Gavin's Wish Comes True!! MAW

We finally started our Disney Family Nights. Our first was Aladdin. It dosent compare to some I have seen on here but it was fun. We didnt add a menu this time but did a few fun crafts. First we colored some Aladdin pics and made placemats.





Then we made some Jasmine jewelery. Yes my boys wear bracelets :goodvibes


Then we put up the christmas tree and decorated! I just love Christmas




All in all our first DFN was a success and I cant wait to do it again next week!
We finally started our Disney Family Nights. Our first was Aladdin. It dosent compare to some I have seen on here but it was fun.

Don't worry about what others have done (ahem, Stephanie). I'm impressed you are attempting it at all. I'm still undecided. :confused3 I'm going to make a list of movies, then search ideas and see how I feel at that point. If we start it after Cmas I would have to come up with 15 I think. Yikes...
How much fun! The whole point of DFMN ( I think) is to be together as a family doing something fun that will keep the excitement of Disney going, and it looks like you guys are definitely doing that! We're going to start after Christmas as well..I need to get a list of movies together...I love the Jasmine bracelets..very cool idea. Your tree is sooo pretty..and I love the "Hear no, speak no, see no evil" pose..that one is a family favorite with us! It cracked me up when I saw it :)
Great job!!! I wish we had had time to do stuff like that (DFMN), I just didn't have enough time (gee, I don't know why?:confused3) Your kids look like they were really into it......mine would've been too.

Your Christmas tree looks beautiful! I'm jealous! Even I manage to get alot of the decorations done (I haven't given up just yet) we couldn't do the tree. Without water we'd come home to a droopy dry tree......floor littered with needles (possibly even ornaments!!). Can you say "fire hazard"?????


Matty's Wish Trip
Don't worry about what others have done (ahem, Stephanie). I'm impressed you are attempting it at all. I'm still undecided. :confused3 I'm going to make a list of movies, then search ideas and see how I feel at that point. If we start it after Cmas I would have to come up with 15 I think. Yikes...

Thanks and Im trying not to think about the others done by the creative master :rotfl: You really should try to get in at least a few. Im not sure were going to do every week. Well at least with crafts and such but at least watch the movies.

How much fun! The whole point of DFMN ( I think) is to be together as a family doing something fun that will keep the excitement of Disney going, and it looks like you guys are definitely doing that! We're going to start after Christmas as well..I need to get a list of movies together...I love the Jasmine bracelets..very cool idea. Your tree is sooo pretty..and I love the "Hear no, speak no, see no evil" pose..that one is a family favorite with us! It cracked me up when I saw it :)

Thanks, it definetley was a fun family bonding time. We may keep it up even after were back. Well at least once a month. I love the hear, speak,evil pose also. Actually the first one we've done, dont know why we take tons of pics.

Great job!!! I wish we had had time to do stuff like that (DFMN), I just didn't have enough time (gee, I don't know why?:confused3) Your kids look like they were really into it......mine would've been too.

Your Christmas tree looks beautiful! I'm jealous! Even I manage to get alot of the decorations done (I haven't given up just yet) we couldn't do the tree. Without water we'd come home to a droopy dry tree......floor littered with needles (possibly even ornaments!!). Can you say "fire hazard"?????


Matty's Wish Trip

Thanks, I cant imagine why you wouldnt have time. :confused3 You've been a busy lady.
Thanks I'll let you in a secret, our tree is fake. I love the way it looks so real though. Actually wasnt that expensive either and we figured it's better to spend it when we had it then to worry about the years we didnt have it and have to worry how we'll come up with money for a tree.
Looks like you guys had a GREAT time! :)

I love it when families do the Disney Family Nights! Such a great idea! And whether you just use a pencil and draw on notebook paper or create a 7 course meal - being together as a family is priceless. :love:

Can't wait for more Disney Family Nights! :thumbsup2
No Disney updates today but just wanted to let you all know tomorrow we are heading in for Gavin's bi-monthly MRI. Actually this is his first one since we left the hospital in Oct. He really hates these and last time it took 4 of us to hold him down to sedate him. He kept saying they were going to cut him again.I just hate doing this. I talked to the NP today and she said she was going to talk to anestesia (sp?) about giving him something to calm him first. Please keep him in your thoughts and pray for no more bleeds. Out of the 10 masses on his brain their are at least 2 that have slow bleeds and were waiting unti they "get a little bigger" :confused3 to discuss going in again to try and remove another one. Im just dont want it to be this soon after his last surgery. Sorry for rambling Im just a little nervous.
Hey Jennifer:hug:

I understand. Every time we are scheduled to go in for a 'routine' whatever, I'm sick to my stomach for a few days before. It's all those 'what ifs'. Remember though, 90% of what we all worry about never comes to be. I'll be thinking happy thoughts for you all.

Matty's Wish Trip
Ugh...I am so sorry that you guys have to go through all of that.

Hopefully they will give him a little happy medicine before he gets really sedated so that he won't be too upset.

Hang in there!

And hopefully you guys get GOOD results!!
Here's hoping they get out the versed, hon! Keeping you guys in our thoughts today that your appt goes smoothly and that the status quo stays static! :hug:
I hope the MRI goes well today. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

And, I see you got DATES!!! I'm excited for you guys! It will be here so soon. :thumbsup2
Thank you everyone! Gavin's MRI went fairly well today. No new bleeds :thumbsup2 so we are so happy about that! He even got to bring home a few very cool pics to show off. Then he got to go out to lunch with mommy and daddy so he was happy again. :goodvibes Thanks again for the good thoughts today.
Thank you everyone! Gavin's MRI went fairly well today. No new bleeds :thumbsup2 so we are so happy about that! He even got to bring home a few very cool pics to show off. Then he got to go out to lunch with mommy and daddy so he was happy again. :goodvibes Thanks again for the good thoughts today.

What a relief! And it sounds like he did well handling it. Thank goodness!
Thank you everyone! Gavin's MRI went fairly well today. No new bleeds :thumbsup2 so we are so happy about that! He even got to bring home a few very cool pics to show off. Then he got to go out to lunch with mommy and daddy so he was happy again. :goodvibes Thanks again for the good thoughts today.

Woo Hoo!!!!!!!

That is FANTASTIC news! :)

:yay: :woohoo: :cool1: :dance3: :cheer2:
It's that time again. We did our 2nd DFN! Finding Nemo, I always forget how much I like this movie. It really is funny. We had shrimp for dinner and of course had to do goldfish while we did our craft. :) I have been including a christmas craft in our movie nights to get in the mood for the season. So here's a few pics for you
We made nemo handprints, I think they turned out pretty cute.






And our candy cane reindeer!
So cute! I didn't get the handprints at first, until I saw them holding it the right way. :rotfl: Love it! Good job on DFN!
Thanks Amanda and Melissa, I wasnt sure on the handprint fish but thought it might be cute and not to time consuming. Gavin gets frustrated with anything that takes to long so this was perfect. Im thinking next week is Cars since I found some foam door hangers at the dollar store that have cars on them, and of course we have to do a christmas craft to so I bought a gingerbread cookie kit. I cant wait for Sunday!


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