Getting to Know You EVEN MORE!


I'm a Ravenclaw! I've decided I was a Ravenclaw like five years ago but I took the sorting hat quiz and my results were...
Ravenclaw 92%
Gryfinfor 88%
Slytherin 78%
Hufflepuff 53%
It seems about right.
What is the last movie you watched?
Big Hero 6. We got it on Bluray and I still love it.
Is anyone else not getting alerts on here?
Um I think Malificent. That was a month ago... xD I'm not a big movie watcher lol. If I do it's usally at my bf's house but I got strep and he went on vacation so we haven't spend much time together lately. I spend a lot of time on YouTube.
Les Mis in Saturday night. Didn't watch the whole thing because it wasn't recorded, but I only missed the past part.
According to a quiz, I'm a Hufflepuff.

The last movie I watched was the new Cinderella on Saturday.
Wow, I haven't watched a movie in awhile.... I guess Big Hero 6, like a week ago. I didn't even finish it though, so I'm not sure that counts.

The last full movie I watched was Muppets Most Wanted, last weekend.


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