Fort Fiends Salutation Thread Part Deux

Holy moly Frank, 3:52AM and rainy. I guess someone has to do it.
It's DTD this morning. My least favorite hub. But how bad can it be, it's still WDW.
Mornin Fiends!!!

Rick is doing fine. Slept good last night.
FrIENDS are the angels who lift our spirit when our own wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

Morning FrIENDS
I think my wings crashed and burned.:headache:

Otherwise..Morning all.:flower3:
Good foggy morning, I can't even see the neighbors house.
Good morning fiends - TGIF!!
Hope everyone has a fantabulous weekend!!
Fabulous and magical day !

Yup , thats what them folk at the Fort are hav'n this morning.
Wish we were there,:guilty:

Ya'll hava great day !
The only way to have a FrIEND is to be one.

Good morning from rainy Chicago. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Hey, what the heck happened to my thread? Why the part 2?

Oh yeah, good morning yall!!
Yo everybody.

I've got a full turkey in the oven. I'm getting into the fall spirit...but it's still hot outside. I wish fall came earlier in TN. But I wouldn't want winter coming any earlier.
Dave,them there er fight'n words ! Now you know in TN. we only have one week of fall AN THEN IT'S STRAIGHT TO WINTER !! And winter sucks.

Gi'me that good old hot stuff anytime , yeah baby !! :woohoo:

(and a big ol plate of that turkey)
Good morning ya'll !

Another day, another dollar ! Just kidd'n , not work'n today,,got honey dew stuff to take care of today.

Hope ya'll hava very way cool day, :woohoo:


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