Geeks go for broke! Updated 2/17: Wrap-up

Thank you everyone for the wonderful comments! Lionel and I spent this weekend in West Palm Beach at the opening of the South Florida Fair in which we ate:
  • fresh crepes with bananas and nutella
  • the biggest pork chop in the entire world (ok, that was L not me - 'member, I'm a veggie)
  • funnel cake
  • many, many batches of french fries
  • a deep fried snickers bar
  • elk jerky (again, L)
  • fudge made by the cutest man a candymaker's hat!
  • kettle corn.....oh, how I love kettle corn
  • grilled corn on the cob
  • root beer floats
I can't believe that's all we ate. It seemed like so much more!

I am back, and will be updating on Thursday (including my SM gift photos, as promised). And I can't believe you guys don't believe my Wayne Brady story, would I lie to the DIS? NEVER! I'm sure I have a photo of him around here somewhere but I'll definitely have to dig. Hopefully none of them have my poofy 90's hair in them.....yeesh.....

Would we every doubt you?:grouphug:
As promised, photos of our main Secret Mickey gift for Chris and Rob. You can also see the movie tickets I made (those went with a bag of their favorite candy), some notecards and sticky pads with pens that were all in the same line. If you frequent Target as much as I do, you might recognize all of this stuff!

My messy workstation - you should see it when I make bigger things!


The cover of the 5x7 album.


Glimpses of each page, large enough to add a 4x6 photo.


The inside cover, with a note to Chris and Rob and the first line of their song.


Inside page with song lyrics and vintage vacation decorations.


Another inside page......and my reflection! Hehe


There you go! I have to say, I had so much fun making this that I might start making some for family and friends. That is IF I ever get any free time. Because that big writing project I was working on? It paid off. More details on that later. I've got another installment to write!
When we last left our geeks, they were floating in the water spinning tales about Wayne Brady and not paying too much attention to the time. Well, thank goodness this geek thought to purchase a waterproof watch at Target for $10 before this trip, because otherwise she might have missed her 2 o’clock massage!

If you’ve been with me from the beginning, then you know I booked my first Castaway Cay cabana massage on a bit of a whim. See, we had the REAS package, and there I was at midnight 105 days out, my hand hovering over the keys. I could have anything I wanted. ANYTHING. So I got a little carried away and booked everything.

And then? Stuff started going awry in our lives. Nothing too crazy, just some work stress and health stress and such. I toyed with the idea of canceling the massage, because Sarah and I had decided to do a spa day together IN ADDITION to everything else I had booked. It seemed……I don’t know, too indulgent? If there is such a thing?

And here is where every lady on the DIS falls in love with my husband: he told me if I cancelled my special cabana massage, he would sneak behind my back and book another one for me.

“You are NOT canceling that massage.”
“But, it’s $130 dollars!”
“You are NOT canceling that massage.”
“But we could-“
“Ok, ok! Sheesh!”

Can I tell you how glad I am that I listened to him? Because little Isabelle from South Africa melted all of my remaining stress away. I swear, that girl not only found every single knot on my body, but she got rid of it GENTLY. Someone tell me how that is possible?

I have to admit, I was initially a cabana massage skeptic. Lovely views of Serenity Bay, my tookas – you’re on your back or your stomach the whole time! My views were of the ceiling and the floor, when I could will my eyes to open. But do you know what? The atmosphere was still amazing. Yes, I admit that I got a little paranoid taking my clothes off in front of that GIANT OPEN WINDOW, even though there was no way anyone could have seen in over the 10 foot tall shrubs they planted there. But there was something about the smell of the ocean and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze (and the raindrops on the roof – I’ll get to that) that made me never want to leave that little cabin. The only thing that kept me from holding Isabelle hostage there was the fact that (a) I am not exactly a formidable presence, even to people shorter than me and (b) I was really jonesing for a pina colada.

An hour of Heaven later, I stepped outside into a tropical storm. Or at least that’s what it looked like. Wind, rain, people running for shelter…..the only thing missing was pieces of carports tumbling by. I saw Lionel and crew huddled over at the bar with our bags and two very wet friends.

“Hot tub and drinks?” He asked. I nodded hazily, still smiling like an idiot.

“It was good, huh?”

I nodded again.

“So, what you’re saying is, I was right?”

Enjoy this moment, baby. There won’t be many more like it.

Back to the boat we headed, where we saw the same old guy at the Quiet Cove Pool bar. AGAIN. Same seat and everything. Looking around, the weather was still a bit nasty so we headed for the rainforest room instead.

The women’s spa locker room on the last day of a 7-day journey looks like a disaster area in need of federal aid. No slippers. No robes. No towels. Wait, I take that back. All of those things were there, they were just balled up and strewn about all over the floor, sinks and benches. The hampers? They were empty.

Come on, people. You can still get your money’s worth from this cruise if you pick up after yourselves. It ain’t THAT bad.

Anyhow, we enjoyed our last time in the wonderful sauna and steamrooms, and showered off in the scented stalls. I was warm, cozy and smelling like a tropical rainforest. I was officially ready to pack, without tears. Our time on the ship had been wonderful, and I didn’t regret a thing.

Back in the room, I got everything pretty much ready to go in record time. Sometimes Lionel makes fun of me for being super neat and tidy, but I have to tell you – anything that makes packing up to go home easier means more time spent enjoying the last moments on the boat. Am I right? Here are my tips:

  • I packed all of my secret mickey and fish extender gifts in Rubbermaid containers. That way, they didn’t get crushed in the suitcase. Since we didn’t really plan on buying anything fragile, I put all of our FE and SM gifts in them as we received them. When it was time to go? I put the lids on and threw them in the suitcase. Packing made easy.
  • I had an extra bag for souvenirs, which I filled as we bought them. I kept it in the cabinet above the television, which is also where I kept our boxes of loot from the fish extender. When it was time to go? I zipped it up and threw a tag on it.
  • I kept all of our dressy clothes on the hangers, even after we wore them. They all went right back in the garment bag the way they came in.
  • Everything else got thrown in the big suitcase. Since all of the new stuff was accounted for already, and the Rubbermaid totes took up the same amount of space as before, there was no worry that it wouldn’t all fit. Throw it in, zip and done!

I estimate it took me about 20 minutes to pack everything up. Now we were free to enjoy the rest of our night, and to linger around at the dinner table for as long as we wished. Win, win!

We had our final dinner at Lumiere’s. I remember still feeling smooshy from my wonderful massage, and ordering off the menu for the first time in many days. Sameer made curry for the boys again, and surprised Sarah with a giant bowl of gelato from Palo. He’s so sneaky!

And then? They rolled in the baked Alaska.

Ok. I am about to go on record here, and admit that I don’t get the appeal of baked Alaska. Granted, I’ve never actually HAD any. It just doesn’t appeal to me. Sure, it gets set on fire and I suppose that’s impressive. And I know it’s a pain in the butt to make. But honestly? It sounds less appetizing than the dessert menu at Animator’s Palate. Which, let’s be honest, needs some updating. Strawberry shortcake? You can do better than that.

Eh. The chefs enjoyed the oohs and aahs as they tempted fate by lighting fires on a cruise ship. After dinner the servers came out for a final show, waving flags from around the world and getting some well-earned applause. Sameer carried Canada. Sarah was ecstatic.

I don’t have many photos from the final night, and the few I do have were blurry and not that exciting. I do, however, have one last one of my and my honey in the lobby. Note: I am wearing my “drunk sweater”…..

I can smell the booze from here!

After dinner, we parted ways with Mat and Sarah and spent some time on the verandah. It was strangely quiet. The boat was winding down as we clipped through the water, back to our home. I thought I would have felt sad at this point, the end of seven days on our beloved boat. But honestly? I had never felt so refreshed. I was ready to get back home. To see our dog. To show my parents the snorkeling photos. To tell everyone at work how wonderful it was. To think back upon the memories.

We stayed out there for about an hour, listening to the sound of the waves, smelling the salt air, holding hands and feeling like we were the last two people on earth.

Up next: I have a change of heart. Do we really HAVE to get off the boat? WAAAAH!
well you packed much better then I.. thats all im gonna say LOL

and the massage YES it is awesome! Totally Agree!
MMMM That massage sounds heavenly!:cloud9: So sorry to see your TR almost over - glad you weren't sad. I'm going to have to write down your packing and organization tips. :thumbsup2
As promised, photos of our main Secret Mickey gift for Chris and Rob. You can also see the movie tickets I made (those went with a bag of their favorite candy), some notecards and sticky pads with pens that were all in the same line. If you frequent Target as much as I do, you might recognize all of this stuff!

My messy workstation - you should see it when I make bigger things!


The cover of the 5x7 album.


Glimpses of each page, large enough to add a 4x6 photo.


The inside cover, with a note to Chris and Rob and the first line of their song.


Inside page with song lyrics and vintage vacation decorations.


Another inside page......and my reflection! Hehe


There you go! I have to say, I had so much fun making this that I might start making some for family and friends. That is IF I ever get any free time. Because that big writing project I was working on? It paid off. More details on that later. I've got another installment to write!

Thats just incredible!!!

(and you have how many months to make them for us all??? (Just kidding...))

& I'm warning you now... 14 nights on the ship and you're going to be packing WAY different...

(we'll discuss laundry later...) ;)
Ok- that book was just...WOW!! Really, what a fabulous and thoughtful gift!

It is too bad you can't see the beach for the massage, though it sounds like you really didn't miss it. I had a massage on the deck of an oceanfront house we were renting in LBI (NJ) one year- and I could both hear and see the waves, it was spectacular...:cloud9: I DID have to be very...ahem...tidy with my towel, if you know what I mean!:blush: :wave2: :beach:

Have to say, I was pretty hopeful with your last paragraph about feeling ready to go home...I was hoping it would get easier as the # of DCL cruises went up, as opposed to the severe dread and depression we all just felt on our first one...oh well.....:sad:

As promised, photos of our main Secret Mickey gift for Chris and Rob. You can also see the movie tickets I made (those went with a bag of their favorite candy), some notecards and sticky pads with pens that were all in the same line. If you frequent Target as much as I do, you might recognize all of this stuff!

My messy workstation - you should see it when I make bigger things!


Erica - were the blue and brown gift bags from Target, too? They match my wedding colors perfectly and I'd love to get some as welcome bags or something!
Ok- that book was just...WOW!! Really, what a fabulous and thoughtful gift!

It is too bad you can't see the beach for the massage, though it sounds like you really didn't miss it. I had a massage on the deck of an oceanfront house we were renting in LBI (NJ) one year- and I could both hear and see the waves, it was spectacular...:cloud9: I DID have to be very...ahem...tidy with my towel, if you know what I mean!:blush: :wave2: :beach:

Have to say, I was pretty hopeful with your last paragraph about feeling ready to go home...I was hoping it would get easier as the # of DCL cruises went up, as opposed to the severe dread and depression we all just felt on our first one...oh well.....:sad:


Yeah... be discreet will ya... my nephew goes to LBI!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
:sad: I hate that your trip report is almost over!!! I can't believe it's been nearly 4 months since our cruise.

I always enjoy reading your TR's. Thanks for bringing back all the memories!
well you packed much better then I.. thats all im gonna say LOL

and the massage YES it is awesome! Totally Agree!

I learned my lesson on our second cruise......where I thought it might be fine to wait until AFTER dinner to pack. I ended up having to leave the table halfway through dessert WITH my glass of wine to get everything ready. It was quite the frenzy!

MMMM That massage sounds heavenly!:cloud9: So sorry to see your TR almost over - glad you weren't sad. I'm going to have to write down your packing and organization tips. :thumbsup2

I will definitely be doing another cabana massage.

Thats just incredible!!!

(and you have how many months to make them for us all??? (Just kidding...))

& I'm warning you now... 14 nights on the ship and you're going to be packing WAY different...

(we'll discuss laundry later...) ;)

I'm slowly realizing the crossing is going to be a whole different animal. I'm thinking.....PJ's on deck, laundry at least once, and you may see me in the same dress a few nights in a row at dinner ;)

We may need to make a rule for FE's - edible only :rotfl:

Ok- that book was just...WOW!! Really, what a fabulous and thoughtful gift!

It is too bad you can't see the beach for the massage, though it sounds like you really didn't miss it. I had a massage on the deck of an oceanfront house we were renting in LBI (NJ) one year- and I could both hear and see the waves, it was spectacular...:cloud9: I DID have to be very...ahem...tidy with my towel, if you know what I mean!:blush: :wave2: :beach:

Have to say, I was pretty hopeful with your last paragraph about feeling ready to go home...I was hoping it would get easier as the # of DCL cruises went up, as opposed to the severe dread and depression we all just felt on our first one...oh well.....:sad:


It doesn't ever get easier to get off the boat. EVER.

You little!!!! :thumbsup2



Erica - were the blue and brown gift bags from Target, too? They match my wedding colors perfectly and I'd love to get some as welcome bags or something!

They were also from Target, yes.....but it was quite awhile ago. Keep an eye out in that dollar section though, because I see repeats sometimes. Maybe they'll come back!

:sad: I hate that your trip report is almost over!!! I can't believe it's been nearly 4 months since our cruise.

I always enjoy reading your TR's. Thanks for bringing back all the memories!

I can't believe it's been so long either! *sigh*

more, please!!! :surfweb:

I'm working on my second to last installment right now! Watch this space.....
Final day: debarkation. The word itself is enough to invoke fear into the heart of many a Disney cruiser. It is a dirty, dirty word.

Before I begin, let me just say that back in October, I never anticipated this TR would take me so long to write. I mean, three and four day reports are one thing, but this? This was a WHOLE lot of information to report on. I left a lot of stuff out because it was either uninteresting, repetitive or just seemingly irrelevant. I have a lot of strange photos I can no longer identify, which I’m sure have a story behind them but which apparently didn’t warrant a notation in my TR book.

Anyhow, I hope it’s been worth it despite the long waits between updates and all of the added drama in my life since we got back!

Lionel and I just went away for my birthday weekend, and spent 3 days at the Polynesian resort. Which, by the way, is AWESOME. And you know that feeling you get when you get off the boat, and then go back home to your mundane life? Well, it’s there when you leave the hotel as well. We live less than an hour from Disney, but being out there is like being in a whole other world where the normal rules of life simply don’t apply. Like budgets. And having to make your bed. And corn dog nuggets not being substantial enough for lunch. You just can’t get away from stuff like that once you step back across your own threshold.

That is EXACLTY the feeling I had when we woke up back in Port Canaveral.

The good thing is, we woke up to this:

Port Canveral smells much better at dawn.

I can’t believe how beautiful Florida looked in the morning light, with the sun peeking out over the horizon. Being a native, sometimes it’s hard for me to see what other people see in our state. I mean, it’s hot. We have no seasonal changes to speak of. There are all kinds of seniors down here running us off the roads. But this morning, despite all of that, Florida was amazing. It even smelled nice!

There was this crazy bird flying around on our side of the boat, only about a foot away from where we stood on the veranda.

Look alive, people on your verandas! He's coming for you!

Lionel and I grudgingly got ready and headed out for our final breakfast with Mat and Sarah. We didn’t have to get her to the airport this time, so we got to enjoy our final sit down with Sameer and Gavin. Lionel ran to get us mochaccinos and returned with something….kind of like coffee? Apparently the girl at the Cove Cafe was new, and she first thought he said cappuccino. When he corrected her, she then thought he said mocha. I guess she was training. Anyhow, three drinks later he just accepted whatever it was that she made, which ended up being some kind of iced-mocha-coffee-THING. It wasn’t terrible, but it most certainly was not a mochaccino.

After breakfast, we puttered out to the lobby and enjoyed our last few moments on the boat.

I hate this poster. HATE IT.

And then, it was all over. I can never stress how quickly it always seems to happen. One minute, you’re standing there, looking at the Mickey statue at Lumiere’s and admiring the Chihuly on the ceiling, and the next you’re in a giant warehouse full of suitcases. It’s happy vacation to reality in 2.3 seconds. Most of us never even know what hit us. Blink, and you miss the transition altogether…..

On the way out, we passed poor Nenner and family nursing a flat tire in the parking lot. Talk about back to reality! By the time we came along, they had everything under control but I hear it was mighty dicey up until that point. You’ll have to read her fantastic TR if you want more details!

We only live about an hour from the port, but to avoid reality for just a little bit longer we opted to go shopping. Ordinarily we go to one of the Disney parks after debarkation, but the extra days on the boat made finances a little tighter than usual for our travel companions who do not have annual passes like we do. So instead we spent the same amount of money on jelly beans! :rolleyes: what?

I don’t remember much about our shopping day, other than going to Super Target. All I know is I was not ready to go back to work on Monday. Never mind the fact that I had just been through an entire week of relaxation in paradise and still had another full day ahead before my work week began again. No, I was deep in Monday-hating mode.

Right then and there, I made a goal: I need to be a full-time vacationer. And, at least 75% of that time needs to be spent at Disney. On the boat, in various resorts, at the other theme parks around the world……it doesn’t matter. I want to be the Samantha Brown of Disney.

Granted, that’s a reality that may only ever exist in my warped little brain, but it’s all I had to hold on to that Saturday. And I was holding on with all my might.

Up next: the wrap up! Dos, don’ts, and final thoughts. Heck, I may even finally spill about this new writing job…..
Right then and there, I made a goal: I need to be a full-time vacationer. And, at least 75% of that time needs to be spent at Disney. On the boat, in various resorts, at the other theme parks around the world……it doesn’t matter. I want to be the Samantha Brown of Disney.

Don't we all want that!!!!!!!!!!! And when you figure out how it occurs, make certain you spill it!!


(6 weeks until Alex's first trip to Disney World)
I learned my lesson on our second cruise......where I thought it might be fine to wait until AFTER dinner to pack. I ended up having to leave the table halfway through dessert WITH my glass of wine to get everything ready. It was quite the frenzy!

I'm slowly realizing the crossing is going to be a whole different animal. I'm thinking.....PJ's on deck, laundry at least once, and you may see me in the same dress a few nights in a row at dinner ;)

We may need to make a rule for FE's - edible only :rotfl:

God forbid we drop the wine...

And only edible??? Not drinkable??? :confused3
Can I be your assistant then! LOL

Great report cant wait for the do's and donts
come on Erica... isn't it time for another pre-trippie???? Something Tortolly cool???
Right then and there, I made a goal: I need to be a full-time vacationer. And, at least 75% of that time needs to be spent at Disney. On the boat, in various resorts, at the other theme parks around the world……it doesn’t matter. I want to be the Samantha Brown of Disney.

My goal is to live on the ship!!!!!!!!

Up next: the wrap up! Dos, don’ts, and final thoughts. Heck, I may even finally spill about this new writing job…..

After all this, I hope you finally spill about this new job...


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