for all us june half term visitors.................

Just to say to all my fellow half term trippers, have a fab trip, may your time be filled with plenty of magic. Hope to bump into some of you - have my badge and ribbon ready. Shame we leave early on Friday so will miss the group shot, look forward to seeing the outcome.

I haven't even started to pack so know tomorrow will be hectic, we go to the England match at Wembley on route Saturday and sail on Sunday.

Sorry, shield your eyes....caps alert....about to shout....

I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED TO PACK YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I started Monday... Then got distracted by meal planning. Started again this morning but now I'm back on here! Really need to get sorted! Especially as I keep falling over the darn suitcase in the night! So if I don't hurry up and get packed I'm going to wind up in a cast before we get there!!
Hello to fellow half-termers. :thumbsup2 Looks like we will be the first ones there :yay: (we leave in 18 hours and I haven't started packing yet!) but that means we'll be the first to leave too, :sad1:. Looking forward to seeing the outcome from Friday's group shot, have fun. :goodvibes
I haven't started packing yet either!! Mind I prefer to pack all in one go the day before we leave! I think its much easier! :)

im lucky, my wife does all the packing. first the kids clothes, then hers and i usually have a small 4 inch gap for my stuff at the end, usually enough room for a t-shirt, pair of jeans, pair of socks and a pair of y-fronts.
I have done a half hearted attempt at packing. I will finish on Saturday. A lot of stuff can't go in until the end anyway!

Cherry - have a fab, fab trip - can't believe you go soon :cool1::wizard:. We won't be far behind you..... (not in a stalker-ish way of course :lmao:).

Right, back to work for me as it's nearly time to collect DD1 from school (school trip today, outside all day in the pouring, and I mean, pouring rain :sad2:) :rolleyes1.....!
I have done a half hearted attempt at packing. I will finish on Saturday. A lot of stuff can't go in until the end anyway!

Yep, I've still got stuff on the line that has got to go. We're self-catering off-site too this time so loads more to think about. Haven't done that for ages, only came on here (the computer) to look up an old list but, erm, couldn't resist a peek at the DISboard...

Cherry - have a fab, fab trip - can't believe you go soon :cool1::wizard:. We won't be far behind you..... (not in a stalker-ish way of course :lmao:).

:rotfl2: Thank you, you too :thumbsup2. Look out for the smallest bit of lime green ribbon ever on my bag (came off DD1's Easter egg !)

Right, back to work for me as it's nearly time to collect DD1 from school (school trip today, outside all day in the pouring, and I mean, pouring rain :sad2:) :rolleyes1.....!

Oh dear, poor girl - it always rains when you least want it. Hope it hasn't spoiled her enjoyment. As you can tell from my washing out, it is nice and sunny here - hope it blows your way :goodvibes . And most of all, hope we ALL have great weather in Paris! :yay:

Now where's that list?
Slow to get out but sunny and 22° at 18.00 :goodvibes

Safe travels to those who go tonight/tomorrow and patience for the others :thumbsup2
im lucky, my wife does all the packing. first the kids clothes, then hers and i usually have a small 4 inch gap for my stuff at the end, usually enough room for a t-shirt, pair of jeans, pair of socks and a pair of y-fronts.

That made me :rotfl2: just the same here - and with myself and my daughter hubby doesn't stand much chance of more than a corner too. :rotfl: I do allow my son a bit more room - he has his street cred to think of. :cool2:
im lucky, my wife does all the packing. first the kids clothes, then hers and i usually have a small 4 inch gap for my stuff at the end, usually enough room for a t-shirt, pair of jeans, pair of socks and a pair of y-fronts.

I :rotfl2: at that too!

I've finally finished sorting out mine and the kids clothes and there is exactly that amount of space left for my DH when gets home from work to get his stuff in!

On DH and I's first trip to DLP we flew back and I'd bought a massive nemo pillow and a pair of Pluto slippers that took up half the suitcase space alone! What with my hair straighteners, dryer and other neccesities taking up the rest of the space and the fact we'd gone hand luggage only so had a tiny case, my OH had to wear virtually ALL his clothes back on the plane!! Think it was around 4 tshirts, a pair of shorts under his jeans, jumper, fleece etc. he was lucky it was March!

I wonder what he'll think if I tell him he may have to do that on the way there this time too?! :rotfl:
I :rotfl2: at that too!

I've finally finished sorting out mine and the kids clothes and there is exactly that amount of space left for my DH when gets home from work to get his stuff in!

On DH and I's first trip to DLP we flew back and I'd bought a massive nemo pillow and a pair of Pluto slippers that took up half the suitcase space alone! What with my hair straighteners, dryer and other neccesities taking up the rest of the space and the fact we'd gone hand luggage only so had a tiny case, my OH had to wear virtually ALL his clothes back on the plane!! Think it was around 4 tshirts, a pair of shorts under his jeans, jumper, fleece etc. he was lucky it was March!

I wonder what he'll think if I tell him he may have to do that on the way there this time too?! :rotfl:

:rotfl2: love it. We're driving this time and hubby is determind to leave a space in the car for a trip to the supermarket to get some beers - I may leave him a small corner of the boot. :rotfl:
adr2.8i You make me :rotfl:. But, it is the same in our house too (if it makes you feel any better :lmao:). I think it's because DH is sooo laid back, he'll be getting his packing together an hour before we go :rolleyes:. So, inevitably, he has the least room.

We also have to make sure we have room for all the girls' Princess/Minnie etc dresses! :rolleyes1.
our house is opposite lol

i pack everyone else stuff first, and i take what can fit in the space left..... lol always done the same.... ill wear the same stuff everyday if it means the kids have enuf stuff so they r never too cold or too warm lol

this time tho - we have 3 small cases - one each.... bet mines still half empty..... wonder what i can frill it with :rolleyes1 oh... thats be all my souvenirs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(talkin of which, they have my snowglobe on the disneystore site - so know where im gonna b with any spending money left over!!)
After many years of lurking it is time for me to input on this website, it looks like my family and I will be joining the rest of the board in DLRP next week and am super excited kids dont know yet it will a complete surprise,we are frantically checking weather every 30 mins in the hope that it will something other than rain,but cant wait to watch dreams next week we have refrained from watching it online as dont want any spoilers, have a great trip everyone.
Oh Nikki - I am the same, always pack the girls first, then what I can fit in for myself, then what DH can squeeze in! :rolleyes1

Duck tales - welcome to the site officially :goodvibes. I know what you mean about the forecast - keep seeing rain :eek:. But it seems warm enough so I'm not going to worry.... yet! :lmao:
To all you lucky disers on your travels over half term, hope the weather is dry, parks not too busy and you all have a fantastic time :thumbsup2

Oh, and I'm not a bit jealous of you all.......I get to devour all the trip reports when you get back ;)

Pretty please? :goodvibes
To all you lucky disers on your travels over half term, hope the weather is dry, parks not too busy and you all have a fantastic time :thumbsup2

Oh, and I'm not a bit jealous of you all.......I get to devour all the trip reports when you get back ;)

Pretty please? :goodvibes

u r gonna need alot of time for readin all the reports lol

and welcome to the site duck tails - do come and join in the madness!!!
I have a silly question but what is half term? How long does it last? :) Is it as crazy as our Spring Break here in the States?


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