that it's only ticket-inclusive bookings that will get free dining. I pointed out that I'd been informed differently but I'm not sure that will make a difference. Do I even have a leg to stand on? I don't know. I just feel like cancelling now. :(

Sorry, you must feel awful. They have handled this so badly. It clearly said on their own website the dining was included. Wonder what is going to happen with people who have it on their notes in the confirmation?
Sorry, I don't understand why they say one thing to me and another to you.
I will also be cancelling if anyone has problems with the offer when they get there even though i have it on my booking, I can't take the chance of having to find the money to feed 6 if we don't get the vouchers.


PS, just a thought if you paid on a credit card shouldn't it guarantee goods and services. I can't say I know much about this but if you have had one email saying it's included and explain it to them
they may be able to help.
Sorry, you must feel awful. They have handled this so badly. It clearly said on their own website the dining was included. Wonder what is going to happen with people who have it on their notes in the confirmation?

They really have handled it badly. From what I've been told by Expedia, having a note on your booking won't make any difference.

Sorry, I don't understand why they say one thing to me and another to you.
I will also be cancelling if anyone has problems with the offer when they get there even though i have it on my booking, I can't take the chance of having to find the money to feed 6 if we don't get the vouchers.


PS, just a thought if you paid on a credit card shouldn't it guarantee goods and services. I can't say I know much about this but if you have had one email saying it's included and explain it to them
they may be able to help.

Exactly, it's only DBF and me on this trip but for people with families like yourself, it is much more important that you receive the free dining as initially promised.

I'm not sure about the credit card guarantee but I'm pretty sure we'd be able to find something on the Trading Standards website. I've sent them the emails that said it is included, to see if that will get me anywhere. If not, I'll be looking at going down the legal route.
Well, after a strongly-worded email, Expedia got back to me and said they will get in contact with Disney. If we are not eligible for free dining (which I don't think we are), they will refund us the cost of our meals when we get home. Can't really complain about that, at least they are trying to right their wrong.
Well, after a strongly-worded email, Expedia got back to me and said they will get in contact with Disney. If we are not eligible for free dining (which I don't think we are), they will refund us the cost of our meals when we get home. Can't really complain about that, at least they are trying to right their wrong.

That does sound acceptable. I will wait until we find out what happens and then I guess we'll be going down the same route. Even then though you run into difficulties about the 'cost of your meals' because often the face value of the voucher is less than the cost of the set meal in the restaurant, even though the voucher would cover it.
That does sound acceptable. I will wait until we find out what happens and then I guess we'll be going down the same route. Even then though you run into difficulties about the 'cost of your meals' because often the face value of the voucher is less than the cost of the set meal in the restaurant, even though the voucher would cover it.

Exactly! I will have to see how much they're willing to cover us for. :confused:
They are supposed to be emailing us today so I will update with that.

They still haven't got back to us! We've been waiting for a reply since DisneyFoo posted this on the 4th, and still nothing! I've even sent another email making sure the one they "escalated" hadn't got lost, and no reply to that, either. It's really very poor how they've handled this...
I was a travel agent for 28 years and heres my understanding of this problem.

If Expedia had incorrect details regarding free dining on their site and you have it confirmed on your invoice (ie it says somewhere that you DO have free disney dining) then they must honour that.

If Expedia have not confirmed free disney dining on your invoice then they do not have to honour that.

Whatever is confirmed as a service/facility on the invoice is correct and forms a contract between yourself and Expedia. Even if Expedia are acting as agents, your contract is between you and Expedia and therefore it is Expedia who are liable.

If they have confirmed incorrectly that you have free disney dining and you have this in writing as part of your confirmation invoice then it is up to them to make sure you get that. Thats whats in the contract so thats what you should get. It doesnt matter if its wrong, its not your mistake, its theirs so they have to fix it.

It will stand up in court too!

Also, I do not think that it is appropriate for them to cop out before departure saying that if theres a problem, it will be refunded on your return, thats just not good enough. You have a contract and are legally entitled to have that contract fullfilled.

Best of luck xx
Thankyou CallumsMummy, that's good to know. In my case as we aren't going until just after Xmas I'm going to wait and see what happens to people who are travelling before me. Really feel for them though!
I was a travel agent for 28 years and heres my understanding of this problem.

If Expedia had incorrect details regarding free dining on their site and you have it confirmed on your invoice (ie it says somewhere that you DO have free disney dining) then they must honour that.

If Expedia have not confirmed free disney dining on your invoice then they do not have to honour that.

Whatever is confirmed as a service/facility on the invoice is correct and forms a contract between yourself and Expedia. Even if Expedia are acting as agents, your contract is between you and Expedia and therefore it is Expedia who are liable.

If they have confirmed incorrectly that you have free disney dining and you have this in writing as part of your confirmation invoice then it is up to them to make sure you get that. Thats whats in the contract so thats what you should get. It doesnt matter if its wrong, its not your mistake, its theirs so they have to fix it.

It will stand up in court too!

Also, I do not think that it is appropriate for them to cop out before departure saying that if theres a problem, it will be refunded on your return, thats just not good enough. You have a contract and are legally entitled to have that contract fullfilled.

Best of luck xx

Thank you for this information. Expedia are now telling me that I will have to have all my meals in Hotel Cheyenne, which they will refund on our return! Obviously this isn't good enough and I've told them so. I'm awaiting a further response today, hopefully it will be more satisfactory.
Thank you for this information. Expedia are now telling me that I will have to have all my meals in Hotel Cheyenne, which they will refund on our return! Obviously this isn't good enough and I've told them so. I'm awaiting a further response today, hopefully it will be more satisfactory.

Actually having thought about this overnight, I don't think anything will be satisfactory except Expedia paying Disney for you to have the vouchers there when you check in, which is what you (and I!) were told you were getting. There is no reason Expedia can't do this.
I'm sure you will but please could you keep records of email addresses and names of staff at Expedia who have dealt with you on this as I have a feeling a few of us are going to have to be fighting for the same thing.
Youre welcome Britchic4.

It annoys me when these companies mess clients around like this. I once booked a holiday to Cyprus at the last minute for someone through a very well known holiday company. It was a good deal and as we all know, sometimes, you can save a lot of money booking nearer to departure time. It was off-season and although it was a decent deal, nothing to me at the time suggested there was anything wrong with the price of the holiday itself.

We got the invoice and the tickets through showing the price paid and everything seemed fine. However, the next day, I had a call from the operator to say the price on the system was incorrect and that instead of All Inclusive, it should have been bed and breakfast. All inclusive was available but should have been charged at a supplement of £55 per person per night!

However, the operator knew that they had issued an invoice confirming the price was X amount All Inclusive and there was nothing they could do about it. They actually had the nerve to ask me to advise the clients that there had been an error and collect the extra money from them. When I refused, they had no choice but to back down because they knew the contract (invoice) was legally binding and there was nothing they could do about it.

If you speak to some reservations agent who has no authority and no legal knowledge, they will just chance their arm and say whatever comes in their head! Its so wrong, but a fact sadly. The people working in those call centres are paid little more than minimum wage and many have very little real experience. Thats why you get a different story each time you call.

Much better to stand your ground, and speak to a supervisor or manager who knows what they are doing.

I hope you get your free dining. It sounds to me like Expedia have made a big mistake and they will not give in very easily as its going to cost them lots of money puting it right.
If you know your legal rights, then its much easier. Just quote words like "contract" and "legally binding" and those call centre agents will soon take you seriously.

If it just a few words added to your notes by Expedia is it still part of the contract and legally binding?
Actually having thought about this overnight, I don't think anything will be satisfactory except Expedia paying Disney for you to have the vouchers there when you check in, which is what you (and I!) were told you were getting. There is no reason Expedia can't do this.

You're right really, I was just happy knowing that we would at least get reimbursed for our meals. However, when they told us to eat four meals (!) at the Cheyenne, I thought again. The thing is, we are now three days from departure and I'm not sure if it's going to be sorted out in time. :confused3

I'm sure you will but please could you keep records of email addresses and names of staff at Expedia who have dealt with you on this as I have a feeling a few of us are going to have to be fighting for the same thing.

Of course! :)
If it clearly says somewhere on your invoice that you have free dining then yes, it forms part of the contract just in the same way as "Seaview room added" would be considered part of the booking and you would expect to get this as part of your holiday booking.

I think I read somewhere too that someones name/initials were on there. That proves in itself that this has been looked into and if its on the invoice then theres no argument. Remember they are supposed to know what they are doing. And, if they are stupid enough to re-inforce their mistake by adding extra notes to your invoice then thats their problem. Youre the customer, they are the agent- you take what they say as being correct.

Its about establishing a balance of proof. If its on the invoice, then its part of the booking and therfore also within the contract between yourself and Expedia.

No argument. :)
If it clearly says somewhere on your invoice that you have free dining then yes, it forms part of the contract just in the same way as "Seaview room added" would be considered part of the booking and you would expect to get this as part of your holiday booking.

I think I read somewhere too that someones name/initials were on there. That proves in itself that this has been looked into and if its on the invoice then theres no argument. Remember they are supposed to know what they are doing. And, if they are stupid enough to re-inforce their mistake by adding extra notes to your invoice then thats their problem. Youre the customer, they are the agent- you take what they say as being correct.

Its about establishing a balance of proof. If its on the invoice, then its part of the booking and therfore also within the contract between yourself and Expedia.

No argument. :)

I didn't get a note on my booking but I checked with Expedia twice before I booked the holiday and it was confirmed to me both times that I was eligible for free dining. I have two written confirmations so I assume they would count as 'proof'?
Just an update: Expedia say that they are unable to issue the vouchers but they have given me a list of restaurants that we can eat in where we can be reimbursed. There was no mention of whether or not this was for lunch AND dinner though, so I had to send another email asking them to clarify.

I hope my posts are useful to others who have booked with Expedia. I guess they will give you an idea of what to expect when you enquire about the promotion.
Well after numerous phone calls and emails, i have now at last had my case passed onto a manager of the guy in Belfast i have been dealing with. That said in my email last night, i was told i would receive a reply today and guess what.......... I still haven't!!! Am i surprised, i don't think so :mad::mad::mad:
So I have told hubby i will give them till tomorrow, till i start with the real heavy STUFF, Expedia haven't taken on me before and boy had they better be ready, they won't like me when i'm angry :furious:

And to be quite honest, i don't want this spoiling the build up to our Disney magic, but i won't let this settle....... to be con't


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