From WDW to DL With Love - January 06, 2011 part 3

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Just a shout out to the runners. I have been battling Achilles tendonopathy for 2 years+. Just started running again a couple of months ago and am slow as molasses (and a tad portly) but choosing to ignore their objections. In physio 1x per week and doing OK but SLOW. Will likely put my earplugs in so that I do not hear the tendons cries and run the 5k at CC. DD would also like to run it, so that will be fun for me!

Its horrible to be injured, I spent more than a year nursing my leg, I am so super carefull with it now, I never even used to stretch at all, now I spend ages sretching pre and post run.
I have a MEGA flat foot, so I get special insoles for support, I broke that ankle when I was 20ish, I am sure thats where it all stems from, that and the fact I abused it for years being so heavy
What would be your suggestions for dinner reservations for three nights at DL?

I am not sure I could do that...I don't know what you and your party like and how it would stack up to what I like. I don't do recommendations on the restaurant board unless I know exactly what the party asking for a recommendation is looking for. I know I want to do Napa Rose. I don't do buffets or character meals, so I have never done any at Disneyland. That is just my preference.

TDC Nala, Jeff and I had lunch at Le Cellier on Saturday. Hadn't been in a very long time and it was wonderful. If you go, ask for Patrick as your server

Patrick rocks!
Good luck!!! I plan on running the CC 5k. I've only ran one 5K race and it was in May. It was hot and humid (high 80's, humidity near 100%) and there were 2 overpasses to run over twice each (and I hadn't practiced on hills at all) and I finished in 30:00:04. I was 54 out of 262 for my age group so I guess it was okay but I was hoping to finish with a better time. I haven't really been running much so I guess I need to more often. :goodvibes

Wow, congrats... I think 30 minutes for your first 5K ever is great!! :woohoo: Well, living in Seattle, it's hard to find even 1/4 of a mile that is just flat! It's all hills around here, so that is what i'm used to running on (when I can run). So, when I get a chance to run a flat race, I love it!! But, that is usually somewhere outside of Seattle. It's pretty hard to find any race around here without a lot of hills.

Wow, it sounds like there are some runners in this group. That's great. Well, if I am able to run by January, I don't think I'll be running that fast. I think it's going to take a while to get back to where I used to be once i can start running again. hard to say. But, that is ok... I will just be happy to run, if I can by then. If not, I'll be doing a lot of walking on deck 4!! ;) ;) (but if I can run, I'll be running on deck 4... I love running on that deck!!)

My DH is also a runner, so he'll for sure be doing the Castaway 5K. On our last cruise, he came in 2nd place at the Castaway 5k! He was neck and neck with the winner. I couldn't do the Castaway 5K because I was injured. But, I cheered from him from the sidelines.

I've actually never done the Castaway 5K! The PC cruise will be our 3rd Disney Cruise. Our first cruise, I didn't even know about it... until I was looking out at the island excited to get off the ship, and then I see all these runners, and I started asking what that was, and that is how I found out about the Castaway 5K! I couldn't believe I missed it!

Then, our 2nd cruise, I was injured. And, PC will be our 3rd cruise, and I'm HOPING I can run it.... 3rd time is a charm, right??!! :dance3:

Good morning All,
I hope your week is looking good so far...
Len and I were away up North over the weekend, len done a marathon(clever dick), I done a half, I beat my pb by 3 mins, I managed 2hrs 11mins:cool1:
I am pretty pleased, more pleased really that after missing 2 races because of injuries I have struggled to fix out my achillies problems.... I actually managed to finsih.:cutie:
Welcome back Lynne and congrats on the run!! Regardless of how you may feel about your time, I'm impressed:worship:I get really bad asthma when I run, so it takes me MONTHS to work up enough endurance to run even a 5K (sad, but true)!!
Good luck!!! I plan on running the CC 5k. I've only ran one 5K race and it was in May. It was hot and humid (high 80's, humidity near 100%) and there were 2 overpasses to run over twice each (and I hadn't practiced on hills at all) and I finished in 30:00:04. I was 54 out of 262 for my age group so I guess it was okay but I was hoping to finish with a better time. I haven't really been running much so I guess I need to more often. :goodvibes

I was thinking of putting a 6am meeting time on the "program" for everyone to meet on deck 4 if they want to run together--what do you runners think?? Do you want to set up a time to run together or do you prefer to run alone?

PERFECT! Sorry you can't join us, Alan, but I guess we'll have plenty of time to get together on the ship! Or maybe the night before the cruise at WDW.

My only question is, there will be other people at the picnic area, so how are we going to identify ourselves?? Anyone have any fun ideas?

Linda, is there any chance of putting this info on the first page, and Jeff, maybe on the website? It would be great for new families to know about it.

Has everyone been on a DCL Cruise before? We could all wear some sort of DCL shirt from one of our past cruises...that way we could tell the difference AND relive past experiences:thumbsup2

I am still kinda freaked out about someone breaking into my car so I'm having a hard time sleeping...SO tired today! But, other than that, it is shaping up to be beautiful here, so that is always a good thing!
I hope you all have a WONDERFUL day and week!
Next post I hope to be doing the PIF dance:woohoo:

Just a shout out to the runners. I have been battling Achilles tendonopathy for 2 years+. Just started running again a couple of months ago and am slow as molasses (and a tad portly) but choosing to ignore their objections. In physio 1x per week and doing OK but SLOW. Will likely put my earplugs in so that I do not hear the tendons cries and run the 5k at CC. DD would also like to run it, so that will be fun for me!

I empothize!! I've been in PT 3X week for 7 months now, and am sure it'll be a long time until I'm discharged. My ankle is so messed up. Such a bummer.

I tried running (PT approved me to try to run) a month ago, only for 1 minute and then walk a minute and then continue this for just 16 minutes, and I tried this for a few weeks (doing this run/walk thing just 3 times a week), and I couldn't do it w/out pain, and then my Achillies tendon started having a ton of problems, and so my PT took me off of running and she's not sure when I'll be back.

Ankles are very complicated joints, especially since you use your ankle pretty much all the time unless you're sitting or sleeping.

So, in order to keep my ankle pain free for the rest of my life (once I'm completely healed from this injury), I'm not going to push it and try to run when I really shouldn't... it's not worth it to me. I'm almost 39 yrs old, and I don't want to be using a cane when I'm 50! ;)

There are a lot of other things I can do right now in terms of excercise (anything non-impact), so I'm trying my best to stay in shape. ;)

Good luck with your Achillies problem!!! I SO empothize with you.... Achillies pain is the absolute worst!
Good morning All,
I hope your week is looking good so far...

Welcome back Lynne and congrats on the run!! Regardless of how you may feel about your time, I'm impressed:worship:I get really bad asthma when I run, so it takes me MONTHS to work up enough endurance to run even a 5K (sad, but true)!!

I was thinking of putting a 6am meeting time on the "program" for everyone to meet on deck 4 if they want to run together--what do you runners think?? Do you want to set up a time to run together or do you prefer to run alone?

Has everyone been on a DCL Cruise before? We could all wear some sort of DCL shirt from one of our past cruises...that way we could tell the difference AND relive past experiences:thumbsup2

That sounds cool!:woohoo:We had shirts with the cruise logo for the past two cruises.

I am still kinda freaked out about someone breaking into my car so I'm having a hard time sleeping...SO tired today! But, other than that, it is shaping up to be beautiful here, so that is always a good thing!
I hope you all have a WONDERFUL day and week!
Next post I hope to be doing the PIF dance:woohoo:

I can well understand your loss of sleep about the car! That would keep anyone awake!

I have been to Castaway Cay countless times and never knew about a 5K so you can bet this time I will be informed and cheering all of you devoted people on your way because that is hard work!:cheer2:
Len and I were away up North over the weekend, len done a marathon(clever dick), I done a half, I beat my pb by 3 mins, I managed 2hrs 11mins:cool1:
I am pretty pleased, more pleased really that after missing 2 races because of injuries I have struggled to fix out my achillies problems.... I actually managed to finsih.:cutie:

Congrats on completing those!

Jack is feeling better. It actually wasn't an ear infection, but a sinus infection. He's bounced back quite well, thanks for asking!

Glad he is doing better!

thank you!!!!


We usually would have gotten a notice ut it's difficult to say if they would have cancelled right away. So glad you were able to notice the correct date and get it taken care of!

My only question is, there will be other people at the picnic area, so how are we going to identify ourselves?? Anyone have any fun ideas?

Linda, is there any chance of putting this info on the first page, and Jeff, maybe on the website? It would be great for new families to know about it.

I think wearing something cruise related might be fun (although I am not sure I own anything). I wonder if they will let me thru security with a couple of lime green balloons. :confused3
Shoshie - where east are you heading? Without our patriarch for the first time, i'm having trouble getting everyone together (my sister and nieces with us. 2 of my kids are away one on the Wonder and one at school so he'll go home with somoene local).

For all whom it applies: happy and healthy year!

Chicago.... for those in CA it is "east" ;)

Tradition every year, lets me see both sets of my parents, plus bubbe, zayde and best friend - so tiring.

Happy and healthy to you!
We're having lunch at LeCellier on the 4th! YUM!! My favorite restaurant at WDW!!! :) We couldn't get dinner reservations... was totally booked for dinner the days we're there by the time I made all of our dinner reservations.

We're having lunch on the 5th at LeCellier! :goodvibes
thank you!!!!

All the chat about PIF around here has saved my reservation. MY PIF date was listed as Oct 22. I am a compulsive planner (that's why were all here - no!?!). Budgeting falls under the catagory for me, so I had it all planned out to the Final Payment. All the talk about PIF s SEP 8 had me checking and guess what? My agent had my date wrong. I would likely never have checked if you all hadn't been chatting away about it. I don't even know what would have happened and I don't really want to but I imagine that they would have got me sorted out, but now they don't have to. I will make my payment for the SEP 8th deadline.

Wow, glad you got that straight!!! Isn't the Dis great?!?! If it hadn't been for the Dis, I would have never known our St. Croix stop in Dec was changed to Tortola until we got on the ship (thanks to DVC who failed to notify us!). Since we did know, we were able to research it and decided on the Baths in Virgin Gorda which turned out to be the highlight of our cruise. Sure, we could have found on the ship about The Baths but we wouldn't have been able to do the DCL excursion because DS was too young. And w/o research here on the dis wouldn't have known it would be possible to do it on our own!

Thats a pretty good time, thats 6 miles per hour, thats what my pace was at the weekend. And I was running loads to get to that pace.

Wow, congrats... I think 30 minutes for your first 5K ever is great!! :woohoo: Well, living in Seattle, it's hard to find even 1/4 of a mile that is just flat! It's all hills around here, so that is what i'm used to running on (when I can run). So, when I get a chance to run a flat race, I love it!! But, that is usually somewhere outside of Seattle. It's pretty hard to find any race around here without a lot of hills.
Thanks! Since then, I've practiced hills a few times on the treadmill and as soon as it cools down, I'm going to start going to a park that has small hills. They're nothing like overpasses or real hills by any means but at least it's something.

Good morning All,
I hope your week is looking good so far...

I was thinking of putting a 6am meeting time on the "program" for everyone to meet on deck 4 if they want to run together--what do you runners think?? Do you want to set up a time to run together or do you prefer to run alone?

I am still kinda freaked out about someone breaking into my car so I'm having a hard time sleeping...SO tired today! But, other than that, it is shaping up to be beautiful here, so that is always a good thing!
I hope you all have a WONDERFUL day and week!
Next post I hope to be doing the PIF dance:woohoo:


I usually don't run with people because after several minutes, I can't carry on a conversation. DH plans to start running with me this fall so he can run the CC 5K with me. He's always been in good shape but working at least 70 hours a week for the past several years hasn't allowed much time for exercise. But, his schedule should be lighter Oct and Nov so he should be able to run then. He's not starting from fresh so he should be able to prepare for the 5K.:goodvibes

Anyway, doesn't mean that I won't show up at that time to run but I don't know if I really plan to keep to an exercise schedule while on the cruise. I do plan to exercise as I don't want to come home several pounds heavier like my other cruise! But I don't know when I'll be doing each day. But I'm sure if other people are meeting up, I can plan to do it at least a couple of days. I also plan to hit the gym!

So sorry about your car! We had a few break-ins around here a few months ago and thank goodness my car is in the garage. DH's however is not! I just stay on him about keeping anything in view.
I too am now PIF! I too have had numerous knee surgeries. 2 on the right and 3 on left. It is what made me become a nurse. I used to ride and show the jumpers and schooled a pony and injured my kneee 8 weeks after bilateral knee scopes. My knees are fine but I do not run or squatt. Thanks for the info on the FE and SM. We too have lunch at Lecellier on Jan 5. I had gotten a dinner for Jan 3rd but only put in 2 people instead of 3 and would not let me go back to add the 3rd one so I chose the 5th for lunch. Feels so good to be paid in full. Not is seems for real.
yes, that is DEFINATLY the plan !!!!! I e-mailed them today to ask the dates, 5-8th in 2012:thumbsup2

I had terrible trouble with achillies tendon but seem to have gotton over it, Im not sure I love to run but I do it to keep fit.
thanks for your kind words.
I know it drives us nuts when its not an option to run.:dance3:
Just a shout out to the runners. I have been battling Achilles tendonopathy for 2 years+. Just started running again a couple of months ago and am slow as molasses (and a tad portly) but choosing to ignore their objections. In physio 1x per week and doing OK but SLOW. Will likely put my earplugs in so that I do not hear the tendons cries and run the 5k at CC. DD would also like to run it, so that will be fun for me!

I empothize!! I've been in PT 3X week for 7 months now, and am sure it'll be a long time until I'm discharged. My ankle is so messed up. Such a bummer.

I tried running (PT approved me to try to run) a month ago, only for 1 minute and then walk a minute and then continue this for just 16 minutes, and I tried this for a few weeks (doing this run/walk thing just 3 times a week), and I couldn't do it w/out pain, and then my Achillies tendon started having a ton of problems, and so my PT took me off of running and she's not sure when I'll be back.

Ankles are very complicated joints, especially since you use your ankle pretty much all the time unless you're sitting or sleeping.

So, in order to keep my ankle pain free for the rest of my life (once I'm completely healed from this injury), I'm not going to push it and try to run when I really shouldn't... it's not worth it to me. I'm almost 39 yrs old, and I don't want to be using a cane when I'm 50! ;)

There are a lot of other things I can do right now in terms of excercise (anything non-impact), so I'm trying my best to stay in shape. ;)

Good luck with your Achillies problem!!! I SO empothize with you.... Achillies pain is the absolute worst!

I had an achilles problem and plantar whatever it is - pt for WEEKS and she gave me 37 ankle and foot exercises to do - haven't had an issue since. that was actually the beginning of my "get fit" effort - over two years now and 58 pounds ago.:goodvibes

thank you!!!!

All the chat about PIF around here has saved my reservation. MY PIF date was listed as Oct 22. . . . I will make my payment for the SEP 8th deadline.



Linda, is there any chance of putting this info on the first page, and Jeff, maybe on the website? It would be great for new families to know about it.
Too late! IT's been on the first page since first thing this morning :laughing: The first page has been reorganized and updated so hopefully things will be easier to find.

How about the DIS Lime Green mickey heads to id yourselves?

I'm a big fan of the Blue Bayou. I like Cajun/Creole and the atmosphere can't be beat. :rolleyes1

Wow! Really? We went to the Blue Bayou - it was so dark we couldn't see what we were eating, the wait staff was rude, and the food I had was salty and greasy. Never did see the river people talk about, and I don't think I'll ever go back.:headache:

I'm thinking it will be counter service or off property for me. Which is too bad, because I love to eat.
Try Napa Rose! We fell in love with the last trip to DL, so much so we went 3 times (only once with true reservations/ PS). They were able to get us in one other time and the 3rd time we stayed in the lounge. The food and wine are phenomenal.
We're going the Friday we get in to meet up with my extended family that lives in Anaheim.
Wow, congrats... I think 30 minutes for your first 5K ever is great!! :woohoo: Well, living in Seattle, it's hard to find even 1/4 of a mile that is just flat! It's all hills around here, so that is what i'm used to running on (when I can run). So, when I get a chance to run a flat race, I love it!! But, that is usually somewhere outside of Seattle. It's pretty hard to find any race around here without a lot of hills.

Wow, it sounds like there are some runners in this group. That's great. Well, if I am able to run by January, I don't think I'll be running that fast. I think it's going to take a while to get back to where I used to be once i can start running again. hard to say. But, that is ok... I will just be happy to run, if I can by then. If not, I'll be doing a lot of walking on deck 4!! ;) ;) (but if I can run, I'll be running on deck 4... I love running on that deck!!)

My DH is also a runner, so he'll for sure be doing the Castaway 5K. On our last cruise, he came in 2nd place at the Castaway 5k! He was neck and neck with the winner. I couldn't do the Castaway 5K because I was injured. But, I cheered from him from the sidelines.

I've actually never done the Castaway 5K! The PC cruise will be our 3rd Disney Cruise. Our first cruise, I didn't even know about it... until I was looking out at the island excited to get off the ship, and then I see all these runners, and I started asking what that was, and that is how I found out about the Castaway 5K! I couldn't believe I missed it!

Then, our 2nd cruise, I was injured. And, PC will be our 3rd cruise, and I'm HOPING I can run it.... 3rd time is a charm, right??!! :dance3:

Kathy, do they ACTUALLY race the 5k, cause that would kinda put me off, even when doing marathons and stuff I never race as such.
Kathy, do they ACTUALLY race the 5k, cause that would kinda put me off, even when doing marathons and stuff I never race as such.

Oh, no.... they do not actually "race" the 5K. There is nothing official about it... no numbers or clocks at all. But, the times I've seen it and the time my DH ran it, there will always be a few "fasties" in the front who want to run it fast and make it a race for themselves... my DH was in that category. ;) There are a couple cast members that run it. There is usually one cast member that is a pretty good runner who usually will keep up with the people in the front... the people who want to run hard and fast and try to race it for themselves. But, then there are other cast members who do a slow jog, and then there cast members who are walkers.... so there is a cast member for every category to make it fun and low key.

It's super casual, super fun, and there is nothing official about it... it's pretty much just a group 5K run and honestly, the majority of the people I've seen run it (I've only seen it twice) are just doing a casual jog, not even wearing running gear (just wearing like shorts and tank tops), and just having a good time.

But, there will be those few people in the front who will want to make it a race for themselves and those people usually kind of compete against each other (TOTALLY fun compete thing... my DH and the guy who finished just before him totally had fun together... they were just using each other to push harder).

Oh, and from what I heard, the one really fun thing (and it's totally optional) is the turn-around point is the adult only beach, and my DH and a few others that were the faster runners along with the cast member that stuck with the people in the front, they ran on the beach, jumped in the ocean for a second, got totally wet to cool off, and then ran back. haha!!

But, I could barely walk during that time because I had just injured my ankle, and I remember by the time I got off the ship and was hobbling down the walkway to get to the beach, even like 40 minutes after the 5K started, there were slow joggers and walkers still coming back from the 5K.

And, what was even more fun is some of the people getting off the ship would be cheering every single person on who was coming back from the 5K, even the walkers and slow joggers.

So, no.... TOTALLY not a "race" type thing... very casual, very fun, laid back, non-competitive. But, just the fast people in the front are the ones who might want to be competetive, but that is general a very small percentage out of the whole group doing the 5K.

Oh, also... one neat thing they DO do is at some point in time during the day at Castaway Cay, they send to your stateroom a certificate saying you officially completed the Castaway Cay 5K (and there is no times listed or winners or anything... just a cool certificate for you to have to show that you did it!!)

You'll have a great time!! It'll be a ton of fun!! :banana:

I'll be doing it, either as a walker or a slow jogger. I am certain I will not be fast by January (pre-injury, I would have been in the front of the pack with the "fasties", but at this point, I just would love to be able to run slow even a little bit!! I'll get there!). My DH told me that he'll do the CC 5K with me, even if I have to walk it... he said he'll go my pace to show his support to me. Awww... what a great guy. ;)

He also thinks it'd be a good idea for me to take the elevators on the ship for our PC cruise!! haha! It was the stairs on the Magic where I injured my ankle! :rolleyes1 But, I'm SOOOO cautious now on stairs that I don't think I'd hurt myself again on stairs, so I plan to use the stairs on the Wonder... I like using the stairs because it makes me feel like I'm getting some exercise... buring some calories while I'm taking in all those calories from the amazing food!!!! yum!! ;)

I'm a big fan of the Blue Bayou. I like Cajun/Creole and the atmosphere can't be beat. :rolleyes1

Have eaten there twice for lunch and loved the Monte Cristo sandwich! We also ate at Napa Rose and enjoyed it. How soon do DL reservations need to be made for dining?
Well yes I am bummed out I won't be able to come to the DL meet. I do have an idea for all of you wanting to identify each other. Since to get to the picnic area you don't need to go through bag check, just one person take a piece of paper and out the thread title on it and place it on the table in a triangle. If nobody likes that, I would say if you are a past PC cruiser wear a PC shirt. That's all I can think of for that. As for DL dinning, I love Blue Byou. I am also a big fan of Cafe Orlenes and Rancho Del Zocalo. I also like the PCH Grill at the PPH. I am a big fan of the Buffet at Storytellers Cafe for dinner. Over in Downtown I have already said how much I like ESPN Zone. One day we will get to Napa Rose. Alright that's about it for that. Jen glad to hear that Jack is alright. When it comes to that meet on the 5th of Jan. I will be running my friends through all four parks as they have never been and it is our only full day ending with a 8:45 dinner at 'Ohana. So looks like this one is out as well. Right now we are going to have lunch at seasons food court at The Land. I have no idea what time though.
Have eaten there twice for lunch and loved the Monte Cristo sandwich! We also ate at Napa Rose and enjoyed it. How soon do DL reservations need to be made for dining?
DL dining reservations can only be made 60 days in advance and only by phone, totally different system than we are used to for WDW.

I think Blue Bayou is way overpriced, but we LOVE the atmosphere and seeing the riders go by on Pirates of the Carib, and love the monte cristo sandwich, so we'll be going on this trip for lunch since we dont get to DLR very often. The pricing is ridiculous, if I went to DLR as often as I go to WDW, I would only do it sparingly, but now that I live back in NJ my trips to DLR are always a few years apart so I'll spring for it this trip. Now for dinner, we are definitely doing Napa Rose and Ralph Brennan's, our favorites, but still on the fence for the other night. We do enjoy ESPN, although we go there a lot in WDW, so I'm not sure if I want to do it in DLR, even though the menus are different. I'm debating going to Napa twice since I love it so much lol.
thank you!!!!

All the chat about PIF around here has saved my reservation. MY PIF date was listed as Oct 22. I am a compulsive planner (that's why were all here - no!?!). Budgeting falls under the catagory for me, so I had it all planned out to the Final Payment. All the talk about PIF s SEP 8 had me checking and guess what? My agent had my date wrong. I would likely never have checked if you all hadn't been chatting away about it. I don't even know what would have happened and I don't really want to but I imagine that they would have got me sorted out, but now they don't have to. I will make my payment for the SEP 8th deadline.


Lol.....that sounds like a skit on Corner Gas

You don't live in Rouleau, do you?

Glad you caught it in time!
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