**Game - Interview the person below you**

Marian Keyes. I love her Irish wit, she makes me LOL. I can never put her books down once I start one. However I also like Patricia Cornwell and Karen Slaughter for their forensic/mystery books.

Who would you share a screen kiss with if you could?

Love Verity.xx

ps I hope this game is still going when I get back. I love it!!!
Orlando Bloom (of course!! puckerup:


Have you ever been sick after a ride - which one?
Almost. On a trip to Alton Towers one year, the Pirate Ship (the one that swings over) got stuck on full pelt for 20 mins. I was very nearly sick (most people were). They didnt even apologise, just laughed at all the unfortunates throwing up everywhere. I cant do this sort of ride anymore.

My question is:

Pepsi or Coke?
It's got to be Coke for me (Diet..I can't stand the full fat ;) version)

At home we tend to drink Virgin Cola though as it's cheaper and I can't tell the difference!

Have you ever cried at the cinema? And to which film if you have?
I remember crying at My Girl - remember with Macauley Culkin?? About a girl cald Vada Sultanfuss whose father was an undertaker. Well the saddest bit was when Culkin died (he was her best friend) and she was screaming into the coffin 'why hasn't he got his glasses, he can't see without his glasses' - it was heartbreaking, and I was sobbing my heart out in the cinema!!

Also cried at Braveheart.......:rolleyes: ;)

Ok my question is

If you could be a fly on a wall for one day, where would you go....??;)

Firstly I would flit in and out of various houses just to see if other families are as crazy and chaotic as mine and to check out the décor:D . Secondly I would visit the White House not because I’m at all interested in politics but because I would like to see George Bush ‘in action’;).

Who do you most admire in this world and why?

Originally posted by Madjock
Secondly I would visit the White House not because I’m at all interested in politics but because I would like to see George Bush ‘in action’;).

:rotfl: Annmarie, I have a funny vision in my head now!!!!
Mickey Mouse because he has a cool home - WDW

<b>How many pairs of shoes do you own?</b>
Too many to count :teeth:

What's your favourite "day trip" from home?

Cadbury World and I'm going tomorrow (so make way for all that chocolate).

If you could go on any ride at WDW with any character who would it be?

Dumbo with Mickey Mouse :) But I know that he will probably only do that with little kids.

<b>What's your favourite TV Programme and Why? </b>
Anything with Peter Kay in - he just makes me laugh!!

Next ...

If you could be invisible for a day, where would you go and what you do???

Well I've just spent a brilliant morning at Cadbury World, so I would like to be invisible and left in the Creme Egg factory and the next day you could just roll me out.

What was your favourite childhood programme? Mine was Tiswas, with Compost Corner, the Dying Fly and the Bucket of Water Song !!!

Oh, that's an easy one...The Wombles

My dad used to go to London once a week for work and used to bring me back a present from the Wombles (he saw them every week as his train went over Wimbledon Common, OK???!!!)

Mandy I love Cadbury World too... would it make you jealous if I told you I used to live 2 miles away from it and when the wind blew in the right direction..... mmmmm hmmmmmm!!

If you could buy any car at all (money no object) what would you buy and why?
I know karen the smell is to die for, we certainly had a good time despite the weather.

The car I would choose (as I'm no big spender !!! DH would probably disagree) would be a bright red BMW Mini with a Union Jack roof.

If you could be magically transported anywhere in the world for 2 hours, where would it be? I'd be at the front of the line for RnRc and then I'd dash for a pizza at Pizza Planet.

Mickey, of course :) (sorry Goof)

Grand Floridian or Polynesian?


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