FREAP CHAT Part 2 ~ Everyone Welcome to our new digs

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And one last thing before I go try to get some work done....I wish they'd just stop! It's still getting stirred up over there....I'm afraid I see a train wreck in motion....:sad2:

We've got company coming this weekend, so I better get my bum in gear and get some vacuuming, dusting, laundry, floor scrubbing, toilet brushing, tub cleaning done.....I'm OFF! :grouphug:
So which of these is better....




I had a thought....with Marna's new tent and all of our free sleeping bags and flashlights, we could all just show up at Susans house and have a camping adventure!!! :rotfl2:
I had a thought....with Marna's new tent and all of our free sleeping bags and flashlights, we could all just show up at Susans house and have a camping adventure!!! :rotfl2:

Pick me up on the way :goodvibes I am now off to class I hope when I get home this evening I hope everything is better..

Susan thanks for the pictures. John loved the view. He could so enjoy all the hard work and then kicking back by a fire and having a beer.
I love the patterns you picked out. Will you be the one painting them? If it was me it would take about three years for me to do them.:lmao:
So you have something soon to look forward too and it sounds like it will be FUN! BTW, your DS's football pic was adorable, heh hmmm, I mean he looked handsome! (don't tell him I said adorable, you know how those football players can be!) ;) :rotfl:

Okay, anybody else here not having any fun on the Freebie thread this week or is it just me? I thought the "issue" was behind us. And thats all I will say...:rolleyes1 :rolleyes1
Oh My God!

As if real life isn't stressful enough...

Oh yes, but I have
:rotfl: I noticed!

I am just not saying anything over there. I am bond to get in trouble if I do
It would be pointless to say anything over there. I will just keep quiet but I am really quite annoyed when anyone clains "it's not fair" I'd like to tell them the same thing I tell my kids. Life's not fair. Get over it. Until then I'll look for freebies and post what I can:flower3:
I had a thought....with Marna's new tent and all of our free sleeping bags and flashlights, we could all just show up at Susans house and have a camping adventure!!! :rotfl2:

I'm ready!! Columbia claims that it sleeps 8, but I'm sure if I read the fine print it would say sleeps 4 Freaps and all their loot.:lmao: BTW, thanks for the zucchini ideas. We are getting tired of our old standbys.
Thanks for the zucchini recipes! I LOVE zucchini and we didn't plant any this year! sigh We'll have to head back to the Farmer's Market next weekend and see if they have any zucs left.

We really have been lucky living in such a wonderful area. We really need to move and DH is struggling with that so much. Kellie, you hit it right on the head: DH has comfortable chairs set out that face that Rockies view and, at the end of the day, he sits out there with his boots off and a beer in his hand and just takes it all in. :thumbsup2

Literally right next door to our property, the county has granted one of the large land owning farmers a permit for a 320 acre gravel pit. It is an outrageous eye sore. Some of us have been fighting it in court and we even got to the Supreme Court of the State of Montana and the county just manipulated its way around the whole issue and gave him back his permit to mine. The dust in the air is so bad that I get nose bleeds and my doc wants me to get a CT scan to see where the blood is coming from. We HAVE to move away. We have exhausted all legal avenues to save our neighborhood and there is nothing more we can do. :sad1:

I have been letting DH have his "grieving period" and accept the idea that we have to leave and it has taken him a few years but he is almost there. That is why we have been checking out other small farming areas. DH just can't get farming out of his system and I just go along for the ride. :rotfl:

It might be too late in the year for an outdoor slumber party! :rotfl2: It is getting pretty cool at nights now....unfortunately.

Yesterday, I went out and bought a large roller head and an extension handle and I plan to slap paint on the side of that building like there is no tomorrow. :rotfl: Even if I can't get the quilt pattern established, I promised DH I would get paint on the square areas I plan to use so he can put his red barn paint on the rest and the siding will be protected during the winter. We'll see how it goes....Thanks for your encouragement, guys! I really appreciate it!! :lovestruc
Oh, Susan that just bites.:mad: Maybe all us Freaps should come and have a sit-in.:hippie: If that don't work, I have plenty shotguns!!!:lmao: Seriously, it is crummy that you have such an eyesore next door and that it is contributing to health problems.:hug: It must be horrible for you and your DH to think about leaving your dream property.:sad2: I wish there was another alternative. We are always here to listen if that helps. And, I sure do wish zucchini was mailable!:laughing:
Literally right next door to our property, the county has granted one of the large land owning farmers a permit for a 320 acre gravel pit. It is an outrageous eye sore. Some of us have been fighting it in court and we even got to the Supreme Court of the State of Montana and the county just manipulated its way around the whole issue and gave him back his permit to mine. The dust in the air is so bad that I get nose bleeds and my doc wants me to get a CT scan to see where the blood is coming from. We HAVE to move away. We have exhausted all legal avenues to save our neighborhood and there is nothing more we can do. :sad1:

I'm new to this thread, so I hope I'm not imposing, but how terrible of that to happen; that stinks! I'd be pretty upset too if they came and ruined our beautiful view, what a shame that no one can do anything and the municipality found all the loop holes. :sad2: Good luck with everything.
I'm new to this thread, so I hope I'm not imposing, but how terrible of that to happen; that stinks! I'd be pretty upset too if they came and ruined our beautiful view, what a shame that no one can do anything and the municipality found all the loop holes. :sad2: Good luck with everything.

I'm new to this thread, so I hope I'm not imposing, but how terrible of that to happen; that stinks! I'd be pretty upset too if they came and ruined our beautiful view, what a shame that no one can do anything and the municipality found all the loop holes. :sad2: Good luck with everything.

Welcome pull up a freebie and enjoy
I'm new to this thread, so I hope I'm not imposing, but how terrible of that to happen; that stinks! I'd be pretty upset too if they came and ruined our beautiful view, what a shame that no one can do anything and the municipality found all the loop holes. :sad2: Good luck with everything.

:wave2: Nice to have you! Hope you love freebies, JD, and US! :wave2:
:wave2: Nice to have you! Hope you love freebies, JD, and US! :wave2:

Awww, thanks everyone! And yes, I am a huge fan (I've become a bigger fan thanks to Madd...:goodvibes ) of JD and of course, you guys (the freebies are just a bonus)! Thanks for the welcome again. :flower3:
:welcome: QJ411! We're happy to have you!

Susan, that just royally su@$&! Is there not another area nearby, far enough away from the dust but close enough to get similar views and farmland? Your pictures are absolutely beautiful!

I have a sleeping bag of my own! So if any of you are going can I hitchhike with ya'll to Susan's! I can't wait to see the quilt painted and finished. That's gonna look great and I love the idea of painting the buildings. You get tired of looking at the same ole' boring buildings! You never know, it might just raise the value of your house. You might even become famous for your work! "The Painted Freebie Lady"!
You guys are great! And, QJ411, stick around a while! :goodvibes

There's kind of a catch22 here. The contractors insist they need gravel pits at a variety of places around the county because the area has "been discovered" and people are building subdivisions, like there is no tomorrow, over what has been productive farm land! That way of thinking used to ring true when this pit in my neighborhood began but the amount of families coming here has slowed down in the last year. Maybe they can't sell their homes where they are and that has something to do with it. :confused3 This is a Republican-lead area and the contractors and County Commissioners seem to be arm-in-arm on this issue. All I can see is that the development is an excuse to price the land and houses far beyond the reach of most people who live here. The City of Kalispell has decided that a $200,000.00 home is "low income housing". The economy here is services based where most people earn minimum wage and work 2 or 3 jobs to raise their families - that is BOTH parents!

Our neighbor has been granted a permit to mine 320 acres in total (1/2 a section of land) with 40 acres open at a time. This picture is the land just to the right of the western view I posted last night - out my front window


That crushed gravel has been stacked there for about a year, now, waiting for a major highway construction job. They have told us they are going to apply to open the next 40 acres very soon. If they do what they are supposed to do, they will be reclaiming that eye sore and moving away from our property toward the north. But, the County hasn't really been holding them to the permit restrictions so who knows what will really happen.

They had realtors come and give their professional opinion that industrial gravel pits do not keep people from buying the land or houses that are nearby when they first applied for the pit. So, in the next year or so, I guess we will be testing that theory because we hope to be able to move from here sometime next Fall, after our youngest graduates from high school and heads off to college. Our sons were born and raised here... :guilty:

Well, I'll get off that now. But thanks for letting me vent. I guess I go through stages where it really gets to me....and then it passes a bit as I focus on other daily activities. :goodvibes

If any one does decide to vacation in the Glacier Park area in the next year, let me know and we'll get together! :thumbsup2
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