fridays frantic riddle

Well, maybe if you'd stick around and posted a little more often... :p

Anyway, you messed up my crazy :rotfl:
I blame you and Angel and, just for fun I'll blame Ms. Cream Filling, SC because I can :p
firstmickey said:
Twink.....I don't think we sell vowels on the riddle. Cause then we might have to start spinning a wheel or something and that would really mess people up! :teeth: :rotfl:

If we start selling vowels, I get to be Vanna!!!
firstmickey said:
If that's your fantasy, darling....then you go right ahead! ;) :teeth: :rotfl:

actually, it's the lesser of two evils 'cause Pat Sajak is like...UGH!!:crazy2:
Mnementh said:
I blame you and Angel and, just for fun I'll blame Ms. Cream Filling, SC because I can :p

How did you know?????? I never wear my tiara while on the riddle.
hiwaygal said:
actually, it's the lesser of two evils 'cause Pat Sajak is like...UGH!!:crazy2:
Good Morning Sparky! Whats on the agenda for today?
Hi Angel,
How's you? I want to make a christmas cake, but just looking at the enormous list of ingrediants has made me fell worn out already...
also need ot finish christmas pressie wrapping (checked out the word 'crimbo' with friends last was beginnig to think I'd made it up... and they knew exactly what I was talking about) and write the rest of our cards... exciting eh?
Going out with a meal with one of my girlie friends tonight so that should be lovely... leaving dh at home to look after himself - lol.
What are you up to?
DH's cousin is in love with a lovely young lady that has a son named Alex who is 3 and I am babysitting untill this afternoon. Then cleaning :rolleyes:
PS my dh is so weird... he rang me and then when I tried to talk to him he told me that he needed to go, because he's desperate for the toilet.. (sorry if tmi)... anyway why ring if to tell me he can't talk...?
That sounds like a lovely afternoon... what are you going to do with the little one?
Hes watching Rudolph now and I think I only have him untill one so I can clean then. Why can't my house clean itself :confused3
totally i hate cleaning, wish house would sort itself out.. how much easier would that be
It would make this last week before the holiday easier ;)
Our house is such a bombsite, just about see the floor in the dining room, but that's about the only room which you can see the floor in... and I don't know where to start getting it all sorted

and chatting on here is so much easier than thinking about it


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