**Game - Interview the person below you**

Polynesian - because that's where I got married :)

<b>Splash or Space Mountain and why</b>
Splash Mountaion so I can grin like an idiot and sing a long to zipedee doo dah!

Space mountaion scares the life out of me, too jerky, I scream like a maniac when I'm on it!

funnel cake or beavertail? Which topping?

It's got to be a Beavertail with strawberries and cream for me....

brand new house or traditional?
Brand new, cos we are buying one!!! Due to move in early October so we are very excited!!!

What is your fantasy job?

What is your fantasy job?

Russell Crowe's personal Massuesse...well you did say FANTASY job!!

Next question....

Are you watching the Olympics, and whats your fave event?

Originally posted by allie5
What is your fantasy job?

Russell Crowe's personal Massuesse...well you did say FANTASY job!!

LOL Allie!!!

I have been watching the gymnastics mostly...and oddly enjoying them! I have always hated these events before but not this time - not sure why?!?!

What is the best meal you have ever eaten and why? Where were you?
:earsgirl: One of the best meals I ever had was at Chef Mickeys. I was seated with my back to the kitchen and I didn't notice the characters coming out. Chip or Dale came out of the kitchen and motioned to the kids to be quiet as he crept up behind me. Then he poked his fingers under my arms and I SCREAMED out (making everyone in the room look round) and everyone fell about laughing - we had a great time there.

If you could dress up as any character, who would it be and why ?

Cinderella because I always wanted to be a Princessprincess:

<b>What is your favourite 'Take Away' meal??</b>
That would have to be Chinese

What's your favourite chocolate bar?
king size dairy milk. yummmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you live where you were brought up?

I live near to where I was brought up. I was born in Coventry and now live in Nuneaton.

If money were no object, which Disney hotel would you stop in? mine would be in the Contemporary.

If money was no object I would do a week in them all :)

But if I had to pick one lets say....The Polynesian Resort :)

<b>What is your favourite ride/attraction/show in Animal Kingdom?</b>
That's easy for the Anmal Kingdom!

Festival of the Lion King This gives me shivers down my spine (and has been known to bring a small tear to my eye, ssshh!)

Do you play sport? Which one, and are you any good at it? ;)
:wave: Sport !!! ha, don't make me laugh, not unless shopping has become a sport !!

Which ride/attraction/show that is no longer on, do you miss ? mine would be Tapestry of Nations/Dreams - I loved that

Hey that would have been my answer too!! But I miss the Hunchback show as well.

<b>What has been your favourite meal at Disney?</b>
:earsboy: My fave Disney meal is the Vegetarian Pizza from Pizza Planet (yummy!!)

What football team do you support ?

I don't - I detest football in any shape or form (sorry :))

What's your favourite soap and why?

edited to add... that's soap as in opera not soap as in hand washing device :rolleyes:
Imperial Leather...It's so soft and creamy and you can get it in a bath size bar ;)

The other kind of soap, oh, well I suppose with me it would have to be Eastenders, I can take or leave the rest. Although I still have a soft spot for Neighbours from my formative years :teeth:

Next question..

What is your favourite US TV show?
If you mean CURRENT one, there isnt much left to choose from, so I would go for Law & Order. If I can pick a finished series, then Sex & The City. Loved that, great scripts, ALWAYS made me laugh and not so cheesy as Friends (though that did grow on me eventually!!).

Next question: Which Supermarket do you do your weekly shop at and why?
:bounce: I do my weekly shopping at Asda, cos the prices are good and the clothes are fab!!

Apart from WDW, what is your next favourite theme park ?



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