Finished the Minnie 5k and now attempting the Princess 1/2 - Am I nuts!?!

Hey there! Just checking in... How's the training going? I start W2/D1 today... Keep us up to date! Thanks as always for checking in my journal!

I know searching for running shoes can be difficult...I just broke the bank w/ mine. Took a trip to Fleet Feet (it's a chain) and they watch you walk, measure your foot and then bring 3 or 4 pairs of shoes they reccommend for you. I find that New Balances work well for me! Hope you found some! Good shoes are one of the keys to good workout!

Hi, Stacy. Sounds like you are off to a great start in your training. Glad you found some shoes that work for you. I am sure I will have to shop for new ones eventually, but hope to put it off for a while!

Keep going - you're doing really, REALLY great. I'll be following your progress in your journal, because I'll be starting to train as soon as my back lets me and it will be very inspiring to me to see how things are going for you. Have a great day!

Kim - Thanks for stopping by! It means alot to hear words of encouragement from a "vet". ;)

Linda - It wasn't bad walking my dog, b/c i keep her on the street side, so she can't stop to smell all the grass and such.. By the end of the walk, i thought i was going to have to carry her though.. All 80lbs of her! :lmao: I told ya, she's a couch potato too!
Haven't looked for a DVD yet, didn't get to go to B&N yesterday..

Stacie - Today is going to be my last w/o for week1. I will do it later today - after i go out shopping. :) I'll keep ya posted.. good luck on starting W2 tomorrow!

Susan - How are you? I've been thinking about you and hoping you are doing well! Thanks for your kind words!

I took my dd to an art/craft fest. this a.m. - very cloudy here today, chance of showers..
As soon as my dh gets home , we are going out sneaker shopping.. Well, he wants a pair for his bday, and i am gonna try some on too.. I have been wearing the ones i got from my sis, but i don't know if it's just me, but my toes feel a lil' cramped..
However, i am NOT use to wearing sneaks -- seriously, i have worn Crocs EVERYDAY for like at least the last 3 months.. Morning to night. Seriously. So, my feet aren't use to being "contained" i guess! :rotfl2: These are Nike's which i usally don't care for either.. So, i figured i would go and try others on today for the heck of it.

That's about it for now.. Gonna really start watching the diet tomorrow too - as it will be coming on LESS than 6 weeks til WDW!! :cloud9: If i can do 10 more lbs before we go i will be happy.. (of course if i do more i will be thrilled! LOL) Then, my next goal will be our cruise in December - for New Years.
Hi Stacy- I was just reading your journal and you are doing great so far. I actually started from nothing at the beginning of January, and I ran my first half marathon in April, and I am now training for the WDW Full marathon in january. So, if you follow your C25K plan, you will do awesome ath the Minnie in May.

One of the best investments you can make in this sport, is to buy a good pair of running shoes. I would suggest going to a local running store, where most of the employees are runners themselves. They will find the best shoe for you.

Keep up the good work, I look forward to reading your journal!
Laurie - Thanks! However, i don't see myself doing a marathon any time soon, or a half even.. LOL I think if i did a 5k or mabye a tad more.. but less than half, i would be doing good.. LOL I am amazed you did all that so far, very impressive!!

As for today - i just finished W1D3!!!!!!! Yea!!!! I will admit, it took a bit to get thru some of this -- mentally.. As i am just tired today.. But, honestly, i found myself struggling thru some of the walking parts more so than the jogging parts! IS that weird??
I went sneaker shopping with DH and DD today, ended up trying on some for myself too - I had been wearing the sneaks that my sis had given me, and my toes were feeling cramped.. I thought it was just b/c i wasn't use to wearing sneaks since i am wearing my Crocs all the time, but then i tried on some 9.5's (currently i was wearing 9's) and tried them on with a wide width, and WOW!! What a difference! Turns out i guess i must have a wide toe -- and need the wide width. I also tried on the 9's in wide, but they still felt too small.. so i opted for a pair of New Balance, size 9.5, wide width. I just used them now in my workout.. my toes are still a lil' sore from the other sneaks (what was i thinking cramming them in there!!) so i think once the soreness wears off, the new ones will fit great!

I am finding my shins a lil sore right now, not sharp pain.. but sore. I stretched, but i don't know what else to do .. I also just took a nice hot shower. Tomorrow is a rest day, i will do some arm weight excersises probably, and maybe a short walk outside at night..

That's it for now, i will be back on later to read all your daily entries on all your journals! It was really you guys on my mind when i was on my TM today.. which helped me. Thank you.
Yeah! :cool1: Congrats on completing Week 1!!! Those new shoes will soooo help you!!! I like my New Balance!

Can't wait to see how Week 2 goes!!! Keep up the good work! :thumbsup2

Hey Stacy---New shoes may help with the shin of the reasons people get shin splints if from wearing shoes that are worn out. My shins were bothering me a few weeks ago, and I started using a new pair of running shoes and the pain is gone. Like I said, the best investment for this sport is a good pair of running shoes. You should also track how many miles you put on those shoes and get a new pair every 200-300 miles.

You can definetely do a full or half marathon some day. In january, I never thought I would be able to complete a half marathon by April, but I just followed my training plan and I finished with no problems.

Keep up the good work!!!!
Hey Woman,

Those shoes are the smartest investment you could have made.


You are doing great. I hope the shin splints improve with the shoes.

Take care,
Well, here's my early a.m. update..

Didn't do much yesterday for working out -- had tons of running around to do all day. Had to go for my 6 mo. checkup at my dr.
All my numbers from my lab work look good:
Cholesteral 189 ( I personally would like this lower)
Blood Pressure 130/80
He is sending me back in 6 months to check my thyroid again, it was a little high, but he doesn't want to assume anything.. it was 3.6 (i guess the norm is under 3.5) whatever that means..
He also switched my anti-depressant meds - I had told him that i thought the med was just not working much anymore ( i have been on it for almost 2 yrs).. and that i still have trouble focusing on things i need to do,and that i have stopped doing lots of stuff that i use to really like to do (hobbies), b/c i just feel so consumed with other stuff..
Anyway, i guess that's not really topic for this board - LOL. However, i am nervous to switch meds.. I am just scared if there will be any wierd side effects.. and going to WDW in 5 1/2 weeks .. i guess mabye i am just worrying too much.

Oh, also, he has sent me a referral to a sleep dr. to have a consult to see if i need a sleep study - I am worried i may have sleep apnea. DH and i are currently sleeping across the hall from each other (for at least 6 mo now) b/c dh said that i was snoring.. and lately i feel tired during the day even though i am getting plenty of rest.. and i think i am waking up a couple times at night - however, i don't know if i am waking myself up from snoring or what. But, the sleep apnea thing is scary to me.. But, my appt. isn't til January..

Oh, and on a POSITIVE note: My dr. was THRILLED when he saw my 15 lb weightloss!! I was 204 last time (6 mo ago) and am now 190. I told him by the time i go back in 6 more months, i will be down at least another 20. LOL He asked what i was doing.. and i told him about the C25k, even though that's not how i lost the weight - as i just started that.. but that is what i am currently doing.

After i get back from bringing dd to the busstop this a.m. i will come home and attempt W2D1 on my C25k program.

Thanks Laurie and Beth for stopping by!! I am hoping my new sneakers make a difference..
Hi Stacy,

I understand about switching meds and the anxiety it can cause. I'll tell you what, I got mch better relief with the new med I am on. I hope it will be the same for you. A sleep study is an good idea, but your weight loss may improve the sleep apnea, so it's ok that the appointment isn't until january. An improvement in the depression may also help.

Good Luck on week 2.

Take care,
Hi Stacy!
You've got me thinking of the Minnie now. It's the last one and looks like a great race.

Congratulations on your c25k victories - you are doing great. And great job getting some new shoes, too. Shoes are HUGE. For your shins, if they continue to bother you, many people find that icing the shins after exercise helps as well.

So many things to say...I have also struggled with depression. I always tell myself I can't skip my workout just because other things are trying to get in the way because running IS my Prozac. I hope your med change goes smoothly for you.

And finally, my DH has sleep apnea. Your symptoms sound like the things he was struggling with before he got his CPAP, which has made a huge difference in our lives. I can't believe you have to wait until January for your sleep study, though. That sounds so frustrating.

Keep up the good work. You are doing great things for yourself and those who love you!
Thanks Beth and Corinna!

Well i did it!! I did W2D1! I'll tell ya, it wasn't as bad as i thought it *might* be! LOL Shins don't feel bad...Towards my ankles are a lil' sore, but I just think it's my legs actually getting use to working! LOL
The one thing i did notice this am though - is that after my workout, i felt a little bit nauseous.. Did i drink too much h2o during my w/o? How much should you drink when you w/o? I usally took a swig of water after each jogging burst, but like i said, i had to sit for a while after my w/o b/c i felt queezy.. The feeling passed, and i jumped in the shower.. but i had never felt like that before - after a w/o.

Also - after my w/o i have been taking 2 Advil's just in case my legs are sore.. is this ok?

Not much else to report -at work today til 5. IT's crappy out here today.. so i am not expecting it to be busy here.. (I own a gift shop in my lil' town).. So, i guess i can DIS alot and reflect on my thoughts. :)
Hi, Stacy. You are doing REALLY GREAT on your workouts. I can't help with your H2O questions, but someone on here will be able to!

I think changing meds might help more than you think. 5 1/2 weeks until your trip means you have enough time to make the switch and see how you feel before you get there. If what you are taking isn't helping, it is definitely time to try something else.

I have sleep apnea. I have had my CPAP machine for about two years, and it has helped me a great deal. I sleep better and I am more rested when I get up - in fact, now if I go out of town and forget to pack it, I have trouble sleeping without it! Definitely go and get checked out - if you need it, it will make a world of difference in how you feel!

Hope you have a good evening!

Thanks Susan!!

I just got off the phone with my sis - she's back from Vegas, and she wants to sign up for the Minnie 5k & 15k tonight - and wants me to commit to it!! YIKES! This would make it so *real*!! LOL My DH thinks i am nuts, and is yapping about how we "need to fill the oil tank and stuff and here you are, wanting to go to WDW for 3-4 days?!"
But, my sis has said that she wants to treat me, and it will be my 30th bday gift (even though i am turing 30 next month...LOL) She wants to do it with me.. I just feel guilty!

So, i guess i can just sign up, and take it from there.. i don't have to worry about booking hotels or flights or anything yet, but i should at least sign up for the race(s).
Then, my next thing is.. should i sign up for BOTH?? I guess if i can run the 5k, then even if i have to jog for 5k, then walk 5k, then jog the last 5k,i could probably manage the 15k.... yes or no?? What do you all think?? I can't believe i am even thinking of signing up for anything! LOL But, it would definately give me a goal to work for.. and it it's just about 7 months away..

Not sure what i am going to do for working out today yet.. i am at work right now. I will probably try to do a walk on the TM tonight.. since it's cold/rainy here today. :(
Hi Stacy,
Go for it, sign up for the 15K. I wish I had someone to go with,I would love that myself.

I have had that nauseous feeling before,not sure what causes it. Might be too much H2O.

Weather here is lousy too,I need sun!

Keep up the great work!

Linda - you should sign up! From what i can tell, there will be a few of us WISH'ers there.. including Susan (Larry's Girl) and Stacie .. My sis is planning on jogging the whole 9 miles.. but i don't know that i would be able to do that.. LOL
Stacy - don't count yourself out of jogging 9 miles by May. It is fully possible and there's nothing like a goal to get you there!

I dont' know about two races - I would hesitate to go all out on the 5K if I were doing the 15K - know what I mean?

You are talking me into this race more and more by the moment - you do realize this, don't you? :rolleyes1
Oh, corinna, that would be so cool!! :) So,i will keep talkin' LOL ;)

so, you would suggest ONLY signing up to do the 15k? And just forget about the 5k? I know what you are sayin about doing too much.. i don't want to push it and be tired for the 15k if i do the 5k.. And to be honest, i would rather complete the 15k jogging than walking.. LOL That is my big goal, to jog the whole thing.. However, the thought of jogging 9 miles scares the hell outta me!!

Ohhhhh,i am soo confused!!
Hey there! I've been MIA checking on other's journals... Life--you know...

I think you should do both! Susan and I are definately doing to the 5K and I may (not sure yet...I want to get further into the C25K before I committ) do the 15K for the Minnie...

Congrats your successful completion of Week 1 and Week 2 looks like it's going well!!! Good Job! :thumbsup2 It's not as bad as I imagined it would be either!

Keep it up!!!
Ok, i just got off the phone with my sis again, and she was laughing at me..
She said she doesn't want to do BOTH, she ONLY wants to do the 15k..
So, now i am not sure.. mabye i should just suck it up and ONLY sign up for the 15k??


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