Favorite Disney Princess?

Another vote for Belle. I have brown hair and hazel eyes so I identified with her as a child. My favorite color is also yellow! I also love her personality - book worm-ish, independent, and a bit quirky. Totally me. ;)
I vote Belle because I had a crush on her as a tween. I'm not crazy. My mom had me tested.
I've got to say that Rapunzel is my favorite princess because like her, I've got a dream and my family is holding me back and preventing me from getting it.
Cinderella. I'm obligated to say this because that was my gf's favorite as a kid.
I never realised how popular Belle is, then again I haven't watched Beauty and the Beast in years :P
My favourites are Cinderella and Rapunzel, she's just so cute :D
Defidently Ariel but Bell is not far behind! I also love Aurora and lately I've been liking Rapunzel. Overall though, their all amazing. My favorite "neglected" one is Pochahontas.
Ariel! My love! Can't wait to stay at AOA next month.

LOVE Pocahontas and Jasmine, too.
Ariel for me, I would also say Rapunzel, but I haven't seen Tangled (I already own the 2-Disc Platinum Edition of The Little Mermaid) :)
Cinderella....she has been forever...I wanted to be her...when I met Prince Charming in Disney I almost died...then she walked in and I couldn't stop smiling
Jasmin is my favorite because Aladdin is my favorite Disney movie, followed by Mulan so she is my second favorite. As a child I liked Aurora because her gown changed colors. ::yes::
Mine is Ariel! She's so independent and determined. She's strong willed while still being free spirited. Plus, she's gorgeous and has the voice of an angel! She inspires me to chase my dreams and stick up for what I believe in.
Belle, because she is intelligent, beautiful, and does not make judgements based on appearance :-)

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I know is cliche but my favorite is Cinderella <3 the story and the music I love, and I feel like I look like her too so I love her :) haha :)
My favourite currently is Merida! I loved her movie, the message was wonderful, that there was no "prince" necessary which is finally a great message to be sending young girls!

I love Mulan for a very similar reason. She saved all of China, she didn't have to rely on a prince.

I can't stand Tangled and Rapunzel. I don't under why so many people call her a role model. She still relied on a man to get her out of her tower and blackmailed him into helping her. She would have been much more of a role model had she left the tower and even then come across Flynn. Had Flynn never come along, she would still be sitting in that tower!
Disney_Princess83 said:
My favourite currently is Merida! I loved her movie, the message was wonderful, that there was no "prince" necessary which is finally a great message to be sending young girls!

I love Mulan for a very similar reason. She saved all of China, she didn't have to rely on a prince.

I can't stand Tangled and Rapunzel. I don't under why so many people call her a role model. She still relied on a man to get her out of her tower and blackmailed him into helping her. She would have been much more of a role model had she left the tower and even then come across Flynn. Had Flynn never come along, she would still be sitting in that tower!

My favorite disney princess is probably jasmin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


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