Frogmommy's "Time for a change" thread - comments welcome


Sep 19, 2005
It occurs to me that when I started this journal I didn't introduce myself very well. So, since my first post here was essentially a place holder (I had issues with trying to post a thread), I'm editing it to include the background info that I left out.

So here goes...

I'm 36 and weigh 195 (well, I was 195 last week when I started the journal. Now I'm 194.). I was thin 'till about my last year of college. That's when all the beer and pizza caught up with me. I pretty much closed my eyes weighing 125 and woke up two years later weighing 165. I would look in the mirror and not know who the heck the person looking back at me was. I got married, got a job, and went about life. At times I worked on my diet and tried to exercise. Over the years I continued to steadily gain weight until I arrived at the point I am at now. 195 seems to be a magic number for me. I can diet, workout, pig out, get pregnant and give birth, but I always seem to land right at 195. DH is kind of supportive. He wants me to be healthy, but he's not sure he wants me to lose weight. My mother, on the other hand, wants me to lose weight, but is not very supportive!! Ah family.

I have two beautiful children, a son who is 4, and a daughter who is 16 months. I currently stay home with them, but we are broke. I will most likely have to go back to work next fall (I teach). I hate the idea of going back, especially for my DD's sake. DS will be old enough for kindergarten, and really he will do well in that setting.

DH is a band director. He works really long hours, especially this time of year. He's also dealing with some issues of his own. This is my journal, of course, but everything that effects him also in some way effects me, so I thought it was important to note.

My mother is a perfectionist, and has had her own weight issues - though on the other end of the spectrum from me. I won't say she's an anorexic, but she has some tendencies. She drives me nuts.

Hmm, what else? I have serious control issues. The odd thing is, the more control and structure I seem to have, the less self-control I have with eating. The other thing about me is that I am the classic caregiver type, which means I tend to put the needs of my immediate family before my own.

Ok, that's me in a nutshell. :wave2:

Yay! This time it worked. Ok, here's my post from the sticky thread - let's see if I can repost it here. It's a good 1st journal post.

Hi! I'm new on the boards and I'd like to join WISH. I tend to do a pretty good job of watching what I eat, but I get discouraged because I constantly seem to lose and gain the same 5 pounds no matter what I do. One thing I have never really been consistant about is journaling, so I want to give it a try.

I have been exploring the GI diet. I've been searching for a diet that focuses on reducing refined sugar and processed foods, and this one seems to do that. I know I still need to watch portions and fat/calorie content though. I have my handy dandy point calculator from when I was doing WW and I use it when I have nutrional content to plug in. Unfortunately none of the recipies from the GI diet books list nutritional content. If anyone can suggest a free calculator I would really appreciate it - I was spoiled by the one on I know about fitday, but it doesn't do recipes.

For excersise, I am trying to follow the body for life plan (alternating cardio with strength training 6 days/week). I missed a day of cardio this week because I broke my toe the night before. It doesn't hurt anymore so I'm back on track.

What else? I'm 36 years old and weigh 195. I'm 5'3" small boned yet full figured. I think somewhere between 135-140 is a healthy weight for me. My goal is to lose 60 lbs, though I would probably be estactic with 50.
So this is what I have eaten today-

1 serving of Kashi go Lean 1 pt
1 serving of light yogurt 2pts
1 rivitika (sp?) cracker 0 pts
Manderain Chicken Salad from Wendy's, no noodles, with almonds, and light honey mustard dressing 8 pts
1/2 slice whole wheat pita bread 1 pt
about 1 tbs of hummus (homemade) 1/2pt?
1 tbs sliced olives 1/2pt?
whole wheat spaghetti noodles (?pts)
healthy choice tomato sauce (?)points
1 serving "GI diet" meatballs (?) pts

I am still hungry, but since I'm not real sure how many points dinner was, I'm trying very hard to ignore. I'm chewing gum instead. Will probably make some green tea later.

No exersise today, though I did lug DH and kids around Lowe's and Walmart for 3 hours. Surely that counts for something!!
I like to snack. I usually try to pick things that are good for me, but not always. One of my problems is that DH gets home pretty late - usually be 7:30. I try to wait dinner for him so we can eat as a family. That usually means the kids and I are pretty hungry when he rolls in. So anyway, today I ate:
Go Lean - 1 point
with sliced peach - ? pts
1/3 c homemade hummus (I estimate at 2 pts)
1/2 whole wheat pita - 1 pt
1/2 pear - ? pts
1 slice sprouted wheat bread - 1 pt
2tsp light cream cheese - ?pts
1 tbsp sliced olives - 1 pt
low ft string cheese - ?pt
GI diet orange and chicken stew - ??points
basmati rice - 3
lt yogurt - 2pts
1 cup chocolate cal smart ice cream - 3 pts

I found an online recipe nutrional content calculator. Not sure how good it is. It says that dinner had 203.81 kcals, 3.36 g of fat, and 7.9 g of fiber. So now I need to dig up my calculator to find out what that means in points. Looks good though. The point values for the cheese I ate has me a little worried. I need to look into it.

I did 20 minutes on the stationary bike today, using the body for life system of effort peaks. UGH. Seems like not a lot of time to work out, so I hope it's worth the effort.
So today I knew I was going to Mom's for lunch. She generally eats pretty healthy, but I knew I might get thrown a curveball. My breakfast was go lean (1 pt) and coffee with splenda, just in case.

Lunch was pasta salad with veggies, feta, and olive oil - I had about a cup
multigrain bread (maybe 1/2 an ounce? they were very small slices)
pk tenderloin (again, very small slices. I'd say 3 ounces?)
white wine

Ok, so not the best lunch, but nowhere near terrible. Then she brought out the chocolate mouse that she made with regular whipping cream and chocolate chips - and who knows what else. It was put before me without asking if I wanted any or how much. Sigh. Yes, I *could* have turned it down. It's strange though, she has always harped on my weight (and I mean even as a size 8 teenager) but doesn't go out of her way to be supportive. Still, it was my choice to eat it. :(

So I guess I'll be eating plain lettuce for dinner. Bleh.

Welcome!!!!! Glad to have you here. This place has been loads of support for me and I had a very bad week last week. They stuck with me and helped me through it. You couldn't be in a better place!!!

Looks like you have a good grasp of what you need. Make sure you work in lots of water (as much as your body can handle) and good start on the exercise. I hope you keep coming back.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Cruise04 said:

Welcome!!!!! Glad to have you here. This place has been loads of support for me and I had a very bad week last week. They stuck with me and helped me through it. You couldn't be in a better place!!!

Looks like you have a good grasp of what you need. Make sure you work in lots of water (as much as your body can handle) and good start on the exercise. I hope you keep coming back.

Keep on :banana: :banana:

Thank you!!

I never drink as much water as I should. Seems silly since it is such an easy change to make. I should probably make it a mini goal for the next week.
Ok, so I wanted to add that I did upper body strength training today for 25 minutes.

Also I ended up eating more pasta salad for dinner, along with the sprouted wheat bread/cream cheese/olive combo (maybe I'm odd but that's currently my favorite snack). I ate a couple of celery stalks earlier to combat the munchies.

Mom is going out of town for a little over a month. I hate to say this, but I hope not having her around will be good for my weight loss. I don't do so well when I don't have control over the menu. Again, I *know* that I am always in control of what I eat, but it's so much easier when there is no temptation to fight.

Speaking of temptation, right now I would really like a lite beer. Stressful day. Will drink some green tea instead.
started the day with Go Lean and 3/4 fresh peach and coffee
for lunch I had an open face ham sandwhich on sprouted wheat bread with tomato, red onion, and alpine lace cheese (if I had to guess I'd say 1/4 ounce)
Snacks may have done me in today. I had a serving of light yogurt, only this wasnt my usual brand. I noticed as I was eating it that it had more cals and 1.5 g of fat, where my usual has none.
Whole Wheat crackers with my hummus. Crackers are bad (6 g of fat/serving!!)
lowfat string cheese, content unknown

But dinner was good. I had the GI diet pork tenderloin with apple compote, which if the calculations are right was 202 cals, 4 g fat, and 3 g fiber. I ate this with 1/2 a red skin potato (they were meduim sized) and steamed brocoli with lemon juice.

AND I drank over 64 ounces of water, which for me is very good. So I met my mini-goal today (which was to drink more water). I think I'll make this my goal for the rest of the week.

I did 20 minutes on the stationary bike using the BFL cardio plan.

I am REALLY hungry. I'm going to drink some green tea and fight the urge to eat more hummus on pita bread.
Welcome to the Wish Boards! :sunny: Congrats on the water drinking. As a child, I hated water now I always have a bottle of water with me. I find that I crave it. Once you get hooked you'll never stop the water drinking. I noticed that you ate the Mandarin Chix Salad at Wendy's. How is it? I've been wanting to try it but Wendy's is just a bit out of the way, & I don't want to waste my time if its no good. I've read great things about BFL. Looks like you're off to a great start!
Jane E. said:
Welcome to the Wish Boards! :sunny: Congrats on the water drinking. As a child, I hated water now I always have a bottle of water with me. I find that I crave it. Once you get hooked you'll never stop the water drinking. I noticed that you ate the Mandarin Chix Salad at Wendy's. How is it? I've been wanting to try it but Wendy's is just a bit out of the way, & I don't want to waste my time if its no good. I've read great things about BFL. Looks like you're off to a great start!

Hi Jane!

I do like the salad. The lettuce always seems to be good quality, (unlike some other fast food places) and I like the mix of mandarain oranges and almonds. The seseme dressing that goes with the salad is really good, but it's also VERY high fat. That's why I opted for the light honey mustard - not the same but still good.
Wendy's was not my first choice for lunch that day, but DH and DS wanted fast food so I was overuled.
BFL is a new thing for me. I like it because it doesn't take a lot of time. The cardio workout is only 20 minutes but it is pretty intense.
Thank you for stopping by!!!
Today was mostly good. I have been so hungry though, both yesterday and today. Both days I have ended up eating something. Even though I have been watching what I eat I don't feel like my diet has been restrictive, so the only thing I can think of is that my hunger is in response to working out.
Also, yesterday I was sooo tired. I had to force myself to workout when what I really wanted to do was nap. When it was over I was completely wiped out.

Today I ate:

Go lean, coffee with splenda

1/2 whole wheat pita with my hummus and an apple
light yogurt

slice of sprouted wheat bread w/cream cheese and olives

(starving at this point) pasta salad

2 GI diet cranberry cinnamon bran muffins (these are only 1 point - I make them with applesauce instead of oil)

Leftover pork tenderloin with apple, brocoli, and 1/2 red potato and a lt beer.

AND 64 ounces of water. I may get some more actually. Or not. I woke up in the middle of the night to go pee last night and I'd like to avoid that again if at all posible.

I didn't plan on eating the pasta, but I also didn't plan on being so hungry. Also the beer was not the best choice. DH had to work late tonight, which meant a very long day for me with the kiddies. So I drank beer. Gaaaa.

I also did 25 minutes of BFL lower body strength training. I added an extra ab sequence to get the obliques.
Congrats on your great start!! Looks to me like you're eating very healthy.

Welcome to the board :)
J4Dis said:
Congrats on your great start!! Looks to me like you're eating very healthy.

Welcome to the board :)


I'm glad you said so, because I have this tendency to second guess myself. I stepped on the scale this morning and it read 194. Now, I know a pound lost is good news, but I've been trying to stay OP since Sunday and I really hoped for a little more. Plus I also weighed on Wednesday, and I was 192 then. grr. My offical weigh in day isn't until Sunday. I'm going to try very hard not to peek until then.
Hey, frogmommy! You are doing great! Congratulations on getting more water in! Have a great weekend and I hope your Sunday WI goes well! :cheer2:
Thanks for the info about Wendy's salad. I'm glad you told me about the salad dressing. At McD's I always bring the salad home and put on my own nonfat dressing. If I'm going to have something high in fat its at least going to taste like pizza or nachos! Hang on until Sunday sometimes those scales will surprise you!
Thank you Keenercam and Jane. :) I know I need to stop looking at the scale so much. I know its normal for weight to vary somewhat day to day, or even hour to hour. I know these things, but I can't stop looking. If only I were that obsessive about my diet and exersise!
So today was mostly good. I started out with Go lean, as usual. I didnt eat anything after that until lunch, and then it was just an open faced ham sandwhich on sprouted wheat with alpine lace.
Had a bran muffin for a snack.
Considered having light yogurt when the kids ate their snack, but decided I really didn't want it. (MAJOR)
Dinner was hamburgers. I was told that the beef was very lean, but I have my doubts. I ate mine without the bun. I also had a serving of baked lays and veggie baked beans. The lays aren't low GI, but all in all not bad.
Had a cup of cal-smart chocolate ice cream.
And one more muffin a few minutes ago.
64 ounces of water

So, aside from the questionable beef (yikes) a good diet day!

I did 20 minutes on the bike, BFL style. Usually the 20 minutes are grueling. Having to sustain peek intensity every few minutes for a shorter period of time is way harder then maintaining 1 speed for longer periods, at least for me. But I gotta say, today for some reason it wasn't so bad. I don't know if I am just getting used to it, or if I paced myself better, or maybe I just had more energy to start with. Wednesday I actually felt sick after and wanted to lie down for a looooooong time. None of that today. I'm glad. Makes it harder for me to find excuses not to work out.
This is literally the first moment I've had to myself today. DH has been away all day running a HS band contest. It was a pretty usual Sat. morning with the kids - breakfast and cartoons. Then off for our weekly trip to walmart which for some reason can not be completed in under 2 hours. Home again, lunch, followed by naps for the kids. Now this is generally where I would get a break, but I'm signed up for an online class for teacher recertification. Orientation was supposed to be completed by midnight tomorrow and I just started on it today. By the time it was completed I had to get the kids up and ready for DH's contest. Fed everyone and off we went. I just got back and the kids in bed about an hour ago. Who knows when DH will get home.

So I didn't work out today. I seriously thought about trying to get it in after I put the kids down but thought better of it. Tomorrow is supposed to be my day of rest, but I think I'll do today's workout then. It's only Oct. 1 - I can't already be behind on the challenge!!

Good diet day though.
Go lean and coffee
my hummus on 1/2 whole wheat pita with red seedless grapes on the side
weight watchers choc. eclair
leftover pork tenderloin, 1/2 red potato, and brocoli
lt cream cheese on 1 slice sprouted wheat bread with olives
lite beer
64 ounces of water.

I think I have room for another snack if I want one. Or I may just go crash.

Tomorrow is my 1st official weigh in. I feel lighter. My clothes are loose on me. We shall see.
Well, first weigh in today. I am still at 194, so 1 pound total loss. Not as thrilled as I should be about it. I need to do a better job of keeping track of actual points or cals, and avoid putting something in my mouth if I don't know it's nutritional content. That's my goal for this week.

I've done a good job of getting at least 64 ounces of water each day. I worked out as planned except yesterday - and I made up for that today.

Today I ate:
Go Lean - 1 pt
peach - 1 pt (guessing)
my hummus (2 pts)
1/2 whole wheat pita (1 pt)
bran muffin - 1 pt
fat free yogurt - 2 pts
red beans with ham - 4 pts
rice - 3 pts
bite of DS's peppermint patty - 1 pt
cheese - 4 pts
another muffin - 1 pt
WW eclair - 3 pts
64 ounces of water

24 points in all. My goal is to not go over 25 points.

I did my upper body BFL - 25 minutes. I also cleaned both bathrooms and mopped the kitchen floor. Not the most relaxing Sunday, though I got a lot accomplished.

Other concerns/worries- I don't know what I was thinking when I signed up for my online class. It's only for 6 weeks, but October is nuts for me. I literally won't see DH for more then a few minutes at a time until Halloween. I also decided to sew my kids costumes (and I really don't sew). DS will be Bob the Builder, so there really isn't much to do there except make a tool belt. DH is going to be a ladybug. I can't tell you what made me pick that, but there it is. I have the fabric so there's no turning back. This is in addition to the support group I lead. AND our school district wants me to take on a homebound student - haven't heard back about that one and at this point I hope I don't. I honestly don't know how I'm going to get through the month and get everything done. It's usually my diet and exercise that suffer at times like these. I don't want that to happen again.


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