Feeling Grand - How to Plan a Disney Trip In 18 Days Or Less

Love DS's response! I can guarantee that my little drama queen would not be so accepting! :love: on hearing the heartbeat together! I agree on the D&B purchase - the one with Mickeys on it is calling to me - two of my favorite things in one purchase!
I like your ds's response. I am completely excited for you, as well! 3 days!!! I can't wait for your tr!

I can't wait for my trip, never mind the report. ;)

Love DS's response! I can guarantee that my little drama queen would not be so accepting! :love: on hearing the heartbeat together! I agree on the D&B purchase - the one with Mickeys on it is calling to me - two of my favorite things in one purchase!

Ha! I'm very lucky that he's so easygoing right now.

I cannot even begin to convey how many purses I have. If I buy another one, I may need to have my head examined.

It is however, one of the only things that would "fit" in the coming months. :lmao:
That's so good that your DS was fine with your trip so far. I'm sure he's going to end up enjoying his time with daddy.

Looks like the weather is going to be nice for your trip. Perfect!
You're DS is awesome!:goodvibes Although, trust me, it doesn't necessarily get easier as they get older.....

And I'm entirely all too excited right along with you!!:yay:

Well, if that wasn't an anti-climactic sort of reaction, I don't know what would have been! "OK". :lmao: Kids, ya gotta love em.

:cloud9: The first time you heard his little tiny (very much alive!!) heart beating. Ah, if I was only 36 again. #5 solved that problem for us. What a brat child she was. Thankfully, she's gotten her disposition all worked out and we didnt' have to give her back. :lmao: (J/K)

Ah, the ever pressing roll vs. fold debate. I wish I had that dilemma to worry about right now! ;)
That's so good that your DS was fine with your trip so far. I'm sure he's going to end up enjoying his time with daddy.

I think so, too.

Looks like the weather is going to be nice for your trip. Perfect!

I hope so! :goodvibes

You're DS is awesome!:goodvibes Although, trust me, it doesn't necessarily get easier as they get older.....

And I'm entirely all too excited right along with you!!:yay:


HA! I hope it'll get easier. :lmao:

Well, if that wasn't an anti-climactic sort of reaction, I don't know what would have been! "OK". :lmao: Kids, ya gotta love em.

Today I asked him not to do something, and he looked at me and said, "Don't worry, Mama." :lmao:

:cloud9: The first time you heard his little tiny (very much alive!!) heart beating. Ah, if I was only 36 again. #5 solved that problem for us. What a brat child she was. Thankfully, she's gotten her disposition all worked out and we didnt' have to give her back. :lmao: (J/K)


Ah, the ever pressing roll vs. fold debate. I wish I had that dilemma to worry about right now! ;)

Your time will come, my dear. And I'll be taking care of a newborn, so there you go! No folding or rolling for me. Well...maybe the diaper bag. :lmao:

Crossing my fingers for warm weather and a great trip report, HAVE FUN

Thank you! :goodvibes
Hello, DISers. This is cranky TK.

TK who had a cold two weeks ago and thought, yay, it's over, I'm done.

Ha. Ha ha.

It's back. With a vengeance. And I'm miserable. So miserable with congestion, a sinus headache that I left work today. I went to my mom's house and took a nap while she watched my son for me. I feel a bit better, but I can't get any consecutive sleep at night, and that is killing me.

I'm tired. I'm not packed. I'm not ready, and I'm worn out. I'm just waiting for DH to get home so I can make myself do the things that need to get done. I'm excited, but excitement is dampened by, please, God, let this congestion go away before I have to get on a plane.

Like I tell everyone when they ask me how I'm doing (in regard to being pregnant), "one step at a time." :thumbsup2

Next Chapter
You sure need to get the rest you need. I really don't want you to be sick on this trip!!
TK--I hope you feel better soon. It seems like when you are pg, you feel sicker than sick as well. I want you to enjoy your trip, so get some rest. The packing will get done.
We are leaving for along weekend tomorrow evening- less than 24 hours til I feel some DW air :) The weather on Fri looks great- Sat not so much. I do hope you have great weather and enjoy yourself prior to the baby!

Drinks....the powdered crystal lite and propel packets to stir into water. We did it before in mugs and also in bottles- perfect when you sick of water and it was one thing that did not upset my stomach last preg....They also travel great and make drinking fountain water taste just fine if needed!

Packing... after numerous trips and packing my DH on business trip weekly.....and needing to save as much space as possible, I now find that getting 2 gallon ziplock bags or something similar to that size works AWESOME. We put a decent amount in and then put our knees on them to get all the air out....flat and perfect to lay in a suitcase giving us a TON more room. I also use gallon ones and then I seem to have a nice selection of bags while down there for use in case of whatever. Kind of like the space bag idea- won't ever roll again!

Have fun....
Oh no!!!!

I am so, so sorry that you are sick!

I hope you feel MUCH better today and that you get over this before you leave on your trip!

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon! My suggestion is to repeat three times "I refuse to be sick for my trip and will feel better soon." Follow the saying with some heel-clicking and your body will have to listen and heal! Seriously though, being sick for a WDW trip is one of my worst nightmares - sick and pregnant I can't even imagine. Sending lots of :hug: and pixiedust: your way!


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