~ From rainbows...through terror...to half in 2010! ~

I want a place saver to keep my workout information. This will help me as I progress!! :)

Tue, Feb 3 - First day with Wii Fit! Clocked 35 minutes. Did all of the games, so no major focus. 3 points

Wed, Feb 4 - Goal: Walk 8 miles in one workout session, no pace goal. Actual: Walked 4.5 miles in 74.49 minutes, a 16.2 minute mile. Got major blisters from my new shoes and had to stop! 7 points

Thurs, Feb 5 - Wii Fit! Clocked 35 min. About 10 min "yoga"...10 min balance and 15 minutes of aerobic stuff! Then I played the drums on Rockband for about 20 min. 4 points! :)

Fri, Feb 6 - Wii Fit! Clocked about 25 minutes. Mostly aerobics.

Sat, Feb 7 - Walked about 4 miles, outside. Not sure of my pace, because I have no idea exactly how far I walked. Had to stop before I wanted to because my blisters showed back up. I will have to take a day off on the walking for a little while. Also did some Wii Fit activities...only about 10 minutes worth, though.

Sun, Feb 8 - Basically a rest day. Did about 10 minutes on Wii Fit...but basically just chilled!

Mon, Feb 9 - Walked around my condo complex 15 times (about 4 miles)...it took me about 70 minutes. My feet are hurting...have several blisters. :rolleyes:

Tue, Feb 10 - Wii Fit - 35 minutes - mostly aerobic stuff!

Wed, Feb 11 - Worked out at the gym. Did 5 minutes on the stair climber from down under!!!!! Won't ever do that again. :sick: Made me sick to my stomach. Also did the stationary bike for 29 minutes. I made it 8 miles! Pretty good, for me! :)

Thurs, Feb 12 - NOTHING! Bummer.

Fri, Feb 13 - Wii Fit, 25 minutes, mostly aerobics.

Sat, Feb 14 - Power Soccer Practice - 1 point;
First...I have started a workout journal...I plan to update that as I workout...so hopefully I will make some progress and be able to see in a month or so! :) I will put it in my daily, too...so you guys don't have to look back. :)

Now, I have a confession...yes, a confession...You see, I break a rule. Often. :sad2:

I know we are only supposed to weigh in once a week. But...and I hope this doesn't mess anyone else up...I usually weigh myself a little more often. If my WI day is Tuesday, I usually weigh myself on Mon and Tue. I ALWAYS use the Tuesday weight...but it sort of gives me an idea...I can tell if it is fluctuating.

So...on Monday I weighed and it was a loss of 1.5 lbs....but when I weighed in on Tues, it was a .5 gain. It doesn't mess me up to check my weight. I know that it fluctuates all the time. It is just interesting to me how much it moves around. And helps me feel much better when I don't lose or I lose "too much"...that it fluctuates.

Weighing in too often is what messed my friend up when she was trying to diet. So, I don't recommend it...I just do what works for me.

Anyway...I am getting to a point here...:cool1:

I got a Wii....and it told me my weight. And it calculated a number that was lower than my weight that morning...which was just weird because I usually weigh more at night and had more clothes on! :rotfl2: So, I went over to my regular scale to see the difference and it was right! I had lost weight during the day?!? Strange. :confused3

So, I checked again this morning....I know, I know! :guilty: So, shoot me! :)

And I had lost 3.5 pounds since Tuesday! Good grief! That is 14 sticks of butter, my friend!

So...who knows! :confused3 But I will see next week! Because I am not weighing again! :rotfl2:

OUCH!! Sorry about the blisters, good job on the walking though :thumbsup2.

Thanks!! :) I was excited about that! My personal record for the longest distance I have walked (on purpose, anyway!) in a day! :cool1: I am getting somewhere!
:cool1: Maroo - Ok I may not have a WII fit, but by golly I have a WATP dvd!! (ie walk away the pounds) so my challenge to me is to USE IT! (its so dratted cold I havent gotten out of hte house!! DS isnt going to treatment until the insurance pays, or us - anyone have an extra $5,000??? Didnt think so!) :goodvibes

IE scale - I'm totally obsessed with the scale, so much so I took a year off.... :sad2: yea, that didnt work so well... :sad2: (but trust me on this do NOT eat Chinese food - you can actually see a 5# weight GAIN just 3 hours after that particular meal - documented in a few places too!!

PS check your hotmail account when you have time to read!
Hello everyone! :wave2:

I had a GREAT day today! Good food day...wasn't hungry all day and didn't even use all of my points today. Since I went pretty much WAY over yesterday, I decided to just head to bed and NOT use all of my points today!

I normally make myself eat all of my points...but I could use a "low point day" this week.

Worked out with the Wii Fit. I do think that I am getting something out of it. It told me that I lost 3.1 pounds since Tuesday...which seems a little crazy?! But the exercises are helping me to gain some strength and I am sore...which is probably a good sign that I am doing something, anyway!
Hello everyone! :wave2:

I had a GREAT day today! Good food day...wasn't hungry all day and didn't even use all of my points today. Since I went pretty much WAY over yesterday, I decided to just head to bed and NOT use all of my points today!

I normally make myself eat all of my points...but I could use a "low point day" this week.

Worked out with the Wii Fit. I do think that I am getting something out of it. It told me that I lost 3.1 pounds since Tuesday...which seems a little crazy?! But the exercises are helping me to gain some strength and I am sore...which is probably a good sign that I am doing something, anyway!

Woohoo Maroo:thumbsup2 Keep up the good work.
This is a little odd for me...

But I had 2 good food days in a row! :rotfl2:

The only thing I can figure is that all of the "junk" at work has already been eaten! And I have not bought any junk for home! So...My choices are all made from good potential choices. Does that make sense?

I did do some more time on the Wii Fit. About 25 min. Mostly balance games. Those really get my abs and calves for some reason.

Tomorrow will be a high point day...and I am ok with that. Helps stimulate that metabolism! :) But I also hope to get some activity points from something tomorrow! May be a little tricky because I will be hanging out with Lauren and taking her to a church choir retreat. And I get to eat PIZZA! Woo Hoo. Glad I saved some points! :)

Hope you guys are having a good day. My heart is heavy tonight. I "host" a thread for parents planning Make a Wish trips...It is blue in my siggie...Anyway...it does not take long to get to know these families!! They are very special people raising very special children.

If you think about it...PLEASE pray for 2 of our Make-A-Wish children that are "regulars" on our thread.

Most of the Make-A-Wish children on our thread are stable. They are sick or have been sick...but most of the time, we don't have kids that are in this much distress...now we have TWO! Please pray for each of these precious kids!!

Noah - 3 yrs old - has been very sick in the hospital. Right now he has double pneumonia. He was better this morning. His family is going on his Wish trip in Feb/March and they are praying (as we are) that he will be HEALTHY for that trip. Which will take some prayer, as he has not been healthy for a long time. He is dependent on IV's for food and water. He is a PRECIOUS little boy. I love watching the videos of him laughing. He is a delight.

Noah's PRE-Trip report! Please pray for Noah!!!

Becca - 12 years old - They JUST got back from Disney World - days ago! Had a great time on their Wish Trip. But something happened in the last two days and she ended up having to have EMERGENCY brain surgery. They were able to stabilize her. But, she has an infection in her brain. She actually has a tube going into her brain to drain the infection. She is also a precious child! I love to see her smile! She just lights up a room!!!

Becca's Pre-Trip and Trip Report - Please Pray for Becca!!!!

Please pray for both of these precious kids!
So sorry to hear about Becca and Noah.Prayers for them here.

You keep up your great work.I did not know that Wii worked like that- it weighs you too?

So sorry to hear about Becca and Noah.Prayers for them here.

You keep up your great work.I did not know that Wii worked like that- it weighs you too?


Thank u for praying!! Becca is not doing well at all. Your prayers are needed!

The Wii Fit is a game that you can buy that comes with this scale looking board. It weighs you and tells you your bmi. And does these balance games that are fun. Then it has aerobic, yoga, strength games too! Pretty cool. Looks like I have lost 3 or 4 pounds this week! I love it. Already feel stronger!!
thanks for posting Maroo -
adding my thoughts and prayers!
thanks for posting Maroo -
adding my thoughts and prayers!

Thank you so much, Sandy!

I just saw your posts! :goodvibes

Noah is doing MUCH better! (But he has done bad, then good, then bad, then good...so I am going to keep praying for that little guy!)...

But Becca...bless her heart! For those of you guys that are only on this board...Becca is 12. Her family got back from a wonderful trip at Disney World - got back on January 27 and on Thursday (Feb 5) she had emergency major brain surgery. She still has a tube draining from her skull. And they can't give her much pain medicine. So she is having an awful time! They say that the opiate pain meds would cause more problems. Just an awful situation. Her parents are fit to be tied, obviously. And poor Becca!

Please do pray for them if you think about it...
another reason to admire you Maroo

you have to go beyond the present, and yet you have to have the biggest heart!!

My heart goes out to the families whose pain is so strong... just knowing my ds (20yrs old) had a life and death experience - and how strongly I relied on the prayers of strangers - I knew I was like George in "ITS A wonderful Life" and I was so grateful! when I was desperate for faith, I was given angels - and so I extend the circle and pray that Becca and Noah's families also feel the strength of prayer!

My bestest friend in high school - 30 some odd years ago btw - or so, who's counting - she had cystic fibrosis.. she was 4'9" to my 5'10" - and I loved her so much - I learned about faith and pixie dust thru her, and I was blessed to be by her side the night she died - the night my faith was strengthened -

so to have the experience of visiting my son in the hospital, and the past experience of my best friend - I can relate to Becca's parents - and I do lift them up in prayer!!
another reason to admire you Maroo

you have to go beyond the present, and yet you have to have the biggest heart!!

My heart goes out to the families whose pain is so strong... just knowing my ds (20yrs old) had a life and death experience - and how strongly I relied on the prayers of strangers - I knew I was like George in "ITS A wonderful Life" and I was so grateful! when I was desperate for faith, I was given angels - and so I extend the circle and pray that Becca and Noah's families also feel the strength of prayer!

My bestest friend in high school - 30 some odd years ago btw - or so, who's counting - she had cystic fibrosis.. she was 4'9" to my 5'10" - and I loved her so much - I learned about faith and pixie dust thru her, and I was blessed to be by her side the night she died - the night my faith was strengthened -

so to have the experience of visiting my son in the hospital, and the past experience of my best friend - I can relate to Becca's parents - and I do lift them up in prayer!!

That is precious.

I didn't want say this on the other board...and I don't think that Mom is reading this...

I lost a friend to CF, too. Jennifer Long. I volunteered at a hospital right down the street from me in college. No big deal...just a couple of hours a week. Playing games! And she LIVED at the hospital. Almost full time. Her parents had basically abandoned her. One day she got released and her parents never came. :sad2: :sad: So I snuck her in the dorm and she stayed with me 2 nights before she got back sick and got re-admitted to Children's. Craziest and stupidist idea ever! But I loved her like a sister...even when she paged me 911 to go buy her some chicken! That child!!!

She died fairly suddenly. She had survived a double lung transplant...but she got sick one week and died just days later. Very sudden.

I miss her...she was such a rascal! :)

Thank you for paying it forward from your experience to the families here.

They really are special families and are really hurting right now. But we celebrate a lot on that thread, too! Kids healed of Cancer. Wish Trips taken for kids that were very sick and are now healthy! :) So it is a good thing, too!
HI Maroo,

HOpe you had a great weekend! Mine was okay- pretty uneventful. Weird, though, the Kazakh tenge (the money) took a major divebomb, and we got about a 11% raise overnight. Funny, when we went out we had more than enough support, but Dad must have known that we'd see the dollar plunge over our last 8 years here so that we basically took an 11% paycut from the loss of value. So, we are thrilled that it's turned around- even suddenly! We do feel for our Kazakh friends though, who will really struggle as the value continues to fluctuate wildly. The price of bread did drop to 15 cents a loaf, but we predict hard times again for many of them.

Ah well, onto getting this body back into shape...

have you ever heard of vacuuming for a workout?? My vacuum cleaner's belt broke a couple of weeks ago, and my carpets were too gross for words. So I got on my hands and knees and went at that carpet like my kids greet a pizza, and used the tiny little hosey thing to go over each inch of carpet. I worked at it for about 45 minutes until my arm felt like it was pot of al dente linguine. I'm counting it as moderate exercise!

My DH says I need to condition my legs a little before trying to jumprope again. I was so sore I couldn't move for about 3 days. So, I will follow his sage wisdom and start with something a bit less strenuous. But.......

I did step on Truth-Teller today, and it says I'm 2 pounds down. Hurray. Only 6 more to go, but then a WHOLE bunch of toning up work to follow up with. Ugh! THat's the hard part, making a 40? body do what you want it to.

Well, I've talked your ear off. It's too late to be sitting here, so I will sign off-

Keep up your good work! It WILL pay off!


Moderate activity? I think that vacuuming might count as extreme! WOW! You must really like a clean house. If you are bored....:rolleyes1

Gosh...the economy everywhere seems to be fluctuating! Or diving! Take your pick.

I am glad you got a raise, though! I would definitely stash it, though. :) :rotfl2:

Oh gosh! I would be sore if I tried to jump rope, too!!! :) Sounds so painful. Not sure i was even able to do that as a child. :)

Woo Hoo!! Two pounds down!! That is awesome!!! :) You have probably lost a bigger "percentage" of body weight than I have so far. My ten pounds really isn't much considering how much I really need to lose!

I have not been as good this weekend. I planned a "high" day yesterday and didn't really check my points till I got home...and found out, the hard way, that I went WAY over my points! :rolleyes:

So, trying to get back on the wagon! I am about to go to sleep...I don't eat when I sleep...so maybe that will help!!! (Afternoon nap...it is only 2:00 PM here!)
Hey girl! Congrats on your weight loss and all the walking you've been doing...that's awesome! :cool1: I was getting caught up on this thread and saw
And I had lost 3.5 pounds since Tuesday! Good grief! That is 14 sticks of butter, my friend!
and just about fell off the couch at what a perfect picture that makes, and also just how gross that is. You see, I've taken up baking for friend's parties and such, and it's sooo tempting to like that buttery goodness right out of the bowl :scared: but after the huge superbowl cake and the other 3 that I have to make this month I'm beginning to be able to resist!

I really need to resist some more though...I already do 6 hours a week of exercise with my kickboxing and karate, but I seem to be stuck at this sucky weight :headache: My job is part of the problem. The little man that I take care of hates the cold weather and loves his Veggie Tales movies, so there isn't much movement during my 40 hours/week when I'm with him. Although his mom has a brand new eliptical that I'm free to use at any time, so maybe I'll jump on that for a while each day. Nothing like exercising to the great tunes of Silly Songs with Bob and Larry:dance3:

Anyway, I'm really getting psyched up about the half! :yay: I'm sure I'll be speed walking it too, so we'll have to figure out a place to meet up so that we can at least start together! My DH has been running for more than a year now and is up to running over 9 miles with little stopping, so I've made him promise to wait for me at the finish :laughing: He's even thinking about turning in a time sheet so that he can start with the "big dogs" :eek:

Oh! And thanks for posting the link to the GKTW team thread. I've put in my and DH's votes. I hope it goes through! I'd love to be a part and make a donation to such an awesome place!!! One of my former patients was a recipient of a GKTW trip and loved the resort even more than she loved Disney :lovestruc I've got another patient that will eventually be taking a trip down. I've been talking it up to his fam for 3 years now, and can't wait to see the smiles he'll have on that amazing trip!
Hey girl! Congrats on your weight loss and all the walking you've been doing...that's awesome! :cool1: I was getting caught up on this thread and saw and just about fell off the couch at what a perfect picture that makes, and also just how gross that is. You see, I've taken up baking for friend's parties and such, and it's sooo tempting to like that buttery goodness right out of the bowl :scared: but after the huge superbowl cake and the other 3 that I have to make this month I'm beginning to be able to resist!

Thank you so much for the encouragement!! :) It is pretty fun, minus the blisters!

Yeah...that butter thing, I learned that from Weight Watchers. :) Makes me feel better when I just lose one pound! :)

I really need to resist some more though...I already do 6 hours a week of exercise with my kickboxing and karate, but I seem to be stuck at this sucky weight :headache: My job is part of the problem. The little man that I take care of hates the cold weather and loves his Veggie Tales movies, so there isn't much movement during my 40 hours/week when I'm with him. Although his mom has a brand new eliptical that I'm free to use at any time, so maybe I'll jump on that for a while each day. Nothing like exercising to the great tunes of Silly Songs with Bob and Larry:dance3:

Yeah...how did your trip go? Have I missed the TR?!? I thought I had subscribed to yours? :confused3

I LOVE Veggie Tales...I might have to find a fast song to add to my playlist. :)

You should definitely look into doing the elliptical...that thing kicks my bootie! I can't do it long. :)

Anyway, I'm really getting psyched up about the half! :yay: I'm sure I'll be speed walking it too, so we'll have to figure out a place to meet up so that we can at least start together! My DH has been running for more than a year now and is up to running over 9 miles with little stopping, so I've made him promise to wait for me at the finish :laughing: He's even thinking about turning in a time sheet so that he can start with the "big dogs" :eek:

Oh! And thanks for posting the link to the GKTW team thread. I've put in my and DH's votes. I hope it goes through! I'd love to be a part and make a donation to such an awesome place!!! One of my former patients was a recipient of a GKTW trip and loved the resort even more than she loved Disney :lovestruc I've got another patient that will eventually be taking a trip down. I've been talking it up to his fam for 3 years now, and can't wait to see the smiles he'll have on that amazing trip!

Woo Hoo!!!!! I can't tell you how excited I am about that!!

Just to think we could give something back to that wonderful organization! And to walk/run with so many people that would also want to do the same. :)

I would LOVE to meet you guys there. As far as I know, it will be traveling alone, so I hope to be able to meet some DISers to hang with some. :)

What is your pace when you walk?

I am in the same boat with my friend Lisa...she can actually run...and will be waiting for me at the end of the Tower of Terror race! :) I just hope to finish before they start the awards ceremony for the fast people!

Thank you so much for posting! :)
I guess this is an official journal entry. A week in review.

I believe I walked close to 16.5 miles this week. WAY more than I have ever done before. So much, in fact, that I think I need to slow down some. I have horrible blisters on my feet...so I need to get that figured out.

I walked on crummy shoes this week and got blisters...and now they aren't healing because I keep walking on them. So...bad, Mary! I have to stop a little bit!

I also "clocked" over 2 hours on my Wii Fit. Which is pretty good for the first week! :) My goal is about an hour a week, at least. I probably could do 2 every week. Maybe do more Wii Fit when I am not walking or something. :)

I did figure out something this week. There is this "baby" triathlon that I did a couple of years ago. Short swim (250 m), 8 mile bike and 2.1 mile run. And they are having it again! May 16. So I have another event to train for! So, I need to get back into my swimming and biking, too...so that I can participate in that!

As far as the diet side of all of this...I did fairly well. Saturday was a killer point day...and Sunday was not great. But the rest of the week was good.

I expect to have a pretty good weight loss when I weigh in tomorrow! I gained .5 last week...so I would like to lose around 4 this week...that would make up for last week, too!! :) We will see!

Well, take care, everyone.

Please continue to keep Becca and Noah in your prayers!!! :)


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