Florida and gulf folks, you ready for Gustav ?

While Gustav is not tracked to hit Florida, it looks like it may hit the gulf region. Are you guys out there keeping an eye on this? Anyone out there in the "cone" area?

Interesting side note....the RNC convention starts the day Gustav is scheduled to hit......could get interesting!
I just hope that when the warnings go out, that the people listen and ACT on those warnings this time. I don't know that LA can handle another disaster like Katrina.
There is a new storm forming out in the Atlantic now...should be named by tomorrow if the weather continues to degrade.
Which it has, it's now going by the name Hanna. GREAT! Just what I wanted to hear for my trip on Thursday of next week, a storm could be over land by then in Florida.....grr.
BTW, how do they know the projected path that well. I mean I was just looking at the "track" of Hanna, and she's going to make a sharp left after monday towards the Gulf (well towards the islands in the Caribbean anyway). How do they know that? Are they that good? Or do they make it turn that way? LOL.
You can go to http://media.myfoxtampabay.com/myfoxhurricane/ and see the different models they use. JaxPiper can explain it better than me (he's the scientist, after all) but they look at different high and low pressure systems that could affect the track, possible wind shear, the gulf stream, etc.

Alternatively, they could be letting a 3 yr old color on the map with a crayon and see what they wind up with. I think that's what happened with Fay???
Truth be told, they are getting better at predicting where they will go, but they still dont know.

Your best bet is to keep an eye on the news, and to be prepared!

If your staying at a Disney reosrt, honestly, you have little or nothing to worry about other than getting wet! Bring a poncho!
I don't know if Wally controls the weather, I know he can make fire, but that's about it. And that's only if it involves goats and Louie for some strange reason.
A few weeks ago Mike and Rob made me a bit cranky -

and I sent them a little thing Called Fey

Sorry - I get in moods.


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