Fun, Sun & Strong Water Rum...*Yo-Ho*...23 Nights @ Sapphire Falls...A May 2022 TR



Great taste! My daughter bought the same shirt during our last trip. She wears it frequently at home :).
We didn`t hang around long in here today, it was exceptionally busy and the stores which have the cabinet that moves around and so on, you just couldn`t move in, so we headed back out the sunshine and just caught this before it disappeared and went dull did look like it was on fire.


May I ask where in KA this appears? I've have never seen that!
Great taste! My daughter bought the same shirt during our last trip. She wears it frequently at home :).

:welcome: along MamaKate…….good to see you here and hope you enjoy it……☺️

The quality is so good in those Universal shirts, they’ll last forever! I do like that shirt too.

May I ask where in KA this appears? I've have never seen that!

If you go in the KA entrance next to the Leaky Cauldron and look up to the left as you wander in, you’ll see it there. It does change from burning so keep watching :thumbsup2
Do you know the why of the change?

Sat at nbc grill dining once before ride opened up. observed the ‘sandbag’ people upside down for over an hour lol. All I needed to see to decide it was not for me

Had to use one last July due to broken foot. Rented offsite one, smaller type. Glad I did. Boat captains told me they are the perfect size to last all day & to back onto the boats
The sandbag people are always a make or break for all of us
We were meeting Lindsey now, and just before we managed to catch the little parade, that of course was ending soon which was a shame as it was a good little show and very entertaining. Universal have some very talented people working for them, some of the artists in these parades are outstanding.

And of course there`s minions and Gru!


I had wanted to capture this window below as it had been revamped since the death of Blaine Kern in 2020. I had forgotten to look for it in December, so we made sure to capture it this time.

Many second floor windows have some kind of nod to Universal Executives and behind the scenes employees, but this one was quite special as Blaine Kerns is the man responsible for bringing the extravaganza that is the Mardi Gras Parade to the Studios and of course the success it has become over the years.

Quite a touching tribute to the man whose name will now forever overlook the spot where the parade begins and ends every evening it runs during Mardi Gras. His vision and creation will certainly live on for many years to come.


I do love the way the Scenic Decor Department work in Universal and pay heartfelt tributes to so many people who were so important over the years even from the early days and helped make Universal the success it is.

We headed inside and had a good wander around......this place hasn`t changed much in years, although the lady who used to work here is long gone. She used to come up silently behind you and gently touch you on the arm with a rubber arm.....she got me many times, well, it is the right place to get a scare!


There are so many pieces of movie memorabilia around and fascinating to see some images that aren`t widely seen by the general public and if you are an old Universal movie buff which we do love, you`ll enjoy wandering around here before the show starts. It wouldn`t take long, maybe 10-15 minutes and you`ll see all their displays in that time.

Jack Pierce was a make up artist who always paid great tribute to Boris Karloff who sat in the chair for 8 hours a day first getting his make up painstakingly adhered to his face, then again another 4 hours to gently remove it too. I couldn`t imagine that amount of patience by both the artist and actor to do this day after day till the movie was completed.

But, the effects look amazing in the movies and although it was way back then, the style the mastered did have an authentic look....and very scary too for me as a child in the early 1970`s watching these classics. My parents didn`t really believe they were genuine horror movies for some reason, so I was allowed to watch them from quite a young age and grew to love them so much. Although my older brothers took great fun in terrorising me after they had finished.......well, that`s what brothers do 😈


Abbott and Costello are curiously overlooked masterpieces, they are funny and very clever the way they incorporated the classic monsters into their simple humorous movies....but it worked well, we love these movies too and have the boxset that sits alongside all the classic Universal monster movies......we watch them far too often!!!

But, they are also eulogised in here too with a picture or two of their movies.


We bought this print many years ago and it adorns the room we watch most of our movies`s not really a sitting room type of picture, but fits with other movie images we have in there too.


Again with Psycho.......some classic pictures that aren`t so well known the way the promotion pictures are.



We would have LOVED to have seen the Psycho house when it was`s something we don`t see a lot of pictures of it around anymore.


Herman Munster......another wonderful show that was a spin off from the old scary tales......



Our lovely Lindsey had joined us and we were looking forward to seeing the show together. It had been a while since we had watched it and she said it had changed a little.......

We didn`t use EP but we ended up in a wonderful front row seat where we got the best view of everything. The way it`s set up there are no bad seats, so don`t worry if it`s busy and you`re not at the front, you`ll still see everything.


Summer is amazing! She really is fabulous and has worked at Universal for years.....I want to say right from the start, but I`m not sure and she has worked as many characters around the park. I had no idea who she actually was till this trip but in looking at older pictures we have seen her lots of times. Very clever and very funny lady. Her on stage partner is also so funny and they do put on a good show.


Without giving spoilers, don`t miss this show. They still do the old favourite line of not having to be nice to you as this isn`t Disney 🤣which always get a good old guffaw of laughter, but they have added some new comments about the Kardashians and so on. The show itself is entertaining and maybe for some it might be a little gory, but it really isn`t. They talk about make up processes over the years and how far they`ve come along since the original days.


We thoroughly enjoyed today and spending time with Lindsey in the park was a lot of fun too. She was heading off to see the new HHN Boutique that had opened in IOA and was a vacation themed HHN store......we were looking forward to seeing that another day! Then she was working this afternoon, so we`d see her later too.

Lindsey is indeed a very special young lady.....I think I said it before, as soon as we met her, we felt as if we`d known her forever and of course once we knew she loved HHN more than anyone else we know, we knew we`d get along like a house on was like having a bonus daughter! And we`d be able to spend some more time with her later in the trip.


We said our goodbyes and decided we wanted some, we knew the Monsters Cafe was closing, I think everyone knew it just hadn`t been announced, but we thought we`d grab something from there before it closed. It`s not a place we usually eat in, but one last time would work today for us as we were so close.......

Apparently we weren`t destined to eat had just closed. Of course.

To be honest, it never served the best food, we much prefer table service as the food was always cool by the time you paid and sat down, but hey ho, it`s gone now and of course it`s rumoured to be opening as a full scale restaurant in Epic Universe which sounds like a much cooler experience!

We were thinking of where to go for lunch now.....Finnegans was close, but we really don`t like the food from there at all.....very overrated, but we do like to go in for a drink at the bar, but that`s about it.

So, Tom quite likes NBC. We`ve had good and bad experiences in here and I was reluctant to try it again as they had not pulled it out the hat in the last 3 visits we`ve had......but Tom`s choice today, so NBC it was.

It was deserted......the Marie Celeste had nothing on this. I`ve never seen this place as empty.......but we got taken to a table right at the far end of the place, which was ok by us as we like to see the grill go when the chef`s are cooking.....although I doubted they`d be cooking much today, we counted 7 other people in.

We should have paid attention when our waiter barely grunted at us and tapped the barcode to indicate there was no paper menu....well, ok then. He said one word.......drinks? I was getting a bad feeling about this waiter.....his eyes were darting around the restaurant as he waited for us to order something despite us not having looked at the menu I just asked for water as did Tom....I guess he realised he wasn`t making a lot of money out of us today.

He brought the waters and another family were seated to our side and he was exactly the same way with them.


I ordered the brisket quesadilla and Tom ordered the Club sandwich, no avocado with a side of tator tots.......not much to go wrong there.

We waited a fairly short amount of time and they arrived, our waiter still hadn`t uttered a word yet.

Tom`s sandwich had avocado on it, he hates it......but I took it as I like it, and it did look lovely, very fresh and he did really enjoy it.


Mine was......well....


I ate Tom`s tator tots, the pineapple relish and the dip and that was it.


At this point Marcel Marceau, aka Jorge, came by and removed the plates without checking if we were done or asking how it was........hmmm.

I was ready to leave by now, and was going to catch his ever roaming eye for the check when he practically ran past us dropping off the check as he pleasantries like I`ll get that when you`re ready or, no we put the money inside and he rolled past even faster and picked up the check and disappeared without one word....not even did we need change........and certainly not even a Thank you in there anywhere.


I hate rudeness.

We were actually shocked at how rude this guy had been. I watched him serve the other table and he was the same way, completely disinterested and downright lacking in the basics of manners.

We didn`t need change, but when we got up to leave, the man on the other table commented to us that we also got the worst waiter in the world too.......yep, this guy was something else.

Yes, we should have spoken to the manager.....but, we didn`t. To be honest I don`t think it would do any good. But, when we got home I left an honest review on TripAdvisor. Usually I hate leaving negative reviews, so if we have a bad experience, I just won`t bother leaving one, although we very rarely have a bad experience anywhere in America so it`s a non issue, but I was angry by the time we left.

At times we`re too British and don`t like to complain, but this was once we should have.

We headed down to get a boat as one had just pulled in and we vowed never to return there again. That was the last time we`d try it.

Always time for a picture..........😊


We got back home, got the ipad out and I did go straight on TripAdvisor and left an honest review of our experience.....I hated doing it, but I was glad I did it for once.

It was nice getting in the cool for an hour or so, and we both showered and changed and headed down to the lobby where we were meeting our lovely friend for a good old chinwag for a couple of hours. He was setting off for a few days to his favourite vacation spot so it was going to be nice to have a proper catch up with him before he left. To say we think he is the nicest man on earth is an understatement and my husband often jokes I prefer him to we had a lovely few hours just chatting about anything and everything and generally catching up. We`d see him when he go back anyway, but this had been lovely and we so appreciated him taking the time for us today ❤️

We headed over to the lounge and chatted to all the staff again including Lindsey who we had enjoyed seeing her earlier too. I`d had an idea that I was going to try to pull off in the next few days.........🥰

I enjoyed a couple of glasses of red in the lounge, but as Tom was again driving, he was on coffee........

Tonight we were going to visit Nagoya Sushi. Just off Sand Lake Rd, this place is tucked away in a small mall area almost, hidden behind where Toojays is, so only a short car ride away....

We hadn`t booked but we got a table by the window and we did think once we might like to sit at the bar and watch those amazing chefs create those splendid dishes....we`d do that another time.


As I`d already had some wine and Tom was driving I ordered a half bottle of Cabernet, and it was very nice indeed, Tom I think had lemonade tonight.


The menu here is beautiful....and huge!!! So many choices we`d love to try and not enough nights......we haven`t had their sushi these past few trips but they have the most amazing creations to opt from.

I finally opted for the Teppan shrimp, scallop and sirloin which came with stir fried veg, two dipping sauces, fried rice and miso soup to start.


Tom went for one of his favourites, Chilean Seabass in a rice wine sauce.


Both dishes were heavenly......and I mean heavenly.........😍

The food was exceptional, steak was rare as requested, seafood perfect and Tom`s Seabass was light and full of flavour and the sauces, miso soup and rice were all wonderful accompaniments.

The staff here are the nicest and most well mannered staff anywhere......they are lovely people who take great pride in their restaurant and food quality. The restaurant itself is very small and you could almost pass it by and not notice it if you didn`t know it was there, but it is highly recommended not just from us, but so many folks have also suggested we go if they don`t realise we know about it. It`s full of locals and very few tourists which we love!! But, it`s a definite highlight of our trip.

We paid the check and said we wanted to come back again this trip as it`s too good to only visit once, then headed to the car where the sky was ominous and you could feel there was a storm building around us.

Back home, we got into our jammies and opened a bottle of wine and watched some tv as well as the storm that was wonderful to watch from these huge windows......seeing the sky light up and then the rumbles which were incredibly loud is a nice way for us to spend an evening. Storms in the UK are never as good as they are here.

So, that was our evening.......we`d had a lovely day, lunch excluded but we had enjoyed some park time and spent time with Lindsey and then a few hours with our friend in the afternoon then had a wonderful evening with some of the best food we`d ever had.

I can never remember which movie we watched at night, but it wasn`t long till we were yawning our heads off and that comfy bed in the other room was calling to us!
I too love the dedications in the windows!

We sadly have never been to horror make up! I wanted to go in September but unfortunately if you have read my trip reports I had some hangry humans (needless to say they’ve been spoken to and it will not happen again)

Lindsay sounds like an amazing human!

All I can say about the NBC experience is 1) at least Tom’s sandwich looked fresh and 2) ***

Nagyura meal looked DIVINE OMG! I would’ve eaten that Teppan platter up no questions!
I too love the dedications in the windows!

We sadly have never been to horror make up! I wanted to go in September but unfortunately if you have read my trip reports I had some hangry humans (needless to say they’ve been spoken to and it will not happen again)

Lindsay sounds like an amazing human!

All I can say about the NBC experience is 1) at least Tom’s sandwich looked fresh and 2) ***

Nagyura meal looked DIVINE OMG! I would’ve eaten that Teppan platter up no questions!

It is a nice touch with the references around the park.

Horror Make up is a classic, I think you`ll enjoy it.

Yes, Lindsey is adorable!!

Tom`s sandwich was the only good thing about that lunch experience and yes, Nagoya is one of the best places to eat around that is always fabulous and it`s just a lovely experience eating there.

We slept longer than we planned to this morning. Today we were heading to St Augustine for the day and we were meeting a fellow dis bod we had met before and it had been a while due to the travel ban since we had managed to meet up again.

Instead of being on the road for around 7.30am, we were only walking over for breakfast......guess we wouldn`t be doing much in St Augustine today, so I`m maybe not the best advocate for what a gorgeous place it is. We went in December and did much more than we did on this day, but we still had fun.

Breakfast was nice, they had some fruit kebabs on offer today, they were nice for a change and were very popular with guests. We had our usual mix, I bagged the bubbly as Tom was driving.......and left before I enjoyed any more as it was being offered profusely this morning, and then headed back off to Sapphire to get the car and set off.


We love driving in America, even though this car is not what we would normally drive, it`s so much better than the original one from this trip, and it`s a vacation vehicle so doesn`t need to be fancy pants. But, the drive is always fun and have some great 80`s music to listen to along the way......we smile when Neil Diamond Coming to America comes on......during the travel ban, I couldn`t listen to that song at all........every time it came on.....I`d fill up regretting how much we couldn`t travel to the country we love so`m happy now I can listen to it and smile......




It is a beautiful city, every building has a story, I`m sure I rambled on in previous TR`s about it, so today I won`t.


St George Street is the main shopping area in St Augustine and it is full of unique little stores including one of the best pizza places around, Pizza Time is one of those places you have to try if you`re passing, we really enjoyed the slices from there!



The Spanish influence is everywhere and the history is everywhere too and on another day, we would enjoy doing some more exploring, but today we would just wander till lunchtime.




You don`t have to wander far off the main street to find some lovely little shopping opportunities and there are gorgeous places to have a wander around and pick up some lovely little things.


The Fort was somewhere we had visited before, so we passed it by today (I`m definitely not showing St Aug at it`s best) and enjoyed a stroll by the waterway and watched the bridge rise and fall to let the bigger boats go back and forward, it is stunning and pictures really don`t this gorgeous place justice.



We were meeting JaxDad for lunch in one of our favourite places here, Harry`s Seafood Bar and Grille where we had eaten several times before and loved it, so this was the perfect place to meet up.


I called JD to let him know we were there as we were a little early and he was close, so it was a few minutes and we could have a hug and say hello again after almost 3 years. Last time we met up it was hotter than of the warmest days was hot, but lovely.

We got our table and I think we chatted for so long it took us a while to order......eventually we managed to decide and we got our drinks, I ordered Harry`s Hurricane, JD had beer and poor Tom had lemonade.......bless him.


I don`t like tacos of any kind......but I did like the look of the Fish Taco JD had ordered.....very fresh looking, but I`m sure it had cilantro in it which is a huge no no for us........


Mine looked a little lacking from what I usually order, but it was nice. I went with the Grouper with a lemon cream sauce and a side salad with my favourite honey mustard on the side.....



Tom ordered rather unusually a deep fried combo, not something he would usually choose, but he did enjoy it. I don`t think I got a taste of that either!!


JaxDad son and his girlfriend dropped in and we managed to get a proper chat with them this time, last time it had been a very brief meet with his son, they make a lovely couple and it was nice to hear of their plans coming up with college, always an exciting time.

And of course we had a picture..........


We`d had a lovely meet up again with some good food and once we said our goodbye`s we did think of dropping in to the Gin distillery again, but to be honest, we ended up just leaving and not visiting Flagler College and the other places we usually visit. But, it is such a nice place to visit.

I don`t think we`ll visit for St Augustine for a while, we`ve done everything we want to see there so we`ll maybe find somewhere else to go to in that area. There are a few beach places friends have suggested we`d like, so we may do that.

St Augustine is somewhere you can pass a few days, it is lovely, but they have a homeless problem, like so many other places of course, but you do feel odd seeing such poverty and desperation in such an affluent and beautiful place. The Bandstand is usually adorned with tourists, but today it was filled with several homeless people and although they`re not threatening in any way to folks, it`s just so sad to see folks living this way.


We have a good drive home and had a quick snooze and freshen up before we headed over to the Club Lounge.......our lovely Lindsey was working and it was lovely to see her and we met the 3rd Supervisor who we had missed so far, he was nice and it was nice to put a face to a name.

This was as usual a fun filled chatty time and they were amazed again that in all our years staying, we had only made dessert hour so few times, 2 or 3 we were given some desserts to take away for later which was lovely as they were key lime flavour and they were lovely.


We sat till around 7.30pm, I know.....we chat a lot!! And we still hadn`t decided where to eat dinner tonight. Strong Water is too easy....we could easily eat there every night, but might get a little dull and there are so many places to choose from around......eventually discussing it with everyone who would listen......we opted to go to Hot n Juicy Crawfish.

Decision made, we headed back over to Sapphire....yes, that groove we were making walking back and forward so often was getting deeper! But, we got the car and drove the 10 minutes or so to Sand Lake Road where the restaurant is, its in the same section as Eddie V`s and a nice Publix store, so not far.

It is always busy and when we went in there were two tables available so we were lucky as just after we sat down, the other tables were filled immediately and then there were people waiting by the door, it`s hugely popular and although there are imitations of this style of food, this one is the original and the best!


Basically you order food in a bag it is amazing!!

We both order the same thing tonight, but I decide to give the oysters a go tonight before our entree and they were just ok.....very small, but I didn`t really expect the same as what I`d get in an upmarket place, but they were nice.


So, Tom and I both ordered a pound of shrimp, both spicy with Hot n Juicy seasoning. There are several flavours to choose from and various heat levels.....there is one spice level above what we opted for, but this one was perfect for us and maybe even a little hot tonight for us.

They had a new option in the mix now, we always ordered shrimp, but you could now order headless shrimp, few dollars more and worth it. We don`t mind stripping down seafood, but it just meant we could devour them faster!!!


Yes, we wore the bibs and we didn`t use the plastic gloves as it is just easier with bare fingers.

They are lusher than lush!!!! Perfectly cooked and the flavours are simply wonderful and we did wonder if we could manage another bag between us......we couldn`t!


This had been gorgeous. And a place we would keep in to visit every trip.

We headed back home and went to Strong Water for one drink and dessert, we thought we might manage that tonight.

Our usual cohorts weren`t in tonight, but we still chatted to several staff we know well, but we were tired tonight, so I ordered the ice cream dessert and Tom went for the chocolate cake again......we each loved our own desserts!


Last Typhoon and a beer, and for some reason I had a glass of red wine too.......but all were lovely.



I think it was around 11pm and we decided enough was enough for us.....we were yawning our heads off and we headed down that short corridor to our room and no tv tonight......straight to bed for us.
:welcome: along MamaKate…….good to see you here and hope you enjoy it……☺️

The quality is so good in those Universal shirts, they’ll last forever! I do like that shirt too.

If you go in the KA entrance next to the Leaky Cauldron and look up to the left as you wander in, you’ll see it there. It does change from burning so keep watching :thumbsup2

Thank you for the warm welcome. I usually follow your trip reports. I just don't comment much lol.
Yes, DEb, I'd love to hear your review of Walker Mobility and any hints to help. Keisha shadow has been very helpful too.
Used Walker Mobility many times. They delivered to PBH in lobby when they said they would. Paid ahead of time. Once had an issue with a battery and they came to replace. Chairs were in good condition, lasted all day and night, charged in rooms in evening. This was our contact there - Nancy Buffill <>.
Used Walker Mobility many times. They delivered to PBH in lobby when they said they would. Paid ahead of time. Once had an issue with a battery and they came to replace. Chairs were in good condition, lasted all day and night, charged in rooms in evening. This was our contact there - Nancy Buffill <>.
Thank you Deb. That sounds like a good company too. :)
Woo hoo! I’m in another @schumigirl trip report! It was a great pleasure having lunch with you both. I felt bad taking you away from touring time in St. Augustine, but it looks like you still managed to see quite a bit.

We just returned from a week+ trip to South Dakota on Sunday. It was truly awesome! We’ll probably be mostly homebodies the rest of the summer, with just our annual neighborhood Ichetucknee River tubing event and a couple other day trips.

Please say hi to Tom for me, and I hope to see you again soon!
Woo hoo! I’m in another @schumigirl trip report! It was a great pleasure having lunch with you both. I felt bad taking you away from touring time in St. Augustine, but it looks like you still managed to see quite a bit.

We just returned from a week+ trip to South Dakota on Sunday. It was truly awesome! We’ll probably be mostly homebodies the rest of the summer, with just our annual neighborhood Ichetucknee River tubing event and a couple other day trips.

Please say hi to Tom for me, and I hope to see you again soon!

We so enjoyed meeting up with you again too, and getting to see your boy again was lovely.

No, we had no real plans to do much this visit, we`ve done all we wanted to do on previous visits and yes, we did see what we wanted to do. We could walk along that waterfront for hours.

Oh I`m so glad your trip was a success, it did sound a beautiful place to go see and some day trips and short trips sound just about perfect for the summer.

Tom says hi right back......and yes, I`m sure we`ll manage another meet :wave2:


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