Fit Before 50: Barb's Journal to a Slimmer, Healthier Self

Just getting a chance to catch up on journals.

Sounds like all is well and you are really getting in some exercise. I'd love to know how Leve 2 of the 30-Day Shred goes. I keep meaning to try it, but still don't feel ready.

And, maybe you'll be the author of my next WDW book!
I'd love to do a WDW guide but so far the only book I've been able to sell to a publisher is a career guide on becoming a counselor. Oh well, with one under my belt I'm hoping it will be easier to sell a second one. I have two guide book ideas so I need to shop them around aggressively.

It was so gorgeous today that I went out and did some biking instead of the Shred. I'll probably do some Sports Active weight training later. I was bad yesterday (didn't exercise) so I'd better behave this week....especially since we went to Chevy's for lunch and had tableside guacamole. I'm usually good there but the guac did me in.

I signed up for Facebook last week and it has been a real time drain...I'm going to have to start limiting myself. Don't need yet another thing distracting me from work and exercise!
Hey Barb!!! Was a beautiful day today huh? I cleaned house, and didn't get in much exercise. I'll walk in the morning. Got a hectic week coming up, with new accounts not sure how much exercise I'll be getting in. Anyways, enjoy the rest of the evening, and have a good week!!
that's awesome DH is interested in your're inspiring him!

I'm sorry to hear about your brother's stroke and annuerism(sp?) last year - but glad he's making his way to recovery

Have you considered doing a self-published book? Selling it online? I know many only want traditional publishing, but I've sold quite a few books via self publishing (market and sell myself - websites)

Yeah FB and stuff like that - in the beginning you'll be there tons, but you'll start to pick and choose what/when you want to be there. Like anything new in the beginning - it's fresh to you.
DH has actually been nudging me to self publish because there is a built-in audience for Disney and travel-related books so I might do it if I can't find it a home with another publisher. My current publisher foucses on career guides; I wish they were more broad.

Had a 7:30 a.m. walk with my friend; saw gorgeous wild turkeys and a racoon that was acting very strange so we extended our walk to get away from it because rabies is fairly common here. I even have to get my horse an annual rabies shot, which was not needed in IL. Felt good to exercise early, but I promptly fell back to sleep when I got home and turned on the TV. Gotta get myself to bed earlier.

You're right about FB. I like the novelty but it's already getting less intriguing. I figured out how to turn off notifications from the games like Farmville because my whole news page was cluttered up with those. I'm staying far away from them because they look like big-time time drains. I have a virtual pet at Foopets and that's enough for me...only have to feed, water and pet it once a day.
If you go that route, I've found that LuLu was super easy to use - and my book is even in the Amazon marketplace, though most of my sales are via website...don't remember a lot about it - since i did it a bit ago - but sales are passive income and trickle in...I'm somewhere between 200-300 books sold at this point...nothing massive, but I'm talking to a VERY slim, targeted audience - and for me the joy was in the learning experience.
If you get your WDW book published or choose to self publish, please let us know. I'd love to read it!:goodvibes

Great job getting your walk in this morning!:goodvibes

I like Facebook, but you're right...It can be a time drain! ::yes:: How did you turn off the Farmville notifications? Those are always on my whole news page and there is always a ton of them. :(

Hope you have a great afternoon!:hug:
Yes, Facebook can be time consuming! But I think after the initial excitement wears off, it will become less interesting for you. That's what happened to me, anyway!

Great job getting that walk in - and there is nothing wrong with taking a rest day!! :goodvibes
Barb, I would love to read a travel book you write! Where can I find your blog? I read a review of yours on the lunch with Shamu thing but can't remember how I found it. I just remember your picture and also you were, right, it was a fun way to see Shamu up close and dd and I enjoyed it very much per your recommendation!

I agree about facebook. The first couple of weeks it was so novel and fun, now I go weeks without even looking at my page. I don't have time to disbaord and facebook and I do have my priorities after all!

Good job avoiding that racoon.
Amy, click here for my blog and that will take you to the list of most recent posts. I just love covering the theme parks. Can't wait till Harry Potter! I'm jealous tho' 'cause I have a reporter friend in CA who is at the Captain Eo press evenet today. No Eo for us here in FL.

You can turn off Farmville and similar notifications by moving your mouse to the upper righthand corner. A "Hide" label will appear. Click that and it will let you choose to block Farmville notifications. Works like a charm!

Did my exercise early this morning and am having a massage tonight....mmmmm.

Solar, I know what you mean about passive income. I write for Demand Studios and get that from some of my articles. It's great to see $$ coming in with no additional effort. The royalty statement from my book is due any day now so I can't wait to see how many copies have been sold. It's fun to watch the rank go up and down on Amazon.
Barb, thanks for the link, I'll have to check you out!

I am also excited for Harry Potter, we plan to go to Universal for a day or two in October of 2011. I know my son will flip over all of that, I'll be anxious to read your review of it!

Enjoy that massage!
Thanks for the turning off the Farmville notifications on Facebook tip!:thumbsup2 It worked like a charm!:goodvibes

I'm enjoying the articles on your blog. ::yes:: Thanks for sharing it with us. :goodvibes

Have a great day!:hug:
I'm all about passive income....90% of what i do is about passive income...i just continue to grow my it.

We'll be doing Harry Potter in late June- taking my DS and his friend to FL for 10 days - and that's on their list -- they'll both be 16 at the they've been following it for years - rented a house in the Champions Gate/Davenport area for the time

can't wait to hear your thoughts on it...they doing a soft opening in the spring?
DH checked out HP the other day and said there is at least 30 days of remaining work and quite probably 60 days. He thinks soft opening will be early May or possibly late April. I suspect they might do it in phases too.

Tried to walk this morning but got rained out after 30 mins. Both my friend and I checked the weather...supposedly no rain till late morning, but it decided to come at 8 a.m. instead. I might do a DVD or some Wii later.
Keep us updated on your writing! I will definitely check out your blog. How did your workout today go? Sounds like you've been really mixing your exercising up lately. I've heard that is a great way to lose weight.

Have a great day!
Your writing sounds like a GREAT idea, Barb! Loved your blog articles!

Your exercise looks great....hopefully your weather will continue to get back to normal. My DSis in Lakeland is really complaining about the cold!
Barb and Deb~ I'd love to make some passive income at home. If you ladies have any suggestions, I would really appreciate it!:goodvibes

Sorry it rained on your walk this morning, Barb. :( I hope the sun comes out for you tomorrow! :sunny:
I started writing articles for places like Associated Content, then I got involved with blogs, then internet marketing...just a learning curve - and understanding to stick in long enough...think i got my first ideas at (there's a board) about 4 years ago
Sorry to hear you got rained out

Barb, enjoyed reading your articles - poked around and read a handful of them

thank on the HP scoop
I hope your weather is clearing up so you can get that walking in! But I know you are resourceful enough to find something else to do in the exercise department! :goodvibes


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