For you smokers out there......

ban smoking

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mwehttam said:
Logic not flawed. You can't compare parking in a handicap spot the same as being subjected to a smoke filled room when it is dangerous to your health. I should never have to deal with a Smoking Room if I so choose. If the only way I can is to say I have a medical condition, so be it. As a healthy adult, how do I know staying in a Smoking Room for 10 nights will not affect me in some way? I for one will not take that chance and I don't expect anyone else to either. If we all start demanding NS rooms, DVC will have to comply and go NS for all. That will be a glorious day.


Actually, you could compare the two. By you parking in a handicapped persons parking place, you are endangering their health. Your argument in self serving.
YesYourMajesty said:
Actually, you could compare the two. By you parking in a handicapped persons parking place, you are endangering their health. Your argument in self serving.

You missed the point. I don't need to park in a handicap zone because parking a few spots over is not going to affect my health. Having to stay in a smoking room will. Hence the need to make sure that one doesn't have to stay in a smoking room.

bpmorley said:
I was under the impression that 95% of all DVC rooms were non-smoking. So why is it so hard to get a non-smoking room?

It isn't really hard to 'get' a non-smoking room. But on two occasions we requested and were granted non-smoking rooms at OKW. On both these occasions they had been smoked in and we demanded to be moved and were moved. There is some debate as to weather CM's tell the smokers they can smoke in them when they ask, or the smoke from the balcony waffles back into the room. Many are under the impression that the balcony is not part of the room and smoke there anyway or weather people just ignore the rule and smoke in a non-smoking room anyway. All these issues could be resolved if Disney simply took the bull by the horns and went non-smoking. That way if there was smoke in a room a fine could then be levied againist the person who has that room booked. I understand by reading here and others places certain hotels and condo already fine guest for smoking in non-smoking rooms and it seems to be working..smjj
I do get a NS room for health reasons (a history of spontaneous collapsed lungs, plus the surgery to repair them), and I now find I am very physically affected by smoke, even leftover smoke. WDW has always accomodated me, but there are situations which they can't control. On our last stay at the BWV, we had a top floor room, with an open balcony. The folks next door also had a NS room, and I'd guess that technically speaking, they didn't smoke IN the room. BUT..........they were out on their balcony puffing away for the days that they were our neighbors (thankfully not for our whole stay). I can't imagine how Disney can control people like that. I do know that the first time I opened our balcony door, all that smoke wafted into our room, and we couldn't go out there any time they were out on their balcony. (Yes, I did request that maybe they could smoke in a designated place; needless to say, the response wasn't favorable! :furious: )
We've been very fortunate that this was the first time it occurred in all our trips to WDW; from now on, I know to request a non-5th floor room with it's no-sidewalled balconies. :thumbsup2
See, this proves you can always learn something new about WDW. :goodvibes
mwehttam said:
I don't see it as lying for someone that doesn't have a documented health issue to use medical as a reason to request NS room. Someone that is perfectly healthy as well as someone with a condition should not be subjected to having to stay in a smoke ridden room. Being in this type of room can cause a healthy person to have problems. It is DVC’s and Disney’s responsibility to have enough NS rooms to accommodate all. If there are not enough, you convert more. If they have to go completely smoke free, so much the better. When I made our first reservations as a members in Sept for our trip in July, I didn’t need to ask for a NS room as MS automatically gave me one since we will be there with our 8 month old DS. A baby of course should not have to be subjected to a smoke filled room. But you know what? Neither should healthy adult.


but for you its a request for someone with a genuine health it may be a neccesity and yes it is lying, having read on to post 940 of yours in which you admit you will lie need we say more?
Ok, I haven't read this entire thread, but I was coming on here tonight to ask a simple question and it seems like it might fit in here...

We have reserved a room at SSR for our first time 'home.' Do we need to request a non-smoking room? It sounds as if (from the few threads that I read), this shouldn't be an issue b/c most rooms are non-smoking. However, we would like to be certain of a non-smoking room so I need to know whether or not I need to call and put this on our reservation. Thank you!
We have reserved a room at SSR for our first time 'home.' Do we need to request a non-smoking room? It sounds as if (from the few threads that I read), this shouldn't be an issue b/c most rooms are non-smoking. However, we would like to be certain of a non-smoking room so I need to know whether or not I need to call and put this on our reservation. Thank you!

If that is what you need/want...then YES! :)

tchrrx said:
Ok, I haven't read this entire thread, but I was coming on here tonight to ask a simple question and it seems like it might fit in here...

We have reserved a room at SSR for our first time 'home.' Do we need to request a non-smoking room? It sounds as if (from the few threads that I read), this shouldn't be an issue b/c most rooms are non-smoking. However, we would like to be certain of a non-smoking room so I need to know whether or not I need to call and put this on our reservation. Thank you!
I would call and have it put on the reservation. It can't hurt.
DVC Grammy said:
....WDW has always accomodated me, but there are situations which they can't control. On our last stay at the BWV, we had a top floor room, with an open balcony. The folks next door also had a NS room, and I'd guess that technically speaking, they didn't smoke IN the room. BUT..........they were out on their balcony puffing away for the days that they were our neighbors (thankfully not for our whole stay). I can't imagine how Disney can control people like that.

Ah, but DVC CAN control this situation, and these people, by going completely non-smoking. Yet again, a smoker being put in a NS room wasn't really inconvienced, as they just smoked on the balcony. But you, a non-smoker, in a NS room, WERE inconvenienced, by not being able to use your balcony.

You NOT smoking on your NS balcony didn't bother them, but them smoking on their NS balcony, bothered you. How is that fair? Oh yeah, it's not. :furious:
ReneeQ said:
You NOT smoking on your NS balcony didn't bother them, but them smoking on their NS balcony, bothered you. How is that fair? Oh yeah, it's not. :furious:
Wasn't this one of the big points early on in this thread. No such thing as a non-smoking balcony.
waltfan1957 said:
but for you its a request for someone with a genuine health it may be a neccesity and yes it is lying, having read on to post 940 of yours in which you admit you will lie need we say more?

My belief is that for any non-smoker asking for a NS should not be a request but a guarantee. Unfortunately[font=&quot] the only way to do that at this time is to say you need a NS for medical reasons.

But how does one know if they have a medical condition in regards to second hand smoke? How does anyone know what their reaction will be to staying in a smoke infested room for any amount of time will do to them? Sure staying in a s[/font]moky bar for a few hours (though thank God these are becoming a thing of the past) might at most make you smell like ^&*% until you shower and change. But staying in a smoke infested room for 7 or more days... I for one am not going to gamble my DW, my infant DS, or my own health to find out what any of our reactions will be.

So if that makes me a lair, so be it. I will sleep with a clean conscience. The health and well being of my family is paramount. I would expect everyone else to do that same. It is the responsibility of DVC/Disney to make sure that these requests are met.

mwehttam said:
So if that makes me a lair, so be it. I will sleep with a clean conscience. The health and well being of my family is paramount. I would expect everyone else to do that same. It is the responsibility of DVC/Disney to make sure that these requests are met.


I do not think you are a liar to request a NS room for medical reasons. You are requesting it to preserve the health of you and your family. If that isn't a medical reason... what is?

Quite frankly... I am surprised that DVC is not totally non-smoking already. I believe that it is only a matter of time before they totally ban smoking in all rooms.

FLYNZ4 said:
Quite frankly... I am surprised that DVC is not totally non-smoking already. I believe that it is only a matter of time before they totally ban smoking in all rooms.
I will not stay in a smoked in room either. But there are folks who smoke in the NS rooms already what's to stop them if a total ban is placed? Smokers who respect the current situation will continue and should have rooms available to them but those who flaunt the rules will also continue whether there is a ban or not.
I think Disney needs to inforce the NS rules in place and stop telling folks it is okay to smoke in a NS room and stop giving out ashtrays!
Nanajo1 said:
I think Disney needs to inforce the NS rules in place and stop telling folks it is okay to smoke in a NS room and stop giving out ashtrays!
Do they really give out ashtrays to people in NS rooms? That seems very odd. Is smoking allowed on the balconies of NS rooms? I didn't think so.

FLYNZ4 said:
Do they really give out ashtrays to people in NS rooms? That seems very odd. Is smoking allowed on the balconies of NS rooms? I didn't think so.

They'll give you an ashtray and tell you that you can only use it on the balcony.
Thanks Jim. I would put money on there are more people that request a NS for medical reasonswhen they don't have a documented condition. They are doing it to preserve thier health like they have every right too. However, there are a few on the DIS that take the "high and mighty" road and some are afraid to speak thier mind for fear of being flamed. Me, I will tell it like it is. You don't like it, oh well. Chances are that person has skeletons in the closet and should practice what they preach.

As for the balconies, they are part of the room. There should be no smoking on them as well. It is too close to the building and will effect others that might be enjoying thier balcony. As DVC Grammy said a few posts back, it still effects you. If a smoker wants to kill themselves, so be it. But do it away from others who don't want to breath in you polluted air.

DVC needs to stop telling people it's okay. They need to create step fines and charge those that break the rules. If they don't pay, freeze thier points. Plain and simple.

mwehttam said:
Thanks Jim. I would put money on there are more people that request a NS for medical reasonswhen they don't have a documented condition. They are doing it to preserve thier health like they have every right too. However, there are a few on the DIS that take the "high and mighty" road and some are afraid to speak thier mind for fear of being flamed. Me, I will tell it like it is. You don't like it, oh well. Chances are that person has skeletons in the closet and should practice what they preach.

As for the balconies, they are part of the room. There should be no smoking on them as well. It is too close to the building and will effect others that might be enjoying thier balcony. As DVC Grammy said a few posts back, it still effects you. If a smoker wants to kill themselves, so be it. But do it away from others who don't want to breath in you polluted air.

DVC needs to stop telling people it's okay. They need to create step fines and charge those that break the rules. If they don't pay, freeze thier points. Plain and simple.

We have several in our family with documented reasons. I've asked MS if they need or will even accept the documentation but they don't even want to fool with it. I wish they would to create a difference between those with medical conditions and those that simply prefer NS. But I agree it should be a direct booking rather than a request. Then DVC can strongly suggest not smoking in a NS unit and can institute and enforce a fine for doing so.
Originally Posted by mwehttam
As for the balconies, they are part of the room. There should be no smoking on them as well. It is too close to the building and will effect others that might be enjoying thier balcony. As DVC Grammy said a few posts back, it still effects you. If a smoker wants to kill themselves, so be it. But do it away from others who don't want to breath in you polluted air.

What's your position on the bus stops?
I assume you think they must be 'badlands' too? as anyone at one is exposed to the health degrading combustion by-products of hydro-carbons?
I have no problem with no smoking in the rooms or even the balconies of ns rooms, the balcony is part of your room. But I do enjoy a good cigar now and then and should be able to smoke it on my ns balcony or while taking a walk in areas that are not NS. Sorry if it bothers you but a lot of things bother me also I just put up with them. Like people in wheel chairs thinking they have a right to go to the front of the line all the time. I'm sure thats another thread but it illustrates a point. Do some people have real medical reactions to smoke, I'm sure they do, but why is everyone elses medical problems or disabilities now MY problem. I won't smoke in NS areas if you'll stay out of areas that permitt smoking. If all the rooms go NS it won't really bother me as I porefer my cigar while in a club or taking a walk any way. :smokin:
This will be My last post on this board. I am writing to Disney, where it counts. I request n/s rooms and I get upset with people walking around ANYWHERE on Dis property with anything that emits small fires. It has nothing to do with a medical problem. I LIKE SMELLING CLEAN. CIGARETTES ARE DIRTY. PERIOD. END OF STORY. IT'S GROSS. What people really need to do is commence a flood of emails/mail to Disney Management and let them know there is a problem. The majority of people DO NOT SMOKE. What ever happened to "quorum rules"? Why is it such a hardship to step aside and go to the nearest smoking permitted areas on Dis property? You smokers aren't going to win in a world (yes, even France) that is getting less and less tolerant to a habit that is not cool, not cheap and not healthy.
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